old love back

Chapter 151: Fan Wai Rong Xi Yuan is Missing!

Chapter 151: Fan Wai Rong Xi Yuan is Missing!

"Okay, let's go to the company together tomorrow. If she dares to be disrespectful to my sister-in-law, I will fix her." Tong Jin said with a very fierce expression, but his temperament is very similar to You Ge, so it is not suitable for her. Pretending to be fierce is too unreal.

You Ge chuckled, for Tong Jin's care, she felt very warm in her heart, like a relative, she fully believed that if there was anything wrong with Zheng Haoyue, Tong Jin would really fix it in his way, don't forget that Tong Jin is a high-end As a technical person, in the era of advanced Internet, Tong Jin can do too many things.

"Ahem... sister-in-law, I'm going back to my room first, and I'll come down later." Tong Jin hurriedly said hello and ran away, because the phone was vibrating, and there was a message.

Tong Jin had a premonition of who sent the message, and it turned out to be Miao Xiaomei...

"Lei, my computer is poisoned, please help me find out what's going on!!" Miao Xiaomei was obviously very anxious about this message.

Tong Jin was very calm, went into the room and turned on the computer, ready to check Miao Xiaomei's computer.

Through the remote control software, Tong Jin can easily enter Miao Xiaomei's computer.

It was indeed poisoned. According to Miao Xiaomei, she clicked on a file sent by a friend yesterday. As a result, when she opened it today, she felt that something was wrong with the computer. Not only the speed slowed down, but some rogue software appeared. Fortunately, she Some important accounts have not been logged in, otherwise it will be troublesome if the account is stolen.

This is the sixth time that Tong Jin has remotely installed the computer system for Miao Xiaomei. stumped him.

Miao Xiaomei's admiration for "Lei" has been increasing steadily with the passage of time!

The system was installed quickly, and Tong Jin typed a line on the screen: "I said, little girl, can you be more considerate? How can you open a file from someone you don't trust at will? Even if it's from someone you trust Yes, you have to ask first if it was posted by yourself, the number hackers are too rampant now, you should be careful."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you are here, you are a great god, hahaha..."

"...No one is a god, there are too many masters, if you are not careful, one day you will encounter a master who is stronger than me and get a virus on your computer, what will you do?"

"Is there anyone better than you? That kind of animal should be a rare animal. I didn't have such bad luck. Hehe... Lei, you have helped me many times, and I haven't had a chance to thank you properly. When will Can you show up? Can I treat you to a big meal?" Miao Xiaomei also added a big smile.

"Thank you, no big meal."

"You... Do you still want to keep pretending to be mysterious? We are obviously in the same city, why can't we meet?"

"I've said it before. This is my principle. It's limited to online communication. In reality, it's better not to meet each other."

"...you...you...you're going to be mad at you!"


Tong Jin is stubborn in a certain way and doesn't understand, but the other party is also a chick. He asked him to meet more than once, but he refused each time.

If He Feng was here, he would be so angry that he wanted to knock Tong Jin on the head. If he didn't know how to grasp such a good opportunity, then it would be strange that he didn't have a girlfriend until now, wouldn't he deserve it?

Miao Xiaomei was also very angry. She hadn't sent a message for a long time, but Tong Jin didn't know what the other party was thinking, so she began to study his newly designed equation...

the next day.

This afternoon, You Ge is going to the company, and in the morning, Dean Liao will come to the house to check on Rong Xiyuan.

Dean Liao is an old acquaintance of Rong Xiyuan, and now he is the attending doctor of Rong Xiyuan. He comes to Ruilin Villa twice a month, and each time he brings something for the two babies.

The two little guys are so cute, no one doesn't like them, no one will not love them, and the toys at home have to be placed in a special room... There are too many.

In the past, every time Dean Liao came, the result of You Ge's question was the same every time, but this time there seems to be a little change.

After the inspection, Dean Liao asked You Ge about some relevant information, including a few times when he thought that there was something wrong with Rong Xiyuan...

Dean Liao showed an excited expression for the first time, and told You Ge that Rong Xiyuan's condition had improved, and now he was going to be sent back to the hospital for a detailed examination.

You Ge didn't understand what the doctor meant for a while, but felt that the heartbeat was out of control again...

"Dean Liao, is this... a sign that he has woken up?" You Ge's voice was trembling and nervous.

Dean Liao's face became serious: "I can't answer you now, I can only confirm after a detailed inspection."

You Ge's heart skipped a beat, and the hope that had been ignited just now softened by half again.

"Okay, according to your wishes, send him to the hospital now...but when will the examination be finished?"

"At four o'clock in the afternoon, you come to the hospital to find me, then the report will be out."

"Four o'clock..." You Ge thought to himself, this time is just right, I will go to the company before going to the hospital, I hope the doctor can give me some good news this time.

Waiting for the result of the examination, a few hours is long and tormenting for You Ge, the most worrying thing is... If the result is still bad news, how should she put her sigh?
Rong Xiyuan, he was only in his early thirties, he was in his prime, yet he was going to lie in bed in a vegetable state, this kind of sadness was too heavy, every time she looked at that familiar face, she couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

Distressed, never stopped, looking forward to, never disappeared.

