old love back

Chapter 136: This Child, Will You Keep It?

Chapter 136: This Child, Will You Keep It?

I can't tell what it's like, a woman who has always been respected by him and regarded as a family member, but said that she fell in love with him, that she only wanted one of his blood... This feeling is too amazing, too heavy, and it makes him at a loss what to do .

Rong Xiyuan only felt that the sister Ling in front of him was very strange, is this really the kind and gentle sister Ling?How could you do such an unnatural thing?It's a good thing she can figure it out, this kind of thinking, it sounds like infatuation, but it's just...a bit despicable.Because she didn't consider the feelings of the person involved, how many people will be hurt by this behavior?

After a while, Rong Xiyuan heaved a sigh of relief, with deep regret flowing from his brows: "Why? This so-called love can make you do such a thing with confidence? Have you ever thought about me and You Ge? She is pregnant Now, she can’t be stimulated... What am I to you? The person who provides you with sperm in the name of love to make your artificial insemination successful? Have you thought about how we will face each other in the future? "

There was no scolding for a series of questioning, but the sadness and heaviness contained in it was better than scolding, as if big stones fell on Sister Ling's heart.

Sister Ling trembled, tears welled up in her eyes, and said sadly: "Xiyuan, please don't doubt my feelings for you, okay? Since I was in the orphanage, I have been to you...to you... ...I was tempted, but I didn't dare to say it at the time. You were still young at the time, and I was only 17 years old. You were a few years younger than me, but you gave me the feeling that you were a very mature person. Only when I was with you, I didn’t know what happiness is, you know, before that, I was depressed all day long in the orphanage, the doctor once said that I was depressed when I was only a teenager, it’s rare, but it’s also sad.”

Sister Ling's voice was full of emotion and deep affection. It was something she had suppressed for a long time before it broke out, and it was out of control once it happened.

"Xiyuan, do you remember that we used to fly a kite on the mountain behind the orphanage? I had to go with you alone, and I wrote my and your names on the kite. At that time, I was thinking in my heart, my wish is more than I want to write your and my names on the kite, and I hope that one day we can be together for real, and that our names can be written on the marriage certificate... Xiyuan, do you know that when you took me from When Hong Kong brought me back, I really felt that I was so lucky. It was better than anything else to be able to stay with you. Later, you took me to country M and gave me a new life. Those days were the happiest of my life. At that time, I knew that I couldn't do without you, and I went back to Longqing City, lived in your house, and watched you and You Ge love each other every day, do you know how painful it is for me?"

The more Sister Ling spoke, the more excited she became, she was in tears.

"My feelings for you have been around for a long time. It's not as superficial as you think. It's not to find a suitable sperm donor. I just want your child... Xiyuan, think about it carefully, do you have any feelings for me? No, do you really just regard me as a sister? Then why did you take care of me desperately? Why did you not even tell You Ge when you went to country M? Doesn’t it mean that I am more important to you? Xi Yuan , I don't believe that you really don't love me at all, it's just that you didn't realize it yourself, did you?"

Sister Ling's almost begging tone was extremely worrying to Rong Xiyuan's ears. This was a woman digging out her heart and holding it in front of him, bloody... Should he choose to ignore it or face it squarely?

It has to be said that Sister Ling's words really had a great impact on Rong Xiyuan. Unexpectedly, since many years ago, she has had a deep-rooted love for him, and he has always thought that this is just family love, friendship.

Is he too stupid or is sister Ling hiding too much? After all these years, how did she come back?

At this moment, Rong Xiyuan's anger dissipated a bit, and there were more regrets and deep thoughts... Yes, is it true that he really has pure family and friendship towards Sister Ling, without any impurities?Could it be that I didn't see my heart clearly?
As soon as this thought came up, it was immediately suppressed by Rong Xiyuan... No, it's impossible, he loves You Ge, not Sister Ling!

Rong Xiyuan felt restless, stood up, walked to the window, some distance away from where Sister Ling was lying, opened the window, leaned his upper body almost out of the window, lit a cigarette, took a few deep breaths, and forced down the An inexplicable emotion, I just feel that this dark night is at a loss, I can’t see what the road ahead is, and the surroundings are foggy. Tomorrow, in the future, how to solve certain things?

Sister Ling is already pregnant, her belly is swollen, it has been four months, this is an irreversible fact...

Sister Ling looked at Rong Xiyuan's back, her heart was getting colder and colder, but she still couldn't give up the last chance, she wanted to hold on to this man tightly, not for anything else, just because she loved him for many years, no matter what, Now that she has come to this point, she will not give up lightly.

What Sister Ling thinks is that as long as she has a child, at least she can get Rong Xiyuan's favor.As long as he has a child, he will never be able to get rid of her in this life. With this concern forever, she will have a bargaining chip.

The idea is very good, but the reality depends on how Rong Xingyuan thinks and does it.

Sister Ling is gambling and taking risks. He knows Rong Xiyuan too well. Don't look at him as a ruthless person on the surface, but in fact he values ​​love and righteousness more than anyone else.As long as he agrees with her to keep the child, she will be half successful.For the remaining half, she will continue to work hard for it.

What kind of love this woman is, the way is too extreme, it is incomprehensible.

And she also knew that if she did this, it would easily arouse Rong Xiyuan's resentment, so she never dared to show her flaws, until now she was four months pregnant before she dared to take any action.

