old love back

Chapter 106 Analyzing Yuan's Electric Chapter

Chapter 106 Analyzing Yuan's Phone Call
You Ge was squatting, with his hair hanging down, the child grabbed his hand and stuffed it into his mouth, and he opened his mouth to bite. The grandma couldn't help but hold the child's little hand, for fear that he would hurt You Ge.

Love to pull the hair of adults, this is almost 99% of the children have in common, and You Ge felt the pain of the scratched scalp at the moment, but she was not angry, still looked at the little boy with a smile, and said softly: "This hair is inedible..."

The little boy looked at You Ge with wide eyes, but he didn't relax his hands, and kept laughing... Of course, the child didn't mean anything malicious, but he just thought the hair was fun. He didn't know what the adults meant, so he held on to it tightly.

The old grandma became a little anxious, and coaxed the child to let go, but it was useless. The child just grabbed You Ge's hair and held it tighter and tighter.He felt that he was playing with You Ge, and he didn't understand why the adults didn't allow him to play?

If it was someone else, I'm afraid he would have gotten angry a long time ago. Anyone whose hair has been scratched by a child knows how painful it is, but You Ge didn't show any signs of anger, just patiently waiting for the child to let go.

"Oh little ancestor, if you want to grab it, just grab my hair, don't grab Auntie's, let go!" The old grandma broke the child's hand vigorously, saying sorry to You Ge repeatedly.

In fact, You Ge really didn't mind this matter, it's normal for a child to be naughty, but seeing the old grandma breaking the child's hand like this, You Ge felt distressed.

You Ge endured the pain from the scalp, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't break his hand, for fear of hurting him... I... I'm fine, I can bear it..."

Such a cute baby, how can You Ge lose his temper, it's too late to like it.

The old grandma felt more and more guilty when she heard You Ge say this. She never expected to meet such a good woman. She was even more anxious when she was grateful. of.

At this time, a man's hand was stretched out out of nowhere, holding a mobile phone, and a cartoon was playing on the screen of the mobile phone, which immediately attracted the children's attention.

With something more fun than hair, the child really let go of You Ge's hair and looked at the phone excitedly...

You Ge raised his eyes in surprise, and unexpectedly bumped into a pair of bright eyes, a familiar face, what a surprise!
"Xu Yan, why are you here?" You Ge was shocked, never expecting to see Xu Yan here.

Xu Yan still had that hippie smile on his face, and he said shyly, "I came in time, your hair is saved."

After staying for a few seconds, You Ge smiled suddenly, as if all the distance disappeared in this smile, she was very pleased that Xu Yan took the initiative to find her, which means that the friendship between the two is still there.

The old lady quickly thanked her, and when she returned the phone to Xu Yan, she added a sentence: "Your girlfriend is really a good person, young man, you are very lucky."

That's right, the grandma regards You Ge and Xu Yan as a couple, the handsome man and the beautiful woman, she thinks they are a good match.

You Ge didn't think too much, just subconsciously said: "We are friends..."

Xu Yan, on the other hand, was noncommittal, and deliberately approached her, smiling ambiguously, which made people have a kind of speculation that wanted to cover up.

The old grandma laughed out loud, thinking that You Ge was shy, and she was also experienced, so she naturally knew what a woman was thinking.

After the old and the young left, Xu Yan still had a happy expression on his face, just because he heard the word "girlfriend" earlier and was secretly amused.

You Ge stared at Xu Yan curiously, and asked puzzledly, "You're smiling a little silly, is there any happy event?"

happy event?Well, it is indeed a happy event, Rong Xiyuan took another woman to go abroad, isn't this a happy event for Xu Yan?

But in this case, he can only say it in his stomach.

"Ahem... that... how are you doing recently?"

When You Ge heard this, the brightness in her eyes dimmed a bit, her mind was complicated, she didn't know how to answer Xu Yan's question, she couldn't explain it in one word.

Xu Yan pretended not to know anything. He felt that You Ge would not want to bring up sad things now, so it would be better to change the topic altogether.

"The weather is nice today, shall we go out for a picnic?"

You Ge was slightly taken aback, and was about to answer, when suddenly a strong wind blew across the river, and when he looked up, there was a large cloud of dark clouds floating in the sky not far away... Isn't the weather changing too fast?
"Xu Yan, it might rain today..."

Xu Yan stared straight at the dark clouds, feeling so depressed in his heart, is God playing tricks on me?I just said that I wanted to go on an outing, but what about such a big reaction?
"Xu Yan, are you not angry?" You Ge asked tentatively, blinking his big eyes.

Xu Yan immediately put on a straight face, pretending to be angry: "Who said I'm not angry? Didn't you notice that I've lost weight recently? It's because of you. However, I'm still a man, I'm generous, no I got into trouble with you, but I can't forgive you so lightly, so even though it's not possible to go on an outing, let's have lunch instead."

"Pfft..." You Ge couldn't help laughing: "You are still so narcissistic, how can anyone boast that you are generous, in fact, you are stingy."

"What? You say I'm stingy? You... have no conscience!"

"Okay, okay, you're big, big, okay? Big doctor Xu, what would you like to eat for lunch? Beef noodles? Fried rice noodles? Meat buns?" You Ge's playful expression was full of spirit, and he seemed to be serious when he said it .

