old love back

Chapter 113 Climb over the wall and enter!

Chapter 113 Climb over the wall and enter!

Rong Xiyuan felt Sister Ling's thoughts, like the care of the elders, which made him feel more cordial, as if he had returned to the days of the orphanage, Sister Ling would always think of everyone.

"I'm fine, but because I went to country M for a while, I'll be a little busy when I just come back, and I'll be relieved in a few days. Of course Tong Jin can help me, but under normal circumstances, Tong Jin doesn't need to do anything. When I need him, I will naturally tell him."

Sister Ling heard this, not only did not loosen her brows, but she frowned even tighter: "Hey... I can't help you when I see you working hard. As a person with only a junior high school education, I often have more than I can do. Insufficient... Xiyuan, do you think Sister Ling is useless?"

Rong Xiyuan smiled: "Sister Ling, you are worrying too much. Educational background really doesn't represent everything. You are not useless. You just need to rest temporarily. Take good care of your body before making other plans. Why did you forget what we said Do you want your dream? You still need to pick up the burden of the orphanage, but you have to wait until those who chased you are uprooted, so that your safety is no problem, you can walk out of this villa, and then what do you want to do? It will be all right."

Sister Ling was a little excited, she was touched by the prospect described by Rong Xiyuan, with longing and expectation in her eyes, she nodded heavily: "Okay, I will take care of myself, I want to live a good life, I wait I hope that one day my dream will come true, and then I will be able to help more children..."

Spiritual encouragement and tension are the source of motivating Sister Ling to cheer up.

Seeing Sister Ling's determination, Rong Xiyuan knew that he had once again deepened Sister Ling's longing for the future, which would help her take care of herself, let her see hope, and let her know that waiting and forbearance are all worth it.

Rong Xiyuan finished drinking a bowl of soup and took a few mouthfuls of vegetables. When he saw the rice, Rong Xiyuan frowned subconsciously, and he didn't know what he thought of.Sister Ling was perceptive and noticed the change in Rong Xiyuan's expression, she couldn't help asking with concern: "What's the matter?"

Rong Xiyuan shook his head and said it was nothing, but his hands just didn't go to hold the rice for a long time.

"It would be great if I could have a bowl of porridge..." Rong Xiyuan thought in his heart, but didn't say anything.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the back door of the living room... From the corner of Rong Xiyuan's eyes, he saw someone coming in.

It's You Ge!
You Ge was wearing a pink and green nightdress, with a pretty youthful face filled with a touching smile, holding something in his hand, and said sweetly...

"Husband, I made porridge, do you want to eat it?" You Ge said and had already come to him, sat down next to him, holding the bowl in his hand.

Pumpkin porridge?
Rong Xi couldn't hide the surprise on Yuan Jun's face, and his dark eyes lit up for a moment... At first, he thought that You Ge wouldn't care when he came back, and he was still disappointed, but now he feels sweet in his heart, this Definitely a wonderful gift!

Rong Xiyuan didn't say anything, he took the bowl and gulped it down, drank half of the bowl in one gulp before putting it down, it can be seen from his expression that he is very satisfied.

You Ge's eyes were looking at Sister Ling, and Sister Ling was also looking at her.The two women's eyes met many complicated and difficult messages that only women can understand.

And half of the reason why You Ge cooks the porridge and brings it so close to Rong Xiyuan is to show Sister Ling.You Ge has a little selfishness, and she finally figured out one thing - a fool would quarrel with Rong Xiyuan at such a time, and that would only push him towards Sister Ling!What she should do is to show the demeanor that a hostess should have, and treat Rong Xiyuan better, so as not to give other women an opportunity to take advantage of her!
You Ge is quite smart this time, it is indeed her wise choice to figure this out in time.

Sister Ling was stunned at first, her blue eyes flickering, she couldn't tell whether it was happiness or worry, but she just returned to normal after a slight loss of consciousness, and said with a kind smile: "Are you You Ge? We just met officially now, I'm really sorry, I'm Xiyuan's friend in the orphanage, you can call me Sister Ling. I'm going to bother you here recently, please take care of me."

With that said, Sister Ling bowed to You Ge, which was a very polite greeting.

The other party is like this, of course You Ge can't be rude. Similarly, she also smiled and said in a sweet voice: "Sister Ling, please don't be polite. Since my husband calls you sister, you are also my sister. It’s a family, so why bother to talk about it, don’t worry if you live here, just let me know if you need anything, and I’ll make arrangements for it. My husband said that your body is still recovering, so I’ll ask the servants to make you more nourishing soup in the future Drink and drink, tell the kitchen directly if you want to eat, anyway, Sister Ling treats this place as her own home."

Tsk tsk, You Ge's words truly reflect the demeanor of the hostess, even Rong Xiyuan couldn't help but look at her with admiration, secretly giving her a thumbs up!

Sister Ling nodded gratefully, stepped forward to hold You Ge's hand, her kind and amiable appearance really resembled a family!

But a woman's intuition is very strange. When You Ge looked into Sister Ling's eyes, for some reason, she always felt like something was covering her. She couldn't tell what it was. Maybe it was because she didn't fully accept Sister Ling, Because of Rong Xiyuan's face, he wanted to prevent further conflicts in this family.

