old love back

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

You Ge really didn't expect to encounter this kind of interview project. Although there is a [-]% chance, it is too difficult. If you guess wrong, I am afraid that the interview will be ruined.

Who made this interview question!
Not only that, but the two interviewers also gave a time limit to give the answer within 5 minutes.

Weird, shouldn't there be some questions about sales and jewelry?You Ge has been making up for it for a few days, but now it seems that it is not as important as the last question?

Both interviewers looked at You Ge with interest, wondering what they were thinking.Do you want her to answer correctly or do you want her to answer wrong?
You Ge is not in the mood to guess what the interviewer's eyes represent at the moment, she can only let her brain run fast, and keep repeating in her mind every noteworthy detail in the picture she just saw.

5 minutes, cheating, not ordinary cheating!

Although he was slandering in his heart, he couldn't show it on the surface, and he still had to keep a polite smile. In fact, You Ge was secretly sweating for himself.

It's useless to panic, this last hurdle must be passed!

There was no sadness or joy on You Ge's face, and no special expression could be seen. The two interviewers didn't know how sure she was. If she couldn't answer, would they really pass her?That seems a pity, but what Baorui needs are real sales talents, even if You Ge's resume is very attractive, if the interviewer thinks she is not suitable for the job, they still won't give her a chance.

"It's five minutes." Zhan Qin's voice sounded.

At the same time, Ge Bin frowned, and his sharp eyes turned across... It's only 20 seconds to 5 minutes, what is Zhan Qin doing, is it on purpose?

30 seconds seems to be very little, it doesn't matter, but the time limit itself is only 5 minutes, 20 seconds are extremely precious for candidates!

Zhan Qin didn't speak, pretending not to see Ge Bin's displeasure.

You Ge took a deep breath, raised her delicate eyebrows slightly, and said in a soft voice: "This customer, according to my observation, she has two rings on her hand, one is pearl, One is a carnelian four-leaf clover, both of which are very simple and elegant, but her necklaces are stacked, and she wears three necklaces, which look a little complicated, but they are also very eye-catching. It can be said that her whole person, The highlight is her necklace. I will boldly guess that this customer focuses on her necklace when she wears jewelry. She likes to exaggerate and show off. The more flashy the better, the more eye-catching the better. .So, my answer is...she ended up choosing the necklace with the leopard pendant."

After You Ge finished speaking, he looked at Ge Bin quietly, and the surprise and admiration in the other party's eyes was the best encouragement for her.

Obviously, You Ge got the answer right, and Ge Bin was very satisfied, but Zhan Qin's face still didn't relax.

"Why do you just judge based on this? If so, I can only say that you got it right by luck." Zhan Qin's words sound uncomfortable, but they are also true.

You Ge was not angry, Shui Lingling rolled her eyes, pointed to the screen and said: "I also observed that when this customer was trying on the snake-shaped ring, she frowned and shook her head, as if a little She looks tangled, so I also boldly guess that she may be a little tempted by the snake-shaped ring, but why she has such an expression, of course it is not a jewelry problem, the problem may lie in the customer's psychology. Not everyone Like snake rings, some people are naturally afraid of this animal, even if the jewelry is well made, she likes the jewelry itself, but may not like the shape of this ring. But she is trying on the leopard pendant necklace At that time, she didn't frown and shake her head, but looked very happy and satisfied..."

What does it mean to be observant? You Ge is a living example!
Who said that a person who has never sold jewelry cannot be a professional salesperson?You Ge is proving to people that she can, she is fully qualified for this job!She has an all-round observation of customers, and she can even guess what is in the customer's mind. This is the quality that an excellent salesperson needs to possess.

With a snap, the documents in Ge Bin's hand were closed, and without concealing his admiration for You Ge, he simply said, "Yes, congratulations, you passed the interview and come to work next Monday."

Decided so soon?
You Ge was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud in surprise, sweeping away the tense and dull atmosphere before, and the scene became lively.

Looking at Zhan Qin next to him, looking at Ge Bin, he asked dissatisfiedly, "Why did you make the decision on your own, without further discussion?"

Ge Bin said lazily: "Minister Zhan, if you disagree with my opinion, then I can only apologize, this decision will not be changed."

"You..." Zhan Qin couldn't hold back anymore, and secretly gritted his teeth... What should we do?The daughter of a relative of hers also applied for the job, but she was not directly selected, but only got a place to be determined, so she wished that You Ge would not pass the interview, otherwise, her relative's woman would lose a chance.

But Zhan Qin had no control over Ge Bin's decision. After all, she belonged to the HR department, and Ge Bin was in the sales department. His opinions took the lead, and she was only assisting in this recruitment.

You Ge nodded gratefully at Ge Bin, and went out after hearing a few words from him. There are still people waiting for interviews behind.

Walking out of the office door, You Ge felt a burst of relief all over her body, and the smile on the corner of her mouth couldn't be suppressed. Others knew she had succeeded at a glance.

It happened that the girl wearing glasses walked in for an interview, saw You Ge smiling, and guessed that she was hired.

