old love back

Chapter 141 Divorce Agreement

Chapter 141 Divorce Agreement
"Hahaha, Rong Xiyuan, since you can be so ruthless, wouldn't it be better to kill me and the child with a single blow? Two lives, and pay for the life of her aborted child, you should be satisfied." You Ge said The voice can also be so cold, there is a kind of pain that is greater than death, and every word can exhaust her strength.

Rong Xi Yuan Jing's cold eyes shrank suddenly, and what You Ge said made him even more angry. He thought she would at least speak soft words, because the child was innocent.

It's all because the surveillance records couldn't fully show the situation at that time, otherwise it wouldn't give people the illusion that You Ge deliberately killed He Biling.

Rong Xiyuan couldn't believe that You Ge would be such a person, but You Ge's words were tantamount to acquiescence. He was too excited now to calm down, and it was impossible to see that You Ge said such words out of anger.

There was a bit of pain flowing from Rong Yan's eyebrows: "Why don't you feel sorry at all? You killed a five-month life with your own hands, but why didn't you feel that you were wrong? If the grievances of adults are to involve the next generation If you want to transfer the hatred, then you will not be my wife, you should be my biggest enemy! Because my father was killed by your father!"

The more explosive and frightening truth was just spoken out of Xiyuan's mouth so calmly. This was a secret he had been hiding all along, but he trembled out because he couldn't control it for a while. One can imagine how heartbroken he was.

You Ge was completely stunned, his body visibly shuddered, and he felt dizzy for a moment, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

She really would rather she fell down and didn't know anything, but she still had her eyes open, saw his sad and angry expression, and instinctively told her that he wasn't lying.

You Ge felt that the nerves seemed to be broken, and the whole body was in pain. I couldn't tell where the pain was. It seemed that people were falling apart and dying... In the chaos, a wisp of consciousness was pulled out. She remembered the time when she was in Hong Kong. At home, Rong Xiyuan's aunt said, "The You family owes the Rong family a life"!
It seems that it is true, not only a life, but also Rong Xiyuan's father's life!

The fear that had been lurking in my heart for a long time was finally revealed at this moment.The truth is so bloody, You Ge's small world is falling apart.

He wanted to speak, but You Ge could only tremble his lips, and opened his mouth wide in horror, leaving only rapid breathing, his throat seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't say anything.

Rong Xiyuan also said it without thinking. The secret that had been held back for many years was suddenly revealed, and the suppressed pain was also released. Because of an expensive rough diamond, your father was obsessed with money and killed my father. From then on, I became an orphan and later became a beggar because of this. Although I took Bao Rui, but I also married you and treated you well. If I transfer the hatred of your father to you, can you still stand here and talk to me? I can let go of such a big hatred, but your hatred for He Biling But to hurt an innocent life, are you still the Yu Ge I know? I am so disappointed in you."

It turned out to be like this... It turns out that she and him have such a big, mortal feud!
Only then did You Ge realize that heartache has never been the most painful, only more painful!

At this moment, her anger and her grievance seemed to have turned into a joke in an instant.It turned out that Rong Xiyuan was the one who should be angry the most, and he was the one who was most wronged because he married the daughter of an enemy.

You Ge didn't have the energy to ask what was going on between her father and Rong Xiaoguang, and now she only had one voice in her head—her father killed Rong Xiyuan's father.

After a while, You Ge calmed down a little bit from the chaotic consciousness, and spit out broken syllables from trembling lips: "We shouldn't be together in the first place, should we... So there are so many twists and turns between me and you, all of which It's because I loved the wrong person, I shouldn't have fallen in love with you, and you shouldn't have married me. Is everything today considered my father's retribution? It's all retribution on me, should I bear it? Your father's life, and aborted children... These bloods will not be dried, so you and I are doomed from the beginning, aren't we? If what you said is true, then what right do I have to stay here? Well, what qualifications do I have to be your wife? Why don't you just... get a divorce, this way, it will be a relief for both of us. "

You Ge's erratic voice was extremely bleak, like a whisper from the underworld.

Before, He Biling was willing to spend money and wanted You Ge to leave Rong Xiyuan, but You Ge said at that time that even if the two of them had no relationship, she would not give up her position.However, it only took half a day for her to say the divorce that she thought she would never say.

Rong Xiyuan was also stunned, the dagger in his hand slipped, his chest felt like a bloody gash was torn open, the pain was suffocating.

You Ge picked up the phone, surprisingly calm, dialed Lawyer Huo, and said only one sentence: "Uncle Huo, please come and pick me up, thank you."

Only then did Rong Xiyuan come back to his senses, what did he hear just now?You Ge said... Divorce?
These two words deeply hurt Rong Xiyuan's heart, staring at the unusually calm little woman in front of him, he wondered if he was hallucinating?How could she act like a ok person after saying those words?
Extreme things will turn against each other, You Ge is hurt to the extreme, a heart is so dead that it can't die anymore, it's broken into powder, and only then will he say the word divorce.She seemed to see an insurmountable gap between herself and Rong Xiyuan, forged with the blood of his father and that child.