"What? Are you going to invite me to eat these? Are you embarrassed?" Xu Yan showed a look of disdain, but the love in his eyes was so strong that it couldn't be deceived. In fact, he didn't care what to eat. The key is who to eat with.

Of course You Ge knew that Xu Yan was just talking about it, not really disgusted.

"What's the matter with me, I'm unemployed now, you should know, if you want me to treat you, then keep everything simple."

"Really, no wonder the ancients said that only women and villains are difficult to raise!"

"Then do you want to eat?"

"Eat, why not eat? As long as you ask, I will eat anything."


In fact, Xu Yan's words mean "as long as you are with me, everything is delicious".

The two were talking and laughing as before, as if the unhappiness had never happened, and the relaxed and carefree laughter was flying in the sky. On this refreshing morning, You Ge was finally no longer alone.

Xu Yan didn't launch a fierce offensive all at once. He felt that he had to at least get close to You Ge before he could make further progress. He didn't want to chase and beat You Ge to scare him away.

Neither You Ge nor Xu Yan knew that their every movement was recorded and sent to Rong Xiyuan who was far away in country M. This is of course the specialty of the bodyguards.

Country M, Ward.

This is a spacious, bright and well-equipped ward. In addition to the exclusive bed for the patient, there will also be a small but comfortable accompanying bed.

Near the window, the woman lying on the hospital bed closed her eyes tightly. Her pale and delicate facial features resembled the princess in "Sleeping Beauty". She was so unreal and extremely fragile, as if she might fall into an eternal dark sleep at any time. wake up.

Her breathing is vague, and her thin body is just a little ball under the quilt, but even so, her beauty is enough to make a man's heart beat, and it is accompanied by distress.

Rong Xiyuan was waiting for Sister Ling outside the operating room. He clearly remembered the worries and fears in his heart at that time. He sincerely prayed that Sister Ling could tide over the difficulties. What he was most afraid of was that the doctor would tell the cruel news.

Fortunately, sister Ling survived and the operation was successful. From now on, she can get rid of the shadow of death and live a normal life.

Rong Xiyuan stared at the person on the hospital bed quietly, his hanging heart finally let go.

Recently, he hasn't had a peaceful sleep, Rong Xiyuan has developed dark circles under his eyes, and now that Sister Ling is recuperating, he is not so tired and can take a breather.

Rong Xiyuan didn't contact You Ge for half a month because he felt that You Ge needed to calm down, and maybe he could understand him after calming down.But he is not indifferent, he receives news and photos from bodyguards and Tong Jin every day, all about You Ge.

At this moment, he was staring at the photo in his mobile phone, his face was extremely dark.The photo was the scene of You Ge and Xu Yan on the lawn by the river, which was taken by the bodyguards.

In the photo, You Ge smiled sweetly and brilliantly, and the man beside her was looking at her so affectionately and intently... How can this calm someone down?
Originally, Rong Xiyuan thought that You Ge should calm down, and when her anger subsides, she can almost start talking, but she didn't expect that she seemed to be fine?Could it be that he is being self-indulgent?Could it be that You Ge and Xu Yan are very happy together?
Rong Xiyuan stared at the photos on the phone, clusters of flames were scurrying in his eyes, and there was a surge of restlessness in his body.

At this time, Shen Zhao came in, and suddenly felt something was wrong, seeing Rong Xiyuan's expression, Shen Zhao knew something was wrong.Carefully glanced at Rong Xiyuan's cell phone, Shen Zhao suddenly understood what was going on.

This guy leaned close to Rong Xiyuan's ear, and said embarrassingly, "Young Mistress may just be depressed and want to talk to someone..."

Rong Xiyuan didn't even lift his eyelids, and his voice was low and cold: "If she's looking for someone to talk to, then why doesn't she look for Tong Jin, but Xu Yan?"

"...This...maybe I just ran into Xu Yan by accident." Shen Zhao was still trying to smooth things over.

Rong Xiyuan sneered, and suddenly put the phone aside...

"Xu Yan's home is a little far away from mine. He doesn't want to run so far away early in the morning." Rong Xiyuan's words were a bit sour. He observed carefully and recognized where it was at a glance. You Ge is still wearing sportswear.

Shen Zhao really didn't know how to comfort him this time, maybe Rong Xiyuan didn't need comfort.

"Hey...Young Master, you can call Young Mistress and take care of her."

"Concern? I don't think there is any need for it. Isn't she very happy now? Let her go." Rong Xiyuan's cold tone inevitably made people question and feel angry.

Shen Zhao shook his head secretly, he didn't think that Rong Xiyuan really thought so in his heart, but it was not easy to expose it with his mouth, so he could only make sidelines.

"Young master... That Xu Yan has a rich family, he is a doctor himself, and he is also good-looking... He also meets the high standards for women looking for a husband in every aspect. What if... what if he attacks violently? Young mistress is angry again now, if..." Shen Zhao observed his words while speaking, his meaning was already very clear.

Rong Xiyuan slammed his eyes across the eye: "You mean if she is chased by Xu Yan?"

Shen Zhao didn't dare to nod or shake his head. When the young master had a black face, his aura was indeed too scary.

The corner of Rong Xiyuan's mouth curled up with a hint of disdain: "If she is chased away by other men when I'm not around, it only shows that she is not determined enough. If Xu Yan can replace my existence, then my existence will be useless." significance."

(End of this chapter)

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