The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 376 Where is the red lady

Chapter 376 Where is the red lady (one more)
Li Yan is here, but where is Hong Niangzi now?
It's not that Jiang Chuan has any unreasonable thoughts about the red lady, and he doesn't like poaching.

It's just pure curiosity about this legendary woman.

He stepped forward and took a look. The person on the stretcher had handsome features, but at this moment, his eyes were closed, his face was pale, his breathing was weak, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

"What did the military doctor say?" Jiang Chuan raised his head and asked.

"The military doctor said that his wound was on his back, and he didn't hurt any vital parts. He just lost a lot of blood and was unconscious. He should be able to wake up after a few days." Bai Mu said in a deep voice.

Jiang Chuan nodded, motioning to carry on.

Although his troops now have antibiotics and anesthesia, which are miraculous medicines for trauma, there is still one situation that cannot be solved, and that is the problem of blood transfusion.

As modern people know, if a person loses too much blood, he can quickly replenish it through blood transfusion.

But in this era, in this world, of course, there is no blood transfusion equipment and blood type testing technology.

Jiang Chuan also asked the military doctor, but he has not yet mastered this technique.

Jiang Chuan's common sense of medicine is the same as that of most ordinary modern people, so there is no good way.We can only hope that after the base is upgraded again, we can see if this problem can be solved.

After looking around in the recuperation tents of the seriously wounded, Jiang Chuan took people to inspect the camps again, and saw that everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

On the other side of the prisoner camp, everything was calm.These prisoners still had lingering fears after the day's battle, but they were very cooperative, and no one dared to make trouble.

Moreover, Baishan held the captives in groups of 1000 people in different tents, with ropes tied to their hands and feet, and guard soldiers were arranged in each captive tent.

There is also a patrol team constantly patrolling outside the camp to ensure that the prisoners will not cause any trouble.

The most important thing is that Jiang Chuan ordered that it is strictly forbidden to abuse, beat and scold the captives. Although these captives were enemies before, they are also Han Chinese, and they must be treated differently from those Manchu Tartars.

Moreover, these people will be absorbed in the future, or they will join the army and become members of the Jiang family army.Either return to common people and continue farming.

So from the moment they entered the prisoner camp, Jiang's army told them clearly that as long as they didn't run away or make trouble, they wouldn't die, and they would have food every day.

Moreover, the Jiang family's army kept their word, and every day when they entered the prisoner camp, they were given a bowl of porridge and a steamed bun.

Although there is not enough to eat, at least these captives can see the hope of living.

Moreover, Jiang's army's prisoner camp also implemented the management tenet of combining leniency and strictness.While providing them with meals and not ill-treating them, there is a policy of implicating them.

The captives of each thousand-man team were divided into one hundred ten-man teams, each team was randomly designated by Jiang's army guards as a team leader, a hundred people formed a squadron leader, and a thousand people formed a large team leader.

If someone makes trouble and fights, the leader of the team he belongs to will be beheaded, and the other team members will receive twenty sticks.Everyone knows that twenty military sticks doesn't seem like much, but after twenty strikes, whether he can survive depends on luck.

If anyone dared to escape, all the thousand-man team they belonged to would be beheaded.

In this way, the prisoners stared at each other, not to mention fighting, even if there was a slight quarrel between the two, the captain and other people next to them would rush to break the fight away, for fear of being implicated.

Moreover, the food given by Jiang's army kept them from being hot and hungry, but they were not full, so they still had much energy to make a fuss.

Moreover, the Jiang family army also clearly gave the captives a way out. All captives who performed well could be released as captives in advance, and they could re-become ordinary people or continue to serve as soldiers according to their personal wishes.

If you want to be a soldier, you must first enter the new barracks for three months of training before being assigned to a formal combat unit.

Jiang Chuan's policy has always been very clear, which is to follow the line of elite soldiers and strong soldiers.

In the future, there will be more and more people under his command. These people will naturally have different qualities. If there is no big trouble in the future, they must first learn to abide by the rules, the rules of Jiang's army, and the rules of Jiangchuan.

The best place to learn the rules is naturally the boot camp.

If these people are allowed to join the Jiang family army without training in the new barracks, it will not only have a great impact on the combat effectiveness of the Jiang family army, but also greatly affect the reputation of the Jiang family army, and his own reputation will also be greatly affected .

In the process of ascending to the top of the world, what he wants is the complete surrender of his enemies one by one, instead of just relying on massacres to conquer the world like the Mongolian army in history.

The world obtained in that way, its prosperity is also sudden, its death is also sudden, and it will not last long at all.

Therefore, in this process, the reputation of an army is very important.

What he wants to create is a mighty army, an army of tigers and wolves, an army that will make the enemy fearful and have no fighting spirit, not an army of devils, an army of butchers.

When the Mongols conquered the world in the past, their favorite thing to do was to massacre cities.Once any city resists a little, Pocheng will be massacred afterwards.

Their main purpose of doing this is of course to deter the enemy, so that all the conquered dare to resist them.

The effect of this is indeed obvious. From the Mongolian plateau to the banks of the Danube, no matter how many ethnic groups, countries, and regimes all fled after hearing the news, the Mongols' iron hoofs traveled half the world.

But the negative effect of doing so is also very obvious, that is, it will also completely arouse the enemy's desperate resistance.

The most famous example is when Mongolian Great Khan Mengge led hundreds of thousands of troops to attack Diaoyu City when he personally conquered the Southern Song Dynasty.

Meng Ge threatened that if the city was broken, the soldiers and civilians in the city would be massacred, which aroused the hearts of the soldiers and civilians in the city to fight to the death.

Since resistance is death, and surrender is death, then resist to the end.

Therefore, Meng Ge was injured and died at the foot of Diaoyu City. The Mongolian army besieged and attacked Diaoyu City for 36 years but could not conquer it, causing heavy casualties.

And because of Meng Ge's death, Mongolia's western expedition stopped, saving the other half of the world from the disaster of the Yellow Peril.

In the end, the succeeding Mongolian Khan Kublai Khan promised not to hurt the lives of the people in the city, and finally Diaoyucheng surrendered.

Everyone knows the final result of the world that the Mongols conquered by massacre. Perhaps their greatest contribution to the world is to spread the genes of the Mongols across half of the world, so that now the whole of West Asia, Central Asia, and even South Asia, as well as half of the world. All of Europe has Mongol descendants.

 Surprised or not, today's update is so early.I don’t know if we can continue the fifth watch today, and the old cat doesn’t know either. It depends on everyone’s enthusiasm.It is precisely because of everyone's enthusiasm yesterday that Lao Mao decided to continue fighting today.Thanks to the two brothers "Crushing Everything syq" and "Life Tone" for their rewards. Congratulations to Crush Rong for being promoted to the rudder master of this book, ranking fourth on the fan list. Let's work hard and strive to reach the top as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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