Sister Ling's hands are very cold, I don't know if it's because of her body or something else, You Ge looked at the woman in front of her, but couldn't feel the warmth, as if there was a layer of membrane...

Rong Xiyuan just buried his head in drinking the porridge, and he was still thinking. He thought that You Ge didn't care whether he came home or not, but he didn't expect that she had already cooked the porridge. It seems that she still cared about him.

Rong Xiyuan couldn't help chuckling, as if the porridge was getting sweeter.

Sister Ling was also a little surprised. She originally thought that You Ge would stay in the fence and would not come out, but unexpectedly she was cooking porridge in the house. Seeing that Rong Xiyuan was eating with gusto, she must be very satisfied. The relationship between him and You Ge The relationship between them has eased, shouldn't she be happy for him?
You Ge stared at Rong Xiyuan, seeing him drinking porridge as if he was eating the best delicacy, she was also very relieved in her heart, but she was watching Sister Ling from the corner of her eye, and she didn't find that Sister Ling had What's unusual, with a gentle smile and kind eyes, when he looked at Rong Xiyuan, it was as if he was looking at a junior.

You Ge couldn't help thinking to himself: Eyes are the windows of the soul. If Sister Ling has unreasonable thoughts about Rong Xiyuan, she should be able to observe a little bit in her eyes, but she hasn't seen anything wrong yet. Is it too much to worry about?
Of course, You Ge doesn't want a woman with ulterior motives to live in her family. She will observe carefully until she is sure that Sister Ling's affection for Rong Xiyuan is just family affection.

You Ge's actions just now, as well as her polite greeting with Sister Ling, these will add points to Rong Xiyuan's heart, let him see the demeanor of being a hostess, and see that You Ge is finally willing to walk out of the fence , he realized that his explanation to You Ge this morning was not in vain.

This dinner, Rong Xiyuan had a very refreshing meal, and You Ge officially met with Sister Ling.This family seems to be harmonious, but how much of it is true and how much is false, only time will tell.

Although You Ge made it clear that she would not force Rong Xiyuan away from her at such a critical moment, but she didn't intend to let him go to sleep tonight, so she closed the door anyway, but can this really stop him? ?
After You Ge appeared as the hostess, he returned to the room in a short while, ready to go to bed, but soon after lying down, he heard movement outside, and opened the door curiously...

I saw a figure of a man appearing on the top of the wall, riding on the wall, holding the ladder in his hand, putting it on the ground, and then slowly climbing down and climbing.

You Ge put his hands on his hips, stared at him with round almond eyes, and said angrily on his small face, "Rong Xiyuan, when did you learn to be a thief!"

Rong Xiyuan was two steps away from landing on the ladder. Hearing this, he turned his head and smiled at You Ge: "The whole villa is my home. I just came in in a different way. How can I be considered a thief?"

It's really rare to be so thick-skinned!
You Ge was speechless, lost his mind slightly, and the figure in front of him flickered, and Rong Xiyuan had already rushed in!
I thought I could sleep on the bed like this, but I only heard You Ge say solemnly: "If you must sleep, you can sleep on the sofa."


The corner of Rong Xiyuan's mouth twitched, and his steps froze.

You Ge rolled his eyes at him: "Yes, you sleep on the sofa, otherwise I'll go out and sleep upstairs."

"..." Rong Xiyuan was at a loss for words, feeling very frustrated, he had no choice but to fight You Ge, her tricks became more and more powerful, and he was almost overwhelmed.

After being stunned for a while, Rong Xiyuan finally could only sigh, and went to sleep on the sofa.

You Ge was lying on the bed, baring his teeth at him: "Hmph, I warn you, don't climb into my bed in the middle of the night. Once I find out, I will go to sleep outside immediately!"

"..." Rong Xiyuan was depressed again, that's right, that's what he thought, he wanted to climb into bed while You Ge fell asleep, but now she was warned in advance.

If it were the previous Rong Xiyuan, he would have ignored You Ge's warning at all, but after so many things, Rong Xiyuan's temper has gradually changed a bit, just like now, although he forced his way in, He didn't treat Yu Ge rudely, he slept on the sofa honestly.If he really wants to use his strength, his strength can definitely overwhelm You Ge, but he doesn't want to be like before, he already knows how to respect each other.

On You Ge's bed, next to her is the robot teddy bear. She sleeps in her arms, replacing Rong Xiyuan's position. She rests on the teddy bear and sleeps soundly. Soon, her breathing becomes even. .

Rong Xiyuan didn't fall asleep all the time, he got up from the sofa lightly, walked to You Ge's side, didn't lie down, but just covered her with the quilt to avoid catching cold.

He didn't return to the sofa immediately, but stood in front of the bed in a daze, then bent down after a while, and tapped her forehead lightly... But how is that enough?
Rong Xiyuan stared at the little person in front of him in a daze. Her pink mouth was pouting, she was extremely cute, and the fragrance from her body was familiar to him, bewitching his nerves.Only when she was asleep, the light in his eyes would soften, and the light in his eyes would be filled with starlight.

(End of this chapter)

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