old love back

Chapter 125 Sister Ling is leaving 2

Chapter 125 Sister Ling is leaving 2
Zheng Haoyue didn't expose You Ge directly, she just looked at the familiar figure while drinking tea, with doubts and displeasure hidden in her eyes, and she was even more shocked in her heart.

Unexpectedly, You Ge would be here as a new shopping guide. Zheng Haoyue thought that You Ge would live a pampered life, that she would enjoy her husband's wealth with peace of mind like many rich wives.

"Haha... self-reliance? In Baorui?" Zheng Haoyue snorted coldly in his heart, and thought of a lot in an instant.

First of all, Zheng Haoyue has a sense of crisis. Does the appearance of You Ge represent You Ge's ambition for Baorui?Does Yu Ge want to develop his own power?
Zheng Haoyue knows that You Ge has a smart mind now, and that You Ge's identity is You Zhaolong's biological daughter, so she has always had scruples about You Ge.

Zheng Haoyue briefly asked about what happened just now, and the store manager and Zhan Wenqi both added more details, and it sounded like You Ge and Long Xiaoxiao were wrong.

Of course Zheng Haoyue would not let go of such an opportunity to step down on You Ge, since You Ge didn't want to reveal her identity, she came to "cooperate," but it was You Ge who suffered.

"You two, are you new here?" Zheng Haoyue said arrogantly, pretending not to know You Ge.

You Ge didn't want to talk to her, but she had to protect Long Xiaoxiao, and she couldn't let Long Xiaoxiao carry it alone.

Long Xiaoxiao knew that the beautiful woman in front of her was the president, so she nodded nervously.

Seeing You Ge's attitude, the store manager immediately lowered his face and said seriously: "Did you wink? Why didn't you speak up when I asked you? This is the president!"

You Ge looked calm, and said calmly, "What orders does the president have?"

Zheng Haoyue's expression changed, what was that in You Ge's eyes?No matter what, she is just a shopping guide now, and she is so ignored!

"I heard that the two of you did a stupid thing just now. You could have sold two three-carat rings, which is six carats, but you are so good that you ignore the interests of the company. You pig-like brains can pass the trial. Is it time?" Zheng Haoyue scolded so harshly, but she was very satisfied.

Long Xiaoxiao wanted to explain, but the store manager stared at her with warning in his eyes.Long Xiaoxiao looked at You Ge and felt that her friend could not be criticized. She mustered up her courage and said, "Report to the president, please listen to our explanation. This is the case, that customer..."

"Shut up! What qualifications do you have to explain? The store manager has already told me what happened, what else do you want to say? Do you think you two have been wronged?" Zheng Haoyue scolded Long Xiaoxiao fiercely, making it clear that Power over people.

Long Xiaoxiao panicked and wanted to distinguish, but You Ge had already held her back and motioned her to stop, because she knew that there would be no explanation, and Zheng Haoyue would not let it go, and would definitely make use of it.

You Ge's cold gaze was tinged with coldness, but also firm: "Then what does the president think about us?"

These words sound like a compromise, but they give people a sense of arrogance, because there is no trace of fear or panic in You Ge's eyes.

Zheng Haoyue didn't expect You Ge to be so straightforward, thinking that You Ge would argue with reason.

The store manager and Zhan Wenqi were also a little surprised. Long Xiaoxiao was puzzled and looked at You Ge blankly.

Only You Ge himself knows that Zheng Haoyue is the president, and she and Long Xiaoxiao are just shopping guides. It is only the first day here, and they want to fight the president foolishly. They can be fired.She doesn't want to leave here, she wants to stay, she wants to guard Baorui, and Long Xiaoxiao can't lose this job.

Sometimes, bowing your head properly is not weak, and being able to bend and stretch is a wise man. At this moment, it is not appropriate to confront Zheng Haoyue head-on.

After a few seconds of silence, Zheng Haoyue smiled, her exquisite makeup showing a bit of ruthlessness: "Okay, not bad, you really have backbone, our store needs such backbone people. Since you are new here, many things are not good enough. I understand, I don't blame you, but I can't be punished at all. How about this, all the commissions you sold today will be voided, that is to say, your commissions will be calculated from tomorrow. How about it? Do you have any objections? ?”

objection?How could it not be, the anger is still there!However, it cannot happen.

You Ge's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly scolded Zheng Haoyue for being too vicious. Her order was no more than Long Xiaoxiao's. The most pitiful thing was Long Xiaoxiao, who lost a large order.The point is, they did nothing wrong and they have a clear conscience, but in front of their boss, it's useless to say anything.

"I have no objection." You Ge said every word, his sharp eyes piercing Zheng Haoyue's body like a scimitar.

Long Xiaoxiao can only smile wryly, the president will deal with this indiscriminately, and no one can turn the situation around.She and You Ge are absolutely right, why is this happening?

Long Xiaoxiao didn't understand, and she wasn't reconciled, but it was the first time she saw a cruel part of the workplace.A word from the boss is like Mount Tai mountain pressing down on you. Even if you are right, you are wrong. Fortunately, the job is not lost.

Long Xiaoxiao nodded and hummed lightly.

Seeing that You Ge didn't refute, Zheng Haoyue felt more at ease, and felt the pleasure of stabbing people.Although she doubted You Ge's motives for coming to Baorui, she also wanted to take this opportunity to suppress You Ge. Thinking of You Ge being trampled under her feet, she couldn't help being proud and excited.

