old love back

Chapter 127 What's New Tonight?

Chapter 127 What's New Tonight?
You Ge was pacing back and forth in the bathroom, rubbing his little hands, his brows were furrowed, what should we do now?
At this time, the phone moved, and it was a message from Long Xiaoxiao, "Are you in the bathroom? Come out, the big boss is here!" Four exclamation marks in a row, expressing extreme anxiety.

You Ge can only smile wryly, can she go out now?Running into Rong Bingxiong is definitely not a good thing.

She herself doesn't care what the Rong family thinks of her, but she cares whether Rong Xiyuan will be ridiculed by the Rong family.Those people, if they knew that she was a shopping guide, would say harsh words to provoke Rong Xiyuan, and she felt sick just thinking about it.

You Ge's mind was spinning quickly, thinking about the solution, but he didn't know what was going on outside. Long Xiaoxiao was in a panic. It was just her and Zhan Wenqi, and the store manager was not here, but the vice chairman of the head office came, a surprise inspection , it is terrible!
At this time, there was a sound behind him, someone was relieved inside, and with the sound of flushing water, a young girl in pink came out and smiled at You Ge: "It's You Ge, hehe, sorry , I borrowed your bathroom again."

This girl is from the shop next door, and there is no bathroom in that shop, so she sometimes sees that the manager of the Baorui counter here is not there, so she comes in to borrow it, and You Ge knows her.

You Ge's eyes lit up, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, he grabbed the girl's hand on the ground, Shui Lingling's big eyes sparkled, and said a little excitedly: "Sister, can you take off your clothes?"


"...Ah?" The girl's face turned red all of a sudden, and then she suddenly shook off You Ge's hand, and said angrily, "I'm not Lily, you...you respect yourself!"

You Ge was stunned on the spot, and then realized that what he said just now was too scary, and quickly grabbed the girl to explain...

After about 3 minute...

A man came out of the men's room next door. He was bald, with small eyes and a little fat. It was Rong Bingxiong.

Unfortunately, the women's restroom was also opened, and the person who came out almost bumped into Rong Bingxiong!

For a moment, both of them were stunned, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"You..." You Ge opened his mouth, his eyes wide open.

Rong Bingxiong frowned in disgust, and looked her up and down...

You Ge is not wearing overalls at this time, but has switched clothes with the previous girl, wearing a pink short-sleeved one.

In Rong Bingxiong's eyes, You Ge's clothes are very vulgar at the moment, and he can tell at a glance that the clothes are of poor quality and sold on the street.

Rong Bingxiong also accidentally met You Ge here, but because You Ge was not wearing work clothes, Rong Bingxiong couldn't find anything for a while.

Rong Bingxiong snorted coldly: "Hehe, what should I say about you, you are going out anyway, pay attention to dressing, not for yourself, but for the Rong family's face. It doesn't matter if you are ashamed, the Rong family can't follow you to shame Does Rong Xiyuan have no money to buy you clothes?"

Who would be comfortable listening to this tone? It's so harsh, and it doesn't care about other people's feelings at all.

You Ge has no time to chat with him now, she wants to leave the shop before being discovered, and return after Rong Bingxiong leaves.

"No matter what clothes I wear, my husband won't say I'm ashamed, so you don't have to worry about that." After speaking, You Ge didn't bother to answer, and walked away.

Rong Bingxiong's face was extremely ugly, and he cursed in his heart: Rong Xiyuan's wife is just like himself, she is ungrateful and can make people smoke with anger at any time!

Seeing that You Ge was about to walk out of the shop, the figure coming in bumped into her!

"Ouch..." You Ge covered his little nose in pain, looked up, and a familiar handsome face was staring at her sullenly.

Both eyes of You Ge's horrified little face almost popped out, and he panicked subconsciously, but his mind was blank, only hearing Rong Bingxiong's voice next to his ear...

"Xiyuan, you came just in time. Look, she..." Rong Bingxiong scolded, but he was interrupted before he could speak.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, I will handle it myself." Rong Xiyuan said coldly, before he could move, You Ge had already rushed out of him.

You Ge didn't care so much in his desperation, if he didn't run away, how "exciting" would the scene be?In the store, Zhan Wenqi is here, Rong Bingxiong is here, and if You Ge doesn't leave, he must be in trouble!
Rong Xiyuan also hurriedly chased him out, and had no intention of talking to Rong Bingxiong at all.

