Silly Girl Allure: The Black-bellied King

Chapter 413 The Conspiracy Behind

Chapter 413 The Conspiracy Behind
Wu Yuyan was gambling, betting whether the queen would believe her or not, but Murong Junxi's reaction was not faked by her, it was indeed the effect of the poison, just like Gu Qingchen——

Thinking of Gu Qingchen, Wu Yuyan flinched suddenly. She couldn't forget Gu Qingchen's eyes. That kind of eyes were obviously very shallow, but as long as people looked at them, they would become deep, making people unable to escape. Gu Qingchen is terrifying and makes people tremble uncontrollably. As long as she thinks that she has turned the other party into this, the fear in Wu Yuyan's heart will keep coming. She knows that the queen brought her to the palace is not the last It's a good way, but at least she can leave that devilish place temporarily, even though she knows very well how short this time is.

The queen seemed to be chewing on the authenticity of her words, seeing that she didn't say anything, she got up and said to the nurse beside her, "Take her down, don't let her come out without the order of my palace, did you hear me? "

The nanny responded quickly, so the meaning of the queen is also obvious, isn't it?If you want to do something, it's best not to do it under the eyes of the queen?It's been a long time since someone like this came to Yong'an Palace, her hands were itchy, and the days when no one bullied her were really hard.

It's not that Wu Yuyan doesn't understand the people around the queen. In essence, they are all the same kind of people, but now she is a knife and a fish. How can she beat them?What she wants to know most now is the news about Gu Qingyan.

When the queen walked into the back room, Murong Zitao was getting impatient with waiting. It took him a long time to see his mother, and he got up immediately: "Mother, what is that Wu Yuyan? Just a few words, maybe you can handle it tightly." What?" Murong Zitao didn't understand, the empress had never been like this before, but why is she so timid now?

How can the queen not understand what he thinks in his heart, but what she does naturally has her reasons, and as her son, he just needs to listen to her: "Tao'er, you and the ministers in the army, but How is the conversation going?" The military power has always been in the hands of Murong Junye, but in the past year, he has not often appeared in the court, and there is not much noise around Jinling, so naturally a lot has been abandoned.

When the queen asked about what he had done, the corners of Murong Zitao's eyes were filled with pride: "Don't worry, queen mother, who am I? I am the fourth prince of Jinling, your son-in-law. If you look at this Jinling, you will still see me." Is there anyone more suitable for that position than me? If I say that I want to sit in that position, will you definitely have any objections?"

Although Murong Zitao's words were extremely full, the queen was still very worried. After all, Murong Junye was the closest person to those ministers. Gu Qingchen"... Who would that person be?

"Tao'er, you continue to contact those people, pay attention to the method and method, Fan Qin is an old fox, one thing on the face is on the other hand, the other is on the other side, even if you call him brother and brother again on the face, maybe you will turn your face when the time comes." Queen Please tell me, when Murong Junxi was enthroned, it was Fan Qin who stood up and refuted. However, at that time, Nanjing came to commit crimes, and he served as an important military officer, so he spared his life, and after Murong Junye's persuasion , there hasn't been any big moves in the past few years.

Murong Zitao didn't take the Queen's words very seriously. Those people are just ordinary people, barbarians who only know how to fight and kill. As a prince, he should be grateful if he can lower his figure to chat and drink with them. no?

Knowing son Mo Ruomu, the queen knew what Murong Zitao was thinking when she saw Murong Zitao's expression, but she couldn't say or do anything, things had already come to this point, she could only place her hope on Wu Yuyan On the body, I also hope that the nanny can train her well, let her know that some words can be said and some words can only rot in her stomach, "Do you know that the poison you gave your father is divided into two layers. If the first layer If it doesn’t work, add this second layer before the poison disappears, and it will kill you with one blow.”

Murong Zitao's eyes widened. Since the second layer of poison is so strong, why didn't that bitch Gu Qingyan give it to him?Instead, he was given the powder. He has been waiting for a year. If he waits any longer, he will go crazy.

The queen's thinking was obviously different from his. What she was thinking was that since Murong Junxi was waking up, that is to say, someone was saving him, she had heard about the medicine. If the antidote was found on the first floor, And if all the residual poison is removed, the second layer will have no effect. Not only that, once Murong Junxi realizes it, he will definitely be more cautious, so there will be no better chance.

It's hard to choose between two problems. Wu Yuyan's offer is really attractive. What she said is that after she finds Gu Qingyan, if she can't find Gu Qingyan all the time, wouldn't she have to stay by her side for the rest of her life? ?Instead of sending a dangerous person away from your side, it's better to let her stay by your side. It's better to control, isn't it?
The queen has the queen's concerns, and Wu Yuyan has Wu Yuyan's thoughts. In the end, it's just two people using each other, and Murong Zitao is not enough to watch in this scene.

"Tao'er, do your best to find Gu Qingyan now, no matter where she is, you have to find her for me!"

Murong Zitao didn't understand again, if he found Gu Qingyan, wouldn't Wu Yuyan just follow her?In this case, where did they wait for this second layer of poison?Raising his head, he exchanged a glance with his mother, and Murong Zitao suddenly understood what the queen meant, and nodded, "Tao'er will definitely do well what the mother has ordered."

If they find Gu Qingyan first, put them under house arrest, or get rid of them without anyone noticing, then they can block all the ways for Wu Yuyan to discover Gu Qingyan. In this way, even if she doesn't want them to be around to help them win the throne , seems unlikely.

I have to say that Murong Zitao is far inferior to the empress when it comes to ruthlessness. She has been in the palace for so many years, and these things have long been taken lightly. Human life is like an ant. If you are throbbing, it was the palace banquet nine years ago, blood was everywhere, her white shoes were dyed red, and she was there too, seeing him covered in blood, it was just a deal, But she just lost her heart, and now, it's time for her to get it back.

(End of this chapter)

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