old love back

Chapter 157 The right man outside the episode?

Chapter 157 The right man outside the episode?

"Sister-in-law, do you agree?"

You Ge waved his hand casually and said, "Isn't it a week, let's talk about it then."

You Ge still didn't tell Tong Jin the truth, she still had a glimmer of hope, what if Tong Jin really got a girlfriend within a week?At that time, I will explain to him that my marriage announcement is fake...

As soon as Tong Jin went back upstairs, Long Xiaoxiao came. The girl was sweating profusely, she must have gotten off the bus and ran all the way here.

"You Ge... You Ge, you... Huhu... Huhu..." Long Xiaoxiao panted heavily, her face flushed.

"Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you, why are you working so hard?"

"You... It's not because of you!" Long Xiaoxiao pretended to be angry and tugged at You Ge's arm: "Why are you asking for marriage? You don't want to accept Yuan? His whereabouts are unknown now, so you really want to marry someone cruelly." ?”

You Ge's moist eyes stared at Long Xiaoxiao, always feeling that this girl had something to say today.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you angry about?"

"Of course I'm angry. You didn't tell me beforehand that you were going to ask for marriage. Why didn't you first check if there were any suitable men around you? Why did you openly ask for marriage? Don't you know that you ignored some people?" Long Xiaoxiao has a straightforward temper and has no intentions. At this moment, all she thinks about is Huo Junyan, complaining about his injustice, and forgets that she also has a strange feeling for Huo Junyan.

You Ge couldn't help being stunned, showing a puzzled expression: "Xiao Xiao, who are you referring to? There are suitable men around me? How is it possible, Tong Jin is like a relative, Huo Junyan is like a big brother, and Shen Zhao is Rong Xiyuan's My confidant, where can I find a suitable man?"

Long Xiaoxiao looked up to the sky and sighed, why didn't You Ge notice it?She was talking about Huo Junyan!

"You Ge, Tong Jin and Shen Zhao will not talk about it, of course they are automatically excluded, but Huo Junyan..." Long Xiaoxiao almost blurted out in a hurry, but a man's hand suddenly appeared behind her covered her mouth!
"..." Long Xiaoxiao was shocked, and it was useless to struggle hard. Then, Huo Junyan's voice said coldly in a warning tone next to her ear: "What nonsense are you talking about here?"

It was him!

Long Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief but then hurriedly shook his head, pointing at You Ge in horror, and then pointing behind him, meaning to let You Ge get to her quickly.

You Ge smiled angrily: "Brother Huo, what are you playing with Xiaoxiao, it seems to scare her."

With a dark face, Huo Junyan threw Long Xiaoxiao away, but his sharp and cold eyes locked on her tightly... No matter how stupid Long Xiaoxiao was, she understood that Huo Junyan forbade her to say the following.

Long Xiaoxiao has been a bystander for a long time, and it can be seen that Huo Junyan has a male and female affection for You Ge, but You Ge doesn't know, Long Xiaoxiao almost said it just now, but fortunately Huo Junyan stopped it in time, but his face became more and more ugly.

Long Xiaoxiao murmured in his heart, Ji Lingling shuddered in his eyes like ice skates, and smiled embarrassingly: "Haha... I didn't say anything... I didn't say..."

Huo Junyan gave Long Xiaoxiao a hard look, thinking about it, he was still uneasy, stretched out his hand and pulled Long Xiaoxiao aside...

You Ge looked at the figures of the two in confusion, and after a while, You Ge smiled... Well, is Brother Huo whispering to Xiaoxiao?I really hope that the two can get along more, maybe there will be sparks.

However, in the corner, the atmosphere between Long Xiaoxiao and Huo Junyan was extremely stiff, there was no spark, the anger was about the same.

"Long Xiaoxiao, I don't care what your heart is. In short, I warn you not to talk nonsense in front of You Ge, otherwise, I won't give face." Huo Junyan's cold tone hit Long Xiaoxiao's heart .

Long Xiaoxiao only felt a twitch in his chest, a little pain... Huo Junyan would only show the most gentle smile to You Ge, but to her, he had always been cold and honest, and now he still talks to her in such a disgusted tone It's so sad to say the least.

Long Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly... Is this the difference between liking and disliking?Huo Junyan likes You Ge, so in his eyes, women other than You Ge are not taken seriously by him, and he even hates talking so much.

Long Xiaoxiao also has self-esteem, hurt by Huo Junyan's attitude, there was a sneer in Long Xiaoxiao's stubborn eyes, he raised his hand and pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, and said lightly: "You don't have to be nervous, I won't The one who told you your secret...hehe...are you relieved now?"

After finishing speaking, she stopped looking at Huo Junyan, straightened her back, and walked away without stopping, but her heart was inevitably sour... I am really stupid, knowing that Huo Junyan likes You Ge, but how could I be moved by him? Mind?Since when did it start, maybe it was the first time I saw him on the plane, he quietly entered her heart.But this kind of fruitless secret love, she should wake up, the best way is to quickly cut off this feeling that shouldn't exist...

This is the difference between liking and disliking, helpless and real.Huo Junyan is actually a man who is tough on the outside and soft on the inside. He treats You Ge with gentle care and warm care, but his attitude towards other women is completely different.

It has nothing to do with career, it only has to do with mood.He will not be indifferent to You Ge, but to Long Xiaoxiao, he is as calm as water, and he was annoyed because Long Xiaoxiao almost told his secret before.

