old love back

Chapter 190 Fan Wai Bet When Xu Yan Will End Being Single

Chapter 190 Fan Wai Bet When Xu Yan Will End Being Single

"Yes, the problem my sister-in-law mentioned is really tricky. Brother Yuan, do you have any good solutions?"

Everyone looked at Rong Xiyuan, he was the backbone, and he had to be the master in such matters.

Rong Xiyuan didn't panic at all, he drank milk slowly, and said lightly: "The most important thing is to have someone who can take care of Baorui, and this person must be an expert, and someone we trust..."

Long Xiaoxiao is more anxious than Youge: "Oh, just tell me, can such a person be found?"

He Feng knew Rong Xiyuan better, seeing his posture, he knew there was something going on.

"Dude, don't be foolish, just say it."

You Ge also looked curious: "Uncle, is there really someone to choose? Why can't I think of anyone who can do it?"

Rong Xiyuan smiled mysteriously: "This person is... just keeping it secret for now, and you will find out later in the evening."

"Cut..." He Feng hissed very bluntly.

Tong Jin, an unrepentant guy, couldn't help but ask, "Can you tell me if it's a man or a woman?"

Rong Xiyuan thought for a while, and satisfied everyone's curiosity: "It's a man."

Long Xiaoxiao blinked and said, "Is it young?"

"I'll find out tonight."


Well, it seems that it will only be announced at night, and there is no need to ask for any extra information now, but You Ge and the others believe that the person invited by Rong Xiyuan must be at the level of a great god.

The happy wedding is over, but the happiness is still going on. As long as the love is still there, it will not be exhausted.

Someone far away in Longqing City, although he didn't come to the wedding, his gift was delivered, and he also paid attention to this matter. Now he already knows everything about the wedding, and it went smoothly and perfectly.

The person who is so worried is of course Xu Yan.

Xu Yan had just finished lunch in the cafeteria and went back to the office to take a rest. As soon as he reached the stairs, he saw a familiar figure from behind... Was it Su Muran?
"Xu Yan, you're back!" Su Muran's crisp voice was dimpled sweetly, and she walked over with a smile on her face.

Xu Yan was taken aback by the flowery smile in front of him, and was stunned for a second... Then he immediately woke up, this woman is not a gentle woman, but a female diamond!

"What's the matter?" Xu Yan raised his eyebrows casually, as if he couldn't see the eagerness in his eyes.

Su Muran has long been accustomed to Xu Yan's attitude, and simply nodded: "I'm here to give you clothes... Aren't we going to a wedding together? I bought a Givenchy shirt, a limited edition, The style and color are very suitable for you, why don't you try it on now?"

There is such a thing?The woman came first to deliver the clothes, and she was quite generous.If it were someone else, I'm afraid you should be pleasantly surprised, but Xu Yan's face was expressionless, as if he didn't realize the woman's intentions... People know that you, Xu Yan, don't lack expensive clothes, but you still want to give them away, just to show favor .

Xu Yan looked at the bag she was carrying and pursed his lips slightly: "How much is the clothes, I'll give them to you now."


This guy is so ungrateful!

Su Muran's face froze slightly, but he immediately returned to normal, and his beautiful eyes flashed: "Give me money? It's so strange, if you really feel embarrassed to accept it, just give me a skirt, so that we can talk to each other Ping, feel better in your heart."

"I..." Xu Yan was about to speak, but Su Muran seemed to have expected it, and said with a smile: "Let's exchange gifts this time, and when the three-month bet expires, I won't pester you anymore. At least there is one more commemorative thing, you... you won't be so unkind, will you?"

Xu Yan was at a loss for words for a while, what she said was obviously overreaching, but it happened to be so reasonable, if he refused immediately, it would look petty on the contrary.

Seeing that he was silent, Su Muran took his hand and walked towards the office...

"Come on, try to see if the clothes I bought fit."

This woman is really hot, it seems that it is not so easy for Xu Yan to keep his heart calm.Fortunately, there was no one else in the office at this time, and Su Muran and Xu Yan would not feel uncomfortable.

To be honest, Su Muran's taste is quite good. The shirt she bought is very suitable for Xu Yan. The brown texture is of good quality and has a sense of fall. The buttons are citrine and platinum-rimmed. It is dignified and dignified. The man wears it, and the clothes line him up, and the man also shows the characteristics of the clothes because of his excellent golden ratio figure, as if it will shine.

Su Muran did not hide the approval in his eyes, dimples appeared on his cheeks, and he said happily: "It fits very well, do you like it?"

Xu Yan didn't say anything, just looked down, and then began to unbutton and take off his clothes.

At this time, there was a figure at the door. It was another doctor in the department. Seeing this, he froze in place, and then waved and smiled: "I'm sorry, Doctor Xu, you...continue..."


It was only then that Xu Yan realized that his action of unbuttoning was misunderstood. He couldn't help but frowned, took off his clothes quickly, and said to Su Muran indifferently: "You go, I'm going to work soon."

Su Muran didn't say much, and simply nodded, but there was a strange luster in those bright and beautiful eyes: "Then when will you give me the skirt?"

"I don't know." After Xu Yan finished speaking, he dragged her out of the office door, and then decisively closed the door.

"You..." Su Muran waved his fist angrily, but didn't go in again. After all, she is not an ignorant person. She should leave when it's time for him to work.

But this hospital is actually a very gossip place sometimes. When doctors and nurses pass by Su Muran, they have strange eyes, and they talk and point behind her back.

