old love back

Chapter 156

Chapter 156
Anyway, he woke up, ended his life in a vegetative state, and regained his perception, followed by missing.

Even in his dreams, Rong Xiyuan was thinking about those gentle murmurs and childish voices in his ears for more than a year.This is the most beautiful sound of nature to him. Now that his ears are too quiet, he will feel that something is missing, and his heart will not be at ease and stable.

What is heartbreaking is that he has not been able to see his child until now. After calculation, the child should be one and a half years old and can be called Mom and Dad, but he can't hear or see...

This heart-piercing torture awakened Rong Xiyuan from his sleep, he looked around, it was empty and the room was cold and silent.He couldn't help but think... What is she doing at this moment in Ruilin Villa?Will you miss him too?
Of course, You Ge is taking care of the children. The two babies are having fun in the garden, playing and rolling on the carpet. With the company of several dogs, the children are very happy.

On the carpet is a white and fat robotic teddy bear, which was given by Rong Xiyuan on You Ge's 19th birthday.

You Ge sat next to the teddy bear, watching the children playing quietly, and the scene of the birthday night many years ago came to mind... I remember when I saw a moving teddy bear pushing the birthday cake , to her surprise and excitement.At that time, she didn't understand why Rong Xiyuan put so much effort into it, but now that she thinks about it, isn't it because she is in her heart?

Now this teddy bear can still accompany the child's growth and become the child's favorite toy. This feeling is really kind, like a patron saint who can't speak.

Under the warm sunshine, this scene on the lawn is warm and beautiful. The scene of adults, children and a few dogs playing and laughing, no one wants to bother them.

Huo Junyan has been standing there for quite a while, looking at You Ge and the two children from a distance, his heart will become very soft, as if the boredom after working all day has also been relieved.

Who can not love these two little angels? Huo Junyan sometimes thinks that if You Ge wants to find a stepfather for the child, it will be very easy...but will she?
Huo Junyan didn't ask such questions, he just thought about it in his heart and wouldn't say it out loud.Everyone knows You Ge's feelings for Rong Xiyuan, and Huo Junyan has always seen it. Even if he has You Ge in his heart, he will not let others know, just bury this feeling in his heart.Silently, guarding her and the child as an older brother, being able to see her often and caring for her is his greatest satisfaction.

Huo Junyan is not only handsome in uniform, he is also very eye-catching in casual clothes.With his handsome temperament and handsome facial features, he is a moving landscape with his footsteps.

"Brother Huo, you are here!" You Ge waved to Huo Junyan, with a friendly smile as bright as today's weather.

Huo Junyan came over, sat down on the carpet, and held Baby Xuan in his arms. The little girl hugged Huo Junyan obediently and acted like a baby, and generously kissed him: "Baji..."

Huo Junyan was so excited by Baby Xuan, at this time Baby Yi was not far behind, and walked crookedly into Huo Junyan's arms, and said childishly, "Uncle kiss..."

These two children are like cotton candy, who can control them, Huo Junyan is easily dazzled, and almost forgets that there are important matters.

Baby Xuan and Baby Yi kissed contentedly before running away with a smile to play with Xiangxiang and the others.

Only then can Huo Junyan have a good talk with You Ge.

"Tang Yumei's behavior is too crazy. At present, we are acting with caution. If Tang Yumei is provoked, we are afraid that she will harm Rong Xiyuan." Huo Junyan's tone was full of worry.

You Ge sighed faintly, nodded and said: "Yes, Rong Xiyuan is in her hands, it would be too dangerous for us to force our way in, she is such an extreme person, it is easy to do radical behavior, so we have to be slow." Slow down and think of a way."

"Well, don't worry for now, the most important thing is Rong Xiyuan's safety... In fact, the best thing to do now is to stand still and let Tang Yumei lose her guard. In this way, her defense will be weak, and we may still have a chance. "

When You Ge heard this, his eyes lit up: "Yes, I thought so too, instead of taking the risk to fight her, it's better to numb her defense first, once her wariness towards me weakens, it's the best time to rescue her. "

"It's good that you can hold your breath. I'm worried that you're too anxious and lost your footing."

"No, I'm much more stable now than before, haven't you noticed?" You Ge blinked playfully, with a very interesting expression.

Huo Junyan was also amused by her, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

"Yes, yes, you are more stable, so what do you want to do now? How do you start the first step, let Tang Yumei relax her guard against you?" Huo Junyan couldn't help being a little curious, and wanted to hear what You Ge meant.

It seems that You Ge has been thinking about this problem for a long time, and only now has a solution.

"I guess, Tang Yumei must be watching my every move, so I'll just make the noise louder, and it'd be better if it gets on the front page... I thought about it, why don't I post a marriage announcement, so that , it will definitely make Tang Yumei unexpected!"

"Cough cough...cough cough cough...what? Proposal for marriage? Cough cough...you..." Huo Junyan choked on You Ge's words, his face flushed from coughing, he never expected her method to be so amazing!

It is very difficult for ordinary people to make headlines. Some people rack their brains just to win the attention of the public, while some people are used to keeping a low profile and don't want to be disturbed.You Ge and Rong Xiyuan are both such people. They are not interested in Toutiao and just want to live a peaceful life. However, this time You Ge is uncharacteristically. Effect.