The wetness that came up from the bottom of You Ge's heart swirled in his eyes, and finally he couldn't help but choked up and said: "I don't know what happened between my father and your father back then, but if what you said is true, I can only replace you My father said, I'm sorry. The rift between you and me is too deep, and we can't go back to the past. Let go of each other, and separation may be the best choice. "

After finishing speaking, You Ge turned around and walked slowly outside the house, facing the vast night, plunged into the darkness.

Rong Xiyuan really wanted to call her to stop, but he opened his mouth, but still couldn't make a sound.The man's pride and self-esteem, as well as the aroused anger, made Rong Xiyuan unable to ask him to stay.

divorce?Think how much pressure he had to marry her back then?Did she know that for this matter, the Rong family scolded him so badly that the old man almost drove him away just like his father did back then.But even so, he still insisted on marrying her, was it just for a moment's interest?

Now she proposes a divorce, how can he swallow this breath, it's like laughing at his original decision as a mistake, and rejecting his desperate determination at that time.

"Why did you come this far? Why did you have to get a divorce..." Rong Xiyuan roared in his heart, but his mouth was silent, but he followed You Ge all the way to the door.

You Ge stood at the door of the villa waiting for Lawyer Huo to pick her up. She was in a daze, and she didn't know that he was quietly following behind her.

Two people who love each other have gone through stumbling, ups and downs, ups and downs, joys and sorrows, and finally now the child is about to be born, but they have to face separation.Does it have to be like this?If not separated, how can we face each other?

It's not like seeing each other forever, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the hurdle in my heart.

Not long after, Lawyer Huo arrived as scheduled, and it was obvious that he was very anxious, but he didn't ask what was going on with You Ge, he just silently provided her with a quiet place when she needed a place to stay most. place.

Lawyer Huo supported You Ge, put on a coat for her distressedly, and sighed, expressing his regret at the moment.

Lawyer Huo already knew from his son that You Ge and Rong Xiyuan were married. He was always worried and wanted to find a chance to come here to have a look, but he didn't expect that this time, he came to pick You Ge up.

Before leaving, Lawyer Huo looked behind You Ge. He wasn't sure who those eyes were in the dark, but he could guess that it might be the owner of the villa.

The car gradually went away, Rong Xiyuan came out from the darkness, looking at the direction where the car disappeared, he felt something slipping away from the bottom of his heart...out of his life...

Lying in an unfamiliar environment, everything around reminds You Ge that she has come out of the house.

This is a clean guest room, a room on the second floor of Lawyer Huo's house, just opposite to Huo Junyan's bedroom. You Ge will live here tonight.

The sheets and quilts were just changed. The bed is big, soft and comfortable. It should be easy to fall asleep lying on it, but You Ge couldn't close his eyes for a long time. Looking at the starry sky outside the window, his heart was empty. As if in a dream, but the real heartache is tormenting her, tell her,
The reason why You Ge didn't argue with Rong Xiyuan face to face about what he said her father killed Rong Xiaoguang was because she understood that since Rong Xiyuan confirmed this matter, at least on the surface it was so. Even if she wanted to investigate the reason and the truth now, there was nothing she could do.With a big belly, it is inconvenient to do anything, let alone understand the truth of the year.

This was an unbearable blow, and in a way, it was more painful than the harm Rong Xiyuan and He Biling brought to her.

But after all, he still didn't give up, You Ge couldn't sleep, his mind was full of Rong Xiyuan's resentful expression.Although she has never met Rong Xiyuan's father, but now she seems to be able to hear the weeping of the soul who died unjustly.It's creepy to think about it. If she doesn't figure it out, she will definitely become more depressed.

Suddenly, You Ge thought of something, patted himself on the forehead, and cursed himself for being stupid. Isn't this at Lawyer Huo's house? Lawyer Huo is a friend of his father's life, maybe he knows some secrets?

Thinking of this, You Ge couldn't calm down, and hurried out of the room to find Lawyer Huo.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Huo Junyan looking at her in astonishment, and he was still holding a small porcelain bowl in his hand.

Huo Junyan, a handsome and pure man, was a little embarrassed at the moment: "This is...my dad asked me to bring it to you, bird's nest, you drink it."

The blushing look of the masculine and handsome man is really... so seductive.

Although You Ge is not in the mood to appreciate it now, he still gratefully took the bowl in his hand, said thank you, and quickly drank up the bird's nest, stuffed the bowl into his hand, and asked anxiously: " Where is Uncle Huo? The study?"

"I don't know..." As soon as Huo Junyan said this, he regretted it, because he said a minute ago that his father asked him to bring the bird's nest. No, let it be exposed, it was not his father. It was his own idea.

"It's either in the study or in the bedroom. I'll help you take a look." Huo Junyan turned around and walked to the study as he spoke, thinking what was wrong with him, why he brought the bird's nest for nothing. Fortunately, You Ge didn't think about anything else.

Lawyer Huo was indeed in the study, looking at the documents he was about to go to court. When he saw You Ge coming, he stopped what he was doing.

(End of this chapter)

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