Chapter 574

So the two of them drove the Qingyun Crane around for several miles, and quietly passed by the other side of the floating island.When he got close to the sky above the island, Hou Wuji suddenly discovered that there were extremely high watchtowers built around the corners of the island, which seemed to be prepared to guard against the invasion of foreign enemies.However, what puzzled them was that now, there were no generals stationed on those towers, and they seemed to have been abandoned.

The two were able to quickly and quietly land on the island of the Misty Clan.Next to my ears, there was the faint sound of tinkling iron tools in the town, which seemed to be a forging workshop.This is extremely rare on the Star Continent.

After the two sneaked into the vicinity of Misty City, they saw a group of warriors from the Star Continent, led by a few strong armed generals from the Misty Clan, heading towards the gate of the castle.Hou Wuji and Chu Mengyao quickly followed up, using a little trick to attract the attention of the generals, and quickly sneaked into the team of warriors with extremely fast movements.

Everything went fairly smoothly.The two successfully blended into many warriors recruited from Star Continent.Seeing the iron-wooden gate of the castle that was several stories high in front of him slowly opened under the drive of mechanism and iron chains, Hou Wuji felt a secret sense of amazement in his heart.The descendants of the ancient human powerhouses really have the power to fight. In this floating island, the style of the ancient battlefield is preserved everywhere. Even all the people in the city have no civilians. All are excellent fighters.After coming to Misty Island, I just saw the true power of human beings on this planet. Compared with it, the so-called masters in Star Osaka are simply too weak!

Like Hou Wuji, there were other warriors from the Star Continent in the team who sighed. They had never seen such a majestic and powerful formation.About the Piao Miao clan, about this floating island, they only heard about it from ancient books and seniors at most. Now that they are personally on the scene, they almost have a sense of pride of mutual prosperity.Although the words of the Piao Miao clan never put them in the eyes!Moreover, many people don't know that behind them, once this huge city gate is closed again, they will never be able to get out of it.Therefore, every Star Continent martial artist who came to the castle thought they were the lucky first batch, but they didn't know that they were just one of the victims, because no one came here and went back.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, except for one person with a special identity...

Hou Wuji and Chu Mengyao followed several generals of the Yinzong, and went straight to the first area of ​​the castle.Not long after we left, a bearded general in heavy armor came over. When he saw the leading generals, he glanced at the warriors of Star Continent, and said in a rough voice:

"Bring so many low-level warriors here at the same time? It's not easy to deal with it in the future..."

It turned out that within the Piaomiao clan, the warriors on the Duxingchen Continent were all scornfully called low-level, which shows their arrogance.All the disciples of the sect were shocked when they heard this, but they just dared not speak out.Moreover, they didn't know that the so-called "difficult to deal with" meant that if they were all silenced, it would be troublesome if there were too many people.

The leading generals gave a salute and said:
"Reporting to General Chang, this number was appointed by Lu Yu, the envoy of Piaomiao. Because there are so many things in the astrology building during this period, more low-level warriors are recruited. I am going to take these people to meet the envoy and let him Count the numbers!"

When Hou Wuji heard this, he was shocked.What the leading general said clearly meant that the red robe envoy Lu Yu already had a specific number of people.He and Chu Mengyao joined in for no reason, wouldn't they be exposed soon!Is it possible that I have just entered Misty Castle, and I haven't found out any news, so I am going to declare failure?I am so anxious that I don't know what to do.Suddenly, the bearded general was heard saying loudly:
"Hey! Lu Yu, it's that damned person again...boy..."

The general surnamed Chang seemed to have just half-spoken, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, so he changed his words temporarily.

"Lu Yu is ashamed to say that he was sent to get a small tortoise shell, but he failed, and even damaged two star-god-level generals of my Piao Miao clan! It is a great shame to my sect! Otherwise, how could we lose the opportunity to calculate the soul of the god of war, so we had to turn to astrologers who work around the clock! Hmph! According to the sect's rules, Lu Yu should kill himself to thank the sect, but the suzerain chose to look at him For the sake of the special relationship with him, he easily bypassed him... It's really incredible! I don't think you need to go to him anymore. At this moment, he is being punished by the suzerain! Let’s take it to the astrology building!”

