old love back

Chapter 114 The Attempt

Chapter 114 The Attempt
A servant's urgent call came from outside the courtyard wall: "Mister...Mister...It's not good, Miss Ling fainted!"

When the servant yelled, the thunderous atmosphere in the room instantly cooled down. You Ge's heart skipped a beat. The next second, Rong Xiyuan got up, tidied his clothes, and ran out in a hurry. Forgot to explain to You Ge: "I'll go and see!"

You Ge stared blankly at his back, facing the empty room, the gap in his heart was too great... Just now he was so enthusiastic that he almost wanted to eat her, but now, the servant said that Sister Ling fainted Then, he disappeared like a gust of wind, as if everything just now was just her hallucination?
But You Ge is not a vicious person after all, so she quickly put on her nightgown to see what happened to Sister Ling.

Rong Xiyuan rushed to Sister Ling's room at a very fast speed, saw her fainted on the sofa, her eyes were closed tightly, her face was pale, she rushed over nervously to help Sister Ling's thin body, shook her gently, and said in a low voice. Calling her name, pinching her "renzhong" hard.

After such a hard pinch, Sister Ling finally woke up slowly, let out a long sigh of relief, and raised her eyelids with difficulty...

"I... what happened to me just now... I lost consciousness all of a sudden..." Sister Ling was weak all over, and spoke very reluctantly.

Rong Xiyuan felt relieved, and said with pity: "It's okay, the doctor said, this is a side effect of your medication some time ago, and you are likely to faint suddenly within the next half month, as long as there are people around you at all times Just take care..."

It turned out to be the effect of drugs.

You Ge just arrived at the door of the room. Hearing these words, she couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic.Because she knows what it feels like, and the medicine she took during the treatment of brain injury also has side effects, and Sister Ling is very similar to her in this respect.

You Ge stood silently behind Rong Xiyuan, didn't speak, just watched quietly, unable to tell what it was like... Seeing a woman lying in her husband's arms, although she knew that Sister Ling was in poor health, But at this moment, You Ge still couldn't help feeling sour.

But is she going to argue with such a fragile person?

Sometimes, You Ge really wished that he was a cruel person and didn't want to be a kind person, but the deep-rooted things in his bones could not be changed.Even though she wanted so much to pull Sister Ling out of Rong Xiyuan's embrace, she still held back thinking that Sister Ling was so weak.

When Rong Xiyuan saw You Ge, he didn't think much about it, he just said casually, "Pour a glass of water."

You Ge was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and went out to pour water.

You Ge repeatedly persuaded himself not to be too narrow-minded. Sister Ling is just a person whose body has not yet recovered and needs someone to take care of her.

Soon, the water came, and Rong Xiyuan had already put Sister Ling on the bed. Sister Ling's face was still frighteningly pale, her lips were bloodless, and her mental state was even more lethargic. A long time.In the words of traditional Chinese medicine, it means...severe deficiency of qi and blood.

Sister Ling was trembling slightly, Rong Xiyuan took the cup from Singer You, put one arm around Sister Ling's neck, and was about to feed her water, but You Ge was ahead of him.

"Let me do it!" You Ge couldn't help but put his arms around Sister Ling's neck and brought the water to her lips.

You Ge didn't know if she was delusional, as if for a moment she saw a hint of disappointment flashing in Sister Ling's eyes?
How can you be disappointed?Is it because You Ge is feeding water instead of Rong Xiyuan?This idea is fleeting in You Ge's mind, and it seems that it is not possible after thinking about it, maybe she is wrong.

Sister Ling lay down after drinking two sips of water, Rong Xiyuan was worried and had to wait for Sister Ling to fall asleep before leaving. You Ge was not stupid this time, he just stayed here with her.

The so-called, the heart of defense is indispensable.You Ge would not be so stupid as to allow Rong Xiyuan and Sister Ling to be alone in the same room in the middle of the night. She would rather go to bed late and watch over it. It is always good to take precautions.

Rong Xiyuan seemed to be able to understand You Ge's thoughts, he didn't say anything, and let her go.

After Sister Ling fell asleep, Rong Xiyuan and You Ge went downstairs and went back to the room inside the wall to rest.

The moonlight is beautiful, and the fragrance of flowers exudes in the quiet garden, which penetrates into the nose, making people feel refreshed and happy, and they can't help but want to breathe more of the fresh air at this moment.

Both Rong Xiyuan and You Ge were silent, the atmosphere was a bit stiff, until they walked into the wall and closed the door, Rong Xiyuan hugged You Ge...

"Look, the moon is so big tonight..."

You Ge looked at the sky subconsciously, but found that the moon was still curved, how could it be big?

"Your eyesight is not good? This is clearly the sickle moon."

"Cough cough..." Rong Xiyuan coughed twice, Jun's face became slightly hot... Trying to heighten the atmosphere, but the words were inappropriate.

"Well... we can actually sit together and watch the moon. I suddenly want to have a drink, do you want to come together?" Rong Xiyuan put his arms around You Ge domineeringly, ignoring her struggle.

You Ge stared at him, and said angrily: "I'm not that stupid, don't take the opportunity to get me drunk and do that kind of thing, I won't be fooled."

"Huh? When did you become so clever? You saw through all of this..." Rong Xiyuan pretended to be surprised, but in fact he looked confident.


Rong Xiyuan leaned into her ear and said, "I won't force you to drink, you can only drink if you want, how about it?"

You Ge originally wanted to refuse, but then he thought again, since he doesn't drink, why should she be afraid?She is not a cowardly person, and she is not even afraid to do this.

You Ge raised his face: "Okay, I'll be generous and sit with you for a while."

A successful smile flashed in Rong Xiyuan's eyes, strange to say, this guy took out a bottle of Lafite and two wine glasses from the house as if by magic.

Rong Xiyuan really didn't persuade You Ge to drink, he just drank alone, and he was full of praise while drinking, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

The smell of red wine floats in the air, and it is also a temptation for those who don't drink it. You Ge licks his lips, feeling a little thirsty, thinking that it's okay to just drink one glass?

You Ge poured some wine by himself, only one-third of the glass, and stopped pouring after drinking it.

Rong Xiyuan's charming smile contained temptation: "How is it? Is it delicious?"

You Ge stiffened his neck and ignored him, but in fact he said in his heart...it's delicious, it's so delicious, good wine!
You can't say what you think in your heart, You Ge knows that if she gets drunk, she will be eaten by Rong Xiyuan, so she doesn't want to be a stupid little white rabbit.

But, the big bad wolf is right in front of him, how can he let go of the meat that is on his lips?

"Have another small cup, your drinking capacity is not so bad, you're fine, drink it?" Rong Xiyuan said in bewitching words, and handed the cup to You Ge.

You Ge shook her head resolutely and refused to drink. This time she felt that she would be able to resist and not be confused.

However, when You Ge inadvertently looked up at a certain place, her expression changed slightly... It was the bedroom upstairs in the main house, the one where Sister Ling was!Just now, she saw a thin figure flash by on the balcony, but she was sure it was Sister Ling!
Isn't sister Ling asleep?Just now Rong Xiyuan left her room after confirming that she was asleep, and it took less than half an hour for Sister Ling to wake up?

Also, why did Sister Ling suddenly turn around and enter the room when she realized that she saw it? Could it be that she didn't want people to know that she was awake?Or maybe sister Ling wasn't asleep at all?

(End of this chapter)

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