old love back

Chapter 121 Planning to Send Sister Ling Away

Chapter 121 Planning to Send Sister Ling Away
But the gambling king knew very well that the conditions proposed by the two young people were not absurd.He himself understood better than anyone else the difficulties facing the gambling king's property, so he didn't get angry, but his mood was not much better.

It's hard to save face, to be poked at his heart by two young juniors, this feeling is not only helpless, but also a little bit unwilling.

After a long while, the gambling king sighed a long time: "There are talented people from generation to generation, and the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. I am old, I am really old, and now it is your young people's world. If that is the case, you will Tell me, to be an ally, what is your sincerity?"

This means, what conditions do you come up with?

Rong Xiyuan's attitude towards the gambling king was as expected, and he immediately said heartily: "The sky is wide and the sea is wide. I heard that the He family intends to take gambling cards and open the He family's gambling boat on the high seas. If this is the case, then it is a great honor." , I may be able to help you."

"Huh?" The gambling king's two white eyebrows raised, obviously, he was also surprised.

"I didn't expect you to be well-informed. The outside world doesn't know about this matter." The gambling king saw Rong Xiyuan's eyes changed again, and he felt that this person was not simple.

Xu Yan was not to be outdone, and said sharply: "Mr. He, if the gambling boat matter is implemented, the Xu family will send a group of elites to escort the He family's gambling boat. Please forgive me for saying that I am not underestimating The strength of the He family is just that the Xu family is still very familiar with offshore operations, and I believe it can provide some help to the He family."

Xu Yan didn't brag, he spoke to the point.It is true that the He family is like a god in Macau. However, to open a gambling boat on the high seas is not on land. In addition to their own people, they also need a group of skilled hands who are familiar with sea operations, and the Xu family is the overlord of the sea. , if they can get the elite sent by the Xu family, they will undoubtedly be the right-hand man of the He family.

There was disdain in the eyes of the auntie, who obviously didn't believe that the two young men were really that great.

But who is He Hongsen?With a sharp and unique vision, if you use your brain a little, you will know that if the two in front of you really become allies of the He family, it will really be a matter of far-reaching significance to the He family.

In Macau, there is only one street to go around, and it is a place of more than 30 square kilometers. No matter what industry, there are times when it is saturated.The He family has been striving for multi-faceted development over the years, and the development of gambling boats is a strategic measure of the He family and a plan that must be carried out.

He Hongsen was silent for a while, and suddenly burst into deep laughter, his admiration became stronger.

"Okay, okay, okay! Two allies, I hope you will keep your word and stop talking nonsense. I will send someone to bring Ma Shengji here immediately." A man as calm as the gambling king couldn't help but feel a little excited. Allies are satisfied.

Hearing this, Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan were relieved. It seems that this time they made the right bet!
Of course it is right, because Rong Xiyuan has seen the current state of the gambling king. After all, he is ninety years old. Of course, he must plan for future generations. In order to keep the family business, in addition to having a capable heir, he must also have someone who is strong enough Become an ally of the He family.

The gambling king is also worried that he will leave one day. If something happens to the He family's property, how many reliable friends can help?Everything must be prevented before it happens, and we can't wait for the crisis to come, because it will be too late.Only with a far-sighted vision can we stand at a higher position and hold the country.The king of gambling is worthy of being the king of gambling, and he has long understood this.

Compared with the rise and fall of the He family, what is a Ma Shengji?Taking the overall situation into consideration and weighing the importance, the gambling king will of course hand over Ma Shengji.

That is, Rong Xiyuan and the others have enough bargaining chips to exchange for what they want.

The aunt was not happy, she was still patting her chest in front of Ma Shengji yesterday and said it was okay, that the gambling king would protect him, but now, two young men came and convinced the gambling king in less than half an hour.What troubled her most was that the gambling king didn't discuss with her this time, didn't ask her opinion, and made a decision directly.That's an ally of the He family. How could she not participate in such an important matter?
This concubine at the bottom is the most favored woman of the gambling king. Since the gambling king's health is not as good as before, this woman has been more and more involved in the He family's decision-making.

And the gambling king is also very pampering to her. Many decisions related to decision-making will be discussed with her before making a decision.But not today.

The aunt was very unconvinced, the more she thought about it, the more she felt uncomfortable, and she looked at Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan with even more disdain and disgust.

Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan were still immersed in joy, because they had achieved their goal and convinced the gambling king, and the next step was to wait to take over Ma Shengji.

Ma Shengji is the key person. With him around, we can know who is behind the scenes, find out the hidden danger, and solve You Ge's safety, saving Rong Xiyuan from always worrying about this problem.

Ma Shengji probably never dreamed that the safe haven he thought was so fragile.He thought too well, thinking that based on his father's experience as a housekeeper in the He family, He Hongsen would definitely cherish his old love and save his life.But he actually doesn't understand at all, how can he not know the importance of a person who can become a hero of the generation?
The interests of the family are above all else, the conditions put forward by Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan are too tempting, it is what the He family needs right now, so naturally they hit it off.

He Hongsen's men went to take Ma Shengji, Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan were waiting here, and every minute and every second felt like a long time.

