old love back

Chapter 126 Uncle, You Are Amazing

Chapter 126 Uncle, You Are Amazing
"Well... that's right, then... when will I go to Macau? Will you send me there?"

For sister Ling, Rong Xiyuan is always very patient and tolerant.

"He Hongsen will send someone to pick you up. That's your family business, so it's inconvenient for me to participate, but we'll keep in touch. You can tell me what's going on. If you need my help, just ask. Don't be polite to me."

Sister Ling bit her lower lip lightly, with a hint of sadness and deep reluctance in her eyes: "Xiyuan, I think I don't have the urge to reunite with the He family anymore. The complexity is too scary, but I feel more comfortable here without any worries, and, didn’t you say that I can be the director of the orphanage, but if I go to Macau, how can I realize this wish?”

Rong Xiyuan couldn't help being stunned for a moment... Yes, sister Ling's wish is to help more children, and the old headmaster also intends to hope that sister Ling can take over. If she returns to the He family, I'm afraid He Hongsen will not easily agree with her. Do.

"This... I think that if He Hongsen attaches great importance to you, he will consider your feelings, so you should try to get closer to him after you go back. He is your grandfather. You must coax him better than coaxing your father. And more effective."

When Sister Ling heard the words, a trace of anxiety flashed in her eyes, and finally she couldn't help but sigh: "Xi Yuan, you still don't understand, my real thought now is... I don't want to go to Macau, I just want to stay in Longqing City, I want to live an ordinary life."


Rong Xiyuan was completely stunned this time, she never thought that Sister Ling would say that, didn't she long to find the person who hurt her earlier and return to her relatives?Could it be that he was disappointed with the He family?
"Sister Ling, are you too pessimistic? If you continue to hide your tracks and keep the He family from knowing, then you can only continue to live in hiding. Are you willing to do this? Only the He family knows your existence, You can live a normal life. But once you know, it means that you have to go back and get He Hongsen's public approval. After that, you will have no worries. No one in the He family dares to touch you. You can fight to do what you want , like going to an orphanage."

After all, Rong Xiyuan's opinion is to send Sister Ling back to the He family.

Sister Ling smiled helplessly and stopped arguing.

"Okay, I listen to you, I'll go back."

Seeing Sister Ling's expression a bit disappointed, Rong Yan couldn't help comforting: "Be optimistic, you just go back and report. Believe me, returning to He's house will do you more good than harm."

"Well...I see."

The conversation between the two ended in less than half an hour, and after Rong Xiyuan received a call from He Hongsen, he decided to send someone to pick up Sister Ling tomorrow.

Sister Ling's mood is very complicated, she can't bear to be here, to be precise, she can't bear to bear Rong Xiyuan.After getting along for this period of time, she has a new kind of dependence on him. She misses and cares about him every day, wants to see him appear every day, and looks forward to having dinner with him every day.

But now, she was leaving, she had not been here for a long time, and she left sooner than she expected.

What kind of mentality is this?Shouldn't you be happy to be home?Why does she feel sad?
The He family, to her, was not as attractive as the villa she was in right now.

Just because there is someone here...

In the bedroom inside the wall, Rong Xiyuan was talking to You Ge about this matter, she was a little surprised, but more happy... Sister Ling is finally leaving, hahaha, it's really a good walk!
Under the faint light, the air was full of warmth, You Ge put his arms around Rong Xiyuan's neck, smiled sweetly, and did not forget to give him a rewarding kiss.

That night, Rong Xiyuan and You Ge were doing things happily, but Sister Ling couldn't sleep, thinking about leaving here, she was very sad.

Tong Jin knew that Sister Ling was leaving, and was as happy as Rong Xiyuan, and happily blessed Sister Ling, saying that she would go to Macau to visit Sister Ling in the future.

This guy couldn't understand Sister Ling's entangled thoughts, he just thought that Sister Ling was too excited, but he didn't know that Sister Ling had feelings for this place, or that Sister Ling had feelings for Rong Xiyuan beyond friendship.

