old love back

Chapter 129 You sleep on the sofa tonight

Chapter 129 You sleep on the sofa tonight
Sure enough, Rong Xiyuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Go, of course."

"You..." You Ge bulged his cheeks and glared at him angrily.

But Rong Xiyuan smiled and said, "Of course I'm going, but I'll take you there with me. Macau is very interesting. You don't want to marry a tourist?"

Seeing the playfulness in his eyes, You Ge was relieved that he was deliberately teasing her.

You Ge smiled sweetly, put his arms around his neck, and said softly: "You pass the test, but I still want to ask... If... I said if, someday, if Sister Ling came back to look for you again, would you What will you do?"

Rong Xiyuan pretended not to understand: "How to do what? She has hands and feet, and she is free to go wherever she wants."

You Ge pinched him on the shoulder: "Don't pretend, you know what I mean."

Rong Xiyuan yelled exaggeratedly, but smiled brightly: "Honey, you are too jealous, she is He Hongsen's baby now, she is very busy all day long, how can she have time to walk around, don't be blind!" Worried."

"Hmph, that's not certain. What if she misses you so much that she can't control her thoughts?"

"You...you have too much imagination, right? Sister Ling just treats me as her younger brother, since she was in the orphanage, and Tong Jin is also her younger brother." Rong Xiyuan explained helplessly.

At this moment, the servant rushed over and said that someone outside was looking for Rong Xiyuan, she was a beautiful woman.

This... so late, who else is here?
You Ge and Rong Xiyuan both stood up and went to the door to have a look, but they were both very curious.

However, when they got to the door and saw who the person in front of them was, both of them were stunned and dumbfounded... Really Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived!
In the living room, the old friends met happily, and the atmosphere was harmonious and harmonious. As the hostess, You Ge personally went to pick some fruits to entertain.In the kitchen, she could hear the hearty laughter outside. Can you imagine how happy that woman is at the moment?
This uninvited guest was still on the phone with Rong Xiyuan not long ago, people thought she was in Macau, but in fact she was already in Longqing City!
That's right, the person who appeared suddenly was Sister Ling who had gone and returned!

Since she officially returned to the He family, she should be called He Biling now.

This time, He Biling came to Longqing City with He Hongsen's permission. The reason is that she wants to realize her dream, to expand the orphanage in this special place, to become the director, and to help more children.

This matter has been discussed with the old dean before coming here, and he has received the support of the old dean. In addition, He Biling has also brought a huge sum of money to expand the original orphanage again, and will also be in this city. Choose another place and build another one.

The people from the super rich family are really extraordinary. To be honest, this must be the gospel of those disadvantaged groups, and it is a great thing to benefit the society.

When He Biling returned to Longqing City this time, she was a different person compared to the thin and thin woman before, and she was wearing a wig, no wonder the servants didn't recognize her.

Compared with three months ago, He Biling's complexion is much better, her body has fully recovered, her weight is also standard, and her figure is even hotter and amazing. Coupled with her natural goddess-like face, she wears a royal blue dress and wears VCA's limited edition chalcedony four-leaf clover jewelry set, stepping on transparent crystal shoes...

Noble and elegant, just like a princess in a fairy tale, her long brown hair suits her mixed-race temperament, her orange-pink translucent lips exude a seductive luster, her creamy skin is as flawless as jade, she looks like she is over thirty At most, this woman looks only 25 years old. She is so charming and sexy that she has a fatal attraction beckoning. Let alone a man, even a woman can hardly resist He Biling in his heyday. With a look, Every expression has the power to kill in seconds.

He Biling's arrival was a surprise for Rong Xiyuan and Tong Jin. Earlier, Tong Jin was still saying that he was going to Macau and would visit Sister Ling, but she never expected that she would come first, so soon.

They hadn't seen each other for quite a while, and the three of them chatted very happily. From the chat, they also knew that He Biling would not return to Macau in a short time when he came this time.With the support of the He family, she can do what she wants, such as coming here to take care of the orphanage. She can realize her dreams and see the people she wants to see from time to time, killing two birds with one stone.

However, You Ge couldn't be happy, and always felt that his heart was blocked.

He Biling came back so soon. In such a short period of time, she has changed a lot, except that her face has not changed, giving people the impression that her whole person has become radiant, and she is not as weak as before.There is also a faint look of a lady in the conversation.

You Ge grew up in a wealthy family since she was a child. Although her parents left early, You Ge's education and training since she was a child were the standards of a wealthy family. It is very difficult to achieve the perfect demeanor of a wealthy daughter like He Biling if he is trained halfway.

Thinking of this, You Ge was taken aback for a moment, the hand that cut the watermelon stopped, and surprise appeared on his face... By the way, He Biling's temperament is not unique now, but has been there for a long time, but she only had two when she returned to Macau month!
A white light flashed in You Ge's mind, as if something had passed before he could catch it, and at this moment, the servant came over to arrange the fruit plate and asked You Ge if he could take it out.

You Ge nodded in a daze, and stood still... He Biling, is this woman really born with aristocratic temperament?