After about 10 minutes, no one came. He Hongsen was a little impatient, took out the walkie-talkie, handed it to his aunt, and asked her to ask what was going on.

The aunt took it lazily, looking very reluctant, but she didn't dare to go against the gambling king's wishes, so she could only turn on the walkie-talkie.

"Hey, A Biao, why are you so slow, did someone bring it up?"

An anxious male voice came from the intercom, with a bit of panic: "Madam, master, something is wrong...I just went to Ma Shengji's room and found him...he...he is dead!"




Several exclamations came from Auntie, Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan respectively.

The gambling king's face changed suddenly when he heard the news, two sharp lights burst out in his eyes, and he roared: "Who dares to kill people in my casino? Immediately order down, the casino will be sealed off, and no one is allowed to go out without my permission." !"

The gambling king finally showed his power. At this moment, he didn't look like a 90-year-old man. He was more like a warrior, majestic and domineering.

No wonder the gambling king is angry, Ma Shengji was killed here, it was a provocation to him, how could he bear it?
It was unbelievable to hear the news of Ma Shengji's death. It was not until he was taken to the scene to see it with his own eyes that it was confirmed that Ma Shengji was really dead and was poisoned to death.

This fact not only shocked Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan, but also made gambling king He Hongsen even more angry. If such a thing happened on his site, it would make the outside world ridicule if it was spread out.Although others will not discuss it openly, they will definitely laugh secretly.This is not the most important point. The key point is that someone dared to poison and kill a person who was protected by the gambling king in the casino. Doesn't this mean that the casino has a major security breach?
The gambling king's subordinates were busy investigating this matter, and the entire casino was shrouded in a shadow.

It seemed like God was testing a joke, Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan finally found out this line and persuaded He Hongsen to agree to hand him over, but someone beat them and killed them.

Dare to mess around on the gambling king's territory, the black hands behind the scenes seem to be quite powerful, aren't they afraid of death?
The clues were interrupted, the gambling king was in a fit of anger, and it was meaningless for Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan to stay any longer.The gambling king promised to find out the murderer as soon as possible, so they had no choice but to go back to Longqing City and wait for the news.

Walking out of the gate of the Lisboa Casino, I saw a stretched RV parked at the gate, and a man wearing sunglasses came down and hurried inside under the guard of bodyguards.Someone whispered his name, it turned out to be... He Ju.The eldest son of the gambling king is now the person in charge of the casino, taking care of all the properties of the He family instead of the gambling king.

Rong Xiyuan couldn't help but stop, and looked back at He Ju's back with complicated eyes.

Everyone respects He Ju for such a front-and-back battle. He is the gambling king's right-hand man, and he is also the most hopeful person to be at the helm of the He family in the future.With such an important position, it is no wonder that a large group of bodyguards are brought in and out.It's just that He Ju is so proud of himself now, I'm afraid he doesn't remember the tragic experience he had when he was young... When he was hunted down by his enemies, he was separated from his young daughter, does he still remember it now?

Rong Xiyuan's face was heavy, and he didn't turn around until he could no longer see He Ju.

Xu Yan also had a dark face, because Ma Shengji's death made people feel as if there was an omnipotent hand manipulating something in the dark?
When he got in the car, Hei Hu was in the driver's cab, seeing the expressions of the young master and Rong Xiyuan, he had an ominous premonition, when he heard that Ma Shengji had died, Hei Hu couldn't help cursing his mother.

"NND, how could this be? This is the gambling king's territory, who can poison Ma Shengji here without anyone noticing?"

What Hei Hu said was on point, and it was exactly the problem that both Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan were troubled by.Is the gambling king's territory too loose or the people behind the scenes are too powerful?
In short, this trip to Macau was a gloomy experience, which shocked both Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan, but also felt more and more that the person who tried to harm You Ge must have a strong background.

This feeling of "the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light" is really uncomfortable, and neither of these two men will allow it, and it has strengthened their determination to find out who is behind the scenes.

It is rare for two rivals in love to agree so much on this matter, that they did not hesitate to come to Macau together.However, Rong Xiyuan didn't really want to honor Xu Yan, because he didn't need it.

After returning to Longqing City, the two men parted ways and did not mention whether they would cooperate again in the future.

Ma Shengji's death was bad news, but when Rong Xiyuan came back, he heard a piece of good news - the person who killed Sister Ling back then has been found!

This matter was handled by Shen Zhao himself, and when reporting, Shen Zhao was also joyful.There is a bit of luck in this matter.

During the investigation, Shen Zhao met an old acquaintance named Du Mian.He used to be a gangster on the road, but now he has changed his ways and opened a hair salon to do legitimate business.

But this Du Mian has a relative in the country, who was said to be insane recently and was sent to a mental hospital. His wife moved from the country to the city in order to make money to treat her husband, and worked as a hair shampooer in Du Mian's hair salon. .One night, this woman slipped her tongue after drinking and told Du Mian an amazing secret... His husband was out of town seven years ago to earn a living. The woman chased her from the mainland to Hong Kong, and her whereabouts were unknown in the end.

Her husband is not an ordinary farmer. Although he lives in the countryside, he has practiced martial arts with his ancestors since he was a child. He even won a martial arts championship in junior high school.

(End of this chapter)

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