old love back

Chapter 166 Fanwai Finally Knows that Uncle Woke Up

Chapter 166 Fanwai Finally Knows that Uncle Woke Up
These words made You Ge at a loss for words, and couldn't find a suitable way to answer for a while.

Yes, strictly speaking, Xu Yan is just You Ge's friend, but Rong Xiyuan and Rong Xiyuan have always been rivals in love, why should he help?There is a limit to the help of friends. In a situation like this, Xu Yan has no reason to come forward. He should stay out of it.

You Ge was left speechless by Xu Yan's question. Thinking about it, it was indeed the case. He was the injured party emotionally, and she was not qualified to ask him for help.

You Ge figured this out quickly, and she wasn't angry, but just showed a friendly smile to Xu Yan: "Okay, I didn't think carefully, I'll do it myself."

Xu Yan didn't answer, so it was taken as acquiescence.

The two changed the topic tacitly, and the atmosphere was not affected, because You Ge never blamed Xu Yan, she understood him very well.

Xu Yan returned home after sending You Ge back to Ruilin Villa. Before leaving, he just said good night and goodbye. You Ge thought silently that when he went to the hospital to visit Long Xiaoxiao tomorrow, he should also visit Xu Yan's father.

the next day.

You Ge went to the hospital after lunch. He had a phone call with Huo Junyan beforehand. He was busy handling the case. It is said that he had found out the hiding place of the person who injured Long Xiaoxiao and was in a hurry to arrest him.

Huo Junyan couldn't disclose anything about his work. He just told You Ge that he was going to a neighboring city, and he couldn't determine the time of his return. It might be a day, or two or three days, depending on whether the case went well.

You Ge hurriedly told the news to Long Xiaoxiao's mother and daughter, but a problem arose...how to arrange the time to go to Macau?Huo Junyan is so busy, it is estimated that it will be difficult to get out in the near future, and she has been patient for too long, it has been three months, and there is no news of Rong Xiyuan for three months, it is already the limit of You Ge's patience, she can't wait to immediately Just fly to Macau.

It was originally planned to go with Huo Junyan, but now it seems that the plan may have to change.

You Ge stayed in Long Xiaoxiao's ward for more than an hour before going upstairs, thinking about going to visit Xu Yan's father, but coincidentally, when You Ge was looking for it, he saw Xu Yan and a thin middle-aged man. The middle-aged man came out of the ward, followed by Heihu, holding big and small bags in his hand. This is... going to be discharged from the hospital?
Xu Yan didn't say yesterday that his father was discharged from the hospital today...

You Ge didn't have time to think so much, so he rushed to meet him.Xu Yan was also a little surprised to see her, and his father looked at You Ge with a strange look.

Father Xu knew about the entanglement between his son and You Ge early in the morning, and now that they are face to face, his face will inevitably be ugly. In addition, he is just recovering from a serious illness, and this person's temper is even greater.

"Why are you? What are you doing here? Don't say you came to see me." Father Xu choked when he opened his mouth, with a cold black face.

Xu Yan didn't expect You Ge to come, look at his father's attitude, which made the atmosphere so awkward.

Xu Yan's expression was complicated. Seeing You Ge's stunned and stiff expression, his brain became hot, and he hurriedly said to Hei Hu: "You send my dad back."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for others to react, he rushed up and grabbed You Ge, and dragged her out by the arm.

When Father Xu saw this, he gritted his teeth angrily, and Heihu could only pretend to be confused and smirk.

In the corner of the corridor, Xu Yan and You Ge were talking.

"My dad has that kind of temper, don't take it to heart." Xu Yan frowned, staring at You Ge's slightly pale face.

What annoys him the most is...why still can't see her suffer a little bit of wronged?His heart is always so easy to feel sorry for her.

You Ge shook his head slightly: "It's okay, I know why your father treated me like that, in fact, I did hurt you..."

The guilt in her eyes made him feel more uncomfortable. He still likes to see her eyes smile like crescent moons.

You Ge's big clear eyes contained a faint sparkle, but he managed to squeeze out a smile: "Xu Yan, now that you have been discharged from the hospital, are you leaving again? Whether I guessed right or not, I should tell you I'm sorry, I should admit that when I was in California, I was tempted by you, I think, if it wasn't because Rong Xiyuan had already occupied too much place in my heart, if you were the first person I met The man is you, maybe everything will be different. You are a man worthy of a woman's love. It's not that you are bad, but I am not blessed to endure this love. I still hope that you will end your journey of self-imposed exile soon, and stay in your hometown Settle down, even if you don't contact often, let me know how you are doing, don't just leave without hearing from me every time. I can't be a lover, but you will be my friend and relative for the rest of my life... I... Finished, take care."

You Ge couldn't help but choked up his voice at the end, reached out his hand and squeezed Xu Yan's big hand, then let go, then turned around and rushed downstairs.

Xu Yan stared blankly at the stairs, not moving his feet for a long time, all kinds of complex emotions surging in his eyes were intertwining and colliding...

Only now did Xu Yan know that it turned out that You Ge had never been tempted by him, but that he had been tempted for a while, but God's will tricks people. At that time, You Ge decided to go back to Longqing City and let Rong Xiyuan see the child, but he didn't expect that Rong Xiyuan was shot and became a vegetable, which once again awakened the love in You Ge's heart.

Xu Yan didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, after all, it was because of the lack of fate between him and You Ge.