In the middle of the night, Sister Ling hadn't fallen asleep yet, she tossed and turned in bed, got up for a while and went to the balcony for a walk, and then sat in front of the computer in a daze, appearing absent-minded, even a little out of mind.Until 12 o'clock, she received a mysterious call...

Last time, when this call was made, both parties did not speak, but lightly touched the phone with their hands to make sounds of different lengths, and communicated in Morse code.

This time it is still the same, but the call time is shorter, only 20 seconds.After Sister Ling tapped the phone a few times, the call ended.

What message did the other party receive from Sister Ling?
Shen Biling... No, she should be called He Biling.

Why does He Biling sometimes seem mysterious?What is she thinking?

After the phone call, there was a decisive light in He Biling's eyes, and he was a little unwilling, a little aggressive...

Is this still the gentle and graceful sister Ling?Is it the kind-hearted and compassionate sister Ling?
A difficult night passed, and the next day, You Ge went to work early, but Rong Xiyuan didn't go to the company. He wanted to send Sister Ling to the airport and waited for the He family's special plane to pick him up.

Sending a special plane is in line with the status of the He family. He Hongsen has always been thinking about this granddaughter living abroad. Originally, he wanted to pick her up in person, but for the sake of health, he could only wait at home in Macau.

He Hongsen didn't know what to think, but he didn't send He Ju to pick him up, but he sent the current butler of the He family, who is also a trusted confidant of He Hongsen.

The housekeeper said a few words of thanks to Rong Xiyuan, which meant to express He Hongsen's gratitude for this matter and to make some kind of promise to Rong Xiyuan.

Rong Xiyuan didn't value such a promise, because he was only doing it for Sister Ling's benefit, not for getting anything from He Hongsen.

Sister Ling couldn't help crying when she boarded the plane, and reluctantly got into the cabin. Rong Xiyuan and Tong Jin watched the plane take off, and a big stone in their hearts fell to the ground.From then on, Sister Ling's safety was entrusted to He Hongsen, presumably the gambling king would not disappoint.

You Ge has been in a good mood all day long, and she feels refreshed when she thinks that the special person in the family has left. The fence seems to be useless, right?
Do you want to dismantle it?
tear down the wall?Do not dismantle?Rong Xiyuan said that this question can be kept as a souvenir...

This guy, don't you think the wall is an eyesore now?Think about how devastated he was when he saw the fence on the first day, and how angry he was with You Ge, and then think about it, it seems to be a kind of fun, because the two of them have long since passed the rain.

Life has become lively and interesting because of You Ge, she can always stir up ripples in his heart, although sometimes she has a bad temper, and even dared to hold a sign to him "No entry for analysis of yuan and pigs", but , Then again, do other women dare?It's too late to please him, how dare you treat him like this?

Only You Ge, always spread her true heart in front of him, whether it is losing her temper or building a fence, it is the embodiment of her thoughts, and it is a way for the two to communicate with each other.

What is it called?Commonly known as "one thing lowers one thing", a man like Rong Xiyuan is not something that any woman can handle, so far, it seems that this couple is quite compatible.

After what happened to Sister Ling this time, the trust and relationship between Rong Xiyuan and You Ge deepened again, just like steelmaking, only by training again and again can it become invincible.

The peace and harmony of the past has been restored in the villa, the owner is loving and loving, and the dogs are well-behaved and obedient.Tong Jin continued to be his technical nerd, You Ge continued to work hard in the counter, Rong Xiyuan took care of the company, and spread the golden brand of Baorui to the world.

No one is idle, but I also feel that the taste of life has become sweeter.

The attitude of the Rong family in Hong Kong seems a little strange recently. Rong Bingxiong did not come to the mainland for inspections, and he seemed to be focusing on Hong Kong. It is said that he spent more time in the Rong family mansion and spent more time with the old man.

Not only that, but his younger siblings seem to be getting closer to the old man recently, and everyone's filial piety seems to be bursting.

This is for outsiders to see, but also for the old man to see.Rong Bingxiong said some time ago that the old man intends to make a new will. This is an extremely important matter in a rich family, and everyone will be nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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