wild star

Chapter 385 The Shock Zhao Yanling Brought to the Earth

Chapter 385 The Shock Zhao Yanling Brought to the Earth
The three of them stopped playing, both excited and nervous.

The long space journey of more than 200 days has finally reached the end.After finishing, they can return to the earth and leave this lonely iron shell.

At this time, the three also received a message from the Earth Control Center.

Because in the atmosphere of Mars, there are atmospheric probes from Europe, India, and the United States, which can be used as relay satellites after collecting data.

Received news that Mars is infinitely close to them.

Alexander's face was flushed with excitement, and this old man felt relieved that he was so relieved.

Kate rushed to say, "I'll say it first."

Sitting in front of the screen, he said to the camera: "I'm Kate, we're close to Mars, and now I'm very excited..."

After he said a word, he was squeezed away by Alexander: "We are all fine, and the spaceship is normal. I..."

He also said something, and was squeezed away by Kate again.

There is no way, the three of them are too lonely.

If it weren't for Zhao Yanling cheering them on and making jokes, the two of them would have collapsed long ago.

The two of you talked to each other, roughly explained the current situation, and sent it out.In addition to the three people's words, Zhao Yanling also sent back the MV they recorded.

As for contacting family members, that is after entering the low-Earth orbit of Mars, and the signal will be better then.

When the three people's words and the MV were sent back to the control center, the entire control center was boiling.

Only William was preoccupied, hiding behind and frowning as he watched the cheering crowd.

Just as many years ago, humans first set foot on the moon.

This is a milestone in human history and will be recorded in the annals of history.

In front of the giant screen, all the staff gathered around, watching the MV made by the three astronauts to pass the time, they couldn't help but smile knowingly.Smiling and laughing, some people couldn't help but burst into tears.

The journey must be tough, that's for sure.

After losing contact with the earth, what kind of loneliness will the three have to endure?
After finding that the video was fine, the command center posted it online.

This video made the headlines on many national media websites.

When countless viewers turn on the video, the first is the three separate shots.

Kate said: "I never thought that one day I would be the lead singer of a band. We are Mars!"

Alexander's big greasy face dominates the picture: "The journey is too long, really. This kind of loneliness really tortures people. If it weren't for Zhao, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to persist."

Zhao Yanling said: "Parents, old man, wife, Selema, Fatty, and my relatives and friends, we have arrived on Mars safely, don't worry. We will be on our way home when we finish our mission."

When the music started, Zhao Yanling was floating in the air playing the electronic piano, Kate was playing the electric guitar from another angle, and Alexander was in mid-air, holding the trumpet drum between his legs and shaking his head.

Countless netizens were stunned.


"This is too good at playing, isn't it? It's not about playing in the city, it's about playing in space, and you can play on Mars..."


The capitalized Mars band words appear in the middle of the screen!
A song "Far away from home" was slowly sung from Kate's mouth.

Her voice is acceptable and her skills are average.

However, the true feelings revealed by the three people are very touching.

"I'm enjoying life so much every day."

Everything in the picture has been replaced by the daily life of the three people from waking up to washing, cooking, operating the spaceship and so on.

"But I'm just an idol thinking that way."

The screen turns to the difficulties of life in various space weightless environments, which is somewhat ironic.For example, when I was eating, the spoon in my hand disappeared, and I asked my companions to help find it.For example, Alexander, who was tired and fell asleep, forgot to fasten the safety cable and hit his head, but he just opened his sleepy eyes, closed them and continued to sleep, and then was "installed" by Zhao Yanling...

"Where do we go? Under the vast starry sky, where can I find my home?"

The picture shows the vast starry sky outside the porthole, the boundless darkness, and the occasional dawn.

Just a few lines of lyrics, combined with the life on the spaceship, shocked countless netizens.

Is this the daily life of an astronaut?

"I have to wipe away my tears again!"

In the picture, Kate was crying because of homesickness, relatives and friends, and fear of the unknown. Zhao Yanling and Alexander coaxed her to be happy.

These real pictures are the most shocking. The three people floating in the air made countless people cry!

Immediately afterwards, there was another picture of the three of them sleeping peacefully.After opening his eyes, he was still in the spaceship, and Alexander showed obvious disappointment on his face.

"In my dream, I was never far away from home! In reality, I was so far away from home!"

Singing this, seeing this, everyone is moved!

Sadness arises spontaneously!

"Without you, I am still far away from home. If we can pass through the darkest night, we will be able to have a brighter tomorrow. Through your bright eyes, I see a world that makes me so happy Nostalgia!"

