old love back

Chapter 167 The Extraordinary Meets Rong Xiyuan 1

Chapter 167 The Extraordinary Meets Rong Xiyuan 1
Now it is almost 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the three of them are nesting here, hollowing out their heads facing the villa, each of them is eager to rush in immediately, but that is impossible, so I can only imagine that they want to save people, and they are in a vegetable state , this is too difficult, the security of the villa must be settled first.

They didn't know that Rong Xiyuan had woken up, and they all thought he was in a vegetable state.

The three of them have been reluctant to leave for a long time, thinking about it in their hearts, how could they be willing to leave like this.

"Wait and see, maybe there are some unexpected discoveries." You Ge embraced such a fluke.

Time passed by, and the light in one of the master rooms had been turned off, leaving only a soft yellow light still on there, but the windows were tightly closed, so it was not clear what was going on inside.

It was almost 1 o'clock, and everyone couldn't hold it anymore, and their eyelids became heavier and heavier.

"Forget it, come back tomorrow, you all worked hard today, go back to the hotel and sleep." You Ge said, turned around and planned to leave.

Both Shen Zhao and Tong Jin also felt that You Ge was right, and they could only continue tomorrow's "battle" after going back to rest.

But at this moment, it seemed that because of an inexplicable palpitation, You Ge walked two steps and couldn't help but look back at the only room with lights on in the villa, thinking... I don't know which one is Tang Where does Yu Mei live?Analyzing Yuan, is he alright?Does Tang Yumei take care of him every day?
This kind of worry and deep longing has always been a knot in You Ge's heart. Now that he is near the villa, less than 200 meters away, the deep longing is becoming more and more uncontrollable, and it is colliding wantonly in his body. , she needs too much perseverance to suppress herself from being impulsive.

To be honest, You Ge wanted to rush into that door several times, even if Tang Yumei didn't let her see Rong Xiyuan, she still wanted to ask Tang Yumei why she took Rong Xiyuan away so shamelessly?
But after all, You Ge still held back, she knew that if she acted impulsively, the plan to save people might be completely ruined, for this reason, she had to endure.

Even at this moment, her heart was so painful that she was about to die, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and hold on.

You Ge turned his head three times a step, so reluctant to let go, as if something was stuck to his feet.

Suddenly, You Ge's neck stiffened, he turned around abruptly, looked at the balcony of that room in shock, and almost screamed out...

"That's...Look quickly!" You Ge tried his best to suppress his voice, but he still couldn't help shaking violently.

There is a big tree next to it, and You Ge is hugging the trunk tightly at this moment, trembling all over, because he is too excited, and he is afraid that he will faint if he is not careful.

"That's..." Shen Zhao also saw it, and this guy almost jumped up.

Tong Jin stared blankly, and it took several seconds before she slowly uttered vague syllables...

"Is...is it Brother Yuan? Am I dreaming? Is it a hallucination? Hurry up and pinch me..." Tong Jin was stunned and murmured like a dream.

At this time, Tong Jin felt a pain in his arm, and said "Ouch, why are you pinching me, Shen Zhao?"

"You're the one who called me to pinch you!"


It's really shocking, this unexpected surprise can make people crazy!

"Brother Yuan, so Brother Yuan is already awake!" Tong Jin's suppressed joy was about to explode!
If it wasn't because the environment didn't allow it, they would have jumped up and cheered.

You Ge leaned against the tree trunk, her feet were weak, she was too excited to speak, her eyes were blurred by tears, but she could see clearly that the familiar figure on the balcony of the house was Rong Xiyuan, that's right!

What a huge surprise this is, You Ge's mind has already exploded, and the excitement is hard to add.She wants to scream, jump, cry, laugh, and shout his name loudly!

But, she can't, she can't even make too much noise, and can't disturb the people in the villa.

"Young master woke up a long time ago, that's great, God has eyes..." Shen Zhao's eyes were also red at the moment, but the night was dark, so he couldn't see his expression, but it was conceivable that he was also crying silently.

The three of them never imagined that they would see Rong Xiyuan on the balcony. He still appeared on the balcony at such a late hour. If they hadn't been patient enough to watch until now, they wouldn't have known that he had woken up.

"But why didn't Brother Yuan contact us when he woke up? Well... Tang Yumei must have cut off the communication equipment at home. Brother Yuan couldn't contact us, couldn't send messages, and also, Brother Yuan couldn't possibly stay here willingly. Yes, we must not be able to escape, but fortunately we are here, otherwise it would be..."

"Old witch, if you trap the young master here, does she think she can be imprisoned for a lifetime, crazy!" Shen Zhao couldn't help cursing, even if the other party was Rong Xiyuan's biological mother, what she could do was too shameful.

You Ge can calm down a little bit now, and force himself to think rationally, and don't do bad things because of excitement.

With great difficulty, You Ge managed to stabilize his voice.

"We don't know when the uncle woke up, but I have a hunch that he is waiting for us... He won't want me, his children, his relatives and friends. Think about it How would he feel when he woke up and found that he was not at Ruilin Villa but at Tang Yumei's house? How painful and sad must he be when he woke up but couldn't see me and my child? But here is Tang Yumei No matter how capable the uncle is, he is still unable to fly. But Tang Yumei never thought that we would come... I think it is not too late. Now go back to the hotel to get the computer, and then destroy the monitoring equipment in the villa. We Rush in and save people!" You Ge clenched his fists tightly, his blood boiling!
"Okay, let's do it!" Shen Zhao was the first to agree.