The bearded general showed contempt for Lu Yu in his tone, it seemed that the two had always had some grudges and had already disliked him.He also seemed aggrieved at the fact that the suzerain let Lu Yu go, as if Lu Yu was not of his own clan but a member of the same clan.


Seeing the hesitation on the faces of those generals, the bearded general glared and said angrily:

"What? Is the general's order not effective?"

"Yes! This subordinate obeys orders!" He shouted at several generals, not daring to offend them, and hastily promised.

Hou Wuji was listening carefully, when he was stabbed in the back by someone's arm suddenly, he almost jumped up in shock.Turning his head, he heard Chu Mengyao whispering in his ear:
"Did you hear that they openly discussed the important affairs and secrets of the sect in front of our group? It seems that they really don't intend to let our group of Star Continent fighters leave the castle alive!"

Hou Wuji thought that she had discovered some serious situation, but he didn't expect it to be just an ordinary thing.However, this also proves that Chu Mengyao's observation ability is not bad. Hou Wuji didn't plan on asking her to follow her as an assistant during this trip, as long as she didn't make trouble. Meng Yao's ability was somewhat underestimated.

At that moment Hou Wuji gave her a quick white look, and secretly said:
"Stop making noise! ​​I heard what they said about the 'Soul of the God of War' just now...I have a hunch that this seems to be an important clue..."

Just at this point, the team had already started to move on, when suddenly the bearded general came up with a few strides and shouted:
"Wait a minute!"

Everyone stopped in fear.The bearded man said:

"The arsenal where the general is is also in need of a group of people. These people, let's go to the arsenal first."

Immediately, the bearded general stepped forward and shouted to the warriors of Star Continent:
"Those who are willing to go to the astrology building stand on the left, and those who are willing to go to the equipment warehouse stand on the right!"

There was a sound of footsteps, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen Star Continent warriors lined up on the left and right.Hou Wuji stood on the left without thinking.Just standing still, suddenly remembered something, looked back suddenly, but there was no figure of Chu Mengyao.When I turned my head to look again, I suddenly found that she was standing upright in the line on the right, with an expression of excitement still on her face.

Hou Wuji was speechless for a while.He cursed secretly in his heart:

"This guy, as soon as he hears about the treasure trove of the equipment library, it's like he's been pumped! He still can't change his greedy nature!"

So she glanced at Chu Mengyao quickly, and when Chu Mengyao received his gaze, she frowned, shook her body slightly, but did not move her feet, as if she still wanted to stick to her own opinion and refused to change team.Hou Wuji anxiously turned angry, and gave her a hard look.Chu Mengyao was forced to be helpless, and quickly slipped behind Hou Wuji with her waist bent.

"We're going to investigate about the God of War's soul. Of course we're going to the Astrologer! Didn't you just hear that the red-robed envoy Lu Yu's mission failed and the whereabouts of the God of War's soul went missing? Didn't that alarm the astrologers? Only astrology You can learn more about this matter from there.”

Hou Wuji turned around vigilantly and explained to Chu Mengyao.

Unexpectedly, at such a short distance, even though Chu Mengyao was fast enough, she still couldn't escape the eyes of the bearded general of the Piao Miao clan.The general moved his feet slightly, and his body had already floated in front of Chu Mengyao.Pointing at Chu Mengyao, said arrogantly:
"You! Come out! Honestly, why is it swaying from right to left, wobbling? Is there an attempt?"


Chu Mengyao's heart was pounding, but she still suppressed her panic and replied calmly.She was afraid that the bearded general would see through her and Hou Wuji's identities, so when she said this, she just lowered her head and did not look at the general surnamed Chang.

"Hold your head up!"

Next to him, the majestic bearded general in heavy armor ordered.

Hou Wuji was also extremely anxious at this moment, and secretly said in his heart: Chu Mengyao, Chu Mengyao, you have to be smarter and more courageous!This bearded man has never met the two of us before, and even if Lu Yu, the red-robed envoy, would not be able to describe you, Chu Mengyao, in front of him. If he wanted to describe it, he would also describe me, Hou Wuji!Don't hesitate and haw, the more nervous you are, the more they will doubt your identity with their strong perception ability!
(End of this chapter)

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