If two people are destined to be destined for each other in their lives, then no matter what kind of separation and reunion they experience, they will still come together in the end. This is the case with You Ge and Rong Xiyuan, but every time he and You Ge are faced with an opportunity, things will happen. Some obstacles, but ultimately no match for the vegetative Rong Xiyuan.

Three days later, Huo Junyan really hasn't come back, it seems that the case is not going well.

You Ge, Shen Zhao, and Tong Jin received news from Mr. Rong that He Ju was divorcing Tang Yumei, but Tang Yumei still refused to give up Mrs. He's seat. This may have something to do with her family. Related, she is not allowed to give up.

This news made people very disturbed. If Heju became angry because he couldn't get a divorce, would he use any means to deal with Tang Yumei?And Rong Xiyuan is still in Tang Yumei's hands, will he be hurt?
You Ge couldn't sit still, Shen Zhao and Tong Jin couldn't sit still anymore, after some discussion, after asking the old man for instructions, they decided to rush to Macau immediately!

But the two babies in the family still need to be taken care of. In the end, that boy He Feng volunteered to take care of the babies... In fact, he called his parents and stayed here for a few days, otherwise, how would he know about raising babies? , not even changing a diaper.

It's not that He Feng doesn't want to go to Macau, but that he can't compete with Shen Zhao and Tong Jin, the two bloody men, so he can only stay and stick to the base camp.

Before leaving, the three of You Ge kept comforting He Feng, saying that his task was actually very important, and if the logistics work was not done well, they would not feel at ease in Macau.

Thinking about it is also the same reason, He Feng had no choice but to admit it.

With bodyguards, computer experts, and someone at home to take care of the baby, You Ge can finally go to Macau to carry out the rescue plan.

Tang Yumei has obviously let down her vigilance recently, because Rong Xiyuan didn't mention the matter of leaving other than messing up the family, and she thought that You Ge was really with Huo Junyan, so she had less scruples many.In addition, He Ju wanted to get a divorce, and would make trouble with her every day. She was having a hard time, and she had no time to take care of other things, and her vigilance in all aspects was reduced.

Rong Xiyuan was still so troublesome that the servants at home couldn't bear it. If Tang Yumei didn't raise his salary repeatedly, the servants would probably run away.

The wallpaper at the entrance was torn off by Rong Xiyuan again, saying it was not good-looking, it was not pleasing to the eye.

Tang Yumei called someone to put up the wallpaper again. The workers were busy, but Rong Xiyuan kept yelling at the side, saying that if it still didn't look good after pasting it up, they would have to do it again.

Recently, almost all the wallpapers in the house have been changed, and more than once, all of them were deliberately destroyed by Rong Xiyuan.

Rong Xiyuan's destructive power is too strong, and anyone in this family who sees him will have a headache.Tang Yumei almost couldn't bear it several times, but she gritted her teeth and endured it.The son who was snatched back by himself will endure whatever he says.

Rong Xiyuan spends so much time making sabotage every day, but he has a fixed habit of staying on the balcony for a long time every day, and sometimes he has to eat alone on the balcony.

Why do you like balconies so much?Who knows what he was thinking.

At this moment, You Ge, Shen Zhao, Tong Jin, and the two bodyguards of the family arrived in Macau together, went to the hotel to pack their luggage, and rushed to Tang Yumei's villa when it was just dark.Taking advantage of the darkness, first explore the bottom to see the security situation of the villa, and then consider saving people.

Macau is very small, so it's not difficult to know where Tang Yumei lives. Although the three of You Ge are eager to rescue Rong Xiyuan, they are not fools and know what it means to keep a low profile.

All three of them were wearing black clothes, holding binoculars, and observing the movement in the villa from a distance.

In the mansion, the lights are not very bright, only the living room and two rooms have lights, and the garden is even darker.

Not in the mood to admire this mansion worth hundreds of millions, You Ge just wanted to know if he had a chance tonight, but after some observations, he found that the security measures in Tang Yumei's home were really extraordinary.

For multi-directional monitoring, there are six monitors that can be seen by the naked eye. This is only the peripheral ones. I don’t know how many monitors are inside and around the dark place.

In a word, there is no way for ordinary people to enter here.

But fortunately, with Tong Jin, everything is not a problem!

However, Tong Jin didn't bring a computer with her at the moment, and she came to explore the way tonight. If she wanted to enter the villa, it seemed that she had to look for an opportunity another day.

In the darkness, the three of them hid behind a big tree in the distance, lowered their voices and discussed...

"Sister-in-law, the monitoring system of this villa is a bit tricky. There is no hope tonight. I will come out tomorrow with my computer and solve the problem of the monitoring system. Shen Zhao and the bodyguards will wait for the opportunity to go in..."

"Well, that's the only way to go. The monitor is quite troublesome. Tang Yumei is really thoughtful, hehe..."

"Old Witch Tang installed more monitors than Ruilin Villa..."


Tong Jin has been staring at the two brightly lit rooms in the villa, feeling that something is weird.

"Sister-in-law, we have carefully studied the floor plan of the villa before we came. The two places where the lights are on now should be the master's room, not the servant's room, but it's a bit strange... Tang Yumei lives alone in the villa At most, there are servants here, but why are the lights in the two master rooms on? Could it be that someone else lives here tonight?" Tong Jin's voice was very low, but since it was night and quiet, You Ge and Shen Zhao could also hear clearly.

"That's right, I noticed when you said that, there are really two master rooms..." You Ge murmured, frowning, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Uh... Could it be that Tang Yumei's house has guests?"

(End of this chapter)

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