And You Ge saw Zheng Haoyue's mentality, so he dared to bet that Zheng Haoyue would not fire her.

Zheng Haoyue left in satisfaction, and the store also returned to a short period of silence.

Long Xiaoxiao sat in the corner sullenly, her heart was in a panic, and many things still needed to be calmly thought about and digested.

You Ge was not in a good mood either, holding back a fire.But she knew that now was not the time to be brave, and the first thing she had to do was to face Zheng Haoyue, a bastard woman, if she stayed in Baorui.This is also a major challenge in You Ge's life, and she will never back down.

This is just the beginning, if she retreats, she will look down on herself in her heart.

Surviving under the pressure of a woman like Zheng Haoyue is the biggest problem.

Zhan Wenqi couldn't help being sneering and sarcastic, saying everything about You Ge and Long Xiaoxiao in front of the store manager, which made the store manager dislike them even more.

On the first day of work, it was very unpleasant. Long Xiaoxiao's confidence was hit, but with You Ge's encouragement, she was not discouraged and continued to do it.

The two encouraged each other, and the gloomy mood would not have much impact.

Going to work in the next few days went smoothly, and Zhan Wenqi's cunning woman didn't get any cheap, because You Ge and Long Xiaoxiao would help each other, and Zhan Wenqi was only alone, so he couldn't make much trouble, so he just pretended to be a clown dancing Bar.

After a few days of calm and calm, Rong Xiyuan also got news about that lunatic.

After repeated identification by experts, it was true that the man was crazy, and he had indeed participated in the pursuit of Sister Ling seven years ago.Finding this was because he had found his accomplice, and at the same time further confirmed that it was the woman from the He family who did the evil.

Rong Xiyuan decided to tell Sister Ling about this, it should be to congratulate her on going home.

After dinner, Rong Xiyuan called Sister Ling to the study.

Sister Ling noticed that Rong Xiyuan seemed to have some happy event today, and she was also happy, her gentle eyes contained a hint of affection.

Sister Ling's body is getting better day by day. She used to be thin and weak, but now she is replenishing her body every day, and her mood is relaxed. The state has gradually improved, the whole person looks radiant, and the amazing beauty is more and more prominent.

Sister Ling stood in front of Rong Xiyuan wearing a sapphire blue dress, her noble temperament was like a princess in a fairy tale, her blue pupils shone with a charming brilliance, dazzling like glass.

"Xiyuan, what's the good news? You're so happy." Her voice was thin and soft, as sweet as an oriole.

"It's really a happy event, and it's progressing faster than I thought."

Sister Ling's eyes lit up, and she became more and more interested: "Let's hear it."

Rong Xiyuan cleared his throat, with a delighted smile on the corner of his mouth: "Actually, this matter is not about me, but about you. The person who murdered you back then has been found out. It is your father's real wife Tang Yumei They bought someone to do it. But you don’t have to worry, He Hongsen attaches great importance to you and sent someone to look for you... So, now you can be sent back to Macau. With He Hongsen’s protection, no one dares to touch you, even your father My real wife doesn't work either."

Sister Ling stood on the spot blankly, did not speak for a long time, her face was full of shock, as if she was too surprised and was dazzled by happiness for a while.

Rong Xiyuan couldn't help but feel soft... Sister Ling's suffering for so many years can finally come to an end, the huge surprise made her speechless.

Sister Ling's eyes were swollen, and then two lines of hot tears rolled down, her trembling lips were trembling, and she choked up and said, "Is this true, is it true...I can go home now? Someone will protect me? "

"Yes, you can go home now. As long as He Hongsen knows what Tang Yumei has done, he will definitely not spare her. He will double protect you and make up for the sins you have suffered over the years."

Sister Ling lowered her head, covered her face and wept, she was so excited that she didn't know what to do.

In the next second, before Rong Xiyuan could react, there was already a soft body in his arms, and it was Sister Ling who hugged him!
"Xiyuan...Thank you...Thank you...Xiyuan...you are so kind to me...you took me in and took me to country M for surgery, and now you have found out who caused me... I am so lucky to have met you..." Sister Ling was crying, venting her grievances and fears over the years, her body was shaking, she was too excited.

Rong Xiyuan was gripped by the crying, feeling pity spontaneously, he raised his hand and patted Sister Ling's shoulder lightly: "It's all over, after you are reunited with your family, you can still go to your mother, If you are willing, you can still live together, as long as you get He Hongsen's approval, you will stand firm in the He family, and from now on, you will be a princess."

Rong Xiyuan was really happy for Sister Ling, and he was right. Although the He family is now under the control of Sister Ling's father, He Hongsen is still alive.He Hongsen is the top decision-maker of the He family. As long as he says that Sister Ling is from the He family, no one dares to refute.

Sister Ling wept bitterly, and after a while she raised her head from Rong Xiyuan's embrace with a blushing face, and said shyly, "I'm sorry, I just... just..."

what?Needless to say the latter half of the sentence, Rong Xiyuan understands it.

"It's nothing, I can understand your mood."

Sister Ling pressed her chest, only feeling her heart beating violently...

"But, Xiyuan, the He family... I... I'm actually a little scared. Even if He Hongsen is willing to accept me, what about He Ju? I don't know what he thinks now. What if he has forgotten me...or doesn't want to accept me?" Recognize me..." Sister Ling frowned again, with worried eyes.

"Don't think so much, it's always your home, you should go back and meet your loved ones no matter what. As for what kind of life you choose after you meet, that's your right, but at least your crisis is over."

(End of this chapter)

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