old love back

Chapter 119 Can you pass the interview?

Chapter 119 Can you pass the interview?

The place where You Ge was going to apply for the job was located in the bustling commercial street of the city. There are many office buildings here, and every inch of land is expensive, and it is the most popular area.

You Ge's mental state is much better than yesterday, standing in this strange and familiar place, her mood is extremely complicated.

Looking up at this building, she has been here more than once before. For her, this place has extraordinary meaning. She also mustered up the courage to apply here. to my best effort.

You Ge is a luminous body in itself, even though she is so plainly dressed and doesn't have a famous brand all over her body, her own appearance and pure temperament are better than those who only use famous brands to pile up.From the moment he entered the building, many eyes were sizing up You Ge, and it was inevitable that he would become the focus of others even when he walked into the elevator.

You Ge pressed the button on the top floor, and there was a slight discussion in his ears, and someone behind him was whispering.

"Who is this? He's going to the 28th floor. Do you know him?"

"I don't know... Maybe he's new here."

"New here? It's unlikely, why don't we know?"

"Beauty...it would be great if she is really a newcomer, it will greatly increase our enthusiasm for work." A young man said.

You Ge didn't hear these words at all, she kept her emotional stability and was not moved by external things.

Soon to the 28th floor, You Ge walked out of the elevator first...

Looking into the door in front of you, you can see a few eye-catching characters on the wall of the reception desk - Baorui Group.

That's right, the place You Ge is going to apply for is Baorui!
This is a bold decision, and one that surprised even You Ge himself.But when she made up her mind, she realized that this was what she had been longing for for a long time!

You Ge took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and walked in with a confident smile on his face!
The people in charge of this recruitment are mainly divided into two groups. Since they are recruiting counter salespersons, people from the sales department and the personnel department will be in charge of today's recruitment.

Don’t think it’s just an ordinary job, but it’s the closest hub between Baorui and consumers. It is a job that can directly contact consumers. It is related to the image of Baorui, and the sales of products are also inseparable from the salesperson. Relationships are crucial.Therefore, just recruiting two salespersons, Baorui also attached great importance to it, and the supervisors of the two departments were present to check in person.

Zhan Qin, director of the personnel department, and Ge Bin, director of the sales department, are both elite talents who were recruited into Baorui four years ago. At that time, You Ge was already abroad... This is not an old servant of Baorui, and I don't know You Song, but he is also a loyal person to the company. He is unambiguous in recruitment, with sharp eyes, and must select the two best salespersons.

There are over a hundred applicants, all of whom are women, some of whom are highly educated, some have worked in well-known companies and have rich experience, and of course there are also rookies who have just stepped into the society from school.

You Ge spent four years abroad. After recovering from a brain injury, You Ge had amazing intelligence. With his own strength, he was directly admitted to the University of California. He became the first Chinese student in this university with only a primary school education. It was a miracle maker. No small sensation.

This is a top student among top students, and it is one of the most proud experiences in You Ge's life. After that, she joined Jincheng Company within a few days after returning to China, and was responsible for the successful acquisition of the hotel... These resumes will all be It is You Ge's halo in the workplace, it is a talisman, which makes her so special in many competitions, and it is impossible to ignore it.

But You Ge herself is not proud of this. She is humble and low-key, standing in the crowd without any impetuousness or arrogance. She doesn't think she will definitely be able to apply for the job, but as long as she does everything, she must do her best.It is good to be successful, but if she fails in the application, she will reflect on herself.

Standing behind You Ge is a girl wearing glasses, who looks younger than You Ge, as if she just came out of school.She was a little uneasy, and looked nervously at the door of the office from time to time. Whenever she saw a candidate come out, she would pay attention.So far, no one has successfully applied for the job, and most of them have been eliminated before noon, leaving only a small number of people still waiting.

The girl stood behind You Ge, sometimes casting admiring glances at You Ge.She was attracted by the confidence emanating from You Ge, and looking at herself, what she lacked was self-confidence. She couldn't help but think, it would be nice if she could be as confident as others...

You Ge also noticed that the young girl was looking at her, and she would smile politely back, but neither of them spoke, they were silently thinking, will he be one of the two candidates for this recruitment?

The company has a rule that the two positions recruited are all female employees. This group of women standing here can be described as competing for beauty, each with its own strengths, and of course there will be competition and jealousy.

Many eyes fell on You Ge, her naturally beautiful face was hard to ignore wherever she went.Some people are already cursing secretly in their hearts, why are they so unlucky this time, they are probably very lucky to meet such a strong opponent.

The young woman behind You Ge didn't attract the attention of others, because she was too ordinary, wearing glasses like a nerd.And even if You Ge didn't need to deliberately dress up, she already had her own aura. She could feel the jealousy in those people's eyes, but pretended not to see anything.

A wise man knows when to speak and when to keep silent.The more this kind of time, the more You Ge has to calm down.

