old love back

Chapter 130 Give Me a Baby

Chapter 130 Give Me a Baby
But she couldn't go there at this time, because she had never been to the orphanage, so she didn't know the exact location, and she knew that the road was being built there, and it was dark and raining, how to get there?Both Shen Zhao and Tong Jin were not at home, You Ge tried to ask the bodyguard to take her there, but was refused.Because the bodyguard said it was too dangerous and unsafe to do so.

You Ge was a little depressed, looking out the window, listening to the pattering rain, feeling uneasy.

Xiangxiang is in You Ge's arms, very well-behaved, and looks out of the window from time to time, as if she knows You Ge's anxiety.

Xiangxiang jumped down, and soon came back with something in her mouth, jumped into You Ge's arms, and stuffed her with a small plush toy.

This is Xiangxiang's toy, but every time it sees You Ge unhappy, it will bring its beloved toy to You Ge, just like treating its own child, with gentle, considerate, and focused eyes. Thick sincerity.

Feeling warm in your heart, You Ge hugged Xiangxiang, kissed the fur on its head, stroked its back, and whispered in his mouth: "Baby, you are with me again tonight..."

Xiangxiang is very human, so she rubbed against You Ge's neck, barking a few times as a response.

The hot summer has just passed, and every time it rains, the weather will be cooler, especially on this quiet rainy night, it will make people feel depressed, as if every drop of rain has fallen on the heart.

The whole villa was shrouded in a layer of desolation. In the darkness, the scenery could not be seen clearly, only the buildings towering in the haze were like the outline of a castle in a fairy tale, but this coldness could not be dispelled in my heart.It turned out that without him by his side, it was so lonely.

Loneliness is not "sorry for writing new words", it is the real loneliness from the heart, the endless thoughts entangled in the tip of the heart, arousing her flesh and soul, making it difficult for her to sleep, as long as she closes her eyes, her mind will feel Emerged his shadow, face.

How could this be, but it's only been a day since I haven't seen him, and I miss him so much?
In fact, when you go to work every day, You Ge will feel a little bit reluctant, and every day when you come home from get off work, you will be as happy and yearning as a bird returning to its nest, just because you have him at home, as long as you think of him, her steps will speed up , her heartbeat will be stronger, and the corners of her lips will be raised unconsciously.

Who said that it takes a long time to miss each other, there is a kind of deep lovesickness, and it will start to ferment in the body as soon as you turn around.

what is he doing?Will you miss her too?

You Ge is holding the phone, at this moment, her heart is extremely anxious, she wants to see him, hear him, touch him...

He dialed Rong Xiyuan's phone, and heard a beep in his ear.

When he heard him pick it up, You Ge's heart suddenly became inexplicably at ease, as soft as a ball of cotton stuffed into his chest.


A soft voice, with a hint of coquettishness and grievance, pierced the man's heart, and a pang of pity emerged spontaneously.

"I was just about to rest, so I called you, and you called. Is this the legendary heart-to-heart relationship?" Rong Xiyuan chuckled, his deep and deep voice sounded particularly charming in the silent night. . .

You Ge chuckled, and stretched his brows, but then he asked worriedly: "Where do you sleep? Is He Biling's room far from where you live?"

When Rong Xiyuan heard this, he immediately understood You Ge's intentions, this little woman is still jealous.

"Hmm..." Rong Xiyuan had the idea of ​​teasing her: "If I say, I will live next door to her, will you suffer from insomnia?"

You Ge was stunned, gritted his teeth and said, "Is what you said true or false? What about Shen Zhao and Tong Jin, didn't they all go with you?"

Hearing her nervousness, Rong Xiyuan smiled deeper: "You, you just like to think wildly, so I won't tease you. In fact, Tong Jin and Shen Zhao lived next door, and sister Ling lived in the room where the old dean lived. , not here, in the west, it's so late, she should have gone to bed long ago."

You Ge finally breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to say something, but heard a strange noise from the phone. It seemed to be the sound of knocking on the door and talking to a woman?

It's He Biling, she's here to find Rong Xiyuan!

You Ge suddenly burst into flames, and over there, Rong Xiyuan said in a hurry: "Sister Ling needs me, I'll call you later."

After hanging up the phone, You Ge became more and more restless, thinking that the woman was in Rong Xiyuan's room at the moment, how could You Ge calm down?

However, there is nothing you can do if you are not calm, it is too late!

After waiting for an hour, Rong Xiyuan called, and You Ge hung up after saying a few words angrily.

Can you not be angry, is there something urgent that needs to be discussed for an hour at night?Can't we talk about it the next day?

Lonely man and widow, don't know how to avoid suspicion at all!
This night, You Ge definitely didn't have a good rest, and he still didn't calm down the next day. After Rong Xiyuan came back, he didn't see You Ge, and she had already gone to work.

But Rong Xiyuan found a note in the bedroom with You Ge's notes on it, "The sofa is very wide, I think it suits you very well."

Rong Xiyuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and shook his head helplessly, it seemed that he had to explain again.

If you want to explain, it depends on whether You Ge listens to your explanation.