In the picture, the three people are looking at the photos of their family and friends in turn, with uncontrollable longing on their faces.Outside the porthole, I saw the sun's rays.

Then there is the scene where Zhao Yanling encourages the two. He is drawing, and the earth on the tablet computer gradually grows bigger through Zhao Yanling's eyes.

"I am so attached to you, no matter what the world says. Love can find its own season. I long to blend with you again. The crystallization of love will lead us to bathe in glory!"

There is sadness, but of course there are also laughter, such as the scene where Zhao Yanling took them to form a Mars band and practice how to play musical instruments in space.

At the end of the song, countless people cried while watching it.

Even those with a heart as hard as a stone!

The MV of this song spreads at the speed of light.

The lyrics are simple and the singing is ordinary. The MV is basically the daily life of the spaceship, without any fancy special effects.At most, the three of them were joking, using the weightless space in the spaceship to make some funny moves, or teasing each other.

"This is the most touching song I've ever heard. This is the most touching MV I've ever seen. No one!"

"Look once and cry once!"

"The director and editor are both old Zhao, old Zhao is a great talent!"

"Explore and endure, danger and courage, heartbreak and rescue!"

"I can't forget every shot, the looming bright spots in the starry sky, this spaceship carries the courage of three respectable people, and carries the hope of human civilization."

"Romantic, warm, the journey is the stars and the sea. It is the explorer, the pioneer, and the guardian. What keeps them going is not distance, not time, but love that cannot be explained by physics!"

"Lao Zhao's heart is really strong. From this MV, the only person who is not affected is Lao Zhao. He has been silently encouraging the two of them. When eating, he used the vacuum probe to suck up the residue and water droplets for the two of them. The picture really shocked me. It reminded me of a sentence: There is a kind of man, his name is Lao Zhao!"

"This is not a MV, this is a compressed movie!"

"Struggle, disappointment, loneliness, conflict, laughter, and Lao Zhao's song "Ordinary Road" behind them all describe their ups and downs. In the spaceship, what we see most is not hard core, but tenderness , but ordinary wrapped in high technology."


This is a very unique piece.

There is no professional packaging, no professional producer, no professional singer, just three astronauts.

However, its reputation has exploded.

You can watch it as a movie, you can enjoy it as a work of art, and you can watch it several times in a row without feeling bored.It reveals the unknown side of the astronauts. The components of their lives are similar to those of people on the earth. They are nothing more than eating, drinking, and sleeping, but the form is completely different.

Recently, there is a saying circulating in China's Internet celebrity circle: Recently, the most legendary Internet celebrity and the most powerful anchor appeared in the world...

A true warrior not only dares to face life and death, but also dares to face loneliness.

Zhao Yanling's strength caused many people to say that he was not human.

Along with the MV, NASA insiders also revealed the news: "Bruvin Si Zhao is in the best condition among the three, both physically and mentally. He is incredibly powerful because he has been encouraging Kate and Alexander to form a band." It is also his idea. He not only learned the piano, but also learned to paint. That is not the earth, it is the weightless outer space, and it is on the spaceship. If we say that to learn these things, it is 5 on the earth, and 20 on the spaceship. He's [-] and he's incredible. Compared to him, Alexander and Kate are more like new astronauts! Incredible, incredible, incredible..."

This staff member used three "unbelievable" in succession to express his excitement.

In addition to ordinary netizens, of course, the most concerned about them are their family members who are worried about them.

Zhao Lingjun often talked about his father from the beginning, but gradually mentioned less, and almost forgot about his father in the end.

Seeing the news that the spaceship sent back to Earth, Niwei and the others were finally relieved.

Starting from the launch of the rocket, and going down step by step, they may encounter accidents every day.Now, a quarter of the way through the journey, there is at least some consolation.

This is the shock that Zhao Yanling brought back to humans on Earth!

While netizens were discussing, the three of Zhao Yanling had already seen Mars orbiting the sun, started the ignition program, and accelerated towards Mars!
Kate said: "Status 70.00% five, everything is normal."

"The inclination rotation rate of the spacecraft is 0.75 degrees per second."

Zhao Yanling said: "Adjust the reentry speed, the high lift resistance reentry is 3.64km/s, and it will be captured by the gravity of Mars."

"Retract the central mast of the third stage, the roll rate is normal, and prepare to start the side booster engine! Now reduce the lateral speed at a speed of 3 meters per second."

Alexander yelled: "Going in, get ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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