Chapter 17

Xiang Chen looked at them, and smiled unceremoniously when Chen Zihan's words fell.

Wang Yibei ignored Xiang Chen's sarcastic smile, and just looked at Chen Zihan, "If you lock people up in the classroom every day, they will make you stupid. We should organize some activities."

The boys are very active, "Playing basketball and football are good."

Chen Zihan spread his hands, "You should report to Teacher Jiang."

Wang Yibei just looked at him, "Actually, I want the monitor to discuss with Teacher Jiang, because I really want to celebrate Children's Day today."

Many people in the class laughed, "Children's Day, it's too childish."

Wang Yibei ignored them, "Is it okay to be able to celebrate Children's Day in the future? Besides, what's wrong with enjoying childishness and innocence? Don't think that Children's Day is a very childish festival. We should feel extravagant. Think about it. We can celebrate many, many festivals, such as Youth Day, Adult's Day, Valentine's Day, and even Women's Day, but we are not qualified to celebrate Children's Day."

"It seems to be right. I haven't celebrated Children's Day since I was in the fifth grade."

"I'm a little better. I have rejected this festival since I was in junior high school."

Chen Zihan shook his head, looked at Wang Yibei, lowered his tone, "Is there anything else you can't think of?"

She also laughed, "Anyway, you can't figure it out."

Teacher Jiang was quickly invited into the classroom, and then discussed the "Children's Day" with her classmates. She was a little surprised, but she did not refuse.After all, children nowadays really need to combine work and rest, but how to spend this festival is really a problem.

Wang Yibeite was happy, "Teacher, I want to eat candy, let's buy candy!"

The group of boys snorted, "You think you are three years old?"

"That's good, I want to rejuvenate." Wang Yibei still smiled, "You guys with well-developed limbs, if you don't like sugar, you can bring it home to your parents to eat. This is not a problem of sugar, it's you Love for your parents. Maybe you are quite sensible in your parents' hearts!"

Teacher Jiang listened for a while and looked at Wang Yibei, "Why do I feel that you are the only one in the class who needs to celebrate Children's Day!"

Many people laughed, Wang Yibei was the youngest in the class, and was often called a "little kid" because of this, as if everyone was very mature except her.

"I just want to celebrate Children's Day, I really want it!"

Teacher Jiang definitely loves Wang Yibei very much. He really took out a sum of money to weigh the candy privately, and used the class fee to buy some snacks. Each student gave a pack.The most exciting thing for the boys was that they were allowed to use the self-study class of the fourth class in the afternoon to play football on June [-]st, which made them suddenly full of energy.

Wang Yibei got the most candy, many people didn't like candy, and the rest went into Wang Yibei's pocket.

The next day's ball game was actually very funny. The students in the same class couldn't even tell their teammates apart. They just knew how to run after the ball and run around on the playground.But everyone laughed happily, for this rare and luxurious life.

After the so-called "Children's Day", Wang Yibei took many days off, and no one knew the reason.

And the next thing is to review for the end of the semester. When Mr. Jiang said that Wang Yibei asked for leave because of family affairs, no one from the students came to ask why Wang Yibei asked for leave.Chen Zihan felt that there was actually no difference. He still did the same questions every day, but occasionally he would feel something wrong when he saw the empty seat, but it was only for a moment.

During this weekend, Chen Zihan dedicated his time to discuss with several teachers which set of information books to buy next semester. For this reason, many teachers had different opinions.After analyzing the college entrance examination questions in recent years, the teachers finally reached a consensus and chose information books with more common basic questions. After all, 75% of the current college entrance examination questions are medium-level questions, and students who only tackle difficult problems may not be able to pass the college entrance examination. achieved excellent results.

Chen Zihan, on the other hand, did all the sets of questions separately, and then analyzed which set of questions was more suitable for them.

After doing the questions back and forth like this, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening when it was finally confirmed, and Chen Zihan walked out of the school, ready to find a place for dinner.

The sanitation conditions of some restaurants in front of the school are not very good. When he was alone, he instinctively resisted and wanted to go to a restaurant a little far away.That restaurant is very famous, but not because of how delicious the food is, but because one day a person took more than [-] yuan to eat and forgot to take the money away, but the person in the restaurant picked up the money. It was returned to the owner voluntarily.The owner was very grateful and wanted to give them money, but the owner of the restaurant insisted not to accept it.So the owner advertised the restaurant in the local newspaper, and the whole town knew about the restaurant.

Before he reached the restaurant, he saw a police car parked at the entrance of an Internet cafe very close to him. He was not very curious and was about to pass the police car and walk straight ahead.But at this moment, a policeman came out with several students and asked them to get into the car.Chen Zihan stopped because he saw Wang Yibei among these people.

He didn't know what kind of thoughts he was holding. When the policeman turned around, he stepped forward and pulled Wang Yibei up and ran, directly crossing the road, and then ran as hard as he could, not even daring to turn his head.

It wasn't until many years later that they recalled the scene at that time, and they felt stupid. People are so lazy now, how could the police come to chase them, but they were really scared at that time, and it was the first time they had such close contact with the police , and still in this way.

Chen Zihan didn't know how long he dragged her to run, and he didn't stop until he couldn't run anymore.

The most important thing was that it was still raining at this time, Chen Zihan felt that he could meet anything.

It was raining heavily, so they ran to a residential area behind the school. The house here was a little old. They walked straight to the top floor. There was a small house on the top floor, but the door of the small house was locked.They were sitting in the stairwell, probably tired from running, and had no strength at this time.

"Why are you in an Internet cafe?" Chen Zihan asked her only at this time.

"I just want to try the feeling of staying overnight."

Chen Zihan shook his head, "Then you met the police?"

Wang Yibei shook his head.

In fact, the police are not so diligent.

(End of this chapter)

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