old love back

Chapter 170

Chapter 170
Rong Xiyuan only has You Ge in his eyes at the moment, with a deep tenderness like the sea, staring at her, shaking his head slightly: "Fool, what's the point of me going alone?"

You Ge was speechless, her throat was congested, and the sourness in her eyes became more and more intense. At this moment, she felt a kind of tacit understanding with Rong Xiyuan, as if she could feel the strong longing in his heart, and the familiar look in his eyes. The light, how warm, contains magical power, conveyed to her through the eyes... Such a wonderful thing is love.

The call from the bottom of my heart, the throbbing of love, made You Ge forget her fear and fear, and showed a tearful smile to Rong Xiyuan: "Okay, let's be silly together..."

The two bodyguards next to him were Tang Yumei's confidantes, and they couldn't help being dumbfounded at the moment.Is this a love movie?At this time, Rong Xiyuan and You Ge are still tender and affectionate, what does Tang Yumei think?
Tang Yumei was about to go mad with anger. She felt cheated by You Ge and her son. She felt like she was a joke!It turns out that his son has never given up on You Ge, let alone deal with her. Everything is just an illusion!

The regret in Rong Xiyuan's eyes is heart-rending: "Tang Yumei, let her go, don't you understand until now? You and I are not suitable to live together. Even if you are my biological mother, you do I am so disappointed in those things. I just want to be reunited with You Ge and the child. Can you force me to stay here for a lifetime? If you let us go now, I don’t need to hate you. What happened before, It's not going to be pursued anymore."

What Rong Xiyuan said was true, he just wanted to leave here, and he didn't want to have anything to do with Tang Yumei.

But Tang Yumei didn't think much about it. She was angry now, and she couldn't listen to Rong Xiyuan's words. Her thinking was already extreme, and now she was greatly stimulated.

"Hehe, do you still want to be together? Wishful thinking! Since you refuse to recognize me as a mother, don't blame me for being cruel!" Tang Yumei said, and she also exerted force on her hand...

"Wait!" Rong Xiyuan yelled, with a ruthless look in his eyes: "Tang Yumei, if you dare to hurt You Ge, then you will have an extra bullet hole in your body, maybe there are more than one."

Tang Yumei subconsciously followed Rong Xiyuan's line of sight, turned her head to look behind her, and suddenly changed her color...It turned out that Xu Yan was standing at the stairs at some point, holding a pistol in his hand, with a smile on his face Looking at Tang Yumei, he said lazily, "Crazy woman, if you dare to shoot, I guarantee you will not live."

Xu Yan's hands are slender and well-defined, but few people know that he has calluses on his hands, not only because he has been holding a scalpel all year round, but more importantly, he has been able to use a gun since he was a child.

"Hehe... My hand, besides holding a scalpel, can also hold this thing." Xu Yan said it casually, but it made people feel cold and murderous.

The situation in the room suddenly changed, Xu Yan stayed on purpose to play a key role. Now, even if Tang Yumei wanted to be fierce, she would not be afraid, because Xu Yan's gun was aimed at her.

Tang Yumei's bodyguards were so frightened that they pulled out their guns and aimed at Xu Yan, but it was useless. To them, Tang Yumei's life was more important, and now she was being pointed at with a gun.

As soon as Rong Xiyuan came in, he found Xu Yan at the stairs, but he didn't make a sound.

What does it feel like when your own mother points a gun at the woman he loves?It was enough to make Rong Xiyuan feel heart-pounding pain and heavy sorrow.

If it was possible, who wouldn't want the family to live a warm life, but he had a cruel mother who kidnapped and threatened him in the name of "maternal love", and did everything to make him sad and disappointed.

A wry smile appeared on Rong Xiyuan's pale handsome face: "Tang Yumei, is this situation what you want?"

In this sentence, there is not so much anger, only helplessness and misery from the heart.Yes, his mother was still alive, but he just couldn't get along with each other in harmony like ordinary people. If he had to use such an extreme method, he would rather never see his mother again in his life than face the cruelty of this moment.

If reunion will only bring pain, why say goodbye?Just let the memory stay that he didn't wake up from the vegetative state...

Tang Yumei was taken aback for a moment, her hands trembled, and her eyes showed some rare heartache... She had been stubborn and tough all her life, thinking that except for Rong Xiaoguang's death, no one and nothing could hurt her She died, but at this moment, she clearly felt a strange... pain.

Why, how did you and your son get to this point?Why didn't you get along well?

Tang Yumei's expression changed suddenly, she grabbed You Ge's arm, the gun still didn't leave You Ge's head, and said viciously: "Do you think this can threaten me? I'm not afraid of death, but you are afraid of her death, look at who Dare to shoot, do you want to take a gamble?"

This woman really deserves to be the daughter-in-law of the king of gambling, she gambled a lot.

You Ge really wants to be rude at this moment, there are three people on Tang Yumei's side, and Xu Yan is alone, who dares to shoot?
Tang Yumei is really a lunatic!
"Tang Yumei, are you sure you want to kill someone in front of your son?" You Ge's trembling voice was not out of fear, but out of anger.

Tang Yumei froze, but she still said stubbornly: "You guys forced me! Do you think you can take someone away from me without paying a price? I care about losing both sides. If you have the courage to come, you should sacrifice preparation."

"You..." You Ge still wanted to speak, but received Rong Xiyuan's eyes and shut up immediately. She knew what he wanted to express, which meant telling her not to provoke Tang Yumei anymore. dangerous.

