The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 560 The Soul of War God 2

Chapter 560 The Soul of War God 2
"Just now, the disciples of Taohuawu guarding the island came to report that they saw a group of people flying over the sea. They were tall and tall. Robe, the mount he rides is a cyan metal flying lion..."

Hou Wuji already knew it in his heart, he didn't need Nine Tails Linghu or Taohuawu's disciples to add more words, he already knew that the other party was the messenger of the Piao Miao clan, and the two had already fought once at the top of Broken Star Cliff that day face to face.

"Hey! Sure enough, unless you don't come, it will be a force that we can't stop..."

Hou Wuji murmured.

The nine-tailed fox put his heart together and said loudly:
"Master! If the visitor really dares to force his way in, even if he sacrifices hundreds of disciples in Taohuawu, he must hold him back and let you and Mr. Murong complete the sorcery of returning the soul to Miss Yu'er! Even Taohua The entire army of Wu's disciples has been wiped out, and Xiaobai is still here! I will definitely fight them to the death!"

Hou Wuji laughed and said:
"No need! Even I am no match for them, let alone the disciples of Taohuawu! Why sacrifice in vain!"

"No! No matter how powerful the Piaomiao clan is, we will never be caught without a fight! Master, please forgive Xiaobai for not following orders this time!"

After finishing speaking, with a whoosh, a white light flashed, and the nine-tailed fox had already escaped.Led by the Taohuawu disciple who returned, he rushed to the coast.

Hou Wuji's heart twitched. Although he didn't see all of Piao Miao's people, he could almost imagine that under the hands of those descendants of strong human beings, the hundred inner disciples in Taohuawu, as well as Linghu Linghu, will be What a misfortune.

However, at this moment, he couldn't stop his witchcraft halfway, otherwise all his efforts would be in vain.

At that moment, the spiritual energy suddenly gathered, and instantly mobilized all the energy in his body. Between himself and the blue-clothed scholar opposite him, the witch net of spiritual fire suddenly became extremely dazzling, as if it was burning instantly.At the same time, the powerful absorption force formed by Wuwang also expanded violently.

Above Taohuawu, far away from the sea, the gravitational force on that black shadow suddenly increased several times, and the speed of drifting over was greatly increased.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, that faint moonlight-like shadow slowly descended on the center of the witch formation.Pulled by the spirit fire net, it slowly floats above the witch net between Hou Wuji and Murong Peak.And under the dazzling net of spiritual fire, the figure of a slender girl is being reflected brightly and conspicuously.

"Apprentice, now we are going to slowly remove the net of spiritual fire, and slowly inject the floating primordial soul into Helan Yu'er's body! You must hold on!"

Hou Wuji prayed silently in his heart.This is the last step of the whole process. Whether it is completed perfectly or not will directly determine whether Yu'er can wake up again and gain a new life.Therefore, there is no room for carelessness.

"Messenger, what are they doing?"

Suddenly, a strange man's voice flew into Hou Wuji's ears.

This is... a person from the Piaomiao clan...

When this idea popped up in an instant, Hou Wuji was taken aback by himself.

It was as if a pot of cruel ice water had poured the spark of hope that had just risen in Hou Wuji's originally calm heart until there was no spark left...

Fate is so cruel and dark!
The red-robed Piao Miao envoy came really too fast!From the time Taohuawu disciples came to report to when they were right in front of them, it took only a quarter of an hour.These few strong descendants of human beings set foot on the heavily guarded Taohuawu, and it was as if they had entered no one's land!
At the same time, Hou Wuji felt a deep pity for those nearly one hundred Taohuawu's first disciples in his heart.However, the situation in front of him did not allow him to have any extra distractions.

"Hmph! I guess...they are doing a witch formation to summon the primordial spirit!"

"They won't be used against..."

Hou Wuji heard the disciple of the Piao Miao clan next to him not finish his sentence, but his voice had already stopped abruptly.It was obviously interrupted by a gesture from the red-robed messenger.