"Have you passed? Congratulations!" The girl smiled sweetly, her voice was soft and soft, and the smile from the heart made people feel her kindness.

You Ge's heart warmed up. Although this was a stranger, he was also congratulating her. He was slightly touched and felt more comfortable.

"Thank you, go in quickly, I wish you success!" You Ge raised his hand and made a cheering gesture.

The girl smiled shyly: "Actually, I'm not sure, I'm just here to try my luck... It doesn't matter if I can't be hired, I submitted my resume to several places at the same time."

That's what I said, but You Ge could feel the helplessness in the girl's eyes.

Yes, who wants to search for jobs all day long, and can feel at ease if they can find a job early.

The girl went in, and You Ge could have left, but she stayed, sitting on a chair outside and waiting, she had a good impression of the girl wearing glasses, and wanted to know if she had passed the interview.

Generally speaking, some of the questions involved in the interview are roughly the same, but some of the questions are different from person to person, which prevents the interviewers from communicating with each other.

About 10 minutes later, the door of the office opened again, and a girl wearing glasses came out.

You Ge's heart tightened suddenly, and she stood up, but she didn't go forward immediately, because she saw that the other party's expression was not good, she was dumbfounded, as if she had been passed?
Hey... You Ge sighed silently, thinking that he should go and say something to this girl.They are all people who come out to apply for a job. Only those who have experienced the bitterness of it can understand it. It is very appropriate to encourage each other.

"Hi... are you okay?" You Ge smiled and greeted the other party with a light tone.

The girl stretched out her hand to support the mirror frame on the bridge of her nose, looked at You Ge in a daze, and murmured: "I...it's okay...I..."

"It's okay, opportunities are everywhere, don't be discouraged... let's go, I'll treat you to ice cream." You Ge thinks that girls have a soft spot for ice cream, maybe eating ice cream will make the loser feel better point.

The girl blinked blankly, and stammered for a while, "I'm not discouraged, I... I... I've been hired, and I'm asked to come to work next Monday."

"Ah?" You Ge was astonished. When she realized what she said, You Ge almost cried out in surprise, happier than she was hired.

You Ge patted the girl's shoulder lightly, and said with a clear smile: "I thought you were passed, but your expression really doesn't show that you were hired at all, why do you seem unhappy?"

The girl shook her head again and again with a cute expression: "I'm not unhappy, I'm so happy, it feels like I'm dreaming... I can't believe it's real..."

I see.The girl was too happy, so she looked dull when she came out, and You Ge mistook her for failing.

The two got to know each other for a while, the age difference is only two years, You Ge is 23, and the girl is only 21 years old.

In this way, the two went to a nearby ice cream shop and chatted while eating, just like old friends.Coincidentally, the two had a pleasant chat. You Ge never thought that when he applied for the job, he would meet a peer with a good impression.

And that girl also thinks that You Ge is like a sister next door, kind and kind, with a kind of beautiful affinity, making people willing to talk to her, and you can't feel the loss of time while talking.

What's more coincidental is that You Ge has no female friends, and neither does the girl. The two hit it off right away, and they sat in the ice cream shop for two hours and still haven't left.

With new friends, You Ge's heart is fuller again.She used to have only one friend, Xu Yan, from now on, she has a friend of the same sex, and both of them work at the same place, so there will be many opportunities to get along in the future, and they will have companions at work.

Today is a fruitful day for You Ge, and it is a day worth remembering.Think about it, you will be working in Baorui in the future, and Rong Xiyuan doesn't know yet, right?Ha ha……

When You Ge returned home, she still had something in her hand, which was the braised pork ribs she bought at the braised pork shop opposite the bus stop.As soon as she entered the door, Mi Tuan was the first to greet her, hugging You Ge's leg, begging for a hug, and barking at the bag in her hand.

Mituan has been weaned now, and its body is slightly bigger than before, but it does not affect its cuteness at all. The snow-white fur is soft and shiny, and when the black gem-like eyes look at the owner, You Ge will feel immune.

You Ge lovingly stroked the little meat dumpling in his arms: "Baby rice dumpling, this is pork ribs, you can't eat it yet..."

The rice ball was still small, and You Ge didn't dare to give it random food, but this little one was too greedy, thinking that the things in his pocket must be delicious, and the little paw couldn't help but want to scratch it.

You Ge couldn't stand Mi Tuan's pitiful eyes, so as long as he surrendered, he took out a small piece of ribs, put it in his hand, and gave Mi Tuan to eat.

Mituan was very happy, sticking out Fenfen's tongue to lick it, and opened his mouth to bite, but his teeth were not sharp enough, so it was very difficult to bite.

Seeing Mituan's unstoppable spirit, You Ge was amused, and simply tore off the meat from the ribs bit by bit and fed it into Mituan's mouth.

The rice balls were eaten with relish, and they still gnawed on the bones after eating, playing with them as toys.

Several other dogs also gathered around, looked at the bones of the rice ball enviously, and barked excitedly at You Ge... This means: "Ma Ma, we want to eat too!"

(End of this chapter)

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