Xu Yan held the gun in one hand, and pointed at Tang Yumei's two bodyguards with the other: "One to three? Are you embarrassed? Tell your two bodyguards to step back and put down their guns, that's only fair."

Tang Yumei didn't hesitate, and without blinking, she ordered the bodyguards to put down their guns and step aside.

I didn't expect her to agree so easily. It was a bit unexpected, but now no one has the heart to figure out what she thinks.

Tang Yumei looked at You Ge with a strange look, then smiled at Rong Xiyuan, a bit secretive, and then raised her gun, her expression became ferocious...

"This woman is You Zhaolong's daughter. She should have died a long time ago. She shouldn't have lived to this day at all!" Tang Yumei roared and pulled the trigger!

Rong Xiyuan turned pale with fright, and rushed up instinctively, calling You Ge's name, full of heart-piercing misery.

At almost the same time, Xu Yan also shot, hitting Tang Yumei!

However, the shocking thing is yet to come...

Rong Xiyuan rushed up to hug You Ge, but found that she was not injured. Tang Yumei had clearly shot her. What's going on?

Tang Yumei's shoulder was bleeding, and her body gradually fell down. There was still a bit of disdain at the corner of her mouth, and she said with difficulty: "There is no bullet in the gun..."

It turns out that Tang Yumei pretended to kill You Ge, but in fact there was no bullet in the gun, and Xu Yan also shot when she shot. It was a kind of instinctive hatred, but he never expected that Tang Yumei was not there The gun is loaded.

The sofa was stained red with blood, Tang Yumei passed out, and this heart-wrenching adventure was over, You Ge huddled tightly in Rong Xiyuan's arms, looking at the injured Tang Yumei in front of her, somehow, she I can't hate it anymore.

The general situation is gone, and the rest becomes much simpler.

Tang Yumei was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, and You Ge and a group of people also drove to the hospital in a car, but Xu Yan disappeared at some point, and left after saying hello to You Ge.

He didn't want to be stimulated, he didn't want to see the intimate scene of You Ge and Rong Xiyuan, so he just walked away, at least avoiding the pain of self-abuse.

Tang Yumei was shot by Xu Yan, but it was not fatal, but injured her shoulder.

In the car, everyone was very excited, because Rong Xiyuan was rescued, Tang Yumei was also injured, and received a little punishment, which was very satisfying.

After leaving the villa, You Ge and Rong Xiyuan sat in the back seat, rarely speaking, the two cuddled together, like conjoined twins, as if no one around existed, only each other was left.

In the small business car, the few people who were interested chose to ignore the two people in the back seat, not to look back, and not to disturb their intimacy.

You Ge wrapped his hands around his waist, rubbed his forehead lightly on his chin, his red eyes were full of affection, he couldn't speak, because there were too many words piled up in his heart, and he didn't know what to say first That's good, I'm too excited.

Rong Xiyuan was not much better, holding You Ge, he trembled from time to time, just because the happiness came too violently, as if in a dream, making people wonder if it was real?
It was already a miracle that he could return to normal from a vegetative state. Now, he waited for You Ge with patience and trust, which was another exciting miracle.At this moment, Rong Xiyuan feels that he is a lucky one. There is a "stupid woman" like You Ge who loves him, brothers like Shen Zhao and Tong Jin are willing to take risks for him, and even that guy Xu Yan is his. The rival in love also participated in this operation... Everyone is indispensable, and everyone is worthy of his gratitude and memory
Everyone has played an important role. If any of them did not cooperate properly, maybe this is not the case now.

You Ge's soft voice rang in his ears, and he said in a voice that only he could hear: "Tang Yumei said that she killed my parents."

Rong Xiyuan heard that there was a sudden shock, his chest was stabbed, and the hand around her shoulder suddenly tightened... This answer, he had expected it a long time ago, and now it has been confirmed, the pain in his heart can be imagined And know.This means that the grievances between him and You Ge have deepened. Can they really live in harmony in the future?
"In this case, why do you still save me? Why don't you leave? Can you turn a blind eye to this kind of hatred?" Rong Xiyuan's voice was full of uncertainty, more of helplessness.

Fate is too tricky, she and him are destined to be difficult to settle accounts in this life.

You Ge's little hand hugged even tighter, almost biting his earlobe: "You already knew that my father hurt your father, but you can still fall in love with me, don't care about me, don't add hatred to me." In me, why can't I be like you? We should not bear the grievances of the previous generation, I think, my parents and your father, they will understand us in heaven. "

What?Rong Xiyuan stared blankly at You Ge, unable to believe what he heard.She means, she won't hate him?Doesn't take into account the hatred of the previous generation because of this, does it?It was so pleasantly surprised, Rong Xiyuan almost fainted from joy!
Hearing that Tang Yumei admitted to killing You Zhaolong and his wife just now, Rong Xiyuan's mood suddenly fell to the bottom, but now it seems to fly to the sky, because with You Ge's love, everything will become sweet of.

I don't know who will kiss who first, overwhelming yearning is erupting, the temperature in this car seems to be getting higher and higher, the four men in front are very conscious, and none of them turned their heads...

In order to avoid complications, the group did not dare to delay, and returned to Longqing City by private jet.It's summer now, the sky doesn't get dark so quickly, and it was only after seven o'clock when they returned to Ruilin Villa.

(End of this chapter)

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