old love back

Chapter 140 Leave

Chapter 140 Leave
You Ge is emotional now, and for a while ignored the calculating light in the eyes of this woman He Biling, and saw her glance at the monitor not far behind You Ge...

Suddenly, You Ge saw a strange smile on He Biling's face, and was taken aback for a moment, but in the next second, He Biling had already fallen down, and she was facing the foot-washing pool next to the flower stand with her stomach. This pool is square with sharp edges and corners ...

In You Ge's horror, He Biling's screams came, and You Ge was caught off guard. He never imagined why He Biling went crazy?
You Ge stood dumbfounded on the spot, and she saw the green lawn stained with a dazzling bright red, blood flowing from between He Biling's legs, it was shocking!

The ward was so quiet that there was no sound. The woman lying down was pale and hadn't woken up from the coma.Her abdomen has become much smaller, because the little life in her stomach is gone.

You Ge sat on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair weakly, his eyes were empty, his expression was dull, and his body was a little cold. It was not because of the weather, but because she felt He Biling's conspiracy.

Although You Ge and He Biling are rivals in love, as long as you think of the glaring blood when she fell down, You Ge will feel cold on the soles of his feet and shudder all over his body.She is also a pregnant woman herself, so seeing such a scene, of course she will have psychological shadows, and she will never forget the weird smile that flashed on He Biling's face when he fell down.

What You Ge can be sure of is that He Biling's fall was not accidental, but she did it on purpose!

Is this woman crazy?Why fall on purpose?My stomach bumped against the corner of the footbath, so it's no wonder that nothing happened.Doesn't she want children?Isn't this the bargaining chip she used to tie Rong Xiyuan? Why did she do this?

But these, who would believe it, no one else was present at the time.The most important thing is that, given the current situation of the two of them, no matter who hears about this, they will inevitably think about whether Yu Ge did something impulsively, and it is difficult for her to get rid of it.

Fortunately, Tong Jin didn't think of You Ge that way. He came here after getting the news. He thought that sister Ling might have accidentally fallen, and he wouldn't imagine You Ge as a vicious person.

Tong Jin came in from the outside, with light hands and feet, seeing You Ge's dull expression, Tong Jin could only sigh, and even her funny skills failed.

"Sister-in-law..." Tong Jin said with concern, "Go back and rest. I'll just stay here and watch over you. Your health is important."

When You Ge heard this, his heart moved slightly, he raised his eyes to look at Tong Jin, stared at these pure eyes, and said with a wry smile: "Why don't you ask if I did it? You won't doubt that I did it to her." Poisonous hands?"

A smile suddenly appeared on Tong Jin's delicate face: "Sister-in-law, I believe in you. Don't think about it too much, go home and rest, it's time to eat, even if you are not hungry, my little nephew will eat too." Pointing to You Ge's stomach.

Tong Jin is really a very warm person, a few words can dilute You Ge's depressed mood, she couldn't help but lowered her head and stroked her stomach, and murmured: "Why must you be a boy, maybe it's a girl."

"Both men and women are the same, as long as it is your and Brother Yuan's child, it is also my baby, and I will feel sorry for you, so sister-in-law, don't let your stomach be hungry, go home to eat, the bodyguard is outside, and will send you back Yes." Tong Jin showed her white teeth when she smiled, giving her a warm and lovely feeling.

You Ge didn't say any more, she really should go back, she was very tired, hungry and tired.

"Then it's hard work for you, Tong Jin. I'll ask a servant to bring you food in a while. If you're not used to the food in the hospital, you'd better eat it at home."

"Yeah, thank you sister-in-law."

"Okay, call me if you need anything, I'll go first."

"Sister-in-law 88..."


You Ge went home, but his heart is still not at ease, he wants to rest, but bloody scenes always appear in his mind, as if he can still smell the disgusting smell.

The garden, the footbath, and the lawn have been cleaned up by the servants, and there are no signs of abnormality, but You Ge knows that He Biling fell down in that place today.

In late spring and early summer, the weather was warm, but it didn't warm You Ge's heart. Even though he was sitting in the room and closed the windows, he always had the illusion of being chilly.

You Ge can imagine Rong Xiyuan's reaction after knowing this.He will be very angry and sad, right?

Hehe... Her husband is sad because of another woman and child, how can she solve her own heartache?Maybe, after the pain these days, she got used to it. There is never a day that is easy or pain-free. From the time she knew He Biling was pregnant to now, has she ever been happy?

What is happiness?She once had it. Happiness is like a pie that fell from the sky. She just took two bites and was still relishing it before being snatched away. In that extreme way, it almost didn't drive her crazy.

Crazy or not is just a difference of thought. The reason why You Ge hasn't done anything stupid until now is because she puts the child first. She loves the unborn baby in her womb very much. She counts down the arrival of the baby every day. The days of the world.

More than eight months pregnant, You Ge has already established a deep relationship with the unborn baby. She can even feel that when the baby kicks her, it is saying hello to her and being naughty in her stomach.