Both Zhan Wenqi and Long Xiaoxiao were stunned, wondering what happened, why didn't You Ge wear work clothes?

Rong Bingxiong was very angry at Rong Xiyuan's attitude, his face was ugly, and the companions next to him were all company executives, and they all looked at each other when they saw this, the sensible way is to leave as soon as possible, everyone knows that Rong The situation between Bing Xiong and Rong Xiyuan is at odds.

"Deputy Director, shall we go back to the company?"

Rong Bingxiong snorted heavily, not in the mood to stay any longer, and walked out of the counter with a dark face.

Fortunately, Rong Bingxiong has not noticed the abnormality of You Ge, he only thought that You Ge came here to pick things up, and thought she was a customer, but he didn't expect that You Ge would be a shopping guide.

It was a false alarm, but fortunately You Ge was clever, and ran out after changing clothes with that girl in the bathroom, otherwise Rong Bingxiong would know what You Ge was doing when he saw the clothes.

However, You Ge couldn't hide it from Rong Xiyuan. At this moment, she was caught and dragged to the rooftop...

The rooftop is wide and cool, and it is a good place to breathe. You can also see different city scenery. You Ge sometimes comes up for lunch to sit for a while and breathe fresh air.But today I lost interest because I was caught by someone.

You Ge lowered his head, bit his lower lip, and peeked at his face... so serious, looks like he's angry?Can't it?
You Ge's face was wrinkled into sauerkraut, his heart was in a state of panic, and he had a bad feeling.

But You Ge has now figured out a bit of Rong Xiyuan's temper, she has to be soft when she should be soft, and she has to be coaxed when she should be coaxed.

No one knew what Rong Xiyuan was thinking, but this handsome face was indeed clouded.

You Ge suddenly stretched out his arms to hold him, leaned tenderly in his arms, rubbed his little head against his chest, and said with a hint of flattery: "Don't do this, uncle, I didn't intend to keep it from you, I have Thinking about how to tell you...uncle..."

This sweet and soft voice was enough to make his bones brittle, and a deep light flashed in his black eyes, but he still didn't move, stiff.

You Ge's heart skipped a beat, isn't this trick working?
You Ge's big eyes blinked, and immediately hugged his neck, and kissed him on the cheek, but the guy still didn't respond.

"Are you so angry?" You Ge murmured secretly, and then, with a mischievous look in his eyes, he pursed his lips and kissed him on the lips.

Can you still be indifferent this time?
Is he laughing?
"I remembered, you didn't show any shock when you saw me in the store earlier, you...you don't know...you already knew?"

Rong Xiyuan pinched her little nose angrily, swept away the displeasure just now, and said dotingly: "Do you think I don't know? On the first day of your interview, a bodyguard reported to me, just look You didn't tell me all this time, so I played with you, but I didn't expect Rong Bingxiong to come today. I heard that he was going to the counter, so I rushed here, but fortunately, I came in time."

"Hahaha, uncle really knew it a long time ago, uncle, you are too tired!" You Ge hugged him happily, and he was relieved, as long as he wasn't angry.

"Do you think I'm humiliating you because I'm a shopping guide?" You Ge's moist eyes shone with a charming luster. These jewel-like eyes could speak, which made his heart itch.

"Fool, what's the shame of being a shopping guide, don't think too much..."

There are some things that Rong Xiyuan did not say... He has done many jobs, and even worked as a beggar for a while after his father died... So, he will not dislike You Ge's work. In his eyes, there is no occupation. The distinction between high and low.

She was pleasantly surprised and moved, and it was only now that she realized that what she cared most about was Rong Xiyuan's understanding and support for her. Now, she was completely at ease.

"Haha, uncle, you are so kind... I was actually a little worried about what you would think at first, but now it's alright. It turns out that uncle is your bosom friend. I love you so much, hahaha..." You Ge looked very excited. Like a child, delicate and cute, killing someone's immunity in seconds.

"You, I can really figure it out. Working in Baorui is very risky for you. If your identity is leaked, you will feel uncomfortable at work in the future. It is also for this reason that you conceal your identity."

(End of this chapter)

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