Sure enough, You Ge didn't talk to Rong Xiyuan when he got home from get off work today, and when he was sleeping at night, You Ge specially left a quilt on the sofa to remind Rong Xiyuan.

But this guy doesn't like this, he insists on running to the bed, but he is kicked out of bed by You Ge.

In the bedroom, the two stared at each other, and the atmosphere was a bit stiff.

Rong Xiyuan patiently explained: "It was really nothing last night, Sister Ling just had some plans to discuss with me, so don't think too much about it, just calm down."

You Ge puffed up his cheeks, his big eyes were full of resentment: "Why don't you think about it, you are a man with a wife, and you stay in the same room with another woman in the middle of the night, talking for an hour, who would do this kind of thing?" Can you calm down? What would you think if I switched roles with you? How important is it that we have to talk about it at that time?"

"You don't believe me?" Rong Xiyuan frowned.

You Ge's eyes darkened, and he said angrily: "It's not that I don't believe you, but I don't agree with your attitude towards Sister Ling. Just because she is your benefactor, so don't you need to avoid suspicion? You should remind her tactfully, It's very late, let's talk about something at dawn, can't this work? Although I was not by your side last night, I also hope that you will treat me as if I was by your side. Also, Sister Ling is also a woman, don't you understand this? If I Tonight, she will chat with you in the room for an hour? It's clearly doing that while I'm not around, what's her intentions!"

You Ge's small universe hasn't erupted for a long time, so it can be seen that he is very angry. .

It's no wonder, it was almost 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and He Biling ran to Rong Xiyuan's room, what was he thinking?You Ge is right about one thing, if she had been there last night, He Biling's actions would not be like this.

But Rong Xiyuan heard You Ge's dissatisfaction with Sister Ling from these words, and he felt that maybe You Ge was still brooding about the past, and regarded Sister Ling as an imaginary enemy. . .

Sister Ling has a special status in Rong Xiyuan's mind. It can be said that she is like a sister and a mother. Feeling that You Ge's displeasure is mainly aimed at Sister Ling, Rong Xiyuan's expression is not good, and he sinks.

"You have too much prejudice against Sister Ling. There is nothing shameful between me and Sister Ling. We get along frankly. Why do you always think wrong? Do you know that Sister Ling often says that I should treat you well?" Point, tell me to cherish you, he is a kind person, but you can't tolerate her so much? This is what you call trust? If you really trust, you won't quarrel with me about what happened last night. " Rong Xiyuan's cold tone showed that he was also angry.

You Ge was stunned for a moment, carefully thinking about what these words meant, thinking about it, the more he thought about it, the more he felt cold. . .

You Ge looked at him as if he was looking at a stranger, and sneered, "You mean, I'm not as magnanimous as Sister Ling? She is kind, so am I a wicked person? What's wrong with me being nervous about my husband? I I'm just dissatisfied with her going to your room late at night, I haven't said what you guys did, what is it if it's not trust? Hehe..."

"You..." Rong Xiyuan Jun's face turned black, and his sharp eyes contained sullen anger: "What are you thinking in your heart? Don't you think she and I were chatting last night? You said trust, but your trust really has something How much? Let me sleep on the sofa today, and you can't consider my feelings if you lose your temper?"

You Ge's anger was suppressed and she hadn't let it out yet. Seeing that he was the first to get angry, it was even more difficult for her to calm down.

"That's right, you are only suitable for sleeping on the sofa!" You Ge returned to the bed angrily, got into the quilt, and didn't say a word to him again.

And Rong Xiyuan is also proud, seeing You Ge's attitude, he feels that if he has the cheek to go to bed, he will appear even more humble.

sofa?Isn't it just a sofa, and it's not the first time to sleep on it!

Rong Xiyuan also lay down on the sofa angrily, covered the quilt, and remained silent, and the two of them passed the night with resentment...

She slept well at night, but fortunately the next day was Saturday, and Yu Ge was also on vacation that day, so she could wake up later.

It was still before dawn, and everything was quiet.You Ge was sleeping soundly like a baby, pure and lovely, with a small pink mouth pouted, one hand still clenched his fist lightly, breathing lightly and evenly, curled up like a lazy cat.

In a daze, You Ge felt a strange feeling, and subconsciously scratched his face with his hand, but it was still itchy... Is there a mosquito?
You Ge opened his eyes and saw Rong Xiyuan's magnified handsome face in front of him, kissing her!

"You...Damn it, you should be sleeping on the sofa, why did you come to the bed?" You Ge said and pushed him: "Get out, the sofa outside is your territory, don't come in the bedroom!"

Rong Xiyuan only had a bath towel around his waist at the moment, and his muscular figure looked extraordinarily charming under the faint light, exuding a healthy luster, strength and beauty coexisting, sexy enough to make women drool, and this guy's body Still very fragrant, just took a shower.

His evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and with his arm propped beside her, he said like a rascal: "I wash deliciously, but you let me sleep on the sofa? Isn't it too wasteful to be so reckless?"

After speaking, he has already taken action.

(End of this chapter)

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