Chapter 107
Back home, Chen Hao had a few conversations with his mother, Li Minglan.

By the way, I conveyed my uncle's greetings, and then I went back to my room and started sorting out the harvest of the past few days.

Now his red envelope points have accumulated to [-] points, and the number of junior red envelope grabs has also accumulated to five times.

During the trip to Hezhaigou, Chen Hao gained a lot. It was the first time he really came into contact with the world of martial arts. The trifles that followed made him not have time to use these rewards.

Now that everything is busy, Chen Hao plans to use these rewards to increase his comprehensive ability before implementing his plan.

Lying on the bed, Chen Hao consciously entered the system space, and said, "System, I want to grab red envelopes. I remember that I have five junior chances to grab red envelopes, right?"

"Yes, host. In addition, the host has [-] red envelope points, which can also be exchanged for an additional opportunity to grab red envelopes."

The system still has the electronically synthesized voice.

"No, I'm still waiting for the system mall to open, so I can use red envelope points to exchange for items?"

Chen Hao immediately shook his head and refused.

He had learned how precious red envelopes are in his life in Cangyun Realm, so he didn't dare to waste red envelopes casually.

Unless it's a life-and-death moment, just like the life-and-death crisis in Cangyun Realm, he exhausted all the red envelope points to open the door of life and death.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, let's grab the red envelope! Five chances, I wonder if I can grab some good things!" Chen Hao said, putting aside other distracting thoughts.

"Okay, host. After three seconds, we will start grabbing red envelopes. Please be ready, host..."

Three seconds passed quickly, and a dozen red envelopes flew out of the system space.

Chen Hao's eyes froze, and he quickly grabbed a single-color red envelope from it, and the other red envelopes disappeared in an instant.

"Congratulations to the host for grabbing the god-level musical instrument skill, and the rating is two stars."

After opening the red envelope, Chen Hao was taken aback when he heard the system's words.

"God-level musical instrument skills, what the hell?"

The system explained: "God-level musical instrument skills, once you master this skill, you will be proficient in all music-related instruments and your skill level will reach the god-level, such as: guzheng, piano, erhu, violin...etc."

"Obtaining this one skill-type red envelope is equivalent to grabbing a dozen skill-type red envelopes. The host is lucky this time, keep working hard!"

Grabbing the red envelopes for this kind of skills did make money, but he just wanted this god-level musical instrument skill to be useful, and he didn't plan to enter the music circle.

First snooker, and now musical instruments... This seems to be a trend in all aspects.

Chen Hao continued to grab the red envelopes.

This time he grabbed a special red envelope.

"Congratulations to the host for grabbing the special skill Ten Thousand Cups, and the rating is one and a half stars."

Chen Hao, who was smiling all over his face because he had snatched a special type of red envelope, suddenly collapsed.

He knows not to be drunk for a thousand cups, so it is obvious that not being drunk for a thousand cups is ten times stronger than not being drunk for a thousand cups.

It's just that not getting drunk after ten thousand cups is considered a skill?
Also special skills.

But is this skill useful?
Let brother drink hard?
Don't forget, brother is now an immortal cultivator on the fifth floor of Houtian, he can use his true energy to force alcohol out of his body, not to mention ten thousand cups, even if it is doubled, he won't get drunk at all.

Can you give the skills or practical items of the cow fork?
Chen Hao was a little bit crying when he saw his personal information panel, and there was already a special skill of never getting drunk in the skill item.

If possible, he really wants to change a skill.But I also know that this is impossible, after all, it is not up to him.

"It shouldn't be, shouldn't memorize the character that has been saved for a few days?"

Seeing that he had used up half of the times of grabbing red envelopes at the junior level, and the skills he got were almost useless to him, Chen Hao began to hesitate.

What if it is another useless skill!But after thinking about it, grabbing red envelopes is entirely a matter of luck.

No matter how bad your luck is, it can't be worse than the unlucky one!
Even if you save these three times and don't grab it, there is no guarantee that you will get what you need next time!
Chen Hao opened his mouth again and said, "Continue, there are still three junior red envelope grabs, and I don't believe that I can't get good things."

"The host, please get ready, and start grabbing red envelopes in three seconds. Three, two, one."

As soon as the system's voice disappeared, more than a dozen red envelopes appeared in front of Chen Hao.

Before he had time to think about it, Chen Hao, who had many experiences, had already made a move.

"Congratulations to the host, grabbing a high-tech production workshop, with a rating of two stars."

This is the third consumption red envelope that Chen Hao has grabbed, but this red envelope confuses Chen Hao.

What the hell is a high-tech production workshop?

Can anyone explain it to me?
What is the use of this thing?Is it still useful to him?
Chen Hao felt that his luck was too bad today, the things he robbed were getting worse and worse, and there was still a production workshop.

This thing can be snatched from the red envelope, which is considered a wonderful thing for him.

And it's useless to a person of his strength, and no matter how high-tech the production workshop is, it's still a production workshop!Can you still become a Transformer?
"Host, actually, you don't have to be too sad. When you see this high-tech production workshop manual, you may be pleasantly surprised. It is much more miraculous than you imagined!"

Chen Hao was taken aback by the system's words.

"How to say?"

The production workshop is just a place for processing and manufacturing products. No matter how high-tech it is, it only has so few functions. How can it be against the sky!
"Host, this high-tech production workshop uses nanotechnology, it can be made larger or smaller according to the user's wishes, and it is easy to carry."

"It can also prevent fire, freeze and damage. For example, its high temperature resistance can keep it from being damaged at a high temperature below [-] degrees, and it will not affect its function at all. Even if a missile hits it, it will remain unscathed .”

At first, Chen Hao didn't take it seriously, but after hearing the words of the system, his expression gradually changed, from surprise at the beginning to surprise and shock at the end.

How awesome is that?
It becomes bigger and smaller, and it is also fireproof, frostproof and vandal-proof.

Nima, this is not a high-tech production workshop, it is basically a safe house similar to a magic weapon of space, okay?

Hiding in the high-tech production workshop is simply invincible.

The system continued: "Another point is that the high-tech production workshop has the most advanced intelligent system in the world of science and technology. Not only can it be monitored remotely, but it can also realize unmanned intelligent production as long as a complete set of production operations is input into the system."

I go!

It's too awesome.

"If it's really so awesome, then my plan..."

Chen Hao's breathing suddenly became rapid, and he was so excited that he wanted to test this high-tech production workshop immediately.

However, he was not overwhelmed with excitement.

"System, that's not right. The technological level of this high-tech production workshop is at least 50 years ahead of my era. Why are there only two stars?"

Chen Hao suddenly thought of a more serious problem.

 Thanks to users Kuo Shao, user Feng Yang, and user Adversary for their rewards!By the way, please recommend, collect and reward all kinds of requests! !
(End of this chapter)

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