old love back

Chapter 118 You Ge went to Baorui to apply for a job

Chapter 118 You Ge went to Baorui to apply for a job

You Ge and Rong Xiyuan watched a movie in the study, and they cuddled tightly, like conjoined twins.

The movie is good-looking, but You Ge always has things on his mind, and sometimes he can't get into the plot. From time to time, he sneaks a look at Rong Xiyuan's expression. Seeing that he seems to be in a good mood, she thinks she can take this opportunity to ask about that matter again.

Rong Xiyuan was actually not at peace in his heart, but he knew that since Huo Junyan was starting to investigate the case of You Ge's parents, some things would be revealed sooner or later.

You Ge huddled in his arms, wrapped his small arms around his waist, and pressed his forehead against his chin, as docile as a cat.It's rare for her to be so well-behaved, Rong Xiyuan didn't think about other things for the time being, and tried to enjoy the peace and warmth of the moment as much as possible.

A faint warm current flows between each other's hearts, and the sweet feeling is really comfortable.

Halfway through the movie, the phone rang. Rong Xiyuan saw the caller ID, stood up from his chair, and went to the corner to answer it.

You Ge didn't know whose call it was, but judging by Rong Xiyuan's serious expression, it should be a very important call.

Of course it's important, it's from Macau.

The person Rong Xiyuan sent to Macau to search for clues reported that the gambling king He Hongsen intended to protect a certain person, so the progress of the matter encountered obstacles and was very difficult. He tried to get in touch with the gambling king, but was rejected by the gambling king's bodyguards.

why?This is only after the investigation by the people sent by Rong Xiyuan, they found out that one of the gangsters who attempted to murder You Ge in Hong Kong last time was the godson of the gambling king's former housekeeper.

The butler of the Gambling King must be the Gambling King's confidant, the person who is highly regarded by the Gambling King. It's a promise to the dead, and the gambling king doesn't want to break it, so he interferes.

This situation is very bad, and Rong Xiyuan also feels overwhelmed, and finally found this line, but he didn't expect that the gambling king would actually stand up for a killer.What to do next, the people in Macau are waiting for Rong Xiyuan's instructions.

As soon as the call was hung up, another call came, this time, it turned out to be Xu Yan!

Xu Yan also sent people to Macau to investigate. The place is very small, and there is only one street to walk around. The people he sent met the people Rong Xiyuan sent.

When Rong Xiyuan received Xu Yan's phone call, he couldn't help being a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to know my phone number. It seems that I underestimated your ability."

On the other end of the phone, Xu Yan said angrily: "Now is not the time to discuss this. Let me ask you, did you send someone to Macau? Coincidentally, I also sent someone, but I think we all Encountered the same problem, the gambling king wants to protect that person, what should we do now?"

With Xu Yan being so straightforward, Rong Xiyuan quickly got to the point, his face became more and more serious, and his eyes were full of sternness.

"In view of this special situation, the people we sent can join forces. Although the King of Gambling is powerful, he may not refuse to give face to the Xu family and the Rong family."

"You're really conceited, why are you so sure that the gambling king will give our two families face?"

A gleam burst out of Rong Xiyuan's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Just because... the gambling king is old. Although he is a legendary figure of one generation, he should understand a truth. He can only be rich for three generations, and all his future fortunes will be handed over to him." In the hands of the next generation, and his next generation is not the king of gambling, what will happen in the future, he should have already planned for the rainy day. He is already ninety years old, who doesn't want his family to continue the glory of the past? I guess, stronger than the king of gambling, he He also needs help. If we can reach a tacit agreement with him, he may consider handing him over to us to deal with him in order to strengthen the family in the future."

Xu Yan was silent and did not immediately refute.That's right, what Rong Xiyuan said is indeed very reasonable.A person like the king of gambling, his family has a big career, how could he not plan for the future?He is old, and no one knows when he will go to heaven. Once that day comes, and his next generation takes over the family business, who will guarantee that it will continue to prosper?

Then, the He family needs allies and helpers!This is for the sake of the overall situation, the gambling king should not miss such a good ally for a certain person.

"Okay, I promise to cooperate with you for the time being, so now, what good idea do you have?" Xu Yan held back such a sentence after a while.

Rong Xiyuan was also very straightforward: "You should first ask yourself, in order to make the gambling king hand over that person, what kind of conditions can you offer to make the gambling king tempted. Although you are the young master of the Xu family, you have not yet Taking over the family business and becoming an ally of the gambling king, such a big matter, can you be the master?"

Rong Xiyuan hit the nail on the head, and Xu Yan fell silent again.

After more than ten seconds, Xu Yan said firmly: "You wait for my news, I will reply before noon tomorrow."


The conversation between the two men for just a few minutes was of great significance. If the King of Gamblers could hand over the sheltered person, then the suspense of who would kill You Ge would be greatly improved.

After watching the movie, You Ge was already sleepy, yawning, and went straight to take a shower when he returned to the bedroom.

It's okay for Rong Xiyuan to be dishonest, now that You Ge is on his menstrual period, even if he feels uncomfortable, he will have to hold back for a few days.

After taking a shower, You Ge's body smells delicious, and Rong Xiyuan likes to smell this combination of shower gel and female body fragrance the most.

Although You Ge was very tired, he still didn't forget the important things. He leaned into his arms and muttered in a low voice: "Honey, don't you really know that our two fathers knew each other before?"

Rong Xiyuan felt his head swell when he heard this...

"If I knew, I would have told you." He still chose to keep concealing it, just because the truth is too cruel, if You Ge can find out later, her happiness will stay for one more day.

You Ge was a little disappointed, but he didn't continue to ask, because asking again would make people feel irritable.

"Hmm... go to sleep, I'm so sleepy... um... I have an interview tomorrow."

"Interview? Where?"

"I...don't tell you, hehe..."


Rong Xiyuan has never asked about You Ge's work. He knows that Yu Ge is not as intelligent as before, only 10 years old. She is smart, and she will handle it properly.

You Ge started looking for a job again, she can't stay idle, and she doesn't want to be a rice bug who only asks her husband for money.She deeply understands that only by being independent and living out her own value can she live a wonderful life.

This kind of thinking is also the shining point of You Ge, a commendable quality, and it is also an advantage that Rong Xiyuan appreciates.

She doesn't feel lazy just because her husband is a rich man. She has been working hard and being positive. She never thinks that everything about her husband is something she can spend recklessly.

Sometimes Rong Xiyuan even thinks, if one day he has nothing, maybe You Ge won't dislike him...

the next day.

Rong Xiyuan went to work as usual, and You Ge also got up early to go to an interview, and she even put on a little makeup.

In an interview, dressing is very important, which directly determines the first impression you give to the applicant.You Ge didn't dress as casually as usual. She chose a white sleeveless chiffon top with a light orange knee-length skirt underneath.Generous and decent yet youthful and pretty, simple, clean and refreshing.

(End of this chapter)

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