old love back

Chapter 169 Fanwai will not leave You Ge alone

Chapter 169 Fanwai Won't Leave You Ge Alone
These words accurately hit Tang Yumei's heart disease, causing her complexion to change drastically.

But at this moment, the servant came again, saying that the maintenance personnel from the telecommunications company had arrived.

In this villa, there was a network failure half an hour ago, and it has been reported for repair. Now that the maintenance personnel have come to the door, Tang Yumei should have supervised it in person, but You Ge is here, and she competed with You Ge, and was successfully captured. It attracted attention, so she didn't care so much, and replied casually: "Don't bother me with such small things, let them fix it quickly."

Knowing that his wife was in a bad mood, the servant hurriedly withdrew. After a while, a car from the telecommunications company drove into the villa...

At this moment, Rong Xiyuan was still in the bedroom, with two bodyguards guarding the door.Just because Tang Yumei knew that You Ge was coming, she sent two bodyguards to watch over Rong Xiyuan and not allow him to come out.

In the side hall, Tang Yumei was annoyed by You Ge: "Don't think it's enough to play tricks, no matter how righteous you say, it can't change the fact that your father killed someone heartlessly back then. He deserves to die, and your whole family should be buried with him! Don't tell me about Tianwang Huihui. Even if I die alone for the rest of my life, it has nothing to do with you. You Zhaolong's death is the happiest thing for me! If it is you, do you still want to be with my son? You are not afraid Are your parents unable to forgive you? Are you not afraid of having nightmares at night? Are you not afraid of being sorry for them?"

Tang Yumei's series of question marks left You Ge speechless, so she stood on the spot.

Seeing that You Ge was really shocked by her words, Tang Yumei felt at ease. Don't you believe that You Ge can still speak hard?What woman would be with the enemy's son?She killed You Ge's parents, and it is impossible for You Ge to accept Rong Xiyuan.

This is Tang Yumei's ultimate trump card!

Tang Yumei smiled triumphantly. It seemed that the noble temperament was gone, only a disgusting mean face.

You Ge fell silent, glaring at Tang Yumei, several turbulent waves were fighting in her mind, severing her nerves...

Upstairs, the servants have already brought up the telecommunications maintenance workers.I checked the network wiring in the living room just now, and now I am going upstairs to Tang Yumei's bedroom... The worker said that he wanted to check the router in the house, and suspected that there was something wrong with the router on the second floor.

The router on the second floor is in Tang Yumei's bedroom. The worker is checking it, and the servant is standing by. But she doesn't understand, what are the workers doing on the balcony?

A worker wearing a blue cap stood on the balcony, and another worker in uniform pointed at the electric pole not far away, and the voice was quite loud...

"Look over there, shouldn't we check it out?"

"Well, it's also possible that the network cable is short-circuited. If there's nothing wrong with checking here, we'll climb up to have a look."

The servant didn't understand these things. He listened carefully and thought he was discussing how to repair it, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

But who lives next door to Tang Yumei?It was Rong Xiyuan, and the balconies of the two rooms were closely separated by half a meter!
When the two workers saw a familiar figure appearing on the balcony next door, they almost jumped up in surprise!

Standing on the balcony next door, Rong Xiyuan looked at the two strangely dressed men in front of him, they looked familiar...

Of course, the two maintenance workers are Shen Zhao and one of the bodyguards, while the person who is pretending to check the network cable in the house is Xu Yan, and the person who stays in the car outside is Tong Jin.

Even though Shen Zhao saw Rong Xiyuan appearing on the balcony next door, he was ecstatic in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it, he quickly put his arms around the bodyguard's shoulders, and the two continued chatting.

Rong Xiyuan has already looked away, pretending to look down at the garden below, humming a song, looking very relaxed.

Although Rong Xiyuan was pleasantly surprised, he also knew how critical it was now, if he showed his flaws and alarmed the bodyguards in the villa, Shen Zhao's plan would probably fail.

The bodyguard brought by Shen Zhao is also a smart young man. According to the plan in advance, what should he do now?

Shen Zhao glanced calmly, then walked into the room, blocking the servant's sight, while the bodyguard on the balcony threw the prepared things towards Rong Xiyuan...

Rong Xiyuan raised his foot, stepped on a ball of white dots, looked around vigilantly, and then quickly picked up the ball of paper...

A line of words was written on the ball of paper, "In 3 minutes, use your homemade curtains to come down from the balcony, and we will meet you!"

Just over 20 characters, to Rong Xiyuan, it is simply a symbol of life!

Every minute here is a torment, and only by going out can he regain his new life!
However, he only has 3 minutes to prepare!
After the note was thrown over, Shen Zhao had already knocked out the servant in Tang Yumei's room next door, and then he and the bodyguard hurried out of the room and went downstairs, muttering softly as they walked: " I have to go to the opposite road to check the network cable, and the repairs have been smooth before, but this time it is really troublesome."

I purposely said this to the bodyguard at the door of the next room, because Tang Yumei's room was next to Rong Xiyuan's bedroom.

In order not to arouse suspicion, only Shen Zhao and his bodyguards went downstairs, and Xu Yan remained in the room. If the three of them came out together but no servant followed, Tang Yumei's bodyguards would definitely be suspicious.

Rong Xiyuan, Shen Zhao and the others did not exchange a single word during the whole process, only a piece of paper to convey information, but this was enough.

What is Rong Yanyuan doing in the room?Cut the beautiful sheets with scissors and...

