old love back

Chapter 131 Are You Pregnant?

Chapter 131 Are You Pregnant?

"I want a baby."

"You..." You Ge looked at him in surprise, and didn't know what to say for a while, but felt his heart beating wildly!

child?He actually wanted her to get pregnant?
You Ge's heart was disturbed, his emotions were complicated, he was stunned, and his mind was a little dazed... My child, this is a word that worries her every time she thinks of it. It used to be because she took the medicine for brain injury and needed to stop taking it for half a year before you can get pregnant.It's been half a year now, but is she really going to have a baby with him?
Looking at the familiar face in front of him, some images kept appearing in You Ge's mind, sad, happy, laughing and tears, all kinds of ups and downs came to his heart, and then thought about whether the relationship between him and him is real Are you emotionally stable?He stayed in the same room with Sister Ling for an hour in the middle of the night last night. Would that woman really have no impact on her family?
Rong Xiyuan, how true or false is his heart?Did she really see clearly?Is it really possible to add one more member to this family?

"Don't think that it's all right, hum... If you don't know how to reflect on what happened last night, then you'll still sleep on the sofa tonight."

"..." Rong Xiyuan couldn't laugh or cry, it turned out that she was still thinking about it.

"Okay, what you said last night, I thought about it later, and it was not unreasonable. I will pay attention to it in the future, and I won't talk to her for so long in the middle of the night, so you can rest assured?"

You Ge turned from worry to joy, and then showed a little smile: "Well, it's not too bad, just remember the things that should be avoided."

The little friction passed like this without affecting each other's feelings. This is because the two of them have not confronted each other head-on. Under You Ge's reminder, he should be more straightforward when he finds that he should avoid taboos. This is where his attitude towards Sister Ling needs to be improved.

This is the case between husband and wife. When one party gets angry, the other party is softer, and when the other party delivers goods, he is softer.Complementary in this way, there will be no hurt feelings due to fighting each other.

Today is You Ge's vacation, and Rong Xiyuan doesn't go to work. Their travel plan is to go to a nearby supermarket to buy vegetables, and then have a lunch made by Rong Xiyuan.

It's so rare, usually it's a servant or You Ge who cooks, but today Rong Xiyuan offered to cook, and You Ge was pleasantly surprised that he could taste his cooking skills.

Rong Xiyuan bought a lot of ingredients, and added them with the original ingredients at home to make a pot of tonic soup. There are big scallops, abalone, American ginseng...

In short, this pot of porridge is quite luxurious, but the taste and smell can increase people's appetite, it is too tempting.Although the food at home is usually good, it is the first time to make a big tonic soup like this. Even sister Ling didn't add so many precious ingredients to a pot of soup all at once when she was recuperating here.

During this meal, You Ge saw Rong Xiyuan's cooking skills, and marveled at how lucky he was. After eating it once, he thought that he would be able to eat his meals often in the future.

Rong Xiyuan was also extremely generous, saying that he would cook as long as he had time.

Did this man love his wife more?You Ge only felt that he was surrounded by honey, he was in a good mood, and his happiness was written on his face. Such a feeling of happiness made people want to have more and have it for a longer time.

After that, as expected, Rong Xiyuan did not break his promise, he would cook from time to time, and he never forgot to cook a pot of tonic soup every time.

The ingredients of the soup are different every time, but they are all delicious and delicious, which makes people feel unsatisfied after eating.

After eating like this, You Ge's face has changed a bit, it is slightly rounded, and the weight is still on the trend of gaining weight.

But Rong Xiyuan said it was nothing, that You Ge was only 95 catties, too thin, and that she should grow some more flesh.

Since her husband loves her so much, she can eat it with confidence. Anyway, her physique is just like that, and she won't grow too fat.

By doing this, Rong Xiyuan shows his love for You Ge, and at the same time, he is also preparing for her pregnancy. First of all, he needs to fatten her up... In short, now Rong Xiyuan looks energetic every day. The care is more considerate than ever before.

I don't know why he suddenly changed like this, but You Ge was gradually infected by his confidence, and his desire for children became stronger...

Under Rong Xiyuan's fattening care, You Ge quickly gained three catties, and there is a tendency to continue to increase.

Recently, I have also paid attention to the diet at home. I don't eat whatever I want, and everything is based on pregnancy preparation.

Of course, only Rong Xiyuan and You Ge know about this matter for the time being, and even Tong Jin doesn't know why the food is a little different recently, that is, there is obviously more soup.

Rong Xiyuan, although he is strong and confident, he is actually a bit superstitious in some respects, maybe because he attaches too much importance to this matter, he said not to say anything, he will not say anything until You Ge is pregnant, It seemed that she was afraid that she would not be able to conceive after talking too loudly.

This is nothing, the most exaggerated thing is that a person who has never entered a temple, in order to be able to conceive a child, will go all the way to live in a temple on a mountain in a neighboring city for three days, praying for blessings, I pray that You Ge will get pregnant soon.

You Ge and Shen Zhao have never seen Rong Xiyuan so cautious before, and I feel that he is too nervous this time.

You Ge is in good condition, she is not too nervous, she still goes to and from get off work as usual every day, the difference is that Rong Xiyuan will pick up You Ge from get off work whenever she is free.

But so far You Ge hasn't disclosed her identity, so every time Rong Xiyuan picks her up, he always picks her up in the underground garage, not at the entrance of the shopping mall.

You Ge's recent obvious changes are that he has gained weight and his face is more ruddy. The originally small and delicate face is getting rounder and rounder, a little fleshy. Not only does it not make people feel ugly, but it is a little baby fat, which is very cute.

Long Xiaoxiao noticed the change in You Ge. She didn't know about the couple. At most, she knew that You Ge was married, but she didn't know that she was planning to get pregnant.

On this day, the business in the counter was very good in the morning, and it stopped at lunchtime, just in time for a rest.

Both Long Xiaoxiao and You Ge used to order boxed lunch outside, but recently Rong Xiyuan forbade You Ge to eat outside boxed lunch. She would bring food from home every day, and eat it after heating it in the rice cooker at noon.

Long Xiaoxiao stretched her neck to go into You Ge's lunch box, her eyes widened and she sniffed her nose...

"Wow, it's so delicious, and it's the soup your husband prepared for you? Tsk tsk...You Ge, you are so happy, I really envy you, having a husband who loves you so much."

You Ge just smiled, and spooned some soup to Long Xiaoxiao, with a smile on his mouth, brimming with happiness: "Xiaoxiao, you don't have to envy me, you will meet someone who loves you in the future."

"In the future, haha, that's so far away. I'm only 21 years old, and I'm not in a hurry to get a boyfriend now. It's more important to make money first. I'll be independent and have a financial foundation. Let's think about those things later." Long Xiaoxiao sparkled There was a gleam of clarity in his pupils.

You Ge nodded in agreement: "That's right, Xiaoxiao, your thoughts are quite correct. We women must not have the idea of ​​being lucky and enjoying the benefits. You know, no matter how much a man loves you, he will not be lazy with a delicious The women in the world endure and love for a long time, so we must be independent, hardworking, and have our own careers, and don’t live a life of relying on money from others. Make money by yourself, and spend whatever you want, regardless of whether your husband has money or not , at least we can support ourselves, that's the most important thing."

Long Xiaoxiao giggled, and her delicate cheeks showed curiosity: "You Ge, you said it so emotionally, did you encounter something before that taught you a lesson?"

(End of this chapter)

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