old love back

Chapter 142 1 walk away without audio

Chapter 142
"Uncle Huo... I have something to ask you!" You Ge's slightly excited little face flushed, unable to hide his nervousness.

Lawyer Huo was slightly startled: "Don't worry, just speak slowly."

How can You Ge not be in a hurry, the fire in his chest is burning, and there is nowhere to relieve it.

"Uncle Huo, do you know about my father and Rong Xiaoguang?" You Ge didn't realize that his voice was trembling slightly, but he wanted to know but was afraid of knowing the answer.

Huo Junyan stood behind You Ge, and when he heard this, he couldn't help frowning, hesitated, turned around and left, his instinct told him that it would be better not to listen.

Sure enough, Lawyer Huo's face changed solemnly, with a bit of struggle and helplessness, and finally he sighed and nodded slowly: "Yes, I know."

You Ge suddenly held his breath, staring at Lawyer Huo intently, for fear of missing a word.

After all, Lawyer Huo has a wealth of experience in life. At this moment, he quickly adjusted his mood, and at the same time made up his mind to tell You Ge the truth. She has the right to know.

"Son, this is the most regrettable and self-blaming thing in your father's life. He didn't even tell your mother. The reason why I knew it was because he was drunk and came to my house to find me. Maybe It was because he uttered the truth after drinking, or maybe he couldn't bear the huge psychological burden. In short, that time he chattered to me that when he was panning for gold abroad, he killed a man named Rong Xiaoguang. And got the first pot of gold in life, and founded Baorui. No one outside knows where Baorui's first pot of gold came from, but I know..." Lawyer Huo had a wry smile on his face, and felt sorry for his friend.

"But even if I knew, I would not betray my only best friend, You Zhaolong. Even if I was a lawyer, I would hide this matter and never mention it. After your father sobered up, I would Nothing happened, and he probably didn't know that he was drunk and told the secret. I don't know if it's right, maybe it's against my professional ethics, but it fulfills my loyalty to my friend. Man, everyone Those who survive in contradictions, no one can really live clearly. Although I don't know the details of your father's murder of Rong Xiaoguang, but think about it, in those days, people who went abroad to seek gold would risk their lives. In a special environment, people's thinking cannot be speculated from a normal angle..." Lawyer Huo's tone was heavy and slow, and it could be seen that he missed his old friend and firmly cherished this friendship even though he was gone.

It's hard to imagine why Lawyer Huo would be so confidant to a person who did something outrageous, violating professional ethics and concealing the fact that You Zhaolong killed someone.

You Ge has been dumbfounded, his eyes are staring, his ears seem to be buzzing... Now he should give up, all the illusions in his heart are shattered, it turns out that his father is really sorry for the Rong family!
If you said that before this, You Ge still had a fluke mentality, then now he has fully recognized the facts.

Heartache, shock, two intense emotions were fiercely intertwined in her heart, entrenched in her mind and tearing her nerves.

An hour ago, when You Ge told Rong Xiyuan that she was going to divorce, maybe it was more impulsive, and it can be said that she didn't think it through.But now, she felt that the only way left was divorce. Otherwise, how would they face each other?Enemy, she is the daughter of Rong Xiyuan's father-killing enemy!This fact is enough to shatter all her beliefs, and the fact that she is cruel to death leaves no room for it.

It took You Ge a while to feel a coldness in the corner of his eyes... She didn't know when the tears came down.

Lawyer Huo looked at You Ge distressedly, and handed her a tissue to wipe her face.

You Ge took it blankly, and murmured, "Thank you, Uncle Huo."

Lawyer Huo couldn't even say words of comfort at the moment, he could only pat You Ge's shoulder with his palm, and said worriedly: "You are pregnant with a child now, so you should not get excited, no matter what happens, you can only hold on , everything will be discussed after the child is born."

You Ge stood up and nodded gratefully at Lawyer Huo: "I know, don't worry Uncle Huo, I will put children first."

"Okay, that's good, you go to rest, and I will make soup for you tomorrow."

Lawyer Huo's loving eyes seemed to be looking at his own daughter.

You Ge went back to the room, but Lawyer Huo couldn't calm down. The incident he said earlier also brought back his memories of the past. Thinking about You Ge's current situation, it really makes people feel distressed.

The reason why Lawyer Huo stood by Rong Xiyuan and helped him obtain Baorui was actually a very wise approach. He had already seen that Yu Ge could not keep Baorui. Few people are ambitious, headed by Zheng Haoyue, the goal is of course to swallow Baorui whole.Instead of this, it is better to let Baorui be acquired by Rong Xiyuan, at least Rong Xiyuan has the ability to make Baorui develop better.

Facts have proved that Lawyer Huo's consideration is correct. If Baorui falls into the hands of Zheng Haoyue, no one can predict what it will be like. At least Baorui's achievements are worthy of its founder.

Now, Attorney Huo only hopes that You Ge and Rong Xiyuan will not go to the last step... He doesn't know that You Ge has filed for divorce.

When Lawyer Huo learned that You Ge and Rong Xiyuan were married, his shock can be imagined. He was still thinking, if Rong Xiyuan didn't really love You Ge, why would he marry an enemy's daughter?But now it seems that something bad happened?

the next day.

