Chapter 587
Hou Wuji sneered lightly, without haste, he said:

"Humph! Lu Yu, those you mentioned are ordinary Star Continent warriors. As for me, Hou Wuji, I may not be that bad. Otherwise, I won't be able to take the seat of Star Continent overlord. Don't forget, The girl in my hand is your immediate boss, the celebrity in front of the suzerain, if you don't believe me, you can try it out!"

Lu Yu was startled, his cold eyes slightly frowned.It seems that he also has some hesitation in his heart. What Hou Wuji said is not completely unreasonable. Before going to Taohuawu, he has already learned about Hou Wuji's deeds from various aspects. Of course he knows, Hou Wuji His talent and strength are against the sky in the entire Star Continent, and those damned astrologers are as vulnerable as national treasures. If Hou Wuji is really driven into a hurry, he will really attack Mozhu , He really can't guarantee that nothing will go wrong.

What's more, when the suzerain was in the watchtower, when he decided to send the two to the end of the sea of ​​setting sun in three days, he had clearly told him that if anything happened to the ink beads, he would never be able to return to Misty City. For Lu Yu, this was more uncomfortable than death.

"Hou Wuji, we are all men, and taking a woman as a hostage is not considered a hero. If you have the guts, let's put down the hostages in our hands and fight fairly!"

Hou Wuji laughed out loud.Loudly said:

"Lu Yu, do you think I'm stupid? Fair? How fair is a star god-level warrior and me, a small star king? What's more... Hehe, I, Hou Wuji, have never called myself a hero. Lu Yu, although You have my hostage in your hand, and I have your hostage in my hand, but the thing in your hand is much worthless than the one in my hand!"

Beside Lu Yu, Chu Mengyao, who had her throat clasped with one hand, heard this, and she was so angry that this Hou Wuji had the audacity to say that he was worth much less than that little girl, which was simply unbearable for her. If it wasn't for the fact that her throat was locked and she couldn't make a sound, she would have to curse immediately to feel comfortable.

"So! You are not willing to exchange hostages?"

"Of course! Hou Wuji only has such a treasure in my hand. If I let her go, do I still want to leave this castle? Lu Yu, be smart, as long as I disturb the other people in the city, I will immediately want this little girl. Fate! Also, the woman in your hand is just one of my servants, not worth mentioning at all, don't try to use her to make me commit a crime! Kill or sell it, it's up to you! In short, If you don't let me leave Misty City, I will die with this little girl!"

As Hou Wuji said, a dirty hand gently pinched Mo Zhu's pink face, as if the other party was a pet caught in his hand.It made the purple-robed girl turn her face away in disgust, avoiding his touch.

Seeing Hou Wuji bullying Mo Zhu so much, Lu Yu couldn't help panicking. If the suzerain really knew about it, he might not be able to deal with it.In his heart, he originally thought that Hou Wuji, the overlord of the five major factions in the Star Continent, should have some manners, but he didn't expect that the other party would play cards so unruly and act like a lowly rat, so he couldn't help but He was a little at a loss.

Lu Yu was silent for a while, and said slowly:
"Hou Wuji, don't worry about it! There are guards everywhere at the gate of Piaomiao City. Even if I let you leave, the people in Piaomiao City will not agree. You are doomed today! Put the ink beads, or I can replace you." You, the overlord of Star Continent, beg for mercy!"

Hou Wuji sneered and said:

"You? Why do you plead for the warriors of the Star Continent? Don't fool me! I, Hou Wuji, don't believe it. The entire Piaomiao City is so big, and there are many traps everywhere. There is no secret road leading to the outside of the city. Lu Yu, take me to the secret Dao. As long as I can get out of my body, I will let go of this little girl in my hand."

Hou Wuji was talking here, when Lu Yu rolled his eyes and said:
"This... ok... I promise you..."

A word has not been finished yet, although I heard the girl Mozhu in her hand say loudly:

"Hou Wuji, stop dreaming! Lu Yu doesn't even know where the secret way is! What kind of status is he in Misty City? How can he be qualified to know the secret way!"

Lu Yu was startled, and said angrily:
"Mo Zhu, this subordinate is only here to save..."

Unexpectedly, the purple-robed girl said stubbornly:
"People of the astrology family never play such deceptive tricks, Lu Yu, don't bring the tricks from the Star Continent to Misty City!"

One sentence made Lu Yu look ashamed and remained silent.

Hou Wuji looked at the two of them separately, and said with a smile:
"Hmm... It seems that you, the red-robed emissary, really don't look like a pure Piao Miao family..."

Just as Hou Wuji finished his sentence, there was a loud bang, almost shaking the air, followed by an incomparably fiery fire-type zhenqi, which contained powerful destructive power of star god level. , flying towards him like a gunpowder explosion.

Hou Wuji never expected that his inadvertent words would detonate the explosive anger in Lu Yu's body like sparks!

Taking advantage of Hou Wuji's unpreparedness, this attack came out suddenly, using almost [-]% of the strength of the red-robed envoy, its strength was unimaginable.In a panic, Hou Wuji could have grabbed the purple-robed girl in his hand and stood in front of him.However, this idea just flashed in his mind like a lightning bolt, and then disappeared.In any case, he couldn't do it.

