old love back

Chapter 107

Chapter 107
When Shen Zhao heard this, he was startled at first, and then began to reflect on these few words. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the young master was right!

"Young master, you are better!" Shen Zhao gave a thumbs up flatteringly, with a look of admiration on his face.

But in the next second, Rong Xiyuan stood up and told Shen Zhao: "You take care of it first, I'm going out to buy something."


Rong Xiyuan went out, but he wasn't shopping... This guy hurried down the stairs in a hurry, stopped on the lawn, took out his phone, and dialed it with one key...

Even seeing the photos, how could he resist calling?
When You Ge saw the caller ID, she was cooking in the kitchen of Xu Yan's house. She had agreed to have lunch with Xu Yan at noon. She originally wanted to eat at an outside restaurant, but Xu Yan said that it would be better to buy vegetables in the supermarket and cook at home.

You Ge is also a diligent person, there is nothing wrong with doing it yourself, she readily agreed, and is busy now.

When You Ge saw Rong Xiyuan's call, he was in a very restless mood, and he didn't answer it immediately, because his mind was a little messed up... The hateful man obviously hurt her, but he can always accurately affect her emotions.

You Ge doesn't like being so passive, she thinks she should be more chic.

Picking up the phone, You Ge greeted cheerfully: "Hi, Mr. Rong, are you so free today? What can you do?"

This tone, this title...successfully stimulated the man on the other end of the phone!

Rong Xiyuan gritted his teeth... Well, she sounds very happy, and she is also called Mr. Rong, is she so unfamiliar on purpose?In short, he sounds harsh!
"Where are you now? Who are you with? What are you doing?" Rong Xiyuan asked a series of questions, with a hard tone, who would feel comfortable listening to them.

In fact, he knew everything, but he asked this on purpose, just to test whether You Ge would answer honestly.

You Ge is open-minded, of course he can answer directly.

"I'm at Xu Yan's house, we're going to have lunch, what, do you have something to do?"

Her relaxed tone made Rong Xiyuan uncomfortable, especially the phrase "we".

"At Xu Yan's house? You're really brave. I warned you not to get too close to Xu Yan. You ignored everything? Don't forget that you are a married woman!" Emphasize the last four words.

"Haha, what a joke, now that I know I have a husband? Why do you seem to forget that you are my husband when you took a woman to country M? You don't allow me to have dinner with my friends, so did you ask me in advance if I allow it? What do you do? Rong Xiyuan, don’t eat from the bowl and look into the pot. Whoever is next to you now, you just live with them. Don’t care who is next to me now. It has nothing to do with you. How about it, I It's generous enough, as a man, you should applaud." When You Ge said these words, her heart was bleeding, and it hurt so much, but she didn't beg him, but stabbed her own wound with a knife, so Self-abuse is nothing more than to make herself suffer more thoroughly, her self-esteem does not allow her to beg for mercy from anyone.

If love can only be obtained by humble begging, she would rather not have it!
There was a short silence on Rong Xiyuan's side, he was silent, You Ge couldn't guess his thoughts and expressions, but she felt that what she said just now was very happy, although she was in pain, it could still stimulate him to some extent.

"Very well, it seems that I underestimated you. Even without my company, you can live in such a chic way. Should I wish you well? Hehe...you can do it yourself." Rong Xiyuan hung up after finishing speaking. broken.

You Ge was stunned, his sneer still lingered in her ears, and the familiar voice eroded her heart bit by bit.

No one is willing to bow their heads first, no one is willing to speak soft words first, and no one is willing to lower their stance first... In this situation, many people who have experienced it will regret their actions at that time afterwards. There is no chance to come back.

Everyone has arrogance in their hearts, sometimes it is very strong, and they will become hedgehogs, unable to listen to each other's words, let alone think calmly.Mingming wanted to eliminate the barrier and distance in his heart, but he would not open his mouth first, but used all kinds of grievances and noises as the norm, and the final result was that both sides would suffer, and no one would have a good time.

You Ge felt that Rong Xiyuan hurt her, but Rong Xiyuan thought that he did nothing wrong in protecting Sister Ling. In his mind, You Ge should understand and tolerate, but half a month had passed, and she not only He didn't take the initiative to call to listen to his explanation, but got so close to Xu Yan. Apart from disappointment, he was more troubled and angry.

He has never been in a relationship, never had a girlfriend, his life before meeting You Ge was gray, so now his marriage with You Ge is on the rocks, he will still act according to his usual style, even Will not take the initiative to coax, will not say something to make women happy.

You Ge is very similar to Rong Xiyuan, she is obviously suffering in her heart and can't forget him, but she just won't take the initiative to speak out or call to save something, she may be waiting for Rong Xiyuan to take that step first, but Rong The way of analyzing Yuan was not acceptable to her, so that she couldn't hear that he was angry when he said on the phone just now.

Love, marriage, these are the lessons that everyone should learn in their whole life.Although You Ge and Rong Xiyuan have feelings, they lack tolerance and understanding in getting along.There is still a long way for the two of them to go to achieve the real "friendship".

You Ge held a mobile phone in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other, feeling indignant and indignant, but how to vent this emotion?The most hateful thing is that she hasn't completely cut off her love for Rong Xiyuan yet, what can she do to cut off her love with a sword?

