Silly Girl Allure: The Black-bellied King

Chapter 414 Sima Zhao's Heart

Chapter 414 Sima Zhao's Heart

"It was you who sent someone to tell the queen?"

Gu Qingchen just stood there and moved her lips slightly, but Mu Wanyan clearly saw what the other party wanted to express, "Yes, so what if I said it? Gu Qingchen, although we are now cooperating The relationship is correct, but you have to know that it is absolutely impossible for me to be led by the nose, and you should not even think about being able to control me, you should know, I am not stupid."

Yes, because she is not stupid, she will never give in obediently.

She gave the medicine to Murong Junxi as Gu Qingchen said, but it doesn't mean she won't do other things, at least for the queen, it's something she can do, it's impossible, just let Gu Qingchen One person stole the limelight.

Gu Qingchen thought it was funny. Although she knew that Mu Wanyan would make moves sooner or later, she never thought that she would actually find the queen, but this was also within her expectation. She deeply remembered Li Nanny's words, Little by little, she will get back from them, not only the mother's share, but also her share, and she will let them know that their mother and daughter are definitely not easy to bully.

"Mu Wanyan, are you a little too despicable?" Gu Qingchen was able to hold his breath, but Xue'er couldn't. How could she trust such a person?It really brought trouble to Ms. Gu, but she still thinks that Mu Wanyan is quite reputable, how dare she wait here for her?
It wasn't until today that Mu Wanyan finally realized something was wrong: "Gu Qingchen, I remember that the little girl beside you was not this one. Where did that little girl named Taoyao go? Her eloquence is similar to yours. Fighting, if she is here, it is estimated that people can be drowned with saliva, right?"

Gu Qingchen's eyes flickered slightly, yes, Taoyao is indeed quite talented in this area, something flashed in her mind, and she was about to grasp something, Xue'er said: "Things are people, things are not things, things like this, Mu Jie Yu should have experienced it before, if exposing people's scars is Mu Jieyu's means, Xue'er would feel that it is too low-level."

Mu Wanyan is serious about this woman who always stands in front of Gu Qingchen. She is very beautiful, and her face has an unyielding temperament. Should it be said that she resembles Gu Qingchen, or that almost everyone around her is like her? she looks like?It seems that her subtle influence has a greater influence than others, and even myself, in just a few days, has completely changed her mood, "You are too sensitive, Gu Qingchen hasn't said anything yet, right? Besides, do you think that she would completely believe a person who wanted to take her life?"

Xue'er was taken aback. Although she didn't know much about the affairs between Gu Qingchen and Mu Wanyan, she had been hiding in Jinling for so long. She knew about the affairs between Mu Wanyan and Murong Junye. It's the master who never gives up until she achieves her goal. In the past, she and Gu Qingchen were rivals in love, so it can't be said, but not now.

Thinking about it this way, Xue'er seemed to be able to understand why Mu Wanyan wanted to do this, and turned to look at Gu Qingchen: "Miss Gu, what do you think we should do now?"

Gu Qingchen turned his head and said with a smile; "You are all too serious, as long as Wu Yuyan is still in the capital, and within the range we can find, she will never be able to escape, not to mention, she The baby is still in our hands."

Mu Wanyan didn't look at Gu Qingchen's lips carefully, so she didn't know what she was talking about, but Xue'er saw it clearly, and thought that Miss Gu was worthy of being Miss Gu, and would never do anything that she was not sure about. When she went out with the letter of divorce from the general's mansion, she had thought about letting Gu Qingyan and Murong Zitao collide, leave physical witnesses, and push it to Murong Junxi in this way, so that even if the queen didn't want to admit it, she would have to admit it, Isn't it possible to solve Gu Qingyan and Murong Zitao by the way?But Miss Gu said, keep to Gu Qingyan, because Murong Zitao will never keep her.

At that time, she thought Miss Gu was just guessing, but later she found out that she was certain.

For people like Murong Zitao, Gu Qingchen knew too well, but he was just a prodigal son who liked to take advantage of others, just like the queen.

Like a mother, like a son, this is not a casual saying.

Probably because Gu Qingchen saw too thoroughly, when Mu Wanyan raised her head, she always felt that she dared not look her in the eyes.

"After Murong Junxi wakes up, how do you plan to save the Mu family?"

Xue'er didn't react for a while, and when Gu Qingchen's surprised eyes came, she said: "Miss Gu asked me to ask you, after Murong Junxi wakes up, how do you plan to save the Mu family?"

How to save the Mu family?Mu Wanyan sneered: "What else can I do? It's just to find some scapegoats. Although the emperor loves me a lot, but in this harem, which one does the emperor like? Doesn't he say the same thing? But those concubines are still very happy, showing off everywhere, but they don't know that they have already become a laughingstock." Mu Wanyan really thinks those people are ridiculous, after so long in the palace, she already knew that there are only emperors in generations What you say is unbelievable, because one wrong step, wrong step, not only lost your life alone, but also hundreds of lives of your whole family, old and young, and even the whole family.

"Gu Qingchen, do you think the Queen has done enough to implicate the nine clans?" If Mu Wanyan still doesn't know what the Queen did to Murong Junxi, then she can be said to be really stupid, why? Maybe some people change so quickly in a short period of time?In the list that Gu Qingchen gave her, many of them served Murong Junxi personally. The few who could get close were all people close to the queen. If she ordered them to do something, it should be very convenient.

Gu Qingchen slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, the grievances between the two of them had nothing to do with her, did it?
Even if she didn't speak, Mu Wanyan knew the answer, and sneered: "Her queen thought that there was no cooperation with Ben Gong, and she was afraid that Ben Gong would leak everything between her and her, so she would act preemptively and not talk about it. If the emperor treats the Mu family like that, I, Mu Wanyan, will settle this account with her carefully."

Gu Qingchen shrugged, whether she figured it out clearly or not, it had nothing to do with her, Gu Qingchen, so she didn't have to say these words in front of her.

Mu Wanyan also knew that her heart was Sima Zhao's heart, everyone knew it, but she just wanted to test Gu Qingchen, they didn't deal with it for such a long time, how could they just erase the past just because she came back too suddenly everything of?
Mu Wanyan didn't believe it, she understood that the same was true for Gu Qingchen.

(End of this chapter)

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