Tong Jin was even more excited, the previous sleepiness was gone.

Everyone is in a state of excitement, which is as difficult to calm down as fighting chicken blood.Before seeing Rong Xiyuan, she was still calm, but now, she couldn't wait for a minute, so she decided to take action immediately!

Suddenly, an uncoordinated voice came out quietly...

"Are you three-year-olds? You're so reckless, what are you talking about saving people?" The voice was so cold, with a hint of sarcasm.

The three of them were startled at the same time, and when they turned around, they saw a burly figure coming out of the darkness.

"Xu Yan? Why are you!" You Ge exclaimed, covering his mouth quickly.

That's right, it was Xu Yan, this guy seemed to appear out of thin air.

Shen Zhao was unhappy, and said very bluntly: "What are you doing here? Are you here to pour cold water? We save people is our business, why are you joining in the fun? Also, who doesn't know that you and the young master are rivals in love? You Come now, what is An's intention?"

No wonder Shen Zhao said that, Xu Yan and Rong Xiyuan are rivals in love, this... everyone on the earth knows, his appearance will inevitably make people doubt his motives.

Tong Jin also looked at Xu Yan warily, but You Ge smiled, she knew what Xu Yan was here for.

"Xu Yan, you are here to help us, aren't you?" You Ge smiled sweetly, there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, but his heart was warm.

A group of people returned to the hotel. Except for Xu Yan, everyone was suffocated. If they couldn't save Rong Xiyuan tonight, they might suffer from insomnia.

Why can't it be saved?This guy Xu Yan is also deliberately trying to keep it off, with an expression of an old god.

In the hotel room, You Ge, Shen Zhao, and Tong Jin just circled around Xu Yan, their sharp eyes could poke a hole.

"Ahem...you don't have to look at me so affectionately, you really want to greet me in the face, right? Hehe...I said it's not suitable to act tonight, of course it makes sense." Xu Yan raised his mouth with a hint of familiarity. A slight smile, a little proud.

Now he knows that he is joking. This is a good thing. It shows that his mind has opened up a lot. Perhaps it is because he has figured out some things.

Shen Zhao said very bluntly: "Even if you are self-aware, I just want to greet you in the face."

Shen Zhao's temper was also influenced by Rong Xiyuan, and his tone was harsh. He was wary of Xu Yan, after all, he was the young master's rival in love, and he would always unconsciously want to prevent Xu Yan from giving the young master's woman to him. abduct...

Tong Jin was not convinced either, why should she believe Xu Yan's words?Just now everyone saw Brother Yuan on the balcony of that room, but now they say they can't save people tonight, how painful must this torment be?It is difficult to wait even a moment longer.

You Ge's eyes were still red, but her mind was a little clearer than before. Looking at Xu Yan, she felt a little heavy from his expression.

"Xu Yan, did you find something?"

Xu Yan sat down slowly, seemingly very leisurely, but his swirling eyes showed a bit of deepness.

"Do you really think that you can go there immediately with your computer, hack the surveillance in Tang Yumei's villa, and break her anti-theft device, and you can save people smoothly? That's just your illusion, an illusion. As far as I know , The monitoring room of this villa is underground, so even if you see only one room with lights on, it doesn’t mean that the villa’s bodyguards have rested. There are people on duty in the monitoring room, and they are monitoring 24 hours a day. Even if you are black Her anti-theft system, as long as the people in the monitoring room find out that there is a problem, you won't be able to take Rong Xiyuan away even if you go in." Xu Yan analyzed calmly,

The room suddenly fell silent. You Ge and the three of them all gritted their teeth with bitter faces. They deeply felt that Tang Yumei was a difficult woman to deal with. They had moved the surveillance room underground so that they could indeed paralyze others. Everyone other than Analyzing Yuan fell asleep.

"The old witch is cruel enough."

"Okay, then I have to admit that it's really not suitable to do it tonight." Tong Jin sighed helplessly.

You Ge bit his lower lip tightly, and said angrily: "No matter what, we can't give up. The solution is someone who came up with it. We all figured out a solution together. Could it be that we can't beat Tang Yumei?"

Shen Zhao slapped the table fiercely: "That's right, we must rescue the young master, damned old witch, she never thought we would come, this is our chance!"

This boy Tong Jin was quite sensible, frowned and said: "It is certain to save people, but we must find a good way."

This night, several people discussed in the room until midnight before dispersing, and each rested. Everything will be known after dawn. Whether it can be successful depends on whether this move is well executed.

the next day.

It was almost noon, and Rong Xiyuan hadn't woken up yet. He suffered from insomnia last night and didn't fall asleep until dawn.

I don't know if it's telepathy or what, Rong Xiyuan was restless last night, always wandering back and forth between the room and the balcony, fidgeting.

Now, although he is awake, he is a little listless because he has not had a good rest. He is lying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, with a hint of sadness in his dim eyes.

He will release his emotions only when there is no one else. Here, no one can understand his loneliness and the kind of longing that is about to drive people crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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