Those who failed to apply for the job in the front will inevitably cast strange glances when they pass by You Ge after they come out, because their failure means that the people behind will have more chances of success.

It was finally her turn to call You Ge's name, and she couldn't help but feel refreshed... The girl wearing glasses gave her an encouraging look, and the two smiled knowingly, and You Ge went into the office first.

Sitting in the office are the head of the personnel department and the head of the sales department. Zhan Qin is a middle-aged woman over forty years old, but she is well maintained and looks like she is only in her early thirties.Ge Bin, the head of the sales department, looks mediocre, but his shrewdness and wisdom cannot be underestimated. Being able to take the position of head of the sales department before the age of 40 shows that he is indeed outstanding.

Perhaps because they were not satisfied with the previous applicants, Zhan Qin and Ge Bin's complexions were no longer good-looking, a little tired, their smiles were much less, and their brows were tightly frowned, very serious.

Ge Bin is in charge of sales, so his opinion is relatively more important. If there is a conflict between him and Zhan Qin, his decision will be the main one.It's a pity that so far, neither of them has found a satisfactory one.

When Ge Bin saw You Ge, the look in his eyes flickered, and he had a feeling of deja vu, but for a while he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

After a brief self-introduction, Ge Bin was still reading You Ge's resume, his surprise was beyond words.

"You went to college in California, but you only went to the fifth grade in China... This is really amazing, you can be called a genius..." Ge Bin was praising, but when he said this, the topic suddenly changed : "But... Our company needs to introduce talents. Educational qualifications are also important, but the key depends on whether you are suitable for sales."

The meaning of these words is obvious, that is, for people with a high degree of education like You Ge, Ge Bin is a bit distrustful. He has seen too many young people who have a degree but are messed up at work, especially, You Ge is so beautiful , to be honest, it is easy to give people the illusion of a "vase".

You Ge was no stranger to Ge Bin's questioning gaze, and she was not angry at the moment, but said politely: "I don't know how your company will test it?"

Hearing this, Ge Bin couldn't help but appreciate it.He said that on purpose, but You Ge didn't panic, but had an attitude of being neither humble nor overbearing, which could already add points in his heart.You must know that when you are a salesperson in a specialty store, you may encounter rich people going to spend at any time, and some of them may even be arrogant and defiant.If the salesperson encounters such a consumer and his psychological quality is too poor, he will be at a loss.

You Ge didn't know that she had already passed the first level. The interview actually started from the second she pushed the door in.

Ge Bin and Zhan Qin exchanged glances, and Zhan Qin flipped through the documents in his hand and said, "You used to work in Jincheng Company, why did you stop working in less than three months?"

Such a question will embarrass the interviewer, but the interviewer often asks it.

You Ge had been prepared for a long time, and immediately replied: "That job has indeed taught me a lot. I am grateful to Jin Cheng, but this does not mean that this job is really suitable for me. When I resigned , I was inevitably a bit dazed, but when I saw your company's recruitment notice, I knew that I should come here."

A few simple words, a calm tone, and a very smart answer.

If You Ge speaks ill of his former employer in front of the two examiners, it will definitely cause resentment, because it will make people think that she is not a grateful person.But You Ge gave Jin Cheng affirmation and expressed her gratitude as soon as she opened her mouth. This undoubtedly won the favor of the interviewer. Moreover, she flattered Baorui a little at the end, which was very comfortable and useful invisible praise.

You know, the two interviewers have asked this kind of question more than once, and often many recruiters will deliberately belittle the companies they have worked for in order to win the favor of the interviewer, and some even show extreme disgust and talk nonsense. Thinking that belittling the previous company can show loyalty to the interviewer, this is exactly the opposite effect.

You Ge's answer undoubtedly made Zhan Qin and Ge Bin's eyes shine... Yes, this is an employee who knows how to be grateful.

Next, I asked some questions that must be involved in the interview. The process went smoothly, and in a blink of an eye, I came to the final stage, which is also the most important key link of the interview.

A screen appeared in front of You Ge, and a video was playing on it. The screen seemed to be in Baorui's counter, and the camera was fixed on a beautiful lady.

"See, the woman in the black mink coat in this video is a VIP customer of Baorui, but she is also a notoriously difficult customer. Every time she comes to choose something, it takes a long time. They are all picky, too picky. Look here..." Ge Bin pointed to the close-up of the camera: "This is a necklace with a snake-shaped ring and a leopard-shaped pendant. This customer has come to try it on Three times."

At this point, suddenly, the video was paused, and the screen stopped moving.

The interviewer smiled: "Now, our question is, guess, did the customer buy a ring or a necklace in the end?"

This... What kind of trick is this?
You Ge couldn't help but thump in his heart, there was a wave in his beautiful eyes, and he frowned secretly... The other party made a big move, and it's still a ruthless move!

(End of this chapter)

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