The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 586 The Trap of Waiting for a Rabbit

Chapter 586 The Trap of Waiting for a Rabbit

When Lu Yu heard this, he was taken aback suddenly. He never expected that Mo Zhu would use this matter to suppress him. This was simply his death spot. Right now, he urgently needs a chance to prove himself more than anyone else.


"Lu Yu, you said just now, does it count as obeying my Mo Zhu's orders from now on?"

"This...Of course it counts! People from the Piao Miao family have never had a reason to live up to their own words."

"That's good! I order you to leave the watchtower immediately, and stop asking about the people around me!"

Lu Yu touched his nose, and glanced at Yuan Sheng, the black-robed suzerain.Yuan Sheng nodded at him, signaling him to leave.

Forced to be helpless, Lu Yu had no choice but to bow slightly to Mozhu, and said slowly:
"If that's the case, then I will take my leave first!"

Hou Wuji let out a long breath in his heart, feeling relieved, he quickly raised his eyes to look at Mo Zhu's face, just in time the girl was also looking at him, just as the four eyes touched him, Mo Zhu dodged away in a hurry and unnaturally.

Lu Yu just walked a few steps, as if talking to himself:

" the way, Miss Mo Zhu, there is one more thing. I heard that among the group of low-level warriors recruited from the Star Continent today, two of them were shared from the team. I still have some use, so it should be used up now! On the way back, I will pass through the East Pavilion and take those two low-level warriors away! But Miss Mo Zhu, please let me go, I will never break into your boudoir without authorization. Take people and leave. The situation in Piaomiao City is complicated right now, since the task of recruiting low-level warriors is on my shoulders, it should be ensured that nothing will go wrong, and I hope Miss Mo Zhu understands!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed lightly, turned around and strode towards the gate.

Mo Zhu was noncommittal about Lu Yu's statement and remained silent.

But behind her, Hou Wuji in the big black robe seemed to be on fire in his heart at this moment, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

This boy Lu Yu is really well-informed!It was known so quickly that two warriors from the Star Continent were left behind where the ink beads were.What he said just now was obviously a hidden needle, using the name of business to repay Mo Zhu's contempt and hatred for him.If Lu Yu was really allowed to run to the East Attic, Chu Mengyao was the only one left there now. With that careless girl, could she handle such a fine person like Lu Yu?All this made Hou Wuji's heart pounding, he didn't want to delay for a second, wished he could rush to the east attic before Lu Yu, and tell Chu Mengyao to leave quickly.

Lu Yu's footsteps disappeared in the distance outside the door.

Mo Zhu stepped forward, angrily said to Yuan Sheng:
"Sovereign! Why did you ask Lu Yu to find the soul of the God of War! You just saw that he didn't pay attention to the warlocks of the astrologer family at all. This person is gentle on the surface, cruel and treacherous on the inside, and ambitious. He is nothing at all. Kindness!"

The suzerain waved his hand, signaling to Mozhu that there is no need to say more, and said quietly:
"This king knows all of this. Mozhu, we still need this person right now. The Piaomiao clan and the Yaohuang have not yet completely torn their faces. Everything is waiting for the soul of the God of War to belong to the dust." Let's talk after it's settled!"

Finally, Yuan Sheng squinted his eyes, looked at the deep and distant sky through the watchtower, and murmured:

"Hmph! Let him deal with the Star Continent and the Monster Beast Clan. The Piao Miao Clan can advance or retreat. Isn't that good?"

Seeing Yuan Sheng turned his back on him, Hou Wuji couldn't hold back any longer, stepped forward a few steps, and lightly poked the ink bead from behind, the girl turned around suddenly, as if she had been electrocuted.Hou Wuji gave her an anxious look.Needless to say, Mo Zhu already understood.He took a few steps forward, bowed down and bowed to the suzerain, saying:
"Sovereign, Mo Zhu has also gone back to prepare for departure in three days!"

Yuan Sheng nodded and said:
"Mo Zhu, don't worry! I didn't go into details in front of Lu Yu just now, but you should know. On the surface, this mission is only you and Lu Yu, but secretly I will send a large number of strong men from the Piao Miao clan Protect you. After you find the soul of the god of war, you quickly subdue it with the book of forbidden gods. This should not be a problem for an astrologer of your level, right?"

Mo Zhu nodded and said:
"As ordered!"

Immediately, the two bid farewell to Yuan Sheng, turned around and strode away towards the door of the watchtower.Hou Wuji was concerned about Chu Mengyao's safety in his heart, and he had already returned to his heart, but his steps were still very steady, for fear that the suzerain would find out that something was wrong.However, after turning the corner and leaving the gate of the watchtower, he couldn't hold back anymore.Stepping forward, with a shake of his arm, he grabbed the ink beads like a chicken, and using the Tiangong footwork, he quickly followed the original path and rushed towards the east attic of the Zodiac Building.