He lives on the second floor. If he wants to avoid alarming the bodyguards outside the door, he can only go down from the balcony, but he needs to use something to hold onto it. Of course, it is a homemade rope.

Some time ago, there were four bodyguards in the villa, but recently there were only three, and because of You Ge's arrival, Tang Yumei sent two bodyguards to guard the door of Rong Xiyuan's room, and the other one was being guarded by Tong Xi at the gate. Hibiscus dragged to chat.In other words, now is the best time for Rong Xiyuan to leave!
Tong Jin and Shen Zhao are dressed the same
The uniform of the telecommunications company, the bodyguard was not alert for a while, and they chatted vigorously.

Rong Xiyuan's balcony is not visible from the gate of the villa, let alone that he is about to run away now!
Rong Xiyuan grabbed the cloth strip and carefully slid to the ground. At this time, Shen Zhao and the bodyguards were already waiting below.

"Young master, be careful!" Shen Zhao lowered his voice very low, for fear of alarming others.

Rong Xiyuan didn't dare to be distracted, he firmly grasped the cloth strip, and approached the ground bit by bit... At such an important moment, he remembered a familiar distant picture.I remember that You Ge also climbed down from a high place like this. At that time, she and him met for the first time.

It happened a few years ago, now that I think about it, Rong Xiyuan can still clearly recall that scene, You Ge fell on him, looked at him with a cute and cute expression, and said: "Uncle, I'm hungry... ..."

With similar scenes and different characters, Rong Xiyuan was full of questions to ask Shen Zhao. When he landed on the ground, the first thing he asked was: "Where's You Ge?"

Shen Zhao grabbed Rong Xiyuan's arm excitedly, suppressed his excited voice and said, "She's here too, talking to Tang Yumei, hold that woman back, so that we have a chance."

"What? She's the only one dealing with Tang Yumei now?" Rong Xiyuan was in a hurry, pushed Shen Zhao away, turned around and ran in.

Shen Zhao hurriedly stepped forward, hugged Rong Xiyuan tightly together with the bodyguards, and begged bitterly: "Master, we have tried our best to save you, you can't let us down, hurry up and come with us, the car is at the door Wait, Master Tong Jin will meet us."

"No, you can't let You Ge stay inside alone!" Rong Xiyuan said in a resolute tone, with a dignified look on his brows, signaling with his eyes that he must go.

Shen Zhao had a headache, he knew that the young master would be like this, but they discussed the plan in this way beforehand, if the plan was messed up, maybe everyone would be ruined.That crazy woman Tang Yumei, if she finds out, who knows what will happen, maybe everyone doesn't have to leave...

"Young master, it's impossible. We finally rescued you. If you go in now, wouldn't our previous efforts be wasted?"

That's right, You Ge's task is to hold Tang Yumei back, while Shen Zhao and the others pretend to be maintenance workers, connect with Rong Xiyuan, and pass notes... After he comes out, immediately get in the car and leave the villa.

But now, Rong Xiyuan refuses to leave, how can the plan proceed?

But Rong Xiyuan doesn't care so much, he can't let You Ge take risks alone.

In fact, Rong Xiyuan never believed the news reports and kissing photos about You Ge and Huo Junyan at all. He knew that even if the kiss was true, it must have been deliberately done by You Ge and Huo Junyan. What is the purpose?He is so shrewd, how could he not think of it?So during this period of time, he is also silently cooperating with You Ge and the others who are far away in Longqing City. He doesn't ask Tang Yumei to leave, but just wants Tang Yumei to relax her vigilance. On this point, he and You Ge coincidentally .

What he said to Tang Yumei today was also against his will, just to further numb her nerves.

Rong Xiyuan has never stopped missing You Ge and the child since he woke up, especially when he knew that You Ge was willing to guard him as a vegetable for a year, he knew that in this life, he and she, no one else We can separate, even if it is a short forced separation, even if Tang Yumei beats him in every possible way, it can't shake his trust and love for You Ge.

During the year when he became a vegetative state, she was able to guard him peacefully. With such a woman, what else is there to question?

Therefore, now Rong Xiyuan finally doesn't have to hide his thoughts and feelings for You Ge anymore, he doesn't want to wait anymore, he will see You Ge now!
Rong Xiyuan broke free from the palms of the two big men and ran into the living room. He didn't see anyone, but he heard a scream from not far in front, it was You Ge!
Rong Xiyuan's heart was shocked, and he ran to the side hall in a hurry, and saw You Ge being pressed on the sofa by Tang Yumei, grabbing her hair, with an expression as if he was about to eat people, very fierce.

"Stop!" Rong Xiyuan roared and rushed over, but stopped abruptly one meter away from You Ge.

Because, something black appeared on one of Tang Yumei's hands, it was a small pistol, and it was pointing at You Ge's head!
"How dare you come to rob people? This is my territory, you are so audacious!" Tang Yumei was furious. She had just heard the bodyguard say that Rong Xiyuan was missing, and immediately thought that You Ge was not alone, but had an accomplice, the only one It may be those workers who repair the network!
You Ge saw Rong Xiyuan, with tears in his eyes, his expression was complicated: "Why don't you leave? You can obviously leave, why do you want to?"

Rong analyzed Yuan's heart like a knife, seeing Tang Yumei pointing a gun at You Ge, his whole body's nerves were tense, and the soles of his feet felt cold... Tang Yumei really deserves to be a woman from the gambling king's family, carrying a gun with her , used to threaten people, I'm afraid it's not the first time, she is not nervous at all.

(End of this chapter)

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