This is an invisible war that took place between Tang Yumei and You Ge, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It is a contest between two women thousands of miles away, and the fight is about who is smarter and who is bolder and who is ruthless.

Tang Yumei's behavior was that of a typical lunatic. Her ruthlessness carried a destructive aura.And she underestimated You Ge's determination, You Ge's ruthlessness is full of wisdom, and attacking the heart is the top priority!
Also being a woman, You Ge accurately grasped Tang Yumei's most critical lifeline - since Tang Yumei made it clear that she wanted to prevent her from being with Rong Xiyuan, if she heard the news that she was going to ask for marriage, Tang Yumei Can you not laugh out loud?

As long as Tang Yumei relaxes her vigilance, You Ge will have a chance to take advantage of it!
You Ge's move is very risky, and it will cause great damage to her own reputation. As soon as the marriage announcement comes out, the outside world will think that You Ge has given up on the vegetative state.

When You Ge and Rong Xiyuan divorced, the media reported about it. At that time, the city was full of turmoil. The outside world didn't know the truth, and almost all condemned Rong Xiyuan overwhelmingly, but he didn't stand up and clarify for himself.Later, he was shot and became a vegetative state. Of course, it was a sensational news, and You Ge's perseverance to him became a good story, which made her image become taller in people's minds. Both men and women loved her. You Ge has admiration and is deeply moved by her loyalty to love.

But now, You Ge wants to post a marriage notice, and the outside world will think that she has given up on Rong Xiyuan. In this way, there may be rumors, and some people will even say that You Ge wants to find a man because he can't stand loneliness. .But even so, You Ge made a choice without hesitation.

If you want to achieve your goal, you have to make some sacrifices. You Ge has never valued reputation. She only cares about whether Rong Xiyuan can return to Ruilin Villa safe and sound.

You Ge's identity is no longer a secret. Now that he is the chairman and Rong Xiyuan's ex-wife, a single marriage announcement is enough to get the most prominent position on the headlines.

the next day.

Long Xiaoxiao saw the news when he was about to get off work, and immediately couldn't sit still, and hurriedly called to ask You Ge.

He Feng was also shocked by You Ge's marriage announcement, and rushed to Ruilin Villa in a hurry.

Lawyer Huo was able to calmly watch the changes because his son had informed him of You Ge's intentions in advance.

Tong Jin was originally in the orphanage, and rushed home anxiously after seeing the news. He didn't want to believe it was true. In his heart, You Ge had always been his sister-in-law and Brother Yuan's wife. Why did he suddenly want to propose marriage?
As soon as Tong Jin returned to Ruilin Villa, he went straight to the garden, and sure enough, he saw You Ge playing with the child, and he couldn't care less, and rushed over anxiously...

"Sister-in-law...sister-in-law...what's the matter with the marriage notice? Are you really going to give up Brother Yuan?"

You Ge was taken aback for a moment, and when he turned around and saw Tong Jin's expression, there were still beads of sweat on his delicate handsome face, he couldn't help but think of teasing him.

"Well... Actually, when I think about it, it's not bad to find a stepfather for the baby."

Tong Jin's complexion changed, and she said nervously: "There are so many people who love and take care of the baby, do you still need to find a stepfather? If you feel that you are too busy, we can ask another nanny to help, or I will not go to the babysitter in the future." Orphanage, spend more time at home with the children..."

After hearing this, You Ge couldn't help laughing out loud, Tong Jin is so cute...

"Hahaha... You are a man, and you are careless with children. Why don't you get married quickly and find a sister-in-law to take care of me? Hahaha..." You Ge took this opportunity to talk about Tong Jin.

Sure enough, this guy blushed, his fair cheeks shyly pink in the sun, scratching his head and said: "It's not so fast to find a wife, it takes time...I don't have a girlfriend yet... Otherwise, sister-in-law You wait, at worst, I will find a woman as soon as possible..."

"What? Hahaha...haha..." You Ge laughed even harder, Tong Jin didn't realize she was joking.

"Okay, Tong Jin, if you can find a girlfriend back within a week, I'll consider removing the engagement notice, how about that? Are you sure?" You Ge pretended to be very serious, feeling very It's the joy that has blossomed, and if it can enlighten Tong Jin, she thinks it will be something worth celebrating.

How did Tong Jin know that You Ge was teasing him, and she thought that You Ge really needed a reliable helper, so she said shyly, "I... I'll try it."

"Ah?" You Ge was stunned, and immediately said pleasantly: "Could it be that you already have a goal? Tell me quickly, what kind of girl is it?"

"I have no goal, but I will work hard."

"Are you sure you will work hard? Will you take the initiative to chase girls?" You Ge expressed doubts.

Tong Jin looked cute, and smiled innocently: "I haven't taken the initiative yet, but at least I can not refuse, so there may be opportunities for development."

"..." You Ge was speechless, almost rolled his eyes, and flattened his mouth helplessly: "Well, it seems that it is quite difficult to count on you, an elm lump, to be enlightened."

(End of this chapter)

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