"No! From my point of view, their witch array is not used for attacking, but only for saving people!"

"Oh...that's okay! Messenger, they just arranged about a hundred human disciples to block us by the side of the island, but they couldn't even catch our moving body shape. Thinking about it, hehe, it's so ridiculous !"

Those in red robes didn't even laugh, they didn't even make any sound, they just looked at Hou Wuji and Murong Feng with their eyes closed and engrossed, just like looking at three sculptures.

"Messenger, should we do it now?"


The red robes all uttered a short sentence, but their voices revealed unparalleled majesty.

"Why? Messenger, you just said that they are just doing a summoning witchcraft with no offensive power. Why don't we just take this opportunity and go back to make a business with them? We don't need to bother with them!"

Messenger Piao Miao turned his brows and eyes slightly, looked coldly at the person who spoke under him, and said faintly:
"People from the Piao Miao family, when they go to the Star Continent to do business, do they still need the word 'take the opportunity'?"

"Uh... this... yes yes yes! This subordinate made a slip of the tongue, this subordinate deserves to die! Please forgive me!"

At the end, Messenger Piao Miao's eyes fell back on Hou Wuji's face that had become a little cloudy and unpredictable due to continuous casting of spells for a long time, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled slightly:

"Hou Wuji... the legendary Overlord of the Star Continent really knows some tricks, although the witchcraft from these pediatric monsters is really not worth mentioning, but well, for these degenerate and degenerate Star Continent For human fighters, it is also rare! Well... I think this kid is more and more interesting now!"

The red-robed emissary spoke jokingly, while walking around Hou Wuji's side, gently walking up and down.His eyes flicked back and forth over the shining spiritual fire net in the center of the witch formation.

Even standing behind Hou Wuji who closed his eyes and stared at the spellcasting, everything was silent and peaceful.At this moment Hou Wuji is still as immovable as a stone statue.He wholeheartedly prepared for the removal of the Spirit Fire Net.

Just for a split second, the footsteps of the red-robed envoy suddenly stopped.Moreover, judging from Hou Wuji's vigilant consciousness, the cessation of his footsteps seemed extremely unnatural, more like he was suddenly attracted by something.

Through the gap between the tight coarse cloth robe and the hood, the light blue eyes of the Misty Messenger firmly landed on the girl in white on the high platform.It seems that just before that, his attention was only on his old acquaintance Hou Wuji, but he didn't pay attention to the cold body of the girl lying on the rock.

"What a goddess-like girl..."

The red-robed envoy couldn't help but muttered and sighed.

"Messenger, you are joking! She is just an ordinary girl from the inferior branch of human beings in the Star Continent. It is too much for the messenger to describe her as a goddess!"

The tall ethereal emissary seemed to have no intention of answering him at all, and continued to shake his head gently while muttering:
"No! Star Continent shouldn't have such a woman! They don't deserve it! She should be from our Piao Miao clan!"

His tone was full of admiration and warm flattery.

A crisp sound suddenly sounded between Hou Wuji and Murong Feng, and immediately after, the shield woven by the net of spiritual fire disappeared into the boundless dark world with a flash of light.

Everything around has become as dead and silent as after a storm.

Above the high platform between Hou Wuji and Murong Peak, the flickering black soul of the primordial spirit fell gently like a feather.Towards the body of the girl in white on the high platform.


The followers of the Piao Miao messenger lost their composure again, and seemed to have taken a step forward and were about to strike.However, he was once again stopped by the red robe messenger.

In the sky above the high platform, the primordial spirit was dotted with stars, which were originally also the color of darkness. Therefore, when the spirit fire's witch net was removed, they disappeared in the surrounding space, only the huge white wings were particularly conspicuous.From a distance, it looks like a pair of wings landed on the body of the girl on the high platform.

(End of this chapter)

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