old love back

Chapter 132 Refresh, drive away Zheng Haoyue!

Chapter 132 Refresh, drive away Zheng Haoyue!

You Ge now feels uncomfortable when she smells fish and pork, and the meals she brings to the store every day are also vegetables, but sometimes she will drink some lean meat porridge in the morning.

You Ge quietly told Long Xiaoxiao about this, and told her to keep it secret.

Long Xiaoxiao was also so excited that he was beaten with blood, and immediately protected You Ge like a treasure.Thinking that she will be an aunt next year, Long Xiaoxiao is so happy, and said that she will save money to buy clothes for the baby.

Feeling the feeling of being cared for, You Ge feels that she is really a happy pregnant woman. No matter at home or in the store, someone takes care of her carefully and considerately. Long Xiaoxiao is even more careful than Rong Xiyuan. Girls, they understand women's minds better.

Of course the family knew about such a good thing, the servant and Shen Zhao were all happy for Rong Xiyuan and his wife, the atmosphere in the whole family was more active than before.

After Tong Jin knew about it, the first thing she did was to queue up to be a godfather, because she knew that He Feng was at the front, and Tong Jin was unwilling to be left behind, so she was soft and hard, and Rong Xiyuan and You Ge agreed Made him the child's first godfather...

This godfather still has the number one and the second, and Tong Jin and He Feng are fighting fiercely, but because Tong Jin lives here and is close to the water, this guy finally got the upper hand.He Feng is even more exaggerated. From now on, he has been thinking about what gift to give to the little baby. This kind of thinking is also very precious.

The mood of a pregnant woman is very important. You Ge can now maintain a happy mood every day, and the symptoms of sickness are getting more and more under control. After a few days, it gradually alleviates, and she seldom vomits. It's just that she can't eat large pieces of meat for the time being.

Pregnancy can change a woman's temperament, and You Ge is no exception. Looking at her now, I always feel that there is more brilliance of motherhood, her smile is more cordial and sweet, and there is also a little more mature charm, mixed with her own. A wave of aura, the breath formed is more attractive than before.

Pregnancy can make a woman ugly, and it can also make a woman beautiful. You Ge gained weight again in the next month. Her originally slender waist became thicker, and her upper circumference also increased significantly. This is another Men's welfare.

On this day, Zheng Haoyue came to inspect the store, asked questions, and stayed for a long time without leaving. That Zhan Wenqi went to whisper to Zheng Haoyue, and he didn't know what he was talking about.It must be about You Ge again, Zhan Wenqi is very discerning, and has long seen that Zheng Haoyue does not like You Ge, so whenever Zheng Haoyue comes, Zhan Wenqi will inevitably try to curry favor.

The more Zheng Haoyue listened, the more she frowned, looking at You Ge's back, thoughtful.

Vomit?Lethargy?Don't eat meat?
All these made Zheng Haoyue sensitively aware of a little abnormality, but she would not take the initiative to ask, and there was no result in asking, so she thought that she could use a method to test You Ge.

After all, Zheng Haoyue is the president, she has the right to instruct You Ge to do things, plus she has always been jealous, she has a faint guess in her heart, and she needs to confirm it.

You Ge had just sent away a customer, and Zheng Haoyue was already standing behind her.

Looking back to see this unpleasant face, You Ge was slightly surprised, then smiled calmly, and walked past Zheng Haoyue in silence.

Zheng Haoyue arrogantly called her to stop...

"A batch of new products will be delivered in a while, You Ge, go and help carry them."

You Ge was stunned, stopped in his tracks, and suddenly his face became serious... She's going to lift it?How can this work? It's a heavy object. If it hits your waist, it's no joke.If it was in normal times, she would go without hesitation, but not now, she is pregnant, so she must be careful in everything.

You Ge turned around gracefully, staring at Zheng Haoyue with cold eyes: "President, don't worry, Zhan Wenqi and Long Xiaoxiao will carry it."

Zheng Haoyue seemed to have expected You Ge to say this, and smiled deeper: "Why, now that you are the acting store manager, you know how to order people around? Aren't you okay now, what's the matter with lifting it? Could it be Do you think you are superior to others? It’s just an acting store manager, even if you are a formal store manager, you have to do it yourself when you need to work hard, don’t you even understand this? It’s a joke that you want to be promoted if you are so squeamish.”

"You..." You Ge gritted his teeth fiercely, Zheng Haoyue did it on purpose, did she see something?
The confrontation between You Ge and Zheng Haoyue's eyes was full of undercurrents, and only the parties involved could understand the meaning of the four eyes facing each other.Zheng Haoyue was sneering, but You Ge didn't panic at all, but she knew in her heart that Zheng Haoyue might be testing something.

Long Xiaoxiao gently pulled the corner of her clothes behind You Ge, looking very nervous. She knew that You Ge was pregnant, but You Ge said that she couldn't say anything about it. That Zheng Haoyue wanted to ask You Ge to move things, isn't it? Are you hurting Youge?

But how can I refuse Mr. Zheng's request?Long Xiaoxiao really sweated for You Ge.

You Ge smiled suddenly, and waved his hand simply: "Go, Xiaoxiao, come with me to carry things."

Long Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and immediately followed You Ge out.

Seeing this, Zheng Haoyue couldn't help being stunned... You Ge really moved?Didn't she think she was pregnant?
A cunning woman like Zheng Haoyue could of course guess that You Ge might be pregnant from what Zhan Wenqi said, and deliberately took this opportunity to test it out, but You Ge didn't refute anymore, and obediently moved things, which made Zheng Haoyue suspicious again own judgment.

