The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 104 You must provoke me

Chapter 104 You must provoke me (ask for a ticket)
Qin Yangfeng's figure leaped repeatedly in mid-air, and fell to the ground amidst the turmoil of Qi and blood.

Everyone saw that Qin Yangfeng's body was covered with several bloodstains, shocking.

"The same dark energy is perfect, how could I lose to you?"

Qin Yangfeng clutched his chest, his face blushed, and said in disbelief.

Zhang Yunlong didn't have any injuries on his body. Although his breathing was a bit disordered, his combat strength was almost intact. He proudly said:

"I struggle between life and death every day, honing my martial arts, and you are like a flower growing in a greenhouse, lacking the heart of martial arts, don't say that I am at the same level as you, even if I am one level lower than you, I can still defeat you .”

"I... I didn't lose wrongly."

Qin Yangfeng sighed, he knew Zhang Yunlong was right.

Since the moment he sat as the elder of the Qin family, he has indeed been used to living a comfortable life, and he has long since lost his heart for martial arts.

"My grandfather is the number one master of the Qin family, yet he lost!"

Qin Youcai had a dull expression on his face, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

For a moment all pride turned to grief.

Especially the ridicule towards Chen Hao just now was still vivid in his memory, which made his face flush even more.

Qin Yangfeng returned to the stage in frustration, and returned the safe containing the money to Hu Xinmao.

"I have failed what you entrusted, and I am ashamed of what I have received, and I will return it to you!"

Hu Xinmao asked unwillingly: "Old Qin, is there no other way?"


Seeing Qin Yangfeng shaking his head and Zhang Yunlong looking over, Hu Xinmao still didn't give up, and said hoarsely: "Everyone, whoever can help me kill this beast, I am willing to pay 2000 million in cash!"

Qin Yangfeng shook his head secretly and sneered, if he is such a great master of dark energy, as long as four or five late stage dark energy masters join forces, they can be formidable opponents.

But who is Zhang Yunlong?

That is a master who easily defeated him, not an ordinary master of Anjin Consummation, it is not an exaggeration to call him No. 1 of Anjin Consummation.

Don't say four or five masters in the late stage of Anjin, even if eight or nine join forces, they may not be able to subdue him.

Moreover, if Zhang Yunlong were to escape, they would have to face the revenge of the No. 1 Anjin Consummation, which they could not bear.

All the rich and dark masters present were old foxes, so naturally no one was stupid enough to stand out, and they all backed away from Zhang Yunlong.

Seeing that everyone was indifferent, Hu Xinmao was completely desperate.

"Hu Xinmao, is your neck ready?"

Zhang Yunlong walked step by step, his body filled with murderous intent, and a cruel smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Zhang, Master Zhang, if you have something to say, just speak up. Please spare me my life..."

Hu Xinmao's voice trembled, his face was ashen, he had no support, felt the threat of death, and he was really scared.

"Forgive you?"

Zhang Yunlong showed a devilish smile, licked his tongue and said: "Do you know what has supported me to struggle on the verge of life and death for the past 20 years, and that is revenge."

"Don't worry, I won't let you die simply. That would be too cheap for you. I have to torture you severely to eliminate the hatred in my heart! Haha..."

Zhang Yunlong said that he didn't know when there was a bone-eviscerating knife with a cold light in his hand.

Swish swish!
Wounds emerged from Hu Xinmao's left arm!

One after another!
Within a moment, the flesh of Hu Xinmao's left arm was turned outward, dripping with blood!

But it didn't damage the blood vessels on his left arm, which is extremely weird!


Hu Xinmao's body trembled violently, the majestic pain made him drip with cold sweat, and he let out a heart-piercing scream.

This kind of pain of cutting flesh and skin, not to mention that he is an ordinary person, even a martial artist can't bear it.

The most frightening thing was that Hu Xinmao didn't even have the ability to commit suicide, so he could only watch himself being tortured step by step.

"That's... so cruel!"

This scene made the souls of the people around them even more terrified!

"It turns out... so it's him, he is the second-ranked Eviscerate Mosha!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, followed by deep fear.

"Eviscerate Mosha, no wonder! No wonder he said that he is struggling on the verge of life and death every day!"

It is rumored that Eviscerate Mosha enjoys removing bones, skinning and cutting people step by step, leaving only bloody bones.

This person is a demon at all, but his strength is extremely powerful.

The Blood Buddha is a killer organization in the dark underground world, often active in the eastern part of China including Huizhou Province.

From the fact that Eviscerate Mosha ranked second in the Blood Buddha Tu, we can see the horror of this person.


The bloody scene made Wang Yaoyao finally unbearable and began to vomit.


Eviscerate Mosha Zhang Yunlong frowned, then turned to look at Wang Yaoyao with a gloomy and cruel expression:
"I don't like others to disturb me when I appreciate the art of bone removal. Little girl, I don't know who gave you the courage. Do you think I will start bone removal from your arms or your head later?"

Facing the eerie bone-eviscer Zhang Yunlong, Wang Yaoyao's face changed drastically, and an indescribable fear welled up in her heart.

"Don't worry, everything is with me, and you will be fine."

Warm palms patted Wang Yaoyao's trembling jade shoulders. For some reason, she felt a warm current that stabilized her heart and made her feel very at ease.

It seems that as long as the owner of this palm is around, she will not be in any danger.

Chen Hao shook his head slightly.

"Hey, if you want revenge, you can take revenge. Why did you come to provoke me?"

After he finished speaking, the corners of his mouth curled into a sinister arc.

"Didn't you just ask who gave her courage? Let me tell you now, I gave her courage."

"Unfortunately, you can't take revenge today, because you are going to die soon!"

Everyone was shocked.

Everyone looked in astonishment, only to see a young man of eighteen or nineteen slowly stood up, and then his expression suddenly became strange.

That is Zhang Yunlong, the Eviscerate demon, the existence that even Qin Yangfeng, the master of dark energy, was defeated by him.

You brat actually said he was going to die soon.

"He must have been terrified."

This was everyone's first reaction.

"It's him!"

"He did come."

An excited voice came from the crowd, it was Sun Yanru.

In fact, after she came to Huxin Island, she had been looking for Chen Hao's voice, but unfortunately she couldn't find it.

Now that I saw him, but when I thought of him standing out for another girl, a trace of sadness rose in my heart.

Why isn't that girl me?

"It must be another battle between dragons and tigers."

Grandma Sun, who had seen Chen Hao's strength, didn't think that Chen Hao was frightened, but looked forward to it.

One is a master of horizontal training who is comparable to a master of dark energy, and the other is the second-ranked Eviscerate Mosha in Xuefutu. If they can trigger the forces behind them to fight, it will be truly wonderful.

 Thanks to the user Kuo Shao for the reward!In the last three and a half hours, Eggplant doesn’t want to lose, so I beg my brothers to give me some strength, please collect, recommend, reward, all kinds of requests
(End of this chapter)

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