It is this kind of maternal love that goes deep into the bone marrow that enables You Ge to survive the huge blow, just because she wants to ensure that the child can come to this world safely.Otherwise, with her temper, how could she face it with evasion?
At this time, the loyal dog was still guarding You Ge, holding its toy in its mouth, putting it in You Ge, barking, as if saying: "Don't be unhappy, I'll play with you! "

Xiangxiang stretched out a paw, and gently stroked You Ge's belly. The maternal brilliance in her eyes was exactly the same as that of human beings.

Just in time, You Ge's stomach bulged, and it was the child kicking her.

You Ge felt sore in his heart, reached out to touch Xiangxiang's head, then touched the protruding part of his stomach, and murmured almost dreamily: "Baby, you will see me soon, and your Aunt Xiangxiang...Baby, mom doesn't know if your father will be by our side when you were born. If not, don't blame mom...Mom also wants to be with your father forever, but... But that was just a dream, a very beautiful dream, so beautiful that I didn't want to wake up..."

You Ge is talking to himself, this is the Nth time to talk to the baby in his belly. At this moment, You Ge's voice is getting more and more choked, and his eyes are sore when he talks. Too much pain and grievances are accumulated in the In her heart, tears could not flow away her sadness.Every tear is a sacrifice to the happiness that has passed away.

Yes, she once embraced happiness and experienced what it was like, but it was because of the experience that she was in more pain now.

You Ge wouldn't be so stupid as to think that the barrier between Rong Xiyuan and her would no longer exist when Bi Ling had no child. On the contrary, You Ge had a premonition that the matter was far from over and might become more serious.

Because of this, You Ge, who was already suffering from depression, shed tears and wept alone in a lonely night again.

Loneliness is not just that there is no one around, but a mourning from the depths of the soul, as if the whole world is left with only oneself, only gray, only winter, and only cold.

It would be great if human beings could freely choose to forget. She would rather go back to that time a few years ago, never met him, and spend her life in ignorance, being a fool with only ten years of intelligence...

When it is sweet, it can melt everything about her, but the pain of love can also make her fall from heaven to hell. The distance between the two is only as thin as a hair.

You Ge fell into a deep sleep unknowingly, the corners of his eyes were still wet from tears, his young face was bitter, and he was still frowning even when he was sleeping.

I don't know what to dream to make You Ge feel short-term happiness, maybe, even dreaming is gray...

I don't know how long I slept, You Ge felt a chill, opened his eyes faintly, saw the bedroom door half open, was startled suddenly, turned his head and saw a pair of eyes as sharp as blades were using a piercingly cold look Stare at her.

It's Rong Xiyuan, he's back!
You Ge trembled inexplicably. Just as he was about to get up, he was surprised to find something shiny on his stomach. He subconsciously looked down, and it turned out to be a bright dagger!

At this moment, You Ge clearly heard the sound of swallowing his saliva, and the tragic collapse of the broken wall in his heart.

What is he doing?The answer, you don't need to think about it, is to be angry about what happened to Bi Ling, right?

Rong Xiyuan's tone was unprecedentedly cold, not like a human being...

"I thought it was an accident, but I just watched the surveillance video just now, only then did I know that He Biling came here and quarreled with you. You had an argument, you first grabbed her by the collar, and then, you finally couldn't help but treat her Have you shot? You are also a pregnant woman, how can you do something cruel to an unborn innocent life? If you have hatred in your heart, you should say it out, you can make trouble or play it, but you are silent, while talking to this person Why do you do such a thing when a pregnant woman kills you? Think about it, if I stabbed you in the stomach now, what would happen to you? How could you inflict this kind of pain on others? " Rong Xiyuan said in a low voice. The voice was like a machine, and the hand holding the dagger trembled slightly.

You Ge seemed to have fallen into an abyss at this moment, her heart ached so badly that she couldn't breathe, this dagger was enough to freeze her blood!

She was mentally prepared to bear his anger before, but she didn't expect that he would treat her in this way, with the dagger pressed against her stomach, was it to make her feel pain?He did it, and at this moment, she was in so much pain that she wished she could die!
The suffocation in the room is breathless, as if the air has frozen.

You Ge's mind was full of roaring at the moment, she couldn't think, she couldn't calm down, she just felt a burst of anger bursting out of her body, like a thunderstorm.

You Ge knew that Rong Xiyuan had read the surveillance records, and understood why He Biling stood in that position in the afternoon, so that the monitor could only capture You Ge's back, and she could only see her grabbing He Biling's collar, But it can't be photographed that He Biling fell down by himself... Isn't all of this just to make Rong Xiyuan make the move at this moment?He Biling was really cunning and vicious enough to use such a cruel trick. From the monitoring records alone, the truth could not be seen at all.

And You Ge didn't want to explain anymore, Rong Xiyuan's dagger had already cut off the last strand of love left by You Ge, her reason was completely swallowed up, she felt very happy when she saw the pain in his eyes, because, finally He was in pain too.

(End of this chapter)

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