The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 105 Killing with 1 Finger

Chapter 105 Killing with one finger (seeking tickets)

Eviscerate Mosha Zhang Yunlong was taken aback.

"Are you her boyfriend?"

Chen Hao didn't answer him, but looked at Hu Xinmao and said, "Didn't you just say that whoever kills this person for you will give him 2000 million? I have changed my mind now. Anyway, I want to kill him, so I just took it." Your deal."

"it is good."

Hu Xinmao spoke hoarsely.

Tell him in your heart, even Qin Yangfeng, the master of Anjin, has been defeated, so what use can you kid be?

But this is the last straw, and he will be treated as a horse doctor for life and death. What if there is a miracle?
Qin Youcai was scared out of his wits.

He didn't expect that Chen Hao would dare to jump out at this time, and directly confronted Zhang Yunlong, the eviscerated demon, and even took Hu Xinmao's order.

This guy is not arrogant and arrogant at all, but his brain is broken.

Money or life.

To die!
"Youcai, from now on, you should immediately sever ties with this person. This person is a troublemaker. It doesn't matter if you die, the key is to bring trouble to others."

In Qin Yangfeng's eyes, Chen Hao is also a dead person, and a dead person who doesn't know how to measure himself.

"Got it, grandpa."

Qin Youcai nodded, but didn't feel any pity for Chen Hao.

"Want to kill me?"

After Zhang Yunlong, the eviscerated demon, came to his senses, he almost bent over laughing.

"An ordinary person with no cultivation base actually wants me to die, haha... I laughed so hard!"

He pointed at Chen Hao, and the sarcasm on his face was extremely strong.

"Sitting here and watching from beginning to end, don't you know my terrifying strength?"

"Or are you an idiot at all! An idiot!"

How many years, how many years he has not encountered such an idiot as Chen Hao, he almost laughed tears!
"Terrorist strength?"

Chen Hao stood with his hands behind his back, "Someone told me that today there will be a duel between masters of dark energy that I can't understand."

"Fortunately, when I came here, I was still looking forward to it. I wanted to see the PK between you and that old man Qin Yangfeng."

Speaking of this, Chen Hao smiled, and smiled disdainfully.

"But after reading it, I was disappointed."

"I really don't know where some people have the confidence to hold you as an incomprehensible transcendent existence."

Chen Hao slowly stretched out a finger, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You are a piece of garbage that came out of nowhere. Is it difficult to kill you? I don't need to use all my strength, just one finger is enough!"

His words spread throughout the Jushitai, no matter whether it was Grandma Sun, Qin Yangfeng's grandson, or others, all of them were stunned.

Grandma Sun knew that Chen Hao would definitely have a fight with Zhang Yunlong, the eviscerated demon, but she didn't expect him to be so tough.

Not only did he belittle him as garbage that came out of nowhere, but he also said that killing him was effortless, and that one finger could crush him. Is this the rhythm against the sky?

"I see that Chen Hao is so concerned about helping the girl he loves that he got dizzy. Zhang Yunlong, the bone-eviscer demon, also has the perfect level of dark energy. How could he be able to crush it with just one finger?"

Grandma Sun shook her head greatly. Before that, she was shocked by Chen Hao's strength and thought he was a low-key young genius, but now she realized that Chen Hao was still as arrogant as ever and not offline.

Qin Yangfeng and others expressed their lament to Chen Hao.

Before Chen Hao threatened to harvest the life of Eviscerate Mosha, the jaws of others dropped.

Now Chen Hao is threatening to do it with just one finger.

How powerful is Eviscerate Mosha, I'm afraid he can crush you with just one finger.

Chen Hao's arrogance and ignorance broke everyone's bottom line again.

Their brains have limited the comprehension of madness and ignorance.

You are so good at blowing, why can't you go to heaven!
Zhang Yunlong, the bone-eviscer demon, laughed back in anger.

"Interesting, I haven't dealt with young people for so many years, I didn't expect that young people today would have a lifeless ant like you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was no hidden murderous intent in his eyes, and he was more intense than Hu Xinmao. His domineering fists blasted towards Chen Hao with an unrivaled aura.

For this ant who openly provoked himself and called himself a piece of trash, he had made up his mind to tear him to pieces.

"is it?"

Chen Hao smiled faintly and stretched out a finger.

"Stupid and arrogant!"

Grandma Sun sighed very much.

As a master of horizontal training, Chen Hao could only fight against that domineering bloody punch with his physical strength.

But he actually wanted to point out a finger in the air to resist Li Yunlong, which can only be used by a martial artist who cultivates strength.

Simply stupid.

However, at the next moment, she suddenly felt something was wrong, and her eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

I saw a finger breaking through the air, faintly showing a thrilling arc, and flickering with a terrifying cold light.


Li Yunlong, the bone-eviscer demon, focused his eyes, and his expression changed suddenly.

In the next moment, under the horrified eyes of everyone.

That finger strength was like a sharp cone blade, cutting through the void, piercing through the bone-eviscer Li Yunlong's fist strength that was comparable to dark strength, and then penetrated his chest.

" are...?"

Li Yunlong, the bone-eviscer demon, looked down at the blood hole in his chest where hot blood was flowing, and fell to the ground with a look of unwillingness and horror.

This weird scene made everyone horrified.

The whole place fell into a dead silence.

"Kill with one finger in the air? Are you...are you kidding me?"

Qin Youcai couldn't close his mouth, but he didn't care at all, and said tremblingly.

If the force of Qin Yangfeng and Li Yunlong, the Eviscerate Mosha, was still within everyone's imagination, it was just infinite.

But Chen Hao's finger from the air, like a bullet out of the chamber, penetrated a person's body, then it was beyond everyone's imagination, and many people had the same thoughts as Qin Youcai in their hearts.

Grandma Sun showed a look of horror and inexplicable expression.

"I said, you kind of thing, I can do it with one finger!"

Chen Hao shook his finger, and everyone present changed their colors again.

Especially Qin Youcai, who was so frightened that he was out of his wits, and looked at Chen Hao with horror.

He didn't understand why this handsome young man, who was so ordinary in his eyes, could really kill Li Yunlong, the bone-eviscer demon, with a single finger. This made him feel extremely unreal.

Especially Chen Hao's next teasing and mocking words.

"Is this what you call the master of dark energy who shocked me beyond comprehension?"

Qin Youcai wished he could dig a crack in the ground and get in.

Even if he is stupid, he still knows that the person in front of him is not an ordinary person at all, he should be a martial arts master that even he can't understand!

" this exuberant energy? Impossible, how could such a thing happen to him at such a young age?"

Qin Yangfeng fixed his eyes on the bloody hole in Li Yunlong's chest, and after a while, he suppressed the trembling in his heart and spoke in a concentrated voice.

"Cultivate strength to the realm of transformation, and you can release the strength to kill people in the air. It is the master of transformation that stands at the pinnacle of martial arts!"

 Thanks to users Kuo Shao, user Feng Yang, and user Adversary for their rewards!By the way, please recommend, collect and reward all kinds of requests! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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