The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 575 Hall of Astrologers

Chapter 575 Hall of Astrologers
Chu Mengyao was yelled at by the bearded general, and with her temperament, she was about to get angry when she was yelled at by such a rough man.However, right now, she is inside Misty City, and surrounded by powerful enemies, no matter how daring she is, she still has to take her own safety into consideration.After hesitating for a while, he slowly raised his face.As soon as he touched the deep light blue eyes of the bearded man, he felt a majestic and domineering aura.

"Women... this is really rare! On the Star Continent, most of the inner disciples with high five-element cultivation are mainly men. It's really hard to find such a beautiful young girl!"

The bearded general murmured.Thinking about it again: the handymen in the equipment warehouse are mostly manual jobs that require strength, and it is not convenient for her to go there as a weak girl. On the other hand, the astrology building is mostly dealing with bookish astrologers.And more importantly, ever since Mo Zhu, the daughter of the astrologer Duan Hai, accurately discovered that the Soul of the God of War had escaped from the Demon Tomb and scattered in the Star Continent, that girl had suddenly become a celebrity in front of the suzerain. , and, now, at the critical moment when the ancient ogre and the spirit of the god of war in the demon mound are raging the entire Greedy Wolf Star, the astrologer with outstanding aptitude, Mozhu, is even more important in the entire Piaomiao Castle.It was rare for a woman of her age to be selected from the Star Continent, and it made sense to send her to the Astrology Tower.

Glancing at the number of people on the left and right, I suddenly found that the inner thoughts of these warriors from the Star Continent were surprisingly consistent with the girl in front of them. Most of them regarded the ancient human heroes like the Piao Miao clan The descendants are a noble and powerful team. It is a great honor to be able to enter Misty Castle. I also heard that I have the opportunity to go to the castle's equipment warehouse and see the magical weapons used by the strong. How can I hold back? Just stand on the right.

So the bearded general no longer doubted Chu Mengyao, just nodded, and said to the generals leading the team:
"Okay, since no one is willing to go to the Astrology Building, it's rare that one person is willing to take the initiative to change over, okay! Let's take them there! To show our favor to them... let the people who go to the Astrology Building work for a few more days! "

"Yes! General Chang!"

Several generals leading the team all bowed their hands and agreed.

Hou Wuji could already hear in his heart that what the bearded general said, "Let the people who go to the astrology building work a few more days", meant that these people could live a few more days.And those sect disciples who went to the equipment warehouse... the fate is more ominous!Although this is not good news for Hou Wuji and Chu Mengyao, let alone a gift, but it also shows that at least they will be less vigilant towards the two who are going to the astrology building .

Soon, the warriors selected from the Star Continent divided into two groups. Chu Mengyao followed closely behind Hou Wuji, with her head lowered, but her eyes were constantly scanning everything around her from the corner of her eye. The passages and terrain are clearly recorded.She knew that once the identities of the two of them were exposed and they wanted to escape from here, the terrain would become very important.This is very similar to the situation when she first met Hou Wuji in the dungeon of the Ghost Sect Secret Realm, holding half of the map in her hand.

It's just that Misty City follows the various characteristics of the race wars in ancient times after all. The castle is connected in all directions, sometimes wide and sometimes narrow.And at key points, there are usually strong guards guarding them.According to legend, the design of all these gates is based on the layout of the stars in the universe, and they are extremely particular. Once a strong foreign enemy enters the city, they can also use their grasp of the complex terrain to fight street battles with the enemy. The combat capability is extremely powerful.If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could Hou Wuji and Chu Mengyao believe that there is a maze-like cave in this strong castle standing on the floating island.

Chu Mengyao lightly poked Hou Wuji from behind, and said in a low voice:

"Hou Wuji, let's write down the terrain here in sections. They are too complicated! By the way! You haven't started memorizing it yet, so don't take it too seriously!"

Hou Wuji didn't turn his head back, and said softly to himself:

"Don't worry! This is not the first time we have cooperated. I don't know about your temper, Miss Chu! I knew you were secretly memorizing the terrain here from the time you entered the castle gate, and you really can't remember it unless you When it's over, you won't come to poke me..."

Chu Mengyao was taken aback for a moment, she never expected that the present Hou Wuji knew her so well.For a moment, in addition to being amazed, there was also a sense of resentment.

"This bastard, how can he see through this girl's mind so clearly! In front of him, I don't have any secrets at all! This is too hurtful to my self-esteem!"

Chu Mengyao thought angrily in her heart, and pinched Hou Wuji's back fiercely in a fit of anger, the pain was so painful that Hou Wuji's teeth cracked, and she didn't dare to yell out loudly, so as not to cause the previous few Attention of the leading generals of the Piao Miao clan.

"Hou Wuji! You wait for my aunt, let me catch the opportunity, I must pay you back!" Chu Mengyao yelled bitterly in his heart. When he was in Taohuawu earlier, he asked his sister Chu Meng Li partnered with Helan Yuer and let herself take risks with him, which had already caused her to hold a grudge, and now, Hou Wuji once again made her feel ashamed.With her character of leaving Xuantianzong in anger since she was a child, and going away to the Western Regions, she will have revenge.

But Hou Wuji was completely ignorant about this, poorly he thought he had found a good helper, but he never expected that a big enemy formed a team with him.

A group of several warriors walked through dozens of winding castle corridors and halls, and finally stepped into an independent stone tower. This tower was connected to the castle where the suzerain was located by a stone bridge across the air, but its appearance was It is extremely simple and elegant, with several tall watchtowers, and the most bizarre thing is that on the top of that pointed tower, there is a square three towers, which look very similar to the priests seen in the demon world. Wuzhen.Moreover, there are no other buildings around to block the view of the stone platform on the spire.

It seems that this is the most important observation platform for astrologers.

(End of this chapter)

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