old love back

Chapter 134 The Suspect Who Murdered You Ge's Parents

Chapter 134 The Suspect Who Murdered You Ge's Parents
Mr. Rong asked the housekeeper to go down first. He watched the album alone, remembering his most distressed eldest son, missing his obedient and docile son when he was a child, immersed in his own world, fell asleep unconsciously, and woke up until dawn After that, the first thing I did when I woke up was to call the lawyer.

When the lawyer heard that Mr. Rong was going to revise his will again, he deeply felt the old man's anxiety and confusion. Otherwise, how could he revise so frequently?
This is also the last time that Mr. Rong will revise his will, and he will not make any more changes. After a period of careful consideration, and the news that You Ge is pregnant just now, Mr. Rong feels that the content of this revised will is what he is most satisfied with.

Even though he knew that You Ge was pregnant, Mr. Rong didn't go directly to Longqing City, he treated it as a secret, and since Rong Xiyuan didn't announce it, he wouldn't let his family mention it anymore.

The most important things in the safe are not cash, bills or other treasures, but the medical certificates that Mr. Rong was in the hospital a few days ago!

In the entire Rong family, only he knew the contents of the medical certificate.It is also because of this that Mr. Rong's words and deeds have changed a lot.

It seemed that the things that he couldn't figure out before suddenly became clear, and he didn't want to care about the people he didn't like before, and he suddenly felt that he could let go of all the things that were difficult to let go of before.

This is the old man's secret. He kept the medical certificate in a safe place so that no one would know. His forbearance was for the stability of the Rong family.As for the successor, he has chosen, but he will not announce it now.

He doesn't know when he will leave this world, but his decision will affect the development of the entire Rong family. He revised his will again and again because of his hesitation before. It was not until the last revision today that he felt a little at ease. some.

Sister Ling also knew about You Ge's pregnancy.

In the orphanage, Sister Ling is very busy every day. Apart from expanding the orphanage, she is also choosing another location in the city to build a new orphanage.

This is a project that benefits the society. It has received strong support from the ZF, and it has also attracted strong attention locally. Everyone knows that people from the He Hongsen and He family in Macau came to Longqing City to do charity. It is a mystery to this god-level figure. The family, everyone's love is running high, are waiting for the day when the orphanage will be built.Some people are even willing to donate directly to the orphanage, believing that the He family will dispose of the money selflessly and use it on children in need.

This kind of social effect gave Sister Ling a sense of pride and pressure, and she could only do her best to explain to everyone.

With such a foundation, Sister Ling should have the joy of getting twice the result with half the effort, but recently she seems to be in a bad mood and always keeps a straight face. People who don't know will think that someone owes her money and hasn't paid it back.

The backyard of the orphanage is very spacious, with lawns and gardens. It is the favorite place for children to play. Recently, with the arrival of Sister Ling, a professional gardener was hired to take care of it. Like a private garden.

Sister Ling also arranged two benches under the big banyan tree. She likes to sit here quietly drinking tea and resting.

At dusk, the coolness of early autumn hits, and the leaves are rustled by blowing. This thin and dense sound is the whisper of nature, which is beautiful, soft and pleasant.

The begonias are in full bloom, especially in the green bushes, and the beautiful and colorful colors render the bleak autumn with vitality.Sitting in such an environment should be pleasant physically and mentally, but Sister Ling has no expression on her face, and her eyes have lost the look.

Although her beauty is still the same, she just feels a little less energetic... Do you have something on your mind?

The good tea in the cup didn't taste any good, Sister Ling's mind had already gone somewhere.

That night a few days ago, Sister Ling will never forget what she experienced in Rong Xiyuan's room.Rong Xiyuan didn't come to the orphanage recently, and Sister Ling guessed that it was related to what happened that night, but she couldn't do anything, she could only stay here, because this is where he grew up, and he wouldn't be here all the time. None of them came.

Not seeing him, these days are so hard, she experienced the pain of lovesickness when she was in Macau.But at that time she had no choice but to go back to Macau.Afterwards, he managed to win this opportunity with He Hongsen and returned to Longqing City.Her purpose is to be by Rong Xiyuan's side, to see him often, but now he is not here, the feeling of the three autumn days is too uncomfortable.

You Ge is pregnant, and this incident has had a big impact on Sister Ling. She hasn't gone to see it until now. She excuses that she is too busy, but in fact she doesn't want to.

It will be even more sad to see her, why bother to blame her?

While Sister Ling was in a trance, she received an excited call.

"What, Doctor Lin, you said I can start now?" Sister Ling couldn't control her trembling voice, and her hand holding the phone was a little unsteady.

"Yes, Miss He, your physical examination indicators have passed, and we can start our plan."

"Okay, I'll go find you tomorrow!"

"OK, ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"It's a word."


I don't know what made Sister Ling lose her composure like this?Her expression at this moment was like a person who was groping in the dark and suddenly saw the light, and hope was ignited.

Time passed day by day, the autumn was getting stronger, the weather was getting colder, You Ge's belly gradually swelled, the clothes became more and more loose, and his body became more and more rounded.

Compared with those pregnant women who have various problems during pregnancy, You Ge is a very smooth person, commuting to get off work as usual every day, under the care of her husband and friends, she has become a happy pregnant woman.

During this period of time, the weather was calm, You Ge didn't even see Sister Ling coming to the house, and Rong Xiyuan didn't go to the orphanage.Does this mean that what she said to Rong Xiyuan last time attracted his attention, so the distance between him and Sister Ling returned to the normal scale?

Anyway, You Ge is having a good time now, and Sister Ling's uncomfortable fishbone seems to be deliberately avoiding meeting her face to face.That's fine, in You Ge's world, it's the best courtesy for sister Ling to be silent and not to disturb each other.

Rong Xiyuan's performance is very stable, which really impresses You Ge. Not only does he take good care of her, but he loves her the most. What makes You Ge most happy is that he has been with Miss Ling, and his thoughts are all in this family. on her and the child.

Another happy thing is that You Ge has been promoted from the acting store manager to the official store manager. This is the best reward for her persistence in working while pregnant.

You Ge is the one with the fastest promotion in the history of the company. He was promoted from a shopping guide to a store manager in more than half a year. Whether it is position or income, it is enough to be envied.

In Baorui, You Ge once again completed an important experience and turning point in her life. She cherishes this job, and now she is thinking about who will take care of the work when she is on maternity leave.

Autumn passed and winter came, a few months passed by, and it was the Spring Festival in a blink of an eye, but this time it was not Rong Xiyuan who went back to the Rong family in Hong Kong, but Mr. Rong came to Longqing City in person to celebrate the New Year at Rong Xiyuan's family.

This was unexpected by Rong Xiyuan and his wife. They originally thought that the old man would celebrate the New Year in Hong Kong, but he did not expect him to come here.

Unexpectedly, You Ge also thought, after all, he is an elder, no matter what, the Chinese New Year should be peaceful, since he is here, let's have a good meal.

The villa has been decorated a long time ago, showing the taste of the New Year everywhere, especially the hometown dishes full of tables, cooked by Rong Xiyuan himself. The old man looked at it and was very moved. There is still a faint sparkle in the cloudy eyes.

It has been many years since I celebrated the New Year in Longqing City. This is the ancestral home of the Rong family. The old man has not eaten authentic hometown food for a long time. Today's New Year's Eve dinner was prepared by his grandson, which is of great significance to an old man.

Rong Xiyuan didn't understand what the old man meant, didn't he not want to see You Ge?Why do you want to come here again for the New Year?
This question circled in my mind, but I never asked it.Concerned about You Ge's feelings, it is rare for Rong Xiyuan and the old man to have no eyebrows and straight eyes, and they are quite friendly when eating. You Ge sees it in his eyes, and secretly nods in his heart, thinking, if the old man can change his attitude , she doesn't care about the past.Family and everything prosper, You Ge has always understood this truth.

When the old man came today, he also lowered his posture, he was no longer as arrogant as before, he no longer looked at You Ge with hatred, and his attitude towards Rong Xiyuan was much more kind.This huge change really made both Rong Xiyuan and You Ge feel puzzled, it was too abnormal, what happened to make the old man's behavior completely different from before?
Question marks are in my mind, but this rare harmonious atmosphere is heartwarming.Rong Xiyuan may be because he is about to become a father, and his mentality has changed, so today he stopped arguing with the old man and had a peaceful meal.

Rong Xiyuan took out the red wine from his collection, You Ge couldn't drink it, but the old man could have a few glasses.

This scene was unfamiliar to Rong Xiyuan, because in his memory, he had never had a drink with the old man, or even had a meal without anger.

The old man shook his head, smiled and refused the glass of wine, saying that he was not feeling well and could not drink it.

The old man said lightly, but it made You Ge and Rong Xiyuan secretly startled... Can you not eat a little red wine?Just feeling uncomfortable?

At this time, the couple also noticed that the old man had lost a lot of weight compared to before, the wrinkles on his face became more obvious, and his complexion was also very bad. Could it be that there is something wrong with his health?

Seeing the expressions of the couple, the old man laughed suddenly: "Hahaha, do you really think I'm too old? Come, come, pour me a glass. I haven't had such a good red wine for a long time. I'm making an exception today. Chinese New Year, rare, rare!"

Saying that, before Rong Xiyuan could open his mouth, the old man poured the wine himself.

Seeing the crimson liquid entering the cup, Rong Xiyuan somehow felt a little anxious, his heart seemed to be twitching, but it was just a twitch, maybe it was an illusion.

After the old man drank half a glass of red wine, there was no abnormality. The meal was very relaxed. This was all due to the active change of the old man's attitude. Rong Xiyuan didn't want to spoil the atmosphere of New Year's Eve. Everyone tried to create a harmonious space , although knowing that after today, maybe it will be like before.

The old man's behavior today is very abnormal. After eating, he watched TV while talking about Rong Xiyuan's father when he was a child. Regardless of Rong Xiyuan's expression, the old man just talked on his own, and then fell asleep on the sofa In desperation, Rong Xiyuan had no choice but to carry the old man to the guest room.

This is the first time that Rong Yanyuan has had such close contact with the old man at such a young age. The way the grandfather and grandson get along can be said to be very peculiar. Rong Xiyuan is the only one who tells the truth in front of the old man.Usually they would break up on bad terms, but who would have thought that on this New Year's Eve, the old man would go to Longqing City to celebrate the New Year with Rong Xiyuan and his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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