old love back

150 The Finale 5

150 The Finale 5
You Ge was still listening to Xu Yan's talk about Rong Xiyuan's illness, and it took her a while to react, and slowly, she actually smiled... It's just that this smile was extremely desolate.

"As long as he doesn't die, it's fine, even if he's a vegetable, there's still a glimmer of hope to wake up, isn't there?" You Ge's tearful smile, like a beautiful azalea blooming in the rain, is heartbreakingly beautiful.

Xu Yan's heart tightened suddenly, and he had a bad premonition. This seductive handsome face was stained with a tinge of frost...

"What are you going to do?"

You Ge didn't answer right away, but walked to Rong Xiyuan's side, looking at this sleeping face, the dormant thought in her heart rushed out from her chest!

The last hesitation in his eyes was washed away, You Ge said in a low voice but firmly: "I will take him back to Ruilin Villa and take care of him..."

Xu Yan's expression changed suddenly, as if he had been hit hard with a sledgehammer!
Such a result was unexpected, Xu Yan felt as sad as losing his beloved wife at this moment, as if he was in a world of ice and snow, even his blood was cold.

He thought that he could continue to live with You Ge, and he even felt that he was qualified enough to be the father of two children. He could have the long-awaited home just by waiting for You Ge to nod.To be honest, before this, Xu Yan was still full of confidence, but now, he had to recognize a fact... He lost to Rong Xiyuan again!
Even if Rong Xiyuan becomes a vegetable, he is still a winner!
Perhaps, it was because of becoming a vegetable that he was able to win back You Ge's heart!
Xu Yan doesn't want to get angry with You Ge, but how can he resolve his heartache?

"Have you really thought about it? He may never wake up for the rest of his life. You plan to take your child and guard a vegetable. Do you know how much burden this will be on you? Shouldn't you go back to pursuing your own happiness?" , organize a new family? Have you ever thought about your children? Children need fathers and fatherly love!" Xu Yan's painful voice was mixed with forbearance, but this time he couldn't understand and agree with You Ge's approach.

Why can he just watch happiness slip through his fingers every time?Why can't You Ge always belong to him completely?
You Ge felt Xu Yan's emotions, and she was also moved, but the real voice in her heart kept saying that she wanted to take care of Rong Xiyuan, whether he would wake up or not, she decided to choose this way.

You Ge's silence stung Xu Yan even more, and his wry smile was full of heartache: "Why are you still willing to accompany him even when he becomes a vegetable? And me, what is my company to you? You Dare to say that during this period of getting along, do you have no affection for me? If you have such a little affection, why do you want to hurt me like this now?"

Xu Yan's eyes were slightly red, his tone of voice and expression of regret poured out the pain that had accumulated in his heart for a long time.

You Ge's body trembled slightly, apologizing and blaming herself, she also felt uncomfortable.

"Xu Yan, I'm sorry, I admit that I have recently thought about whether to just bring the child to live with you like this... You are so outstanding, if you say that you have no feelings in getting along day and night, it is a lie. But such feelings It's unfair to you, because I'm too weak, so I haven't made up my mind whether to form a family with you, that's why when Rong Xiyuan had an accident today, my heart was completely biased towards him, and I was sure that I wanted to What matters is my choice just now... It's not that you are bad, it's that we met at the wrong time, if I hadn't fallen in love with Rong Xiyuan first, maybe we would have long ago..." You Ge is very straightforward and rational, even so It would hurt to say it, but she had to be honest.Concealing or perfunctory would hurt Xu Yan even more.

Xu Yan stared fixedly at You Ge, he was so familiar with the bright color and firmness in her eyes, every time she encountered difficulties and made up her mind to overcome them, she had such eyes, and he always knew her When you make up your mind, how powerful is that power.

No words can describe Xu Yan's pain and disappointment, it's like a mountaineer who is about to reach the top of the mountain with great difficulty but falls from the height due to an avalanche and is smashed to pieces...

In the world of feelings, it is difficult to define right and wrong. You Ge is not wrong, and Xu Yan is not wrong, but why is there a lack of fate?
If nothing happened to Rong Xiyuan, You Ge would still stubbornly hold on to the knot in her heart, and she would not know that Rong Xiyuan had done so much for her, maybe the two really parted ways after meeting in a teahouse.

But it happened that Rong Xiyuan was shot, and when his life was dying, You Ge could see her heart clearly... She could even get introspection from those harsh words that Shen Zhao said.That's right, she was hurt and wronged, but when did she really understand Rong Xiyuan's inner world?Did she know if he was hurt?She considers herself a victim, but in some respects, isn't Rong Xiyuan also a victim?

What is marriage?Not yours, not mine, but both.But often in this small world, many people only see themselves, not each other.Injured, it will expand infinitely in the heart, while benefited, it will often be ignored.If everyone can think more about whether the other person is also hurt when they feel hurt, and think about whether the way they deal with it hurts the relationship between husband and wife, then maybe many conflicts will not exist, and people with good intentions will not be allowed to take advantage of it. enter.

When You Ge was dying in Rong Xi Yuan, what touched her the most was...she cared about his life, how could other additional things be compared to a living person?Stubbornness is sometimes a dead end left to oneself. If you don't get out, you will never be free from your soul.