Looking at the door, Zheng Haoyue was thoughtful. At this moment, her mobile phone rang, and when she saw the caller ID, she immediately recovered.

"Xiyuan, I'm at the counter...Huh? Now? Okay, I'll go back to the company now." Zheng Haoyue left in a hurry, not caring about going to see if You Ge could move things in person.

In fact, Rong Xiyuan called by such a coincidence, it was You Ge who called Rong Xiyuan as soon as he went out, asking him to send Zheng Haoyue away.

On this point, Rong Xiyuan and You Ge have the same opinion. They both feel that it is not the time to disclose the pregnancy news, and it is best to keep it quiet.In particular, that woman Zheng Haoyue has always been competitive, and no one can guarantee that she will not do anything radical. Therefore, keeping her from knowing about You Ge's pregnancy for the time being is also a protective measure.

This little problem was solved, but Rong Xiyuan didn't feel relieved because of it. He sat in the office with a serious expression, and faint anger was brewing in his deep eyes.

He could conclude that Zheng Haoyue had seen something and asked You Ge to move things to test it out on purpose.Zheng Haoyue just doesn't stop, she has always been jealous of You Ge, and wants to make things difficult for You Ge whenever she has the opportunity.

Rong Xiyuan is a person who distinguishes between public and private. He knows You Ge's ability, and also knows that Zheng Haoyue will find fault. Originally, these were all trials for You Ge, but now it is different. You Ge is pregnant and his body is fragile. If Zheng Haoyue I still want to punish You Ge from time to time, if one day she really gets her way, the consequences will be bad.

After thinking about it, the ruthlessness in Rong Xiyuan's eyes became more and more intense, and a layer of frost was cast between his brows.

The counter is very close to the company, and Zheng Haoyue came in less than 10 minutes, and entered the office with a smile on his face.

A gust of fragrant wind blew in, and Zheng Haoyue stepped on high-heeled shoes and walked over coquettishly.

"Xi Yuan, did you mean on the phone that you want me to go to Macau with you?" Zheng Haoyue's ecstatic red phoenix eyes contained seven points of temptation and three points of anticipation, which looked extraordinarily bright.

Rong Xiyuan lowered his eyes, flicked the cigarette ash with his slender fingers, and said calmly: "Yes, go to Macau..."

"Great, I can leave after I explain the work in hand, is it tomorrow?" Zheng Haoyue couldn't hide her excitement, and her voice raised.

But Rong Xiyuan said coldly: "Tomorrow, when you go there, someone will receive you."

"Huh?" Zheng Haoyue was stunned for a moment, feeling something was wrong, her face changed slightly: "You... Aren't we going together?"

"You are going alone."

"What? I'm alone? The counter in Macau is very important to the company, why don't you go and have a look in person?" Zheng Haoyue resisted the urge to scold her, feeling extremely angry.

Rong Xiyuan ignored her excitement, and his cold eyes did not show any warmth: "You are the president of Baorui, why should I worry if you go over there to watch? You will be fully responsible for the counter in Macau, even The place where you live has been arranged, it is a high-end apartment, and the rent has been paid for a year in advance, so you can take care of the counter there with peace of mind."

These words completely ignited Zheng Haoyue's anger, and she no longer cared about her image.

"Rong Xiyuan, you call crossing the river and demolishing bridges! You want to drive me away? No way! I am the president of Baorui, why should I go to Macau and wait for a long time? Are you distributing frontiers? I won't be fooled, I won't Go, don't go!" Zheng Haoyue yelled hysterically, furious, and roared straight to the roof.

Rong Xiyuan suddenly moved his fingers, and extinguished the cigarette with all his strength, his eyes as sharp as ice blades fell on her, revealing a bloodthirsty ruthlessness: "Zheng Haoyue, you have to blame for this, no one else to blame, you can only blame yourself too much." You don't know current affairs. You have always been worried about You Ge, and you regard her as a thorn in your side, and Sister Ling, when you were at your house, you swore that you would take good care of Sister Ling, but you abused her while I was away, You restrained yourself after I bumped into you once. I didn’t care about this matter with you, I only gave you a warning, but now you still want to target You Ge, a narrow-minded and vicious person like you, keep it. You will only be a disaster, I think you will continue to retain your title of president because of your contribution to Baorui, but from now on, you will only be a manager in Macau, and you will not be allowed to intervene in other matters of the company."

This move is ruthless enough, only retaining the title of president, but the real power has been severely weakened, reduced to only a regional manager, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Zheng Haoyue!Why has she worked so hard for so many years?She thought that with her qualifications and management experience in Baorui, as well as her connections, her position would be firm, and she should even get higher and higher, but she never expected that Rong Xiyuan's sudden decision would send her into hell.

Zheng Haoyue was so angry that her face turned pale, she rushed over angrily and tried to grab Rong Xiyuan's clothes, but he grabbed Rong Xiyuan's wrist, his ruthless eyes glowed coldly: "Don't go crazy in front of me, this method won't work If you want to blame, blame you for not being able to recognize the situation until now. You Ge is my woman, my wife. Whoever wants to harm her, even if it is a little bit, I will expel this kind of person with ulterior motives from her life. !"

Zheng Haoyue looked at Rong Xiyuan in horror, and was shocked by the firmness in his eyes. The fact she never wanted to believe was——Rong Xiyuan really loves You Ge?
No, she would never believe it!But at this moment, she couldn't help but believe it. His ruthless aura deeply hurt her heart, and she was so jealous that she went crazy!
"Rong Xiyuan!" Zheng Haoyue screamed in pain: "Why can she get your love? How can I not compare to her? I should be the one who fights side by side with you. She can't help you at all. She is not worthy to be your wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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