All of this was because the doctor had recounted what he had seen in the office, adding more details, and soon, most of the medical staff in the department knew that Xu Yan had just made out with a beautiful woman...in the office.

People are just trying on clothes...

Just as Su Muran left, a male doctor wearing glasses came into the office, who seemed to be about the same age as Xu Yan.

"Hey...Xu Yan, is that beautiful woman who went out just now your girlfriend?" The male doctor asked curiously.

Xu Yan was stunned, and subconsciously shook his head, the male doctor's eyes suddenly revealed a disappointed expression.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yan asked puzzled.

The male doctor waved his hand: "Nothing... nothing..."

In fact, several doctors in the department were making bets, some betting that Su Muran was Xu Yan's girlfriend, some betting not... Whoever loses will have to treat guests to dinner at night, obviously, this male doctor just lost...

This is just a piece of cake, Xu Yan doesn't know that many people in the hospital are worried about his lifelong event... The biggest bet is whether Xu Yan can end his single life this year.

Who made Xu Yan so dazzling, all the single female colleagues in the hospital flocked to him, but none of them succeeded.

It is very difficult to catch up with Xu Yan and make him fall in love with him. Therefore, Su Muran is a female warrior, and she deserves a thumbs up regardless of success or failure.Dare to challenge Xu Yan's peak requires not only courage, but also wisdom. Su Muran has both. If Xu Yan is still indifferent, his father will probably be so angry that he will send him to a psychiatrist for a thorough examination.

How the two of them will develop in the future is hard to predict, but at least Su Muran is a special existence to Xu Yan...Because he is very tough, he has a desire to conquer in his heart, looking forward to defeating her in the boxing gym next time. Shame on me.

If it is an ordinary woman with no characteristics, it will not be able to achieve this effect. In any case, it is a good thing that Su Muran left a deep impression in Xu Yan's mind, which shows that she is not completely useless.

Xu Yan also couldn't explain why he accepted the shirt she gave him, he didn't bother to think about it so much, he would look petty if he was too pretentious, and now he was thinking about buying a skirt, so that it would be considered even and he would not owe her anything.

It was almost seven o'clock when Xu Yan left the hospital after get off work, and his stomach was growling with hunger. Before going home, he first went to the food court near the hospital to fill his stomach.

In the shopping mall, the fifth floor is a gourmet city, and the third and fourth floors are full of famous brand stores. Xu Yan didn't pay attention to it before. When he passed by after eating, he stopped at the entrance of the specialty store and stood there for less than ten seconds. A shopping guide was immediately available. Came out to receive.

The shopping guide is a shrewd woman, and she can tell at a glance that Xu Yan is a financial backer. There may be a surprise before the store closes tonight.

When Xu Yan was brought into the store, the shopping guide lady warmly and politely asked and recommended, but Xu Yan sat on the sofa calmly, took out his phone, and called Su Muran...

"Twenty minutes, XX shopping mall, don't wait when it's out of date." This guy talks so cool, and he doesn't care if he's in the vicinity, the time is so tight, if he really can't make it.

The shopping guide lady looked at Xu Yan's handsome face and looked at his cool and handsome appearance, her heart was beating wildly, she was so envious of the woman who was about to come.

But Su Muran was a little annoyed, this guy Xu Yan suddenly called and asked her to arrive in 10 minutes, but what if there was a traffic jam?Can't he wait a little longer, it's too late, too arrogant!

Su Muran secretly vowed in her heart that if she really catches up with this man one day, she will let him have a taste of it.

Xu Yan drank tea leisurely, looked at the magazines brought by the shopping guide, and leaned on the sofa, feeling very comfortable. From time to time, he looked at his watch, um... 2 minutes left.

Maybe she won't come?Xu Yan put down the magazine, stood up, and was about to go out with his long legs, but saw a hurried figure rushing in...

"I'm not late, am I?" Su Muran was out of breath, her cheeks were flushed, and she seemed to be in a hurry.

A trace of surprise flashed in Xu Yan's eyes, and then he hooked his lips: "Didn't you want a skirt, I've seen the ones here, it's okay, you choose yourself."

Su Muran regained her breath, and didn't bother to worry about him calling her here in such a hurry, choosing a skirt, she was still a little surprised.Although she could also afford the clothes here, but the ones he gave them made her feel different.

The dazzling array of dresses is dazzling at first glance. It is really not easy to quickly pick out the one you like, especially in today's era of diverse choices. Many people suffer from "difficulty in choosing" unconsciously. .

Accompanying a woman to choose clothes requires patience and time, Xu Yan obviously lacks both.

He sat on the sofa, looked at Su Muran's back, and urged lightly: "Don't pick too long, it's getting late."

Su Muran gritted her teeth... Is this man like this because he hasn't liked her yet? If it was someone he liked, would he be in such a hurry?
Su Muran also has an unyielding spirit in her bones, the harder it is for Xu Yan to win, the more she wants to challenge.

A black evening dress, Su Muran carried it into the dressing room, and when she came out, she changed suddenly, her tall figure was outlined by the skirt, which was very attractive.

The shopping guide couldn't help but admire: "Your figure is so perfect!"

Xu Yan raised his eyes inadvertently, and when he saw Su Muran in front of the mirror, a look of amazement floated in his eyes.Is she in such a good shape because of long-term fitness?Although this evening dress doesn't look very revealing, her pink skin is as radiant as pearls against the black background. There is no excess flesh on her body, but she is not the fragile type.

(End of this chapter)

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