"Xiyuan, do you know how much pain I have endured in order to conceive? Artificial insemination, I have to recuperate my body first, and take a lot of traditional Chinese medicine. I feel sick every day when I smell the medicine. Afterwards, I can do it. The doctor only tried again and again to take out the sperm that I had frozen... You don't know the pain I suffered, I almost had a miscarriage twice in the first three months of pregnancy..." Sister Ling She was talking to herself, she knew her weight in Rong Xiyuan's heart, and she wanted to use Huairou offensive to conquer his heart.

All these words fell into Rong Xiyuan's ears. He was listening, but his whole body was stiff, and his brows were never relaxed from the beginning to the end.

Rong Xiyuan has never forgotten Sister Ling's life-saving grace back then. At that time, he was a little beggar on the street, eating and sleeping in the open, looking for food in garbage dumps, snatching food from wild dogs, sleeping on overpasses, sleeping in parks, with no clothes. Covering his body and starving, he was seriously ill and almost died once. It was Sister Ling who saved him.If sister Ling hadn't sent him to the orphanage, how could he have a stable life, how could he survive until the Rong family found him, and how could he have Rong Xiyuan now?
This kindness is as heavy as a mountain, and it is also Rong Xiyuan's heart knot all along.Sister Ling recognized this, so she was able to have the confidence to do that kind of thing that both people and gods were angry with.

But will Rong Xiyuan really forgive?Do you acquiesce in sister Ling's behavior?
If her pregnancy is still short, there is still a little room for recovery, but now there is a small life in her stomach, and abortion is no longer possible at this time, so should I wait until a certain time to induce labor?
When Rong Xiyuan closed his eyes, he would think of a lump of blood and flesh in his mind. It was an innocent child, how could he be so cruel?

Rong Xiyuan's inner struggle reached its peak, the hand holding the cigarette butt trembled, as if something exploded in his consciousness.

"Even if you keep this child, even if the child is born, my wife can only be You Ge instead of you. Even so, do you still want to give birth?" Rong Xiyuan's slightly hoarse voice contained pain.

Sister Ling's expression became extremely painful when she heard the words, and said with a wry smile, "Yes, the child in my stomach is my only comfort. Do you want to take it away?" Sister Ling was really flustered at the moment, she She couldn't figure out what Rong Jiyuan would do, the previous determination was shaken now, she was afraid that he would force her to induce labor.

The ward fell into silence again, Rong Xiyuan's decision was going to be important, Sister Ling stared at him closely, her breathing became suffocated...

It was already late at night when Rong Xiyuan came out of the hospital. He Biling was alone in the hospital with a nurse, so he didn't need to worry about her. The tricky question now was how to appease You Ge?Also, what about the He family?This matter cannot be kept secret from the He family, and I am afraid that there will be quite a storm at that time.

It's really worrying, and what He Biling did is too outrageous, and the consequence is to cause huge troubles to others.

Rong Xiyuan got off the car at the entrance of the villa, Shen Zhao drove the car in, and he just lingered outside the door, smoking one cigarette after another, and didn't go in for a long time.

In the silent night, the white smoke coming out of his mouth is as thick as his troubles at the moment. Remembering that he still failed to say the word "knockout" when he left in the hospital, he knew that he would Caught in a terrible tangle, two thoughts in his mind are at war, and the result is that it will make him more and more distressed.

Regarding what happened that night, Rong Xiyuan didn't feel ashamed of You Ge at first, because it was true that he had no relationship with He Biling at that time, and he withstood the effects of alcohol and the temptation from the opposite sex, which should have been worthwhile Something that a man is proud of... At that time, he only thought that He Biling lost his composure when he was drunk, let alone that she had added spices to the wine.At such a dangerous moment, he could control himself and did not do anything wrong to You Ge, so why couldn't he be proud?Why can't he say that nothing happened between him and He Biling after returning home.

The fact is that it didn't happen, it's just that he omitted some unnecessary things. He hoped that this matter would pass away, but he didn't expect He Biling to make such a crazy move. You Ge won't believe what he says now, right?

Rong Xiyuan's feeling at this moment is like the exhaustion after a serious illness, every cell is talking about tiredness, what's more tired is the heart, going around in circles, suddenly the woman he respects says he loves him, And pregnant with his child...

Life was disrupted because of this, and the relationship between husband and wife was severely tested. Standing at the door of the house, Rong Xiyuan couldn't help but sigh... What should be faced is always to be faced. I just hope that You Ge will not be too stimulated.

You Ge was already asleep, and Rong Xiyuan walked in lightly, tucking the quilt for her habitually. He saw You Ge's eyelids moved but did not open, and his heart twitched... She woke up Are you just pretending not to wake up?

Rong Xiyuan's eyes became softer, staring at the round face in front of him, his chest was warm, and he murmured: "I'm sorry..."

The three words are light, but they are as heavy as a thousand catties. This is the first time Rong Xiyuan said "I'm sorry", not only to You Ge, but also the first time he said it since he was a child.

Because of his self-esteem and pride, he will not say these three words easily, but this time it is different. He is extremely sorry and distressed for You Ge. No matter how extreme He Biling's actions are, in the final analysis it is because It came from him, and he knew that it was hurting You Ge. At this moment, he just wanted to use these three words to briefly express his inner thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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