Huo Junyan once had a girlfriend, but because she couldn't bear the loneliness, she hooked up with other men when he was on a business trip, and then broke up with him. He hasn't talked about his relationship for many years, and the only woman who makes his heart move is You Ge.

However, You Ge loves Rong Xiyuan, which is known to everyone, so Huo Junyan does not allow himself to express his thoughts, which will stimulate his self-esteem.He would rather guard You Ge silently like this, and be her patron saint. As long as she and the two children are safe and sound, he has nothing to ask for.

Huo Junyan never felt that he was great, but he had no choice but to do this, because she knew very well about You Ge, she was utterly devoted to Rong Xiyuan, even if he became a vegetable, she would not give up, so who else could walk into her heart?He didn't say it because he didn't want to make fun of himself.

You Ge didn't know what Huo Junyan and Long Xiaoxiao talked about, but felt that Long Xiaoxiao's face was not very good when he left. When he asked Huo Junyan, he didn't say anything except shaking his head.

You Ge is so selfish, thinking that the fat and water will not flow to outsiders, since Huo Junyan and Long Xiaoxiao are her friends, it would be best if they can match, but it seems that Huo Junyan doesn't know how to seize opportunities.

"Ahem...Brother Huo, I heard Uncle Huo say a few days ago that he wants to introduce you to a girlfriend, but you don't want to see him. Are you too busy or are you not interested in blind dates? Or, you already have someone you like Already?" You Ge just said casually, but he didn't know that he really guessed right.

But Huo Junyan would definitely not admit it.

"No... I just don't want to get married yet, let's talk about it later."

"You...you are old and don't want to get married? Uncle Huo wants to hold his grandson all day long. "

Every time Huo Junyan is asked about this kind of thing, he has a headache. In fact, he can’t explain why he doesn’t want to go on a blind date, or he is subconsciously avoiding it. Even if he knows that it is impossible to have a relationship with You Ge, he still feels disgusted and believes it. He would rather be single .

"Brother Huo, let's not talk about this... um... You are busy with work every day, and you also need to combine work and rest. Don't you take the time to go out and have fun? Go to the suburbs or neighboring cities to relax and get some fresh air ?”

"My vacation is very rare, and occasionally there may be half a day, but as long as there is a call from the bureau, I have to act immediately... Criminals will not pick a day, let alone stop because of our vacation, For our line of work, there are no holidays, and we are always on standby. Sometimes I go to the beach for a walk, but I don’t go to far places, and I don’t have a chance to play.” Huo Junyan’s handsome brows have a hint of helplessness, thinking How long do you think you haven't had a vacation?I finally drove to the suburbs last weekend. Before the car left the city, I received a call and hurried to the scene of the murder...

You Ge's bright eyes deepened into a deeper smile: "That is to say, it depends on luck? Just in time, I originally planned to take my child and Xiaoxiao to the suburbs to see flowers this weekend, but the company has a celebration party and I have to Participate, so, why don't you drive Xiaoxiao there, and you all go to have fun by the way, don't just know about work... Hehe, I believe Xiaoxiao is lucky, if you go with her, you won't receive an emergency call from the police Call and have a great weekend."

Huo Junyan looked at You Ge in astonishment, and it took him a long time to realize that something was wrong. Why does this sound like something else?

"You don't want to be a matchmaker, do you?" Huo Junyan finally uttered this sentence, his brows were as wrinkled as sauerkraut.

You Ge said coyly: "Brother Huo, don't be so restrained, start as a friend, just go to the suburbs to play, don't think too much... But if you call each other, you can be promoted from friend to lover at any time Well, hahaha..."

"You..." Huo Junyan was a little annoyed. The person he liked wanted to be a matchmaker for him, which was really uncomfortable.

You Ge observed Huo Junyan's displeasure, thinking that he was still disgusted by being hooked, and quickly changed the subject...

"Okay, okay, I'm joking, let's talk about the marriage announcement now...I received a lot of calls today..."

Just as she was talking, You Ge's phone rang again... Fortunately, it was a new phone card she bought. She didn't plan to use it for a long time, just to deal with this marriage notice.

Huo Junyan said angrily: "You know you have a headache now, there are so many calls, take your time."

After You Ge hung up the phone, he looked at Huo Junyan with a half-smile: "Did you hear what I just said? I told everyone who called to inquire that I already have a suitable candidate and I am in a relationship."

"You've grown in your ability to lie."

"No way, that's all I can say. You can't ask me to really find a man to date."

"Well, that's right... In case Tang Yumei can't help but call to test you, she will relax her guard against you when she knows that you already have someone to date."

"Not enough, it's not enough... That woman Tang Yumei is too cunning, she will definitely come to inquire about the news, just a few words, it is impossible to deceive her, so I need to find a man who can cooperate with me tacitly , make an illusion to confuse Tang Yumei, and make her think that I am really on good terms with others..." You Ge's expression was a little strange, and he even winked at Huo Junyan.

Huo Junyan was not used to being stared at by her like this, his heart beat wildly, and then the corner of his mouth twitched: "You don't want to find me?"

"Haha, that's right, it's you!"



In the bedroom where Rong Xiyuan was, he was still handcuffed on the bed, with both hands in handcuffs.

He was imprisoned like a trapped beast, unable to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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