old love back

Chapter 135 Husband I love you

Chapter 135 Husband I love you

This is also the warmest New Year's Eve that Rong Xiyuan has spent in these years.Because he is no longer alone, he has a wife, an unborn child, and the unexpected appearance of the old man.This meal is the family feast, the most delicious New Year's Eve dinner.

The old man just slept on the bed so peacefully, with a smile on his old face.Rong Xiyuan looked at this aging face with a complicated expression, and his frowning brows showed a faint worry in his heart.

He didn't believe that the old man came here to celebrate the new year on a sudden whim. Something important must have happened, because the Rong family's New Year's Eve banquet is very lively every year. As the head of the family, how could the old man not stay in Hong Kong to preside over the overall situation?

But these are all speculations, Rong Xiyuan only knows that the old man has recently shown signs of revising his will, but he doesn't think this is the reason for the old man's visit, what is it?It is by no means a trivial matter to analyze the meta-intuition, but it is not yet understood.

The old man is over seventy years old, the age spots on his face are more obvious, there are more wrinkles, and he is obviously thinner. He no longer has the domineering and fiery temper he used to. He looks like an ordinary and kind old man.

Kind?Rong Xiyuan's heart moved slightly, he had never felt the kindness of the old man before, but why was his feeling so strange and profound tonight?

If the old man had always been kind and gentle, wouldn't the relationship between the two of them be so rigid?

At this moment, Rong Xiyuan suddenly flashed a thought... In the end, this old man is still his grandfather, a close relative. If one day the old man is gone, will he be indifferent?
His heart twitched violently, Rong Xiyuan felt uncomfortable and irritable for no reason, he covered the old man with the quilt, he left the room, and lit a cigarette in the corridor.

Just a few seconds of abnormal feeling, is it a kind of pain?Thinking of the elderly relatives who will leave this world at some point, Rong Xiyuan still can't help but feel pain.Although he didn't want to admit it, blood is thicker than water after all...

Rong Xiyuan has seldom smoked recently, and since he decided to have a baby, he has strictly controlled smoking and alcohol, so when You Ge saw him smoking, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"Husband..." A gentle voice sounded, Rong Xiyuan immediately extinguished the cigarette when he heard it.

You Ge stretched his arms around his waist, raised his small face, and gently rubbed against his chin: "What's the matter, do you have something on your mind?"

The tacit understanding between the two, You Ge can detect something when he sees his expression.

Rong Xiyuan didn't hide anything, nodded slightly, hugged You Ge silently, and she seemed to be able to hear her silent sigh.

"Husband, when I saw the old man this time, he is obviously much thinner than before, and his complexion is not very good. Are you worried that the old man is sick?" You Ge's soft voice was soft and soothing.

The gloomy light in Rong Xiyuan's deep black eyes flickered again, not speaking is tantamount to acquiescing.He has a deep estrangement with the old man, but no matter what, he doesn't want to see the old man have health problems.It's just that this kind of thought is in his heart, and he won't say it out, but when You Ge feels it, he has a feeling of spiritual connection. This woman, now, doesn't need many words between him and him, and they can understand each other to a certain extent.

You Ge caressed his cheek with his soft little hand: "Husband, I can see from today that it's not that the old man doesn't value you, but you may have been used to head-to-head confrontation before, and never tried to understand and understand each other. You have been brooding about your father's matter, and you have never been able to forgive the old man for driving your father away. Actually... Look, the old man is over seventy years old, let go of the previous grievances, I think, if your father In this world, what I want to see the most is that you and the old man can get along in harmony and resolve the past."

You Ge peeked at Rong Xiyuan's face, wondering if he would be angry?Usually she never mentioned this topic, but tonight is different, since the old man has taken the first step, doesn't he want to ease the relationship with Rong Xiyuan?You Ge doesn't think that there is anything to be desired in a rigid relationship, what she hopes most is that Rong Xiyuan can have the care of relatives.

Sure enough, Rong Xiyuan's expression was a little heavy. His relationship with the old man is a taboo topic. If he mentions it, it will definitely affect the atmosphere, but he didn't get angry, just sullenly, holding You Ge's hand and going downstairs go.

You Ge secretly breathed a sigh of relief, although he didn't express his opinion, but from his thinking eyes, she could feel that his heart was a little shaken.This matter can only be digested slowly by himself, and it is right to figure it out.

The next day, the old man left after breakfast and went back to Hong Kong.

This was the only time Rong Xiyuan and the old man met so far without any unpleasantness. When they left, the old man left two red envelopes for Rong Xiyuan and You Ge respectively.

Red envelopes... Many people are familiar with this thing, but it is too rare for Rong Xiyuan.I remember when I was a child, when my father was still alive, Rong Xiyuan could receive red envelopes during Chinese New Year, but since his father passed away, until now, this is the first time he has received red envelopes.The most surprising thing is that the red envelope was given by the old man, not only to him, but also to You Ge.

Rong Xiyuan guessed that the old man might know about You Ge's pregnancy.You Ge is now pregnant for more than five months. Since it is winter, she is wearing thick clothes. If you don't look carefully, you will only think that You Ge has gained weight.But is the old man so stupid?Most of them have already seen it, but they just didn't say it.

