Chapter 78

Men's ideas may be very different from women's. For women, such a scheming woman should stay away and be scolded. For men, it is just an irrelevant woman who designed herself, as long as things don't make trouble Big, there is no problem.What's more, he knew that the reason why this woman designed him was because he had a good impression of him, and there was still some pity in his subconscious, even if it had nothing to do with love.

Lu Ying's complexion changed drastically, even the corners of her mouth trembled, "Are you so sure you didn't touch me?"

"I'm sure."

These are the last three words Chen Zihan left to Lu Ying. Lu Ying lay on the bed, staring at his back and the sound of his footsteps fading away. She felt that she was really hopeless, and he was talking to her like that , but her anger is really very little, and she is even obsessed with his self-confidence.

She seduced him in every possible way yesterday. He wasn't really indifferent, but when he approached her, she found that he was frowning non-stop, and then pushed herself away.She had no choice but to make such an illusion, but he could tell himself so confidently that nothing happened to them. Her design was so ridiculous and childish in his eyes.

Chen Zihan walked out of the hotel, he looked at the vast sky and let out a long breath.

Why so sure?
He still remembers that year when Wang Yibei went to live for himself, wanting to surprise each other, but it ended up being an oolong.He returned to school, had dinner with his classmates and friends, and then went to open a room with Wang Yibei.Even after such a long time, he still remembered that day, because at that moment, her bewitchment to him was fatal, and he was able to bear it, which surprised even himself.

At that moment, he told himself helplessly that it seemed that he could really be a good man who could withstand the temptation. Even at that time, he could hold back himself and respect Wang Yibei, not to mention that his self-control ability has obviously improved after many years. , and lying next to him was another woman he wasn't interested in.

He smiled helplessly, and only then remembered that he hadn't returned all night, and he didn't know what would happen to Wang Yibei.

What surprised Chen Zihan was that after he went back, Wang Yibei did not accuse him of not returning overnight, but treated him with a very understanding attitude.Chen Zihan also took the initiative to bring up what happened yesterday, and went to drink with his colleagues. He was drunk, and his colleagues sent him to the hotel.He didn't talk about the episode with Lu Ying, because he didn't want her to think wildly, and he didn't want to make it bigger. After all, such a thing made him find it hard to talk about it.

After the hangover, he still felt very uncomfortable. After Chen Zihan took a simple bath, he continued to rest.After seeing him go to rest, Wang Yibei let out a long breath. She didn't mind that he didn't come back at night, but she suddenly found that their relationship was very fragile, and she didn't want any more unhappiness between them.

She took the clothes he took off to wash, but before she reached the washing machine, she stopped.She stretched out her hand slowly, and her eyes seemed to be caught by the collar of his shirt. She held her hand flat, and her whole body trembled. There was a bright red lipstick mark there. The mark was very new, and it should have been glued on not long ago.

She gritted her teeth, and really wanted to pull Chen Zihan who was sleeping in the room up, and wanted to ask him where the lipstick marks came from, but she didn't dare, for fear that there would be endless quarrels, and then another breakup, she couldn't bear to part , and also afraid that Chen Zihan would leave her.

She went to wash the clothes stiffly, and after throwing the clothes into the washing machine, she found that there was a dyed hair in the crevice of her nails. She stared at the hair for a long time, squatted by the washing machine, and cried silently.

She was waiting for him in the apartment, but he was with another woman, what should she do?She was afraid of losing him, but she couldn't turn a blind eye to these things.

It was the first time that Wang Yibei hated herself so much, she didn't even have the courage to criticize him, and she was willing to maintain the peace on the surface. She used to hate women like herself the most, but she was doing what she used to hate the most. To become so annoying?

Chen Zihan had already discovered that Wang Yibei came to the apartment more and more frequently now, and he himself didn't take it seriously.It’s just that Wang Yibei also likes to ask him endlessly where he is and what he does every day. Chen Zihan will answer her most of the time, but sometimes he feels annoying. No matter how she asks, he will not open his mouth and pretend that he is already asleep. .

The most unbearable thing for Chen Zihan was that he found that Wang Yibei was checking the text messages in his mobile phone, checking his call records, and even calling his colleagues to ask him what he did that day. She wanted to make sure that what his colleagues said was consistent with himself Is it consistent with what you said?

Chen Zihan's mood became irritable again, and the feeling returned to the way she had been asking herself where she had been, asking repeatedly, but she didn't believe what she said.In front of her, it seemed that he should not have a little free space.

He looked at Wang Yibei in boredom, "Why do you check my phone and text messages?"

"I just want to know who you have been in contact with. Is this wrong? Or do you think I am not qualified to know your life?" She paused, "You are so afraid that I will investigate, did you do something to hide your shame?" People's business?"

Chen Zihan had his hands on his hips. He had told her a few times before that it was a terrible thing for a couple to lose their trust. He had never doubted her, so why couldn't she give him more trust.

"After all, you just don't believe me."

"If you are innocent, why are you so angry? Are you afraid that I will find out something?"

"I thought you changed it, but it turns out that you are still as unreasonable as before."

She stood up from the sofa, feeling extremely aggrieved, "I'm unreasonable, so tell me, what is reasonable to you? You should turn a blind eye to your ambiguity with other women. Pretend that you still care about me as much as you did before, and try to fool yourself that you never lied to me?"

"Women are not women." Chen Zihan was very angry. He finally understood what a college classmate said that sometimes it's not a man who wants to cheat, but a woman who forces her. She whispers in your ear every day that you cheated. , if you don't cheat, I'm sorry for her doubting you...

"You still lied to me until now, do you think I'm a fool? You didn't come back that day, were you with another woman? What did you do? Is that person Xiang Chen? You went to open a room? No, she was the one who seduced you, right, not what you wanted to go..."

(End of this chapter)

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