old love back

Chapter 189

Chapter 189

To put it lightly, it can be seen from this that Huo Junyan is worthy of being a policeman, with amazing observation skills, he was able to find a shoe size similar to Long Xiaoxiao's for her to wear in such a short period of time.

Long Xiaoxiao was a little surprised, his mind was full of question marks...

"Huo Junyan, is it because you are a policeman that you are so kind?"

Huo Junyan was taken aback for a moment, but still didn't look up, curled his lips, noncommittal.

He didn't answer, Long Xiaoxiao had to smile resentfully: "Thank you."

Huo Junyan casually stood up, patted his trouser legs, and sat down on the sofa: "You don't need to thank me, I just don't want you to be a bridesmaid and still make a fool of yourself at the wedding, what would you look like if you walked with a limp."

So that's the case... He was worried that she would embarrass the wedding.

Long Xiaoxiao felt a little sour, but still looked at him gratefully: "Well, you are right, You Ge and Rong Xiyuan are not here, I am a bridesmaid, and I have a lot to do. Well, I am hungry , I should go out to eat something."

Huo Junyan hummed lightly as an answer. Long Xiaoxiao went out wearing flat shoes, but she secretly remembered this matter. No matter what Huo Junyan's starting point was, he could find a band-aid and flat shoes for her, which solved her problem , at least it means that he doesn't hate her anymore. Is this an improvement?

Long Xiaoxiao laughed at herself, cheered up, and continued to be a good bridesmaid, filling her stomach first before doing anything.

Outside, most of the guests had already eaten and drank well, so Long Xiaoxiao just found a corner to sit down at random, looking at so many delicacies in front of her, but her appetite was not very good, because she was too tired.

Thought nobody would notice sitting alone in the corner, but it turned out not to be the case.

The pork chop on Long Xiaoxiao's plate was only half eaten, when a man came over.

This is none other than the handsome young man Long Xiaoxiao met earlier.

"It's you..." Long Xiaoxiao gave him a friendly smile.

The young man's gentle smile had a warm breath. Looking at Long Xiaoxiao's feet, Tao Kan said: "It's not bad, I know that I wear flat shoes, so that's fine, don't suffer. You must rarely wear such shoes, right? It's really hard work for you, I should respond to Rong Xiyuan and ask him to seal you a big red envelope."

"Pfft..." Long Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing, this man is really humorous.

"Haha, red envelopes, everyone loves them, but I have already received red envelopes from the bridesmaids, and now I can't accept them again. Besides, You Ge and I are good sisters, how can we greedily accept red envelopes again, no, no, no." Long Xiaoxiao waved his hand with a very serious expression.

The handsome guy immediately laughed: "Do you really believe it? You are so cute... I was just joking just now. Just take the red envelope once. If you really want to thank you, Rong Xiyuan and You Ge will use other methods."

Long Xiaoxiao scratched the ends of her hair a little embarrassedly: "Yeah, I really thought you were going to tell Rong Xiyuan, hehehe..."

"..." The man nodded secretly, Long Xiaoxiao was very simple and honest, and gave the impression that he was very sincere, and chatting with her would be very easy and pleasant.

"Why do you only eat so little? You've been tired for a long time, you should eat more, and there's a show in the afternoon, enough for you to be busy." The man was kind and waved to the waiter.

Long Xiaoxiao shook her head lightly: "I'm full, let's eat when I'm hungry later, I really can't eat now, maybe because I'm too hungry, so..."

At this time, the waiter came over, and the handsome guy told the waiter that he wanted two glasses of wine, and soon the wine was brought.

Long Xiaoxiao looked at the two glasses of brightly colored cocktails in front of him, and looked at him suspiciously...

"This is..." Long Xiaoxiao was puzzled, would he have two drinks by himself?
The handsome guy opened his signature smile again, and brought the wine glass to Long Xiaoxiao with one hand, but put the other hand on her shoulder.

"Have a drink for your face? This wine is not intoxicating, you can drink it, meet for the first time, and make friends." The handsome guy's pair of electric eyes are very charming, and the look in his eyes is quite meaningful.

Long Xiaoxiao's heart skipped a beat, what's going on?
Long Xiaoxiao is not stupid, a stranger told her to drink, what does that mean, she can vaguely feel that it is not so simple?But look at this man's face that is enough to make a woman fall in love, as well as his warm smile and caring greetings, could he be a person with malicious intentions?

Long Xiaoxiao really didn't want to believe it, she just hoped that this person was as good as he appeared on the surface, and didn't want to imagine him so badly.

"This... I don't drink, I'm really sorry." Long Xiaoxiao showed a embarrassed look.

When the handsome guy heard this, he was not angry, but smiled more charmingly. He approached Long Xiaoxiao's ear and said with a chuckle, "Just take it as a way of saving face."

Long Xiaoxiao shrunk her neck subconsciously. The man's intimate behavior made her feel numb all over, and a vague disgust rose in her heart.

Long Xiaoxiao moved his shoulders, broke away from his hand, resisted the attack, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I still have a lot to do, I may have to lie down and rest after drinking this cup, but A wedding cannot be short of people."

Long Xiaoxiao thought to herself, if she made it so obvious, the other party should be interested, right?She didn't want to become stiff, because after all, she was a guest invited to the wedding, and peace was the most important thing.

