old love back

Chapter 124 Sister Ling is leaving 1

Chapter 124 Sister Ling is leaving 1
Seeing this, You Ge gritted his teeth angrily, this Zhan Wenqi is too hateful, Long Xiaoxiao has a good talk with customers, why do you want to intervene?If they haven't made a single order yet, you just ask someone to make an order, will you die?
You Ge couldn't control so much in a hurry, and while winking at the sluggish Long Xiaoxiao, he hurried forward.

Long Xiaoxiao was also very upset. Originally, the customer was already very interested in the wedding ring she just took out, and it seemed that she intended to buy it, but Zhan Wenqi's interference made the customer's attention immediately diverted.

You Ge stood beside Long Xiaoxiao, watched Zhan Wenqi's frightened expression with cold eyes, and said indifferently: "For a wedding ring, the bigger the better, only the one that suits you is the best, just like falling in love. .”

This is so right... The customer couldn't help showing a little surprise. He looked up at You Ge, and then looked at the two different wedding rings in front of him. One was recommended by Long Xiaoxiao and the other was recommended by Zhan Wenqi. The former only had two rings. Carat, the latter is three carats, which is indeed very dazzling, but in terms of style, the two carats are not inferior.

The customer hesitated, looked at the woman beside him, and saw that she was also unsure of paying attention...

Most modern people have a kind of "difficulty in choosing". Because there are so many things to choose from, they often hesitate, and the couple in front of them belong to the "trench" level. The jewelry in this store is priced at a reasonable price. Speaking is not the point, the key is whether you like it or not.

Long Xiaoxiao knew that You Ge was helping her, and while being grateful in her heart, a kind of fighting spirit was also aroused in her mind. Miraculously, the panic just now was swept away, her eyes became clear and firm, and a smile appeared on her plain face. She didn't lose her mind, but said more sincerely: "Madam, your hands are slender and very delicate. If you wear this three-carat ring, to be honest, the main stone may appear a little bigger. It feels abrupt. But if you choose this two-carat ring, no matter the size or style of the main stone, it will match you very well. Wearing it on your hand will really add a bright effect to you. Therefore, it is still sincere I strongly recommend that you consider this two carat."

Long Xiaoxiao said this with a clear conscience, she was not just trying to win this order, but more for the customer, in all fairness.

But Zhan Wenqi laughed when she heard it, and said disdainfully: "This gentleman and lady are both generous people, and they can completely control this three-carat ring. It highlights the dignity of the owner of the ring, so this one is the most suitable."

The two insisted on their own opinions, and the customer looked at each other, and also felt that there seemed to be a lack of harmony between the two?

But this is not their concern, choosing the ring is more important.

The man was the one who paid the money, and compared the two rings, he asked Long Xiaoxiao a little puzzled: "Why don't you hope that the more expensive the customers buy, the better? Why recommend the two-carat ring to me instead?" Woolen cloth?"

This question hits the nail on the head, the eyes of the rich are indeed very sharp.

Zhan Wenqi sneered silently at the side, with sarcasm in her eyes, she thought to herself, even the customers can see Long Xiaoxiao's selfishness, right?The recommendation of two carats is nothing more than to win the order, not from the customer's point of view.

But Zhan Wenqi underestimated Long Xiaoxiao. This girl is stubborn and persistent, and she is still open-minded in the face of doubts.

"Sir, maybe the counters in other places will like what you said, want to sell the more expensive things the better, because they can make more profits for the company, but Baorui's purpose has always been to focus on customer needs, I will not recommend unsuitable products to you in order to make more money. For us, the ones that are suitable for customers, satisfied by customers, and can show the best effect when worn are the best, not just look at this The price of the product. You can put these two rings on your hands, I will take a picture for you, and then you can compare the photos." Saying this, Long Xiaoxiao quickly took out the phone and pointed it at the woman's hand .

This is indeed a good idea. The customer felt that this suggestion was good, and readily agreed. He put the two rings on his hands separately, and Long Xiaoxiao took the photo.

Sure enough, after such a comparison, the effect came out. As Long Xiaoxiao said, the two-carat ring was perfect on the woman's hand, and the three-carat ring, although it was a little bigger and shinier, had to be said Coordination, compared with two carats, is a little less.

The three-carat one is oval, which is more common, while the two-carat one is heart-shaped, which can better imply that the two will be united forever.

The more I looked at it, the more I felt that the two carats were very attractive. The woman couldn't help nodding, her smile deepened, and she looked at her boyfriend affectionately: "What do you think? We don't rely on the size of the ring to show off. I rarely wear it, but I think it is too eye-catching and ostentatious. I like this two-carat one better."

The man also nodded in agreement, and at the same time cast some approving glances at Long Xiaoxiao: "Yes, you have a good vision. This ring is very suitable for my fiancee. That's it!"

Long Xiaoxiao was pleasantly surprised. For a moment, she seemed to hear a flower explode in her mind. She thanked the two customers with a kind smile. You Ge was beside her to help wrap the ring. She was happy for Long Xiaoxiao , Cheer secretly.

Zhan Wenqi was upset, with a pale face, walked away resentfully, flattened her mouth, and was not convinced... I bought a few orders today, but the pair of wedding rings that Long Xiaoxiao bought just now are worth millions!This is more than the sum of Zhan Wenqi's sales. Can she not be jealous?

