Chapter 378
The failure of Li Zicheng's main force stunned the Dashun Army stationed in Tianjin Wei.

From everyone's point of view, it was a matter of course and a certainty that Dashun Kingdom would replace the decadent Ming Dynasty.

But the reality gave everyone a big slap in the face. The Dashun Army, which had always been advancing triumphantly, was defeated, and it was a complete defeat.

The emperor of Dashun Kingdom, Li Zicheng, fled for his life in a panic, and the minor civil and military ministers of Dashun Kingdom were either killed or captured, or their whereabouts were unknown.

A pile of bad news came, so that the morale of the defenders of Tianjin Wei continued to decline.

Soldiers have already begun to desert, and people keep running away.First one or two, then a dozen, finally dozens, hundreds, and finally even a battalion of soldiers fleeing collectively.

Except for the few thousand old battalion soldiers under General Liu Fangliang who were considered elite, the defenders were all coerced refugees or surrendered Ming troops, and they had no combat effectiveness at all.

Not only did these soldiers start to flee, but some of them also set their sights on the goods and materials that the Dashun Army had stationed in the Tianjin Acropolis.

If Liu Fangliang hadn't seen the opportunity early and sent his deputy general and people to guard the pier in person, those rebels would have succeeded long ago.

After the two sides fought for a while, the rebels were unable to succeed and finally retreated.

Now Li Zicheng's life and death are unknown, and other civil and military ministers can't count on him. Although Liu Fangliang has been encouraging the soldiers on the surface, saying that Li Zicheng, the emperor of Dashun, is safe and sound, he will fight back with the West Route Army in two days. At least temporarily stabilize the situation. Did not make the situation more erosive.

But his heart was already burning with worry.

If he speaks for himself, it's easy to talk.It's just that in addition to a large amount of food, grass, materials and goods in this city, there are also the Empress Gao of the Dashun Kingdom, and the family members of other generals.

He can't ignore any of these goods and people. If something goes wrong, he won't be able to explain it to Li Zicheng in the future.

On the one hand, Liu Fangliang sent people to suppress the rebels and guard the gates of the cities, while anxiously thinking about the way out in his own camp.

What he is most worried about now is Li Zicheng's life and death.

If Li Zicheng was dead, it would be meaningless for him to continue to resist.He had no choice but to protect Queen Gao and others before the Jiang family army outside the city started to attack.

If Li Zicheng was still alive, he would have to stick to it.He knew that Li Zicheng had a deep affection for the Gao family, and he would never give up so much money easily.

As long as he can persist for a few days, maybe he can wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

However, the key question now is whether Li Zicheng is alive or dead?

No one could answer this question for him.

At this moment, a soldier came in and said anxiously: "General, the empress is here."

Liu Fangliang was startled, knowing that it was Li Zicheng's wife Gao Shi who came, and hurriedly took people out to greet her.

He knew that Gao must have come here to ask him about his countermeasures.

Although Gao is a woman, she is known as a female Zhuge. She has always been smart and shrewd. Even Li Zicheng would ask her for advice when he had many difficult decisions.

Therefore, the civil and military ministers of Dashun Kingdom still admire this empress.

Before Liu Fangliang reached the gate, he saw a group of people hurrying towards him.He was startled when he saw how these people were dressed.

The woman walking in the front is none other than Gao Shi. Although she is not tall, she does have some pretty looks.And there are three points of heroism and one part of domineering in the temperament.

At this moment, she is not wearing the queen's phoenix crown and xiapei, nor is she wearing the clothes of ordinary ladies, and she is dressed in a military uniform, with a helmet on top, and a sword in her hand. She looks like a female general.

The group of entourage behind her was also a group of female soldiers who also wore armor, each of them was dressed as a heroine, and Liu Fangliang was amazed to see it.

The most eye-catching one among these attendants is a tall and heroic young woman behind Gao, who is wearing a bright red dress, holding a long sword in her hand and wearing a bamboo hat.

This is of course Li Zicheng's general, Li Yan's wife Hong Niangzi, whose real name is Cui Yingying.

In other words, the red lady turned out to be a woman who went to the rivers and lakes to perform arts.Later, because he couldn't bear to be oppressed by rich and noble people, he took a few people up the mountain to fall into the grass.

Because of her bold nature and righteousness, she specialized in killing and looting those big officials, robbing the rich and helping the poor, so she was quite famous among the local poor people.

Later, Li Yan led his troops to pass by, learned of Hong Niangzi's deeds, and sent people to recruit him. When Hong Niangzi fell in love with Li Yan at first sight, she led her people to surrender to the Dashun Army, and followed Li Yan to fight for Li Zicheng.

The red lady is highly skilled in martial arts, bold and meticulous in her work, so she was appointed by Li Zicheng to protect the safety of Empress Gao.So it was able to appear here.

Seeing Gao's group dressed like this, Liu Fangliang secretly groaned in his heart, but he was not in a hurry to think about anything, and hurried forward to bow down: "The last general Liu Fangliang pays homage to the empress..."

"What time is it, don't come here with such nonsense." Before he could finish speaking, Gao interrupted him.

Liu Fangliang was a little embarrassed, got up hastily, and heard Gao asked: "Is there any news from the emperor?"

Liu Fangliang shook his head and said: "The end general has sent more than a dozen waves of people to look for them, but most of them haven't come back since they went out. The few waves of people who came back said that the enemy's rangers outside the city blocked it very tightly. It’s impossible to go west. It’s not good, empress, don’t worry, your majesty will be fine. Your majesty is surrounded by General Li Yan and the Imperial Forest Army. Although you are defeated for a while, your majesty will be safe and sound. I will continue to send people in the end looking for His Majesty."

In fact, Liu Fangliang didn't really believe these words, but he could only use these words to comfort Gao for the time being.

When Gao heard this, a look of extreme disappointment really appeared on his face.Even the red lady next to her turned pale, she was worried about Li Yan's safety.

However, Mrs. Gao has something extraordinary, and quickly put away the disappointment on his face, but said seriously: "General Liu, I will not say anything unnecessary. The emperor has been fighting with swords, lights and swords for more than ten years. How many times have he been in danger, and finally turned into good luck, I believe he will be fine this time. We have to plan for ourselves now. I don’t know General Liu, do you think we can hold Tianjin Guard?"

After finishing speaking, she stared at Liu Fangliang with burning eyes, and the red lady also put away her sad look, and looked at him solemnly.

 There is one more.

(End of this chapter)

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