wild star

Chapter 386 Landing on Mars

Chapter 386 Landing on Mars
It took 256 days for the Mars Pioneer to reach low-Earth orbit and float above Mars.

The final attitude adjustment of the spacecraft was made, and Kate reported the news to the command center on Earth.

The three looked at each other.

Finally, Kate opened her arms and gave a cheer: "Guys, I already expected that the people of the earth will cheer for us, and the three of us will be remembered forever in the annals of history. It was all worth it! Tremble, Earthlings! Tremble, Mars! "

Zhao Yanling was also very excited, but he might have to face another severe test.

When they first set off, compared with now, Mars is still farther away from the earth now.The angle between Mars and Earth is less than 44 degrees.

The earth is about 1.5 million km away from the sun, and Mars is about 2.28 million km away.When the distance between the Earth and Mars is the closest, when the two points are on the same line, it will take about 3 minutes to transmit information at a speed of 30 kilometers per second.

What's more, the earth and Mars are not the closest distance nowadays.

However, there are multiple relay signals between the two planets, so the speed of information transmission has increased a lot.

When the message was sent back to Earth, it was almost half an hour later.

The Houston command center was full of jubilation again, and every bit of progress deserved their cheers.

At this time, the person in charge of NASA issued an order with a blank face: "First release the new relay satellite, let Bruvensis Zhao enter the landing module, and drive the lander to prepare to land on Mars."

The cheers are one meal!
Everyone continued to return to their posts unanimously, and first sent the news.

When Zhao Yanling and the others received the news, it was another 10 minutes.

At this time, there are hundreds of millions of netizens in the world who are concerned about the distant star outside the earth.

When Kate received the news, the joy on her face disappeared.

Zhao Yanling also heard the news from Maili.

The three were silent for half a minute!

Zhao Yanling smiled and said, "I'll come back as soon as I go, put the coffin inside, and take a walk on Mars, it won't take long. You are waiting for me here."

The reason why the Mars Pioneer is huge is not to carry more fuel of its own, nor to allow astronauts to carry more supplies so that they can live better.Instead, it will carry a relay satellite, and a lander.

Especially the lander, which contains the fuel required for reverse propulsion landing and lift-off, as well as a certain amount of sustaining materials and a container, so it must be particularly large.

Kate forced a smile. She and Alexander knew how dangerous it was to land on a satellite.

She opened her arms: "Come on, let my sister hug you."

During the hug, she not only kissed Zhao Yanling's mouth too much, but also pinched his ass with her hand.

Zhao Yanling wiped her mouth and said in disgust, "The drool is all on my face."

When it was Alexander's turn, Zhao Yanling warned: "Hug back, don't kiss, we Chinese don't like men kissing men, it's disgusting."

Alexander laughed, and this stocky old man patted him on the back kindly: "You must come back safely, we will wait for you."

Zhao Yanling put on the space suit, filled up the oxygen and other conditions, and floated towards the back cabin.

After passing the satellite cabin, he suddenly opened the door and entered.

These can be seen from the monitoring, and they are all recorded.

However, the satellite cabin is a vacuum cabin, so some pressure needs to be added.Kate and the others let it out directly, without checking anything at all.

Alexander asked strangely, "Why did Zhao Jin go to the satellite cabin?"

Kate was also puzzled: "Maybe, I went the wrong way?"

Alexander: "..."

In the past 200 days, the three of them have traveled countless times to the places that can be visited on the spacecraft.It can be said that they can find all the locations with their eyes closed, and they know everything about this place like the back of their hands.

Can this situation be recognized as the wrong way?

It can only be understood that Zhao Yanling's mood is a little complicated, or that he is deliberately delaying time.

This is all understandable, and anyone would be afraid.

After a while, Zhao Yanling came out.

He smiled and waved his hand towards the monitor, and plunged into the lander cabin.

He checked everything that should be checked.After finding that there is no problem, he said to Kate: "Kate, I have finished checking here, everything is OK, you can put me down."

The lander needs to increase its speed, and the reentry speed with high lift-to-drag ratio must reach 1.59.

Zhao Yanling was in a closed iron shell right now, and he couldn't see anything for the time being.Covered with a PICA thermal shield, I felt a tremor, and my heart rose.

He is falling rapidly, temporarily controlled by Kate and the others.When it falls into the atmosphere, the body will have another meal!
With these two strokes, an untrained ordinary person could even pass out!
Zhao Yanling's blood was churning, his mouth was open, and he endured it bitterly.

Kate said: "Zhao, listen to my instructions. I tell you to drive the reverse thruster and you can drive it. Don't drive too early. Fuel is limited."

The second trembling was probably due to the opening of the parachute.

For the third time, I trembled again, this time slightly, because the deceleration ring around the lander opened.Because Mars is not a vacuum, it just has less gas.Therefore, the deceleration ring like the skirt can play a certain deceleration effect.

In order to be able to land safely, NASA has also taken great pains. The methods that can be used, regardless of whether it is a local method or a high-tech, are all applied in one brain.

However, Zhao Yanling still felt that the speed of landing was very fast, and her heart was in her throat.

At this time, even if he had the supernatural ability, it would be difficult for him to use it. If he made a mistake, his life would be ruined!
He didn't know how long it had passed, it was as long as a lifetime.At this time, he was thinking, next time, he would rather fall from a high altitude wearing only a spacesuit than sit in this iron shell and wait for the judgment of fate.