How can someone who grew up in an orphanage have such a strong aura of a wealthy family? It cannot be cultivated in a day or two.

You Ge didn't think of this question before, but now that he thinks about it, he can't help but feel too strange.

And the question that worries You Ge even more is, where does He Biling plan to live this time?Do you want to live here again?
You Ge hurried to the living room, and heard He Biling's voice saying from a distance...

"I live in the orphanage, which is convenient for work. The old director plans to hand over all the affairs in the next few days, and she will go back to the countryside to retire."

You Ge breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately she didn't live here again, otherwise she would be even more uncomfortable.

This He Biling is quite sensible, and she doesn't intend to live in any more, but no matter what, she is already in Longqing City, and it is too easy to see Rong Xiyuan.

But this matter, You Ge is powerless. He Biling brought a large sum of charity money, not on behalf of herself, but the He family. Besides, planning to build an orphanage is also a good deed. You Ge knows that he cannot oppose her doing it because he is afraid of He Biling thing.

He Biling looks very friendly and confident. She is no longer the same as when I just met her. Now she is radiant and has become a dazzling star. With the support of her family, she will work harder and devote herself to charity .

This night, He Biling didn't stay long and left an hour later.

The orphanage is a place that Rong Xiyuan attaches great importance to. In the past few years, he has made donations. Now that the He family has come forward to participate, Rong Xiyuan is also very pleased, because more homeless children will benefit.

He originally planned to donate at the end of this year, but now he has decided to advance, and will transfer 300 million donations to the orphanage tomorrow.

Tong Jin will also participate in the project of preparing for the construction of the orphanage. When he returns from a trip to Macau, he will officially go to the orphanage to help.

All three of them came from the same orphanage, and that place was a sacred place in their hearts. Whenever they had the opportunity, they wanted to repay the orphanage, and to benefit the partners who had grown up together.

Many of my former friends have already worked and married, but they may not necessarily live well.To contact them and let them get help is the wish of Rong Xiyuan and the three of them. Now they can work together to achieve it, and a kind of cohesion is formed between them, because they all have a common goal.

However, this will invisibly create another problem, just like Rong Yanyuan, He Biling and Tong Jin, the three of them are twisted into one rope, and You Ge is an outsider instead?Because she didn't grow up in an orphanage, it was difficult for her to blend into their circle at the moment.

You Ge doesn't want to worry about this matter for a while, she has her own business to take care of, she has just started in Baorui, becoming an acting store manager is a good start for her, she can't take it lightly at this time, and can't be distracted .

For the orphanage, let them figure it out, and she will do her best, but due to work reasons, she cannot have so much time, so she can only donate money.

Rong Xiyuan is a local tyrant, and his donation is his business, but You Ge also needs to contribute. She has already become a regular employee and her income is not bad. She decided to donate her one month's salary.This is just the beginning, and she will donate more when her income increases.

Everyone is very busy, even Tong Jin, a technical geek, seldom stays at home recently, and often runs to the orphanage, and every time he comes back he is full of energy.This kid feels that being able to contribute to the orphanage is a very happy and fulfilling thing.

If you have to talk about idleness, it can only be this guy Xu Yan.

Knowing that You Ge and Rong Xiyuan were reconciled as before, Xu Yan felt frustrated in love and was hit hard. He asked for leave and went on a trip. As for where he went, he didn't know, and how long he went.

In short, Xu Yan just went out to relax, this time he had to make himself fully figured out before coming back.

Huo Junyan is no longer in this city. It is said that he went to Hong Kong to investigate the case. Before leaving, he said that he would keep in touch with You Ge from time to time.In fact, the case he is going to investigate is about You Ge's parents. I don't know what progress has been made, so that he has to run to Hong Kong.

Rong Bingxiong didn't stop. As time passed, he became more and more worried about his status, because the old man's attitude became more and more weird. He used to think that he had a high chance of becoming the chairman, but recently he always felt uneasy. The old man had come to Longqing City twice to look for Rong Xiyuan, but he couldn't figure out why the old man was looking for Rong Xiyuan, which made him feel in danger.

Because of Rong Xiyuan's intimidation, this woman Zheng Haoyue dare not deal with You Ge too blatantly, but she has never been reconciled in her heart, thinking about finding an opportunity to seize the opportunity to drive You Ge out of Baorui.

Maybe it's because you know what Zheng Haoyue is thinking, that's why You Ge is more cautious in his work, and must not let Zheng Haoyue have any excuses.

Life is always turbulent, and You Ge's premonition is not good, since the day He Biling came back.

One weekend, You Ge went to work, came home very late, and found that Rong Xiyuan hadn't come back, so he called, and he said he was in the orphanage.It happened to be dark and rainy, and the road over the orphanage was under construction, so it was inconvenient to drive at such a time.Hearing that he said that he would come back tomorrow, You Ge didn't know what to say.

If he is forced to come back, what if something goes wrong along the way?But will she allow him to stay in the orphanage for one night?He Biling also lives in the orphanage, You Ge is worried...

You Ge's mentality is understandable. It's human nature. Knowing that there is He Biling in the orphanage, how can You Ge feel at ease?

(End of this chapter)

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