Xu Yan left, this time, he didn't know how long it would take to heal Qingshang.He has never been able to bring up hatred for You Ge.She will become the bloody cinnabar on his chest, indelible and unforgettable for a lifetime.

Love itself is an illogical thing, the only thing it obeys is the heart.It has no formulas, no modules, it is mysterious, it is inexplicable, it is

Lawyer Huo and Huo Junyan found it difficult to understand and accept You Ge's decision for a while, but they also knew that nothing could be changed, and all they could do was support You Ge as best they could.

Rong Xiyuan was finally discharged from the hospital, and You Ge took him to Ruilin Villa.This long-lost home has new vigor and vigor when You Ge comes back.

All the servants in the villa used to be transferred to Ruilin Villa, and Shen Zhao also stayed to help take care of the two children.

You Ge now regards taking care of Rong Xiyuan as her only job, and takes care of her meticulously every day. She has no complaints, but is calmer than before.

In the past, there were too many twists and turns between her and Rong Xiyuan, and it was rare to have a moment of peace.Although he has become a vegetable now, she can see him accompany him every day, no one will destroy him, no more disturbances, the ups and downs of joys and sorrows are far away from her, she can finally live a normal life with him life... Therefore, she is not as sad as others think, she just feels that every day is very fulfilling, two children and a man are enough for her to be busy.

But You Ge also holds a little hope, hoping that a miracle can happen, that one day Rong Xiyuan can wake up...

The murderer who attacked Rong Xiyuan was Rong Bingxiong's son, Rong Huan. He knew he would be shot or sentenced to life imprisonment, so he committed suicide in the detention center.

Rong Huan became a mad dog after his father was imprisoned. In order to get revenge, he went into a frenzy and finally went to a dead end.

It was only when the Rong family stopped here that they truly stopped, and those who were cautious did not dare to act rashly, for fear of causing trouble to their upper body.Even if Rong Xiyuan became a vegetable, they would still be at ease, because the old man came back from the countryside and took charge of the Rong family again.

But the old man's body is dying. Last time he was critically ill, he survived fortunately, but who knows what will happen next time?

The old man is struggling, hoping that Rong Xiyuan will wake up, and then he will hand over the chairman's seat to Rong Xiyuan.

What moved You Ge was that Mr. Rong loved the two babies very much. Even if he was in charge of the overall situation in Hong Kong, he had to watch the two babies on video every day before he could fall asleep with peace of mind.

The relationship with You Ge is also becoming more and more harmonious.

It was only later that You Ge found out why Mr. Rong had changed his attitude so much, why he no longer rejected her, and why he ran all the way from Hong Kong back to Longqing City to celebrate the Spring Festival, because Mr. Rong had...stomach cancer.

Under the shadow of death, this old man's psychology has had a huge impact, and he no longer fights with Rong Xiyuan... In fact, he loves this grandson very much in his heart, but the temper of the grandson and grandson are too similar, and head-on confrontation will inevitably hurt both. Relationships are stiff.But Mr. Rong's firm idea is... the chairman's seat is only reserved for Rong Xiyuan.

When Rong Xiyuan learned of the old man's decision, it was hard to believe it, but the fact is that it is just because the old man got stomach cancer, so he gave up in advance, and everyone knows that the old man's harshness towards Rong Xiyuan is an illusion , In fact, it is the test and tempering of Rong Xiyuan, in order to finally push the grandson to the highest position.

The sick old man didn't want to care about all the grievances. Every day when he was facing the threat of death, he figured out one thing - when it's time to repay the grievances, it's better to smile away the grievances.

When he let go of his heart and accepted You Ge and the two children, the old man seemed to have found the strength that disappeared, and he had more confidence and courage to fight against the illness.Strange to say, these days, his physical condition tended to be stable, and if he could remain stable like this, he would not die for the time being.

He couldn't bear to die, he wanted to watch his grandson wake up, he wanted to watch his great-grandson grow up...

Everyone has hope, and You Ge thinks so too.Waiting and spending every day in hope, the sun rises and sets, the moon rises and the stars move, only then can we have the motivation to continue.

On the day Rong Xiyuan's accident happened, Tong Jin was out of town and couldn't make it back. When he saw her again later, his brother Yuan was already in a vegetable state.

This is sad and bad news, but the good news is that You Ge is willing to take the child by Rong Xiyuan's side, which is another kind of comfort.

Ruilin Villa is more lively than before, people come and go from time to time, all to see You Ge's family.

Returning to the place where she was born, You Ge felt like she belonged. The difference is that she used to live in Ruilin Villa and had no friends, only that vicious woman Zheng Haoyue.But now, she has friends, a child, and Rong Xiyuan...and Xiangxiang's large group of dogs.

Everyone has different values, different ideas, and different pursuits.In the eyes of outsiders, You Ge is a silly woman, and her behavior cannot be understood.But only You Ge knows that in such a peaceful and peaceful day, her past pain is slowly healing, her satisfaction and happiness are hard to explain to anyone, so she doesn't expect to explain anything to others, she In this small world, I have harvested the laughter of children, the care of friends, and Rong Xiyuan's peaceful sleeping face...

Huo Junyan and Long Xiaoxiao are regular customers here, and they come here as casually as they are at home. Today, they met again and bought some small gifts for their children.

(End of this chapter)

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