Chapter 41

The most important thing is that the boy gave her a rose in front of everyone, Wang Yibei reluctantly refused, and told the other party that he didn't want to have a boyfriend.

This is not over yet, the most important thing is that the boy is still standing under the balcony of their dormitory, shouting at her, "Wang Yibei, I like you."

Wang Yibei was very angry, many students had already gathered around, she didn't want to be the heroine of the new round of so-called "Courtship Gate", she did something that she couldn't even believe herself.She poured a basin of laundry water straight down, and that boy instantly became a drowned rat.

She also regretted it afterwards. Although the other party annoyed her, it seemed that she didn't do too much.

But when she asked Wang Qianyu if she had done something wrong, Wang Qianyu actually said that she did the right thing, that it is really good for the other party not to give the other party a little hope, and it is better than letting the other party work hard without giving anything in return much better.Although the boy lost face because of this, and even felt uncomfortable, but he will not pester Wang Yibei again, it is a good thing for Wang Yibei and the boy himself.

That so-and-so has become history, but new troubles have emerged.

Wang Yibei didn't know whether Sun Yanbin's appearance was good or bad until the end, maybe it was good or not.Every person in this world, or every thing that happens, should be consumed equally in your life.The degree to which you care about this person or this matter will also determine the influence of this person or this matter on you.Just like the degree of hope and the degree of disappointment are equal.

Sun Yanbin is the vice chairman of the school's student union. He has a little friendship with Wang Qianyu. They probably planned a certain project, so after the school's "Top Ten Singers", they called people together for a dinner.But Wang Qianyu felt that Wang Yibei was becoming more and more decadent when he stayed in the dormitory all day, so he threatened Wang Yibei with friendship and asked Wang Yibei to go out with them.

And Sun Yanbin was shocked the moment he saw Wang Yibei, and clearly showed his affection for Wang Yibei.

Wang Qianyu also knew Sun Yanbin a little bit, and his character and academics were all excellent. There were also a few girls in the department who often mentioned Sun Yanbin. He was not low-key, but he would not show himself too much.And even the girlfriends of the ministers of the organization department are very "positive". If Sun Yanbin wanted to have a girlfriend, it would be easy, but he was able to remain single during his freshman year, and he would not be casual about his relationship. convenient.Based on this, Wang Qianyu gave Sun Yanbin a high score.

Not long after, there was a jumping incident in this school. Of course, it had nothing to do with Wang Yibei, but it made her very scared.

I heard that the boy who jumped off the building couldn't think about it because his girlfriend appeared in front of him with another boy, and he couldn't bear it so he committed suicide.

For this reason, Wang Yibei no longer dared to be so ruthless. If that boy is also so fragile, wouldn't she have to be responsible?

It's just that Sun Yanbin didn't seem to be like the boy before, he just smiled and sent a speechless "I love you" when he saw her. Thoughts, I hope to treat feelings with a serious attitude.

And this kind of attitude made Wang Yibei very difficult to do. He would call to ask her out, but once she refused, he would not force it.But he asked her out like this many times, and she was embarrassed to find a reason to refuse every time, so she would go out a few times.And the topics he gave would not embarrass her, and some of them were even something she was happy to mention.He has a wide range of knowledge, and he can talk a little bit about national politics, and she actually likes to listen to this aspect.Then they actually have a lot of common hobbies, and they all have the same idea about some bizarre events in society.For example, when a certain event happened, there was a lot of commotion on the Internet. They had the same opinion. Netizens fueled the flames, and the media shifted the focus.This kind of conversation gradually reduced the feeling of strangeness between them, and also increased their understanding of each other.

Moreover, Sun Yanbin is indeed a relatively good boy. He took the initiative to send her back to the dormitory without asking too much. Even if he held her hand, he never asked or deliberately created an opportunity. This made Wang Yibei feel better about Sun Yanbin.

On this day, Wang Yibei and Sun Yanbin returned to the dormitory after wandering around the campus.

She didn't turn on the computer and log in to the account to surf the Internet as usual, but sat in her seat, lying quietly on the table, without saying a word.

Wang Qianyu looked at her and asked casually, "What's wrong? Why are you like this?"

Wang Yibei supported his head with one hand, "What do you think of Sun Yanbin?"

She raised her eyebrows, her eyes were as clear as waves.

Wang Qianyu envied her in her heart. A girl like Wang Yibei was still a young girl in middle school. After she went to university, she had a charming charm on her body, and the charm was warm, which made people seem to have no scheming. If it hurts, how can such a girl keep those boys from moving their minds?
It's just that it's really good for her to be like this, find someone to treat herself well, and then live a comfortable life, but there are always many accidents in this world, who can guarantee that she will not encounter setbacks in her life.Therefore, Wang Qianyu always hopes that Wang Yibei can experience more people and things, so that even if he encounters confusion on the road in the future, he can live calmly by himself. Many times, Wang Qianyu will feel that he has matured too quickly, as if watching Even in the world, you can analyze others so rationally, but you can't analyze yourself after all, and you can't see through your own life.

Wang Qianyu smiled, "How do you want me to answer?"

Wang Yibei pouted, "You can answer whatever you want. Is it possible that I will force you?"

Wang Qianyu shook her head, "But, when you asked, didn't you already have your own standard answer in mind? Why do you want someone to approve it?"

Wang Yibei looked at her, "He is very good, and he feels good to me. It will not make me feel pressured, and will not make me want to escape. When I speak, I listen carefully and can say what I want to express. It's easy for him to know my thoughts."

And this, even the original Chen Zihan never did it.Chen Zihan didn't even think about the specific meaning of what she said, let alone think about what kind of small thoughts she was hiding.

There is such a person who understands himself, and there is a kind of happiness with luck.

(End of this chapter)

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