There was only a crisp cracking sound, and Hou Wuji's whole body seemed to be hit with overwhelming force. No matter how strong his strength was, he could no longer resist. The door wall smashed through the railing of the huge stone astrology building, and fell rapidly.Fortunately, he reacted quickly. In a panic, he stretched out his hand and barely grasped a broken railing.This prevents you from falling.

Hou Wuji struggled to grab the railing with one hand, and looked down. At this moment, he was hanging in the sky on the dozens of floors of the Astrology Building, and the railing that Lu Yu barely used to bear the weight of his body was already moving left and right. Shaking, it might break at any moment.

"Hou Wuji!"

From the attic above her head, Chu Mengyao screamed loudly. Obviously, after Lu Yu hit Hou Wuji into the air with a palm, she let go of her throat, which made her make a sound. .

Sure enough, soon, three figures appeared above Hou Wuji's head.

Now, Lu Yu, who looked down at Hou Wuji at his feet with the attitude of a victor, became even more arrogant.

"Hmph! Hou Wuji, as I said earlier, you are wasting your efforts! The little low-level martial artist from Star Continent dares to make trouble in Misty City, aren't you looking for your own death!"

The purple-robed girl stood beside Lu Yu. Although in her eyes, Hou Wuji was undoubtedly her biggest rival, but she knew very clearly what happened just now. If Hou Wuji couldn't bear to use himself as a shield, why not As for losing so badly.In my heart, I was deeply annoyed at Lu Yu's hastily launching an attack regardless of his own safety.For a while, they just looked at the two in silence.

"Hou Wuji, are you... all right!"

Chu Mengyao stepped forward quickly, stretched out an arm, and wanted to pull Hou Wuji, but Lu Yu grabbed it back and strangled her throat.

"Hou Wuji, let's see how you escaped from the envoy's grasp this time! Last time in Taohuawu, you failed the envoy's mission and lost face. Unexpectedly, you sent me to make up for it! You lowly people The low-level warriors in the Star Continent are not worthy to exist on the Greedy Wolf Star!"

Lu Yu looked at Hou Wuji, and when he said this, there was a sense of ferocious indignation in his eyes, as if in his eyes, the people in the entire Star Continent were all enemies who hated him sworn to death!
Hou Wuji's life is hanging by a thread at this moment, and he almost has no power to fight back.Just as he was at a loss, he suddenly saw that Chu Mengyao, who was strangled by Lu Yu, kept opening his mouth wide and carefully gesticulating with his hands, as if sending him some extremely important information.

Hou Wuji frowned and looked carefully. Chu Mengyao's mouth kept moving, but because her throat was strangled, she couldn't make a sound, and her eyes glanced at Lu Yu from time to time, for fear of being discovered by him.

After reading for a long time, Hou Wuji suddenly understood what Chu Mengyao said.Stretching out a hand into his waist, he opened the cork of the clay bottle with one hand in his bosom.Holding the pottery bottle with one hand, with a whoosh, he quickly took out the crimson red pottery bottle with lightning speed, and before Lu Yu could react, he took a few sips of the potion in the bottle. gulp down...

Lu Yu was stunned by the sudden scene in front of him. By the time he realized that the potion in the bottle in Hou Wuji's hand had a rare aura in the world, Hou Wuji had already finished drinking the medicine before the battle.

"Red Spring..."

Lu Yu's eyes widened in shock, and he muttered.Just after saying the first two words, his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly realized the change in the situation, before he could think about it, he slammed his palm at Hou Wuji.

However, it was too late for Hou Wuji, who had already planned all this.The moment Hou Wuji threw the pottery bottle out of his hand, the accumulation of spiritual energy in his body suddenly reached the explosive level like a fire.Just as the strength of Lu Yu's palm was released, Hou Wuji had already waved his big hand towards him. In an instant, five golden lights, like a giant net of witchcraft, rushed towards him overwhelmingly.

Lu Yu's heart was shocked suddenly. Based on his experience and knowledge, he had never seen five witch weapons fired together.The terrifying and destructive power of Hou Wuji's blow was beyond his imagination.

"How could it be... ah!"

Lu Yu let out a scream, followed by, on one shoulder, on the dark red robe, bursts of black smoke rose, and the body after being pierced by one of the witch weapons, the blood at the wound was like boiling water vapor Turned into black smoke.

He understood that this was an effect far beyond the destructive power of ordinary witch weapons!To be more precise, the attacks of these five witch weapons, with this inadvertent swing, unexpectedly hit a critical strike with twice the destructive power at the same time!

"Five fingers, five witch weapons simultaneously..."

Hou Wuji looked ecstatically at his palm with five fingers spread out. Now, on the fingertips of the five fingers, there is still a golden light like a star.He himself never dreamed that the firing of the Dark Soul Blade could have such a terrifying form!There is no doubt that all of this is due to the bottle of blue spring holy water stolen from the astrologer's hall...

Before the excitement brought him back to his senses, his body sank suddenly, and his whole body fell like a stone.

"It's broken! Lu Yu's palm just now broke the last railing he was holding onto with one hand!"

Hou Wuji was startled, and when he was at a loss, he suddenly felt his palm go soft, and a smooth and soft little hand struggled to grab a few of his fingers, and finally pulled his body tremblingly. .

When Hou Wuji looked up, he saw Mozhu bent over and standing beside the railing, gritted his teeth, and dragged Hou Wuji's palm back up the steps with all his strength.

"It turned out to be her..."

Hou Wuji couldn't help feeling a warm feeling in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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