Who is willing to give their lives to others?Not even God!
Finally, Kate's voice came from Mic: "Zhao, now ignite the thrust reverser program, you should be mentally prepared."

Why do you need to be mentally prepared?

Immediately, Zhao Yanling felt it.

I just felt my butt sinking and my spine creaking.A thrust force came from under the buttocks.

This relative strength is equivalent to the feeling of a person falling from a certain height and sitting on the ground.

He felt the descent slow down, then slow to almost a standstill, and finally, the dust cleared and the lander landed safely!
Don't accept it, NASA is indeed the leader in aviation technology.

In history, they were the first to set foot on the moon, shouting the resounding slogan "one small step for the moon, one giant leap for mankind".Now, they're the first to send a man to Mars again.

Zhao Yanling shouted: "I landed safely, you can rest assured."

However, his words fell silent, and Maili didn't make any sound.

At this moment, he remembered that if Kate and the others had not launched satellites, they could only communicate with them in a certain place for less than 10 minutes.
The Mars Odyssey Orbiter can only communicate within a certain range passing above him.

The earth is able to communicate in real time around the world. That is because the high altitudes that humans cannot see are densely packed with satellites, accompanied by countless space junks, as if the earth has grown burrs or moldy.

Unable to wait for them, Zhao Yanling opened the solar sail, and heard the snapping sound of the mast being extended, and the monitor showed that the mast had been safely opened.

When the electricity is guaranteed, Zhao Yanling will not be afraid.

He pressed the instrument with his thick fingers wrapped in protective gloves, synchronized the headset with the lander, then unfastened his seat belt, got up and took two steps!

Although the gravity of Mars is only one-third of that of the Earth.

But Zhao Yanling still felt that sense of down-to-earth wonder.

Very solid!
very happy!
It's okay to take two steps!
However, his legs staggered and he almost fell.

This is the case with people who have been weightless for a long time, and Zhao Yanling's legs can't even be straightened.

Woji, you won't be bow-legged, will you?
Of course not, this is different from bandy legs, but it is difficult to straighten the legs.Because there is no need to bear the weight of the body in space, the fascia of the leg retracts a little.

Even so, he was happy.

Never thought that one day he could walk so happily!
He was not in a hurry to pressurize the lander, put on the spacesuit first, opened the hatch, and went to see the most important mission of this journey to Mars—Mother Ruins!
He was actually quite curious, on whose body was Xu's mother parasitized?
Who is this new master of the new era?

He could enter the cabin, but was disappointed to see that it was an opaque container, connected to the instrument, and the display showed that the temperature inside was extremely low, reaching minus 20 degrees.In addition, there are tubes connected to the instrument, and some kind of gas is pumped into it.

Zhao Yanling pulled out the catheters, dragged the container onto the trolley, and opened the door of the lander.

The weather is fine and sunny!
The color of the sky is a dark blue.

There is air moving, and the dust is clearly visible.Looking around, there are sharp-edged stones and weathered powder everywhere.

This is because there is no water on the surface of Mars, so there will be no long-term wear and tear, so the edges and corners of the stones exist, which can only be weathered and cannot be rounded.

It's kind of like the desert in Arizona, or the high plateau in Mexico, only without the plants.

There are many dark and dark hills like tombs, undulating up and down, stretching to the end of the horizon.

This is Mars!
Zhao Yanling still has a lot of time to eliminate, the most important thing right now is to send away the mourning star on the cart.

Walking on Mars is much easier than on Earth, especially if you're wearing a spacesuit.

Zhao Yanling descended the gangway, leaned on the metal handrail, went to the next step, and dragged the car.

Fortunately, the coffin was well fixed on the trolley.

In addition, the gravitational force is not on the earth, so the sense of bumps is not so strong.

However, Zhao Yanling thought to himself, NASA's cheapskate, it would be better if they put shock absorbers on the car...

Finally, after a lot of effort, he pulled the car off the lander, and finally stepped on the surface of Mars in a real sense!

He took a deep breath. This feeling was so wonderful that he had never experienced it in any corner of the earth.

This is Mars!
Zhao Yanling bared her teeth and dragged the cart forward slowly.After dragging it out for 20 meters, throw away the car and walk back to the lander.

Without the burden of the trolley, Zhao Yanling walked more easily, with long strides.

The ground surface underfoot is firm, and there's no sandy sinking here.

Go back to the lander and start pressurizing.When the air pressure reached the normal standard, he took off his helmet and took a deep breath.

"I am Zhao Yanling, and I have finally set foot on the surface of Mars. Next, I will take a complete shot, some of which will be sent back to Earth, and more will be brought back by myself. There is no way, because Mars will be farther and farther away from Earth , and the old probe, the bandwidth from the surface of Mars to there is only 2MB per second. It feels like I have returned to the time when I played the game "Legend". Therefore, WiFi is very important, dear. Then, the bandwidth between the old probe and the earth is 256 kb/s, which is even more pathetic. So, a long time ago, the photos of Mars you saw were all in black and white. Now it is in color, and it cannot be transmitted infinitely. The probe flew over me, and it can communicate for 8 minutes each time , can transmit up to 250MB of data. And it takes 250 hours for this 20MB of data to be transmitted to the earth. Satellites dedicated to communications..."

Just as I was talking, my earphones sizzled.

Immediately, Kate's voice came: "Zhao, can you hear me...

(End of this chapter)

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