You Ge raised the kitchen knife, aimed at the meat on the chopping board and slaughtered it!
"Rong Xiyuan, you bastard, are you really going away for so long and not coming back? I'll give you another week, and if you don't come back again, I'll leave with Xiangxiang's family!" You Ge said to himself angrily Rong Xiyuan, who was far away in country M, just sneezed at this moment.

"You Ge must be cursing me..." Rong Xiyuan smiled wryly, rubbing his nose, quite helpless, not at all as strong as before.

In fact, he has been too tired recently, and his mental state is not very good. Every time he feels irritable, he will take out his mobile phone and look through the photos inside.

It was a photo of You Ge and Xiang Xiang, one person and one dog are very harmonious, You Ge's bright smile and Xiang Xiang's adorable appearance, I really never get tired of seeing it.Every time Rong Xiyuan read it, he seemed to gain a little strength, and his mood improved a little, but Yu Ge didn't know about this...

Some of the photos in Rongyan Yuan’s cell phone were taken without You Ge’s knowledge, and some were secretly taken by him. For example, one of them shows You Ge taking a bath with a dog. The dog mischievously splashed water on her clothes. She pretended to be angry with her mouth, but she lovingly touched the dog's head with her hands. Her expression was so cute and vivid that people couldn't help but want to touch her soft lips...

There is also a picture of You Ge falling asleep and dreaming. She doesn't know what she dreamed of, but puts her hand in her mouth, like a gluttonous child... and she just came out of the shower and wiped her hair in pajamas. When she ate, she gorged herself happily...

You Ge itself is an existence that is difficult to ignore. Although she never pays attention to deliberately expressing her presence, her natural beauty and her pure and kind aura are like a soft and bright pearl in the dark night, and its luster shines through people's hearts.

Rong Xiyuan's cold expression only reveals gentleness and tenderness unconsciously when he sees these photos.He was so engrossed in watching, naturally he would not notice that the person on the hospital bed had woken up.

Rong Xiyuan felt a shadow cast around her, and subconsciously raised her eyes to see that Sister Ling was already standing beside her, looking at his mobile phone, smiling, and said softly: "You Ge is so beautiful..."

Rong Xiyuan didn't speak, but the arc of his mouth can see the pride in his heart... Yes, You Ge is beautiful, a beauty that is pleasing to the eye, beauty from the inside out.He knew it as early as a few years ago when he first met You Ge.

Although Sister Ling has had surgery for more than ten days, her body is still very weak, her voice is very thin, and her spirit is very poor, but her smile is a little more fragile, even if a man with a hard heart sees it. Feel sorry for this woman.

Rong Xiyuan caught a glimpse of Sister Ling's face changing, turned around and ran to the bathroom, and then she vomited.Rong Xiyuan hurriedly put down his phone and went in, seeing Sister Ling lying on the sink with a painful expression...

This is the vomiting caused by the side effects of the medicine. It is a normal scene but it is quite painful. I have to use a variety of medicines every day, and my body is under heavy load. I was not discharged so quickly.

Sister Ling is a very clean woman, even if she just vomits a little water, she has to rinse her mouth before returning to bed.

Rong Xiyuan prepared all the toothpaste and toothbrush for her, and she rinsed her mouth in the mirror with a dull expression, muttering in her mouth: "I am so ugly now... I can't even bear to look at myself."

After hearing this, Rong Xiyuan couldn't help feeling quite helpless. Sister Ling is a Virgo, with a strong tendency towards perfectionism and certain obsessive-compulsive disorder. If she is asked to face her haggard and sickly appearance, she feels like a thorn in her throat. No matter how you look at her, she is not pleasing to the eye, especially her bald head at this moment.

"Who says ugly, do you want me to help you out to see people in other wards? So that you can compare what is sick. You just shaved your head, only you think it is ugly. I didn't hear what the doctor said about your current appearance today. Does it look cool?"

"Cool?" Sister Ling was amused again, she never thought that she could have anything to do with this word.

Sister Ling's dark blue pupils contained a trace of imperceptible envy: "Xiyuan, no wonder you can marry such a good woman as You Ge. Your mouth is really comforting. Fortunately, you are here these days." Accompany and comfort me, otherwise my life will be even more difficult, and a day in the hospital is really like three autumns."

Rong Xiyuan raised his eyebrows noncommittally... It seems that You Ge was not coaxed by him, he didn't coax them when they got married, he relied on "threats".

It is true that Rong Xiyuan is a strange person, very elusive.He is not so comforting to You Ge. The more he sees her unhappy or sad, the more irritable he becomes, the less he will comfort her gently and softly, and sometimes he will treat her hard on purpose, but not really I don't care, maybe he is not used to the way of getting along between husband and wife, maybe he just has an incomprehensible way of expressing his feelings.

"Xiyuan, when can I be discharged from the hospital? It's so boring to stay here, I really want to go out for a walk, but at most I can only take a walk on the lawn behind, it's really hard." Sister Ling acted a little childish at this time, with Show obvious expectations.

"Let's see how it recovers in a few days."

"..." Sister Ling sighed faintly: "I really want to eat hot pot, I want to eat spicy chicken, and I want to eat the beef rice noodles opposite the orphanage... I haven't had a good meal for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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