The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 377 On the eve of the siege

Chapter 377 On the eve of the siege (exaggerated)
After leaving the captive camp and returning to the Wang Tent, Jiang Chuan asked Di Qing, Shan Jia, Bai Shan and others to discuss the next move.

"I called you here to discuss the next plan. Li Zi's success or failure is too fast, our previous plan must not be used, and now we must readjust. Let's talk about it." Jiang Chuan sat in the handsome desk Said in a deep voice behind.

After the three generals pondered for a while, Di Qing first said: "Master, since Li Zicheng has already fled in a big defeat, and the main force of the Dashun Army is not there, the defenders of the Tianjin Guards are naturally not in danger. Tianjin Guards have a large stockpile of food, supplies and Wealth. If we move too slowly, the defenders in the city are very likely to be set on fire and destroyed, so we must take Tianjin Wei as soon as possible."

Jiang Chuan nodded, pondered for a while and asked, "Do you know who the guard of Tianjin Guard is?"

Di Qing said: "The last general asked several captives, and confirmed that the guard of Tianjin Guard is Li Zicheng's confidant general Liu Fangliang. Moreover, Li Zicheng's wife, Gao Shi, and other female relatives of the generals of the Shun Army are all in Tianjin Guard."

I don't have much impression of Liu Fangliang and Jiang Chuan, but I have read about this Gao Shi in books, saying that Gao Shi is smart and smart, and Li Zicheng often consults Gao Shi when he has any difficult decisions.

According to the historical records of that time and space, Li Zicheng's original first wife was not the Gao family, but the Xing family.This Xing family is also a powerful character, helping Li Zicheng manage the logistics.It was only later that the Xing family and Li Zicheng's general Gao Jie got together.

The adulterous relationship between the two was exposed, and Gao Jie was afraid that Li Zicheng would kill him, so he took the Xing family to join the Ming army, and joined the Nanjing Military Department Shangshu Shi Kefa of the Ming Dynasty, and became a general of the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that I don't know if there is a Gao Jie under Li Zicheng who will wear a forgiveness hat in this specious world.

But these are all gossip, Jiang Chuan didn't have the time to inquire about this, but continued to ask: "How many troops does the Tianjin Guard have?"

Di Qing said: "There used to be more than 2 people, but before the decisive battle with us, Li Zicheng dispatched another 3 people, and now there are more than 5 people."

Tianjin Wei is the name of Tianjin in ancient times.As a military center, Tianjin was officially established in the second year of Ming Chengzu, Tianjin Zuowei was established in the following year, and Tianjin Right Guard was added in the next year.

"Wei" is the military system of the Ming Dynasty, under the command of a commander, directly attached to the military governor's mansion.Each guard has a full quota of 5600 soldiers, and Tianjin Sanwei has a quota of 16800 soldiers.

Although Wei's organizational system has no administrative power, it has a certain amount of land (castle and farmland), a relatively large number of people (soldiers and military members in the farmland) and political affairs (military administration and village administration).

With the increase of population, the development of commerce, numerous affairs, and the occurrence of lawsuit disputes, the guards could no longer manage this commercial city where the military and civilians were mixed. Director of Qianjin.

In addition, the location of Tianjin Wei is very important. It is the confluence of many rivers and the mouth of a big river. It is also the northern end of the Grand Canal connecting Gyeonggi from Yuezhou. Therefore, Tianjin Wei has now become a transportation hub. It has also become an important military town to defend the capital.

The city wall of Tianjin Acropolis is tall, and because many rivers pass by, a deep moat was dug, so the city defense is still very strong.

After Jiang Chuan listened to Di Qing's introduction, he got up and walked to the front of the map to look at it. Di Qing also got up and walked over to point to the location of Tianjin Wei on the map and said in a deep voice: "My lord, besides the four gates in the southeast and northwest, there are also four gates in the city of Tianjin Wei. A water gate. Under this water gate, there is a grand canal leading directly to the city."

"If our army plans to attack the city tomorrow, the four gates on land will not be a problem. The problem lies in this water gate. If the enemy wants to escape by boat along the canal from the water gate, we can neither stop nor pursue them."

This is indeed a problem.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Chuan asked, "Now do you know how many ships are in the hands of the defenders in the city? These ships are cargo ships or passenger ships. Are there any armed ships that pose a threat?"

Di Qing said: "The last general has also questioned the captives, and I can confirm that the ships in the hands of the defenders in the city are cargo ships and passenger ships. When they went north along the canal, these ships were used to transport grain, goods, and women's relatives. of."

Hearing this, Jiang Chuan knew what was in his mind, and laughed loudly: "It seems that Tianjin Wei will soon be in our army."

Everyone was puzzled and looked at Jiang Chuan suspiciously, but Bai Shan was quick-witted and said anxiously: "My lord, but our navy has already completed?"

Suddenly, everyone looked at Jiang Chuan, waiting for him to announce the answer.

Jiang Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "Although the scale is not close to what the king expects, it is still enough to carry out this water interception mission to ensure that the enemy cannot escape by water."

What Jiang Chuan was talking about was the naval fleet currently being built in Shanhai Port.According to the speed of three ships per day, six days have passed now, and the entire navy already has eighteen armed transport ships.

These eighteen armed transport ships have a small draft, only a few hundred tons of displacement.Although it is impossible to sail on the ocean because it cannot withstand the strong winds and waves of the ocean, it can also be barely used in the offshore along the coastline.

If you want to drive in the river, it is the most suitable.These ships are neither big nor small, and there are twenty small cannons installed on them, which are not very easy to use against unarmed cargo ships or passenger ships.

Moreover, the surface of the canal is not very wide, but eighteen armed transport ships are enough to block and intercept the surface of the river.

After Jiang Chuan explained the situation, the three of Di Qing also became very excited, and they all said that tomorrow's siege battle was finally safe.

Baishan also suggested that armed transport ships be loaded with elite troops. Once the water gate of Tianjin Wei is breached, they can drive straight in along the canal, directly attack the city, and join forces with the army outside the city.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chuan felt that it was feasible, because after all, the navy's troops were good at water stations. Not only were there too few people in land battles, but they were also not good at it.

After searching carefully on the map, Jiang Chuan decided to board the guard battalion at a pier twenty miles away from Tianjin Wei on the canal, and then attacked with the navy.

After discussing some relevant details, several people returned to the headquarters to arrange tomorrow's affairs.

Jiang Chuan also recruited Bai Mu and asked him to take a few people back to Shanhai Port overnight, and arranged for the launched armed transport ship to pass through other inland rivers along the coastline and then turn into the canal, approaching Tianjin Wei.

Immediately after Bai Mu took the order, he took a few personal guards and set off overnight with torches.

 The old cat really overestimated himself. He stayed up late yesterday to explode the game, but today he thought he could fight the fifth watch again, but unexpectedly, he was seriously injured and unable to continue.The cow that was blown out in the morning can't be finished, so I can only make up for it next time.I can't take it anymore, I'm going to sleep after posting this chapter (cover my face)
(End of this chapter)

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