You Ge went to Baorui and stayed with Tong Jin.Tong Jin went to upgrade the company's network system, and You Ge mainly went to inspect it. As the chairman, she didn't come to work every day, and more often she took care of the children at home, but she was always thinking about it, and at the same time Gradually learn how to manage such a large company.

In the office, You Ge was sitting on a leather chair, and there were a pile of documents on the table that she needed to check, about a dozen of them.

You Ge couldn't help but think of Rong Xiyuan who was far busier than her when he was working here, how did he survive?She already felt a little dizzy after reading a document, and he was dealing with the company's affairs every day, but she never heard him say a word of hardship, and she never asked or cared about how hard and tired he was...

Every time you think of this, You Ge still feels heartbroken and blames herself, and becomes the chairman again, letting her know what she wants to do in the company. It requires a lot of hard work and energy.

And the reason why she was able to take over the company so smoothly is inseparable from the solid foundation Rong Xiyuan laid in the company before.He even told several executives of the company what they should and should not do when the chairman of the company changes.Even if he is now in a vegetable state, none of those senior executives he trusts dares to harbor evil intentions, just because they all know that the most terrifying thing about Rong Xiyuan is...he will always leave behind for himself, even if he himself If they are not in the company, there will be people watching every move of the executives. Whoever dares to make a small move will end badly.

They will never forget that there is still Mr. Rong in charge, even if they are not convinced that You Ge will be the chairman, they can only endure it.

Analyzing Yuan's early layout has laid a good foundation for You Ge's current work, so that she can successfully bring Baorui back.

But not everyone is so cautious, some people always have unwillingness in their bones.

You Ge is looking at the company's performance report for this quarter, and the dense data makes people dazzled.At this time, there was a knock on the door, and before You Ge could make a sound, someone pushed the door and entered.

You Ge's originally calm eyes suddenly became sharp, and he stared at the woman in front of him coldly...

Zheng Haoyue stepped on ten-inch high-heeled shoes, wearing a maroon suit, and walked in arrogantly. Her seductive red lips looked like a witch who had just drunk blood.

"Hehe... Long time no see. I should congratulate you for taking back Baorui. It was indeed a good choice for you to marry Rong Xiyuan back then." Zheng Haoyue's words were sarcasm, and the sarcasm in his words was even more obvious.

You Ge can't be easily irritated by a few words now, she knows what Zheng Haoyue means, and she also knows that this woman is nothing more than a quick tongue.

"Zheng Haoyue, you are still an employee of Baorui now. Since you know this is the chairman's office, what are you doing here without my permission? Even if you want to report on your work, you should get my permission first. Now, please go out and come to the office. See you in the conference room at two o'clock in the afternoon." You Ge lowered his eyes, never looking at the person in front of him again, his calm and stable temperament was exactly the same as Rong Xiyuan.

"You..." Zheng Haoyue gritted her teeth angrily. She never expected You Ge to say that. She deliberately said that to anger You Ge, but the other party was not fooled, and deliberately pressured her to get out?

"You Ge, don't think that you are great when you become the chairman. Baorui's pool is very deep, and you don't understand anything. Why do you think you won't need to ask me in the future? Be polite to me now, and wait for you in the future If you ask me, everyone will avoid embarrassment." Zheng Haoyue's haughty smile contained her usual sense of superiority, and this woman doesn't know how her brain grows.

You Ge heard the words, but smiled lightly, and said calmly: "It seems that you have become accustomed to staying in Macau and you have become fond of fantasies... I still have to work, you go out, there will be a meeting in the afternoon Hours to talk to you."

Zheng Haoyue was so annoyed by You Ge's attitude that she almost swears, but in the end she held back, gave You Ge a hard look, and then turned around and left.

Even if Zheng Haoyue has ten thousand beasts galloping in her heart, she doesn't want to have too much conflict with You Ge and get fired.She knows very well that only by staying here can she make a comeback.Forbearance is the only thing she can do now.

At noon, You Ge and Tong Jin ate at the tea restaurant opposite the company. The two sat down in a corner and chatted while eating.

The business of the tea restaurant is very good, and it will be full soon, but there are still customers coming in, and some people will fight for a table.

The table between You Ge and Tong Jin was supposed to seat six people, but now it's just her and the two of them, it's really quite spacious and can accommodate people.

The waiter led a young girl over and asked You Ge and Tong Jin for their opinions. The girl sat down and ordered a pineapple rice under the condition that the table sharing was allowed.

The girl is gentle and gentle, wearing an orange winter jacket. She looks sweet and pleasant. Her pretty short hair complements her small heart-shaped face, which gives people a cute and beautiful impression.

She was very quiet. After thanking You Ge and Tong Jin, she stopped talking and lowered her head to play with her mobile phone.

It's not uncommon to share tables, and they don't overlap with each other, each eats his own food, and doesn't interfere with each other.

You Ge and Tong Jin were talking in a low voice, and suddenly heard the girl next to her holding a mobile phone and sending a WeChat message: "Which bastard is making trouble again, you guys, please pay attention, and delete any malicious comments immediately." Drop, don't leave any! I'm eating now, and I'll find you guys after I go back online..."

(End of this chapter)

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