You Ge got up early to have breakfast, Huo Junyan and Huo lawyer were there, seeing You Ge, both father and son couldn't help but feel worried... Her eyes were red and swollen, it must have been a torment last night, after all, the relationship between her and Rong Xiyuan What happened in between?
Huo Junyan buried his head in the porridge, but he couldn't help worrying about You Ge, her complexion was not very good, could it be something uncomfortable?Her state is really worrying, the former aura is gone, only depression.

Lawyer Huo was wondering if it was time to talk to You Ge after dinner?

You Ge finished a bowl of porridge calmly, and said in an unusually indifferent tone: "Uncle Huo, please help me make a divorce agreement later, and I will send it to Rong Xiyuan's company."

Pfft... Huo Junyan spurted water from his mouth all of a sudden, staring at You Ge in amazement, unbelievable what he heard... Divorce?divorce? !
Lawyer Huo almost choked on the piece of steamed bun in his throat. You Ge's words undoubtedly dropped a bomb early in the morning.

Every word on the document on the desk is so glaring, and what is even more glaring is the red finger prints. This is the divorce agreement sent by Lawyer Huo and handed over to Rong Xiyuan by You Ge.

The content is very simple, it states that You Ge will leave the house without leaving the house, and do not allow any property of Yuan Xi, but at the same time, the custody of the child belongs to You Ge.

The cigarette butts in the ashtray had accumulated a few cigarette butts in just a short while, and the white smoke that was rising between his fingers also foreshadowed how bad he was, and filled the air like smoke.

His deep expression was covered with a layer of haze, his handsome facial features were like an ink painting that was too profound, the swirls in his eyes rolled, and a cold aura filled the space.

Does she really dare to divorce?What she said last night was not angry, but she would really leave.Not only do they have to leave, but they also have the backbone to leave the house...

It was like a hot slap in the face, making him dizzy.

A man who has always been strong meets a woman who is soft but strong, only to realize that when it comes to ruthlessness, You Ge is not inferior to him.

It is true that You Ge's decision was very ruthless, ruthless to both parties, it made Rong Xiyuan feel the pain, and it also made her feel overwhelmed with pain.

But what else could be done, the way ahead... There was no way forward, she couldn't see the way at all, only a gray mist.

Now it's not just He Biling's problem. Now that he knows the enmity of his father's generation, You Ge can't face Rong Xiyuan, and divorce has become an inevitable result.

In addition to the divorce agreement, there is also a letter written by You Ge to Rong Xiyuan...

"I should have hated you, hated you for allowing that woman to have a child, hated you for that woman, and put a dagger in my stomach. At that time, you knew how much I wanted to fight you? But when I knew that my father was killed Your father, I can't hate you anymore. Maybe this kind of deep grievance and hatred is a complicated entanglement that I can't bear. I can only continue to live if I don't love or hate. Otherwise, I may become a Crazy... I don't mind being a lunatic, but I have a baby, and I want to take care of this child. I have to cut off the ties I once had. I don't want to bear it, whether it's love or hatred. Maybe you think I'm a little selfish , but my point of view is that only by letting yourself live well can you give your child a healthy and happy growth space. Uncle, this is the last time I call you that. From now on, you and I will settle our grievances, please believe me I really don’t hate you now, I just hate God’s deliberate teasing, let you and me meet, but finally come to this point. I love you, but I won’t mention it again, please let me go, it’s like letting you go Own."

This letter is very short, without voicing bitterness, without blaming, but just telling her state of mind, but it makes Rong Xiyuan feel out of breath, the suffocation in his chest, and his shortness of breath remind him that this is not The hallucination, Yu Ge really wants to let go, she said, neither love nor hate...

Is this to draw the line completely?His heart was churned into a ball, and it ached... To neither love nor hate means that he doesn't feel any more, isn't it?
No, how could he allow her to regard him as air?It's better to be hated by her than to be ignored by her!
Rong Xiyuan suddenly stood up from his chair, grabbed his cell phone and car keys, and rushed out of the office door, he was going to find You Ge!

He can't accept this divorce agreement, he doesn't believe that this is You Ge's real idea, it will definitely be salvageable, it will be possible!

At this time, Rong Xiyuan really felt the panic from the bottom of his heart... Afraid of losing her, not wanting to lose her!

If it is said that Rong Xiyuan was temporarily confused by He Biling's tenderness, and doubted whether he was not suitable for getting along with You Ge, but now, all his confusion has become an extremely clear idea-he wants You Ge, As long as you song!It doesn't matter what kind of temper is right or not, whether You Ge is the roar of the river east or the tenderness like water, in short, he only wants this woman!In this life, no one can make him have such a strong possessive desire again, he dare not think if one day You Ge becomes someone else's wife, will he be so angry that he wants to kill someone!
Running wildly all the way, when Rong Xiyuan arrived at Lawyer Huo's house, he had already run through red lights several times in a row...

But even in such a rush, he was still late. He was told that You Ge had left 20 minutes ago, and where he went... no comment.

Rong Xiyuan was caught off guard by this unexpected news. It was unbelievable that You Ge would act so quickly. Did she know him too well?Knowing that he will come, in order to avoid seeing each other, You Ge left early, and he didn't know where he went!
30 minutes, only 20 minutes late!Rong Xiyuan wanted to go crazy, and forcibly broke into Lawyer Huo's house, but he couldn't find You Ge everywhere, so he had to accept the fact that Yu Ge had left.

(End of this chapter)

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