"You... put me down quickly! Bastard!"

Although Mo Zhu has a slender figure of the Piao Miao clan, but she is petite and light in weight, she suddenly feels being grabbed off the ground and galloping, with the wind whistling beside her ears, she struggles in Hou Wuji's hands for a while, cursing furiously.

Hou Wuji paid no attention to her.Running non-stop, only a quarter of an hour later, the two of them reappeared in the east attic.

Hou Wuji gently put down the ink beads, and approached the door of the east attic cautiously.

There was silence all around, as if there was no one at all.This silent situation aggravated Hou Wuji's worries.An ominous feeling slowly diffused in the bottom of my heart.

He gently pushed open the wooden door, but there was still no movement inside.

"Meng Yao!"

Hou Wuji lowered his voice and called softly.Then I listened for a while, but there was no reply.

Hou Wuji was wondering, and just about to shout again, suddenly there was a loud noise.


In front of his eyes, a thick arm wrapped around a dark red wide sleeve, like a sharp claw stretched out from hell, broke through the door and rushed towards his throat fiercely. suffocate him.If it wasn't for the energy consumed when passing through the solid wooden door, his neck would have been broken in an instant by this big hand.

This sudden blow was like a nightmare, and Hou Wuji's whole body tensed up in fright, and he retreated subconsciously.But in front of his eyes, the dark red arm pressed on step by step, until Hou Wuji retreated to the side of the astrological girl Mo Zhu, the five iron claw-like fingers stopped in the air.

"Hou Wuji! Let's meet again!"

In the dim east attic, there came a gloomy and extremely arrogant young man's voice, which was very familiar to Hou Wuji.The sudden appearance of a huge hand just now had almost knocked him out of his wits, but when the voice of the red-robed teacher sounded, everything became more at ease in Hou Wuji's heart.

The ethereal red robe made it obvious that Lu Yu had been waiting for him for a long time.When he came out of Mozhu's room unhurriedly, Hou Wuji understood everything in an instant.

Coming out with Lu Yu, there was also a girl in green shirt.The same arm with a dark red sleeve stretched across the girl's throat.At this moment, due to being suppressed by an extremely strong force, Chu Mengyao opened her eyes wide in horror, unable to move.

"Hey! Hou Wuji, you are really talented! You actually have the guts to break into Misty City! But you low-level warriors, you all overestimate your own abilities! I was in the watchtower just now, and I smelled it as soon as I entered the door. The breath of prey, Hou Wuji, your acting skills are not bad! You actually got in front of the suzerain of the Piao Miao clan!"

Hou Wuji silently stared at the young man in front of him who was so complacent and arrogant, secretly thinking of a way out.

And behind him, Mo Zhu, the purple-robed girl, was already stunned in astonishment.

"What? are Hou Wuji?"

Mo Zhu could hardly believe what the red robe said.

"Mozhu, you heard me right! The kid standing beside you is Hou Wuji, who caused a lot of trouble for our Piaomiao clan and the entire wolf-greedy human race. He is also the current leader of the low-level warriors in the Star Continent! He Sneaking into the Misty City with this woman in my hand is to find out the secrets and deal with the Misty Clan!"

"'s could he wonder he has such a skill to sneak into the East Attic..."

Mo Zhu looked at Hou Wuji in surprise, kept shaking his head, and murmured.

"Mo Zhu, what are you waiting for, come to my side!"

The red-robed messenger shouted an order.The purple-robed girl was so shocked by the result that Lu Yu just reminded her that she hadn't recovered yet.The enemy he hated so much that he gritted his teeth unexpectedly was always by his side.It almost made her mad, until she heard Lu Yu's order, she suddenly woke up, and ran towards Lu Yu desperately.

Although the distance between the two sides is extremely close, at the speed of the ink beads, in front of Hou Wuji, it is like a child's play.The purple-robed girl just took a step forward, Hou Wuji didn't want to think about it anymore, he strode forward and grabbed her with lightning speed, stretched out his five fingers, and had already clasped her tender and slender neck .The girl just screamed ah, and had already fallen into Hou Wuji's hands.

"Little girl, this is not the first time you have been my hostage, we should cooperate tacitly!" Hou Wuji approached Mo Zhu's ear and said softly.

Seeing this, Lu Yu said viciously:
"Hou Wuji, stop struggling to your death! With the strength of your Star Continent fighters, even if you have hostages in your hands, it won't help. The strong men in Misty City can stop your strength with just a flick of a finger, obediently! Surrender!"

(End of this chapter)

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