100 million...Zhan Wenqi swallowed when he thought about the percentage.

You Ge is sincerely happy for Long Xiaoxiao, without any jealousy.In fact, if You Ge didn't give up the opportunity to Long Xiaoxiao before, it is very likely that You Ge won the business now.She deliberately gave up the great opportunity to Long Xiaoxiao, in order to boost Long Xiaoxiao's confidence, otherwise, if Long Xiaoxiao didn't sell a single order today, I'm afraid the store manager will not be able to explain it.

After finishing the order, Long Xiaoxiao happily held You Ge's arm, excited and grateful, for a while she didn't know what to say, her eyes were red.Because, since childhood, no one has treated her so well except her parents, and You Ge has only known her for a few days and treats her so heart-to-heart. How can she not be moved?
"You Ge, you are such a good person. I never thought that this order could win 100 million... Haha, 100 million... I will definitely treat you to a big meal when we pay wages!" Long Xiaoxiao The flushed little face was full of sincerity.

You Ge's bright eyes blinked, and he said playfully: "Okay, let's find a place to have fun when we pay wages."

"Yeah, it's a deal!"


The two were in joy, they didn't notice that the store manager had arrived, but Zhan Wenqi immediately went up to meet him, pulled the store manager aside and whispered something.

From Zhan Wenqi's malicious eyes, it can be seen that it must not be a good thing.She felt that You Ge and Long Xiaoxiao were the two who were making trouble, otherwise she might have sold the three-carat ring, so she wanted to sue in front of the store manager!
What a villain!
The store manager's face changed as expected, with a sullen face, he called You Ge and Long Xiaoxiao to the corner inside, as if the situation was not good.

Zhan Wenqi gloated, waiting to see You Ge and Long Xiaoxiao be taught a lesson.

The store manager asked coldly: "Those two customers just now, why didn't you recommend a three-carat ring? You have a chance to make more profits, but you recommend a two-carat ring. Is it because you are afraid that Zhan Wenqi will reject the order?" Take the credit for it?"

The store manager's black face expression is very serious. Originally, he had a mediocre impression of You Ge and Long Xiaoxiao. Now that Zhan Wenqi said that, the store manager is even more angry. The difference between three carats and two carats is not a ring. But a pair, a pair, two!In other words, for two carats less, the pair could have been sold for 150 million!
You Ge was the first to realize that something was wrong. Zhan Wenqi must have been talking nonsense. She felt annoyed, but she decided to appease the store manager first.

"Store manager, please listen to our explanation. In fact, just now, I really didn't think so much. I didn't care who made the business. I didn't want a commission. We just thought about it from the customer's point of view. Give customers the best recommendation. A three-carat ring is not as good for customers as a two-carat ring. During the training, you told us that we must put customers first and not recommend unsuitable products to customers for the sake of high prices , employees of Baorui should have discerning eyes and honest hearts.”

What You Ge said makes sense, but will the store manager listen?
Long Xiaoxiao was a little nervous. Looking at the store manager and then at You Ge, her palms were sweating.

The store manager sneered and said: "The effect is better? How dare you say that you have no selfishness? Now that the customers have left, what effect can you see? Anyway, you are all talking about it. I was not there at the time. How could I see Dai?" How did it work out?"

"This..." You Ge suddenly felt overwhelmed, yes, the customer has already left.

"I have evidence!" Long Xiaoxiao's voice was loud, and she took out her mobile phone from her pocket. By the way, there is evidence in her mobile phone, with photos!
You Ge also thought of this, and his eyes lit up.

"Shop Manager, we have photos, look!"

With an impatient attitude, the store manager looked at Long Xiaoxiao's mobile phone screen, but the store manager's expression did not ease.

"That's it? It doesn't look like much difference. Why can't we recommend three carats to customers and mislead them to buy two carats? During the training, I said that we should focus on customers, but the premise is that there is a difference between the two products. It’s not that big of a deal. Take a look, there’s a price difference of 50 between these two types! You guys are so stupid!” The store manager made strong arguments, but she is the store manager, who can refute her?
Both You Ge and Long Xiaoxiao have a fire burning in their hearts, but the store manager is the boss. What the store manager says, they can only bear it silently after fighting for it. They can't make trouble with the store manager.

At this time, a familiar figure came in from the door of the store, and You Ge couldn't help being startled when he saw it... Is it Zheng Haoyue?Why is she here?

When Zheng Haoyue saw You Ge, she was also surprised. She just passed by here to take a look, but she didn't expect to see You Ge.

When the store manager saw Zheng Haoyue coming, his face immediately burst into a smile, and he hurriedly greeted: "Boss Zheng is here!"

The arrival of Zheng Haoyue made You Ge feel nervous, because she didn't want people here to know her identity, but she wasn't sure if Zheng Haoyue would say it, so she could only watch quietly, frowning.

Everyone can see the store manager's hospitality to Zheng Haoyue, but only Zhan Wenqi and another old clerk will actively greet him and flatter him, You Ge and Long Xiaoxiao did not move.

Long Xiaoxiao is not smooth enough to do flattery, and You Ge can't do it.Zheng Haoyue, although this woman is You Ge's blood relative, her harm to You Ge is permanent. You Ge will not be so stupid as to think that the matter is over and underestimate Zheng Haoyue's viciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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