But obviously this man doesn't think so, Long Xiaoxiao's attitude will only arouse the man's desire to conquer, because he seldom misses, and he has always been able to catch up with women without much effort.

"Beauty, it's too embarrassing, it's just a glass, just a glass, how about it?" At this time, the gentle handsome guy also seemed a little impatient, and finally showed a little strength.

Long Xiaoxiao was a little displeased, but still held back: "I really don't want to drink, I have to go to work, excuse me."

This is a sign of her patience. She repeatedly said no to drinking. A man of style will not force someone to get drunk. What is going on with this handsome guy in front of him?

At this moment, a sneering voice sounded behind him: "Hey, are you drinking? The wine looks pretty good, why don't you drink it?"

It's Huo Junyan!

As if seeing a savior, Long Xiaoxiao immediately stood behind Huo Junyan, staring at the handsome guy who forced her to drink.

As soon as the men's gazes intersected, each of them seemed to be able to appreciate something. For a moment, there was an unusual aura in the air...

The handsome guy remained calm, looked at Huo Junyan and Long Xiaoxiao, and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, just drink."

Huo Junyan seemed to be really ignorant, reached out to pick up the glass of cocktail, drank it down, and finally nodded and said: "Not bad, it's delicious, thank you."

Long Xiaoxiao behind him almost burst out laughing, grabbing his shoulder and whispering, "Thank you."

Huo Junyan didn't know if he heard it, so he turned around and pulled Long Xiaoxiao away, leaving only the unwilling handsome guy in a daze.

It is said that women's minds are very strange, but men's minds are not easy to ponder, just like Huo Junyan now, Long Xiaoxiao feels quite surprised, his performance seems a little too good today?
By the fountain on the lawn, Long Xiaoxiao and Huo Junyan sat together, both of them fell into silence, Long Xiaoxiao hesitated to speak several times, but when she saw Huo Junyan's not soft face, she didn't know what to say That's good.

But no matter what, she should thank Huo Junyan for saving her.

"That...you helped me again and again today, thank you." Long Xiaoxiao's soft voice sounded a little distressing. She was very tired, but she hadn't had a rest yet.

Huo Junyan looked at her expressionlessly, and said with a little impatience: "Be smart, I can't help you by such a coincidence every time. Today is You Ge's wedding, you are the bridesmaid, I I don't want to see unpleasant things happen at the wedding. Since the man was invited to the wedding just now, he didn't dare to force you to do anything, just teasing you. "

When Long Xiaoxiao heard this, she couldn't help frowning: "You mean, I should deal with drinking that glass of wine? But I had already drank a lot when I went to toast at noon, and I'm afraid it will delay things if I drink again. I don’t want to drink it, he repeatedly persuaded me to drink it, it will make me feel uncomfortable, I’m a bridesmaid, but I’m not a hostess.”

Huo Junyan's heart moved, and he asked with a scrutinizing look: "He is a rich man, shouldn't you take good care of it?"

Long Xiaoxiao's clear eyes were stained with displeasure: "Do you think that when I see Gao Fushuai, I should take the initiative to post it?"

"Hehe... In the dressing room earlier, you were the one who said you wanted to catch a rich man."

"I..." Long Xiaoxiao was at a loss for words, why did this man argue with her? Is it fun?

Huo Junyan couldn't tell what happened to him today, he helped Long Xiaoxiao twice, and still clung to what she said, like a woman with a small belly.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Huo Junyan's mind, and he remembered something...

"You obviously don't have a boyfriend, but why did you tell me that you already have a boyfriend? Why did you lie?" Huo Junyan's handsome brows showed doubts, staring at Long Xiaoxiao, as if to She sees through.

Long Xiaoxiao blushed in embarrassment, and blurted out in a hurry: "I'm happy to say that, what's the matter? Hmph..."

After finishing speaking, Long Xiaoxiao walked away quickly... It seems that it is better not to talk to him too much, or he will reveal his flaws and reveal his thoughts.

Huo Junyan looked at Long Xiaoxiao's panicked back with puzzled eyes, thoughtful.

Long Xiaoxiao clutched her chest while walking, tried to calm down her emotions, and told herself not to think too much. Huo Junyan's performance today was just out of an acquaintance. If she interpreted his behavior too much, she would only appear very uncomfortable. Be witty and be passionate.

However, it is undeniable that Huo Junyan's score in Long Xiaoxiao's mind has increased again.He looks so plain, but he was able to find a band-aid and flat shoes for her, and he can also protect her from drinking... Whether he is intentional or not, the warmth that Long Xiaoxiao feels is enough to leave a deep impression on her heart trace.

In this wedding, many people have their own harvest.Long Xiaoxiao's mobile phone has a few more single men's phone numbers, and He Feng has even captured the hearts of many single ladies.Under He Feng's urging, Tong Jin also exchanged mobile phone numbers with three girls of similar age.

Of course Huo Junyan is very popular, but he has every reason to refuse to give his phone number to those women who want to contact him.But this can't stop the enthusiasm of the women.He didn't leave a phone number, but they could, or wait for him to contact him unilaterally.

It can be seen how attractive Huo Junyan is. If he wants to, it will be a breeze to find a girlfriend at this wedding, but he has the rigor of a policeman in this matter, and he wants to get it done with just one side. Man, that's impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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