But this is even more puzzling. The old man didn't mention this matter, leaving a red envelope and leaving, and he didn't accept You Ge before, just because You Ge is You Zhaolong's daughter...but now You Ge and Yan Yuese return the red envelope?What is the old man thinking?
Rong Xiyuan's heart became more and more uneasy, and it was difficult to be at ease. It seemed that he wanted to find out what was going on, what caused the old man's attitude to change drastically?

During these days, the house was very quiet, Tong Jin often went to the orphanage, and even spent New Year's Eve in the orphanage.He is keen on helping Sister Ling to expand the orphanage. For this matter, he now spends less time at home, and he spends much more time seeing Sister Ling than Rong Xiyuan.

Rong Xiyuan only went to the orphanage twice with You Ge, and when he saw Sister Ling, he would simply chat with her and leave.

You Ge can feel at ease in such a way of indifferent intercourse.This may be the last time she reminded Rong Xiyuan to pay attention to keeping a proper distance from Sister Ling. He did it. You Ge saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart. Gradually, he stopped thinking about it.

When the early spring hits the next year, You Ge meets the long-lost Police Officer Huo.

When Huo Junyan saw You Ge with a big belly, he realized that You Ge had been married a long time ago, and she was still pregnant, and she was going to give birth in two months.

Up to now, You Ge no longer hides anything, and tells frankly that she has been married to Rong Xiyuan for a year.

Huo Junyan has been busy for a long time, and when he suddenly heard the news, he felt a little uncomfortable for some reason. Looking at You Ge's chubby face, full of pregnancy, and her belly, Huo Junyan felt that the coffee in his mouth was worse than usual It turns out that You Ge married Rong Xiyuan a long time ago. Fortunately, he did not fall in love with You Ge, a woman with unique charm.

But is it really so willing?Huo Junyan will never forget the embarrassing collision when he and You Ge met for the first time, and he will never forget the surprise and palpitation when he saw her at home for the first time... Certain ripples that once appeared, although very small, are still real.

What Huo Junyan didn't want to admit was that he did have a moment of affection for You Ge. Now that he knew that she was married, pregnant, and about to have a baby, all his affection would become a thing of the past.There is no doubt that he has such self-control.

However, since Huo Junyan was pregnant, Huo Junyan made proper concealment when telling some clues.He didn't say that he had found out that You Zhaolong was suspected of murdering Rong Xiyuan's father, Rong Xiaoguang. He just told You Ge that recent investigations showed that the suspect who murdered her parents was a woman, but because of her identity as a woman, In particular, it is a big problem to catch people back for interrogation...

You Ge's surprise can be imagined. After waiting for so long, he finally has a clue. Officer Huo really deserves to be a detective!

But when he knew the identity of the suspect, You Ge couldn't calm down anymore... Macau, Macau again, a member of that prominent family!

This is really sad and happy news. The suspect was finally found, but the identity of the other party is actually from that prominent family in Macau.The most prominent family in Macau is only that one - Ho!

It’s not that there are no wealthy families in Macau, but because this place is small and the population is limited, there are relatively fewer wealthy families than in other regions.Speaking of Macau, the most famous and prestigious family must be He Hongsen's family, and the suspect mentioned by Huo Junyan is He Ju's real wife, Tang Yumei!

This news can be said to have shocked You Geli, she had heard from Rong Xiyuan that Tang Yumei had sent someone to kill Sister Ling, she never thought that this woman would be related to her parents' case.

Tang Yumei, a native of Macau from a wealthy family, married He Hongsen's eldest son He Ju through a family marriage.What is this woman's heart made of?So vicious, even more vicious than a man!The most important thing is that she is the eldest mistress of the He family. This case is not her own business. It is related to the face of the He family. Can she be brought to Longqing City for investigation smoothly?

This is exactly where Huo Junyan has a headache. The most important thing right now is to find a way to take Tang Yumei away from the He family.Don't expect the police in Macau to give you great assistance. After all, this is a member of the He family, and Huo Junyan can only rely on himself.

You Ge can only continue to wait for the news. In any case, the case has made significant progress, and she should be happy.Even if it is a big problem to interrogate Tang Yumei, she believes that since Huo Junyan told her, he will try his best to do it.He is a policeman with a sense of justice, which Yu Ge never doubts.

After meeting Huo Junyan, You Ge went home, thinking about how to tell Rong Xiyuan.

The matter is very important, You Ge needs someone to give her support and spiritual encouragement, maybe she will face Tang Yumei directly, but she is alone, I'm afraid it won't work.

Rong Xiyuan is her husband, so of course she would tell her about this kind of thing.

Rong Xiyuan came home very late and had another busy day. Seeing You Ge waiting for him and seeing her swollen belly, his heart would feel inexplicably at ease and warm.

It doesn't matter if he is busy or tired outside, as soon as he returns home, he enters a comfortable nest. There is a wife and an unborn child in this nest, which is the source of all his motivation.

You Ge fell asleep on the sofa in the living room.With a chubby round face and a petite appearance, people couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

Rong Xiyuan gently picked her up, feeling really heavy... You Ge has gained a lot of weight recently, but fortunately he is strong, otherwise he would not be able to hold her.

You Ge vaguely felt his body moving, opened his eyes and saw his face, put his arms around his neck coquettishly, kissed him on the face, and said softly: "Husband, you came